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Everything posted by RareGodzilla

  1. I feel that there is some truth to this. The main problem is that you can't treat people like resources. Although capitalism sure as hell does this pretty often. But that's why I don't see regulation in this regard solving more problems than it would cause them. But is do feel that to some extend economic equality will help solve this problem too. That's why it maskes more sense to focus on those issues in terms of government and politics. A lot of incel-ness stems out of realities of modern world. Too much work, economic inequality and societal fragmentation. Allowing people financial stability, humane work hours and a society that has infrastructure friendly too socialize in public would surely help a lot to level the problem that we are talking about. Lastly on the topic of online dating. It's a bit of a cesspool. Letting private corporations take care of that is very problematic, exactly because it turns human into a resource that needs to turn a profit. The online dating market definitely needs to be rethought. I'm all in for the nationalization of platforms like tinder. This aspect needs to be regulated.
  2. Wow these are some pretty amazing historic artefacts you got there... Especially considering the personal story attached to it. Take good care of it, please consider taking it to some museum. I have no doubt that it would be important to your local Jewish community.
  3. I think there is some truth to that. Our society has in a way became more equal, women generally have a fair chance at starting a strong career. But in relationship our society is still very partiarcihiacal. Obviously if society allows women to get rich but still looks down on a woman going out with a poorer dude it creates a contradiction. I think that it's fair to point out this problem, it's real even if we pretend to be all nice and say it's not true. However it's important not to seek to reverse societal progress, we need to complete it. The partiarcihiacal view on relationship needs to end.
  4. Taiwan plays the role of an unsinkable aircraft carrier. In case of conflict, the US could competly block chinese access to the open sea. Because of this China will do everything to secure it.
  5. @iceprincess I often look at a message and don't respond because I'm distracted by whatever. It doesn't even have that much to do with interest.
  6. People in the 3rd world would do anything to get it. But here we are in the west refusing to get vaccinated.... I guess we deserve this.
  7. Honestly my female colleges have told me about some awkward moments when at work a guy was making an approach but they had to be polite and all that since it's their job to do so. Honestly knowing how important part of the job is for cashiers to be polite I would be very hesitant to hit on them. Of course in some places cashiers have some basic human rights and are not forced to smile and be polite all the time, in places like that it would be easier. Personally I was planning to go on a date, but cancelled it because of the 2nd wave. Let's take this shit seriously, even if you are young there are still lots of unknows long term effects connected to COVID, and you can cause serious harm to folks who are older or have other pre-existing conditions.
  8. As a Canadian you profit from slightly better foreign policy. Trump will continue to pressure NATO members into increased military spending, considering the upcoming recession such investments are not in the interest of Canadian taxpayer. It's funny how republicans claim to be pro small government and small taxes. But really guys, Trump's law and order policy is going to be a huge burden on the taxpayer.
  9. Of course that's true. But humans are emotional beings. If a guy likes you he won't act on logical basis.
  10. It's really good to have some sort of exercise brakes. I have a friend that they implemented that at her workplace. They would do some basic exercises for 5 minuter every hour and it ended up helping with productivity and health quite significantly.
  11. @Onemanwolfpac Go study Marxism. It's not as bad as the media paints it to be. I promise.
  12. A big problem with Africa as well as most of the 2nd and 3rd world is that these countries are economically exploited. Big corporations from wealthy nations buy natural resources and business. Brain drain is also a series problem it's hard for poor nations to keep their talented people because 1st world wages incredibly times higher. It's essentially imperialism. Only that you don't steal natural resources you buy them. If you want to save Africa you need to make your 1st world countries more progressive, stop economic imperialist practices that strip poor countries of their resources. It's kind a cliche but the problem is essentially free market capitalism. Those nations simply can't compete against the 1st world powers. This is not limited to Africa at all. In EU for example Austrian companies bribe Romanian authorities so they allow them to cut down their trees in protected natural parks and cause long term damage to those forests.
  13. Honestly that's great. Small communes of libertarians, anarchists or communists can function and in fact do function right now. Allowing smaller movements like this is perfectly fine as far as I care. The silly thing would be thinking that this can simply be up-scaled to a nation size area.
  14. @BHKNB In principle most of us would agree with your beliefs. Of course it would be really cool of nobody would initiate violence against everyone. We all want that. But we need to think of a concrete way to get there. Just abolishing government power would pretty much leave you in the hands of the multinational corporations. For god's sake Google is already bigger than most small sized country governments are. The corporations are what you should be scared off not government.
  15. I don't think that america is necessarily less developed on average from the rest of the world. It's just that it's wealth is redistributed in extremely unfair ways. Some places are extremely rich while there are towns that you couldn't tell apart from Somalia. The move to stage green will probably be pretty brutal for America as these injustices will need to be addressed.
  16. Black people commit more crime because they are poor and have little economic prospect. Happy people with perspective and goals tend to not commit as much crime. Give these poor folks job prospects, housing and all the basic healthcare they need and the crime rates will plummet. It would also help poor white Americans, there's more of these than we tend to think.
  17. Problem with BLM and similar American liberals is not that they are Marxist. The problem is that they are not Marxist.
  18. Coach red pill is a complete scam. He litterly has a video where he calls women dogs. He basically just panders to a young kinda right wing male audience and gives them exactly what they want. My advice is to stay away from him.
  19. I understand that you litterly just need to talk to people to meet people. Nevertheless I would like to ask you guys for some insights/tips/experience. Make it introvert friendly please haha ?.
  20. Hey guys, since we are in quarantine right and are required to stay home, I find myself texting with girls quite a lot. I would be very grateful if any of you could share any insights on how to lead a text based conversation. I often find myself not having anything to text back or I want to make conversation more profound but don't really know how to. Thanks and stay safe.
  21. @Spiral You might have a point there. My biggest motivation is to get better at it. I feel like my conversation skills are weak and need improving. Texting for the sake of texting is defenitly a trap here. But I suppose that I just need to tank it if I want to improve.
  22. I fell you guys. My parents are heavy in Christianity. Fortunately it's the slightly more progressive western version with slight stage green characteristics. I basically try to hold myself back to not be disrespectful. I pray with them before lunch and go to church for biggest events like Easter to make them happy. I also try to find pararels between my socialist-ish and their ideology. You'd be surprised how many there are.
  23. Hey thanks for this Austin.
  24. In a way I agree. We do have a society in which death is a taboo topic and people are afraid to think about it. Just look at the way our graveyards are being treated. They are completely separate places with fence around them. You would never go hang out on a graveyard with your friends or something. That is unlike for example how it was treated in the middle ages, where graveyard used to be around the church where people would hang out and talk everyday stuff. In roman times for example graveyards used to be set up around the main roads leading to the city, everyone going out and inside would pas by. It was such a public place that some memorials even had warnings that gods will curse those who urinate or have sex around them. Definitely a differed relationship to death compared to western atheistic society. But ultimately I disagree with your idea. Our relationship to death needs to change in other ways. I don't consider neglecting the needs of fellow men as a healthy relationship to ones death. Corona virus outbreak can be a wonderful opportunity for worldwide solidarity and corporation. We can learn and gain so much from fighting this together, economic growth and GDP can wait, we already have to much of material shit we don't need in our lives. Also dying from this virus is very uncomfortable. Your lungs fill up with water and you slowly drown as you are fighting for breath. There also seems to be long term lung damage so it's not like just getting a sniffle at all. I would prefer not to. As for kids being by themselves again I partially agree. Kids are smarter then we treat them to be. It's so unfortunate to see parents treat them like babies and drive them directly to school as if they aren't capable of going on a bus themselves, just to name one example. But they still need guidance. I would consider parents sacrificing material successes for quality childcare a good thing.