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Absolute Love Awakening
An Experience of Infinite Universal Love. April 5th 2020On April 5th 2020 at around 11:00 PM I had an experience that changed the way I perceive life and an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. I had a nondual experience unlike any other I’ve ever had before. It was an experience of Infinite Love, complete and total Infinite Love. Recently I have been thinking about and meditating on the areas of being, manifestation, suffering and love. In the days leading up to this experience I have had an increased feeling of calmness, freedom and intense mindfulness. Despite the external appearances of my personal life currently as well as the current affairs of the world right now I feel more free and calm than I ever have in my life. It all feels quite ineffable.
On this particular night I could feel the intensity and depth of the mindfulness I was experiencing. It was a depth, calmness and present moment awareness that I have noticed always precedes my past spontaneous nondual experiences. At the time I was listening to my favorite ambient song and taking in the profound beauty of it. While I was mindfully listening something happened. In an instant everything in my experience of reality just collapsed down into a singularity the experience of perceiving time ceased and I was overwhelmed by a massive torrent of Nondual Universal Love. I began crying and this crying quickly grew to sobbing as my perception expanded almost instantaneously into everything in all of existence. I was everything that ever was, is and will be. I was all of it. However there was no experience of I the self was obliterated the moment this infinite love overwhelmed my being. I have had several nondual and psychedelic experiences on my journey thus far but this time there was an incomprehensibly large flood of ultimate Universal Love like a transdimensional dam had burst and a flood of love from the totality of all existence itself completely engulfed my being. This Love was so much, so powerful that human language entirely and completely fails to describe the absolutely profound level and depth it had.
I immediately knew that existence is Love. I saw the ever present nondual beauty of everything from this state of overwhelming Love. I felt so much love flowing through my being that I felt was melting. Everything that constituted any sense of separation was melting. All I could do in the presence of this Infinite Love was cry in its infinite beauty. Tears of sheer joy and love streamed down my face as I had never felt love so intensely before. I could feel this energetically affecting my physical body on multiple levels, subatomic, atomic, molecular and so on. The feeling of melting away from the intensity of infinite love was ever present. More and more all forms of individuation were melting away. It was as if the Infinite Love of all of creation was a red hypergiant star and that my individuated ego and body instantly melted into disintegration when coming even into contact with this profound absolute Love. It was the most profound thing I have ever experienced in my life. Out of all of the nondual and psychedelic experiences that I have had I’ve never felt such profound Love like this. As I was totally enraptured by this experience I felt the love that a mother feels for her newborn child, the love that the earth has for all of the lifeforms on it, the love of the fabric of existence itself. I felt love that I would instantly sacrifice my physical life for and even beyond that. Love beyond what I thought was ever possible and still that love bloomed and became even more intense. It was an infinite absolutely unconditional love for everything; for all beings, for all phenomena in existence.
As I looked at the room around me I noticed the objects around and I was one with everything. I was on an existential level no different from the bed, the walls, the clothes, the air in the room, the carpet, the dirt on the carpet, the computer. In the binding unity of love I was everything in all of existence without exception. I picked up one of my shirts nearby and folded it up and I held it and hugged it as if it was a baby. As if it was my baby, my child because really all of existence is just that. I felt and exuded this love more intensely than I can put into words. There was a pillow nearby and I picked it up as well and I held it with all of the Love that I could muster. And still the perceiver of the experience was totally melting in contact with this infinite and profound love.
The intensity of the experience got to the point where I felt that my body began vibrating. And I felt this very strange and intense feeling of vibration specifically from my heart area. This strange pulsating vibration branched out from my heart across my entire chest, neck, shoulders, my upper abdominal area and upper back. This pulsating vibration was so strange to feel going through my body. With every breath this pulsating vibration expanded more and more through my body. The intensity of this Love was so great that I didn’t know how I could possibly take anymore, however it continued to expand and even further more engulf me even though there was no me left. As this continued there was the overwhelming feeling of gratitude and reverence that arose as well. I totally embraced obliteration by love and totally gave into the massive tsunami of universal love. The feeling of reverence was too much for words. Tears continued to stream down my face. The pulsating vibrations I felt in my body became even more intense as I placed my hands on my heart I just wanted to open my chest and blast out Love everywhere infinitely. I am not too knowledgeable on the chakra system about how energy flows through it but I feel that that in this experience I had a powerful heart chakra opening. With each heartbeat and each breath I felt my entire being vibrate and reverberate with Love. There is just pure Love.
I came into a state of awe for the enormous love which always emanates through the totality. I just began to say, “wow”, over and over again. Followed by; “this is too much”, over and over again. The level of love that existence is and has for all incarnations is so profound that I don’t think we’ll ever have a way of describing it. You just have to directly experience it to know. As I was fully embraced by the infinite Love of existence I grabbed a blanket and I just wept uncontrollably into it. This went on for what felt like a while. I wept into it from the existential bliss, the existential joy and the sheer incomprehensible amount of love that I was experiencing. And I realized that the substance of existence is Love; that without love that nothing and I mean nothing could exist. Nothing could exist without love. You and I are love. We are love incarnate. We are a love that is so profound that when we know ourselves it’s the most amazing and beautiful thing that you could experience.
The peak of this experience lasted for about an hour. For the rest of the night through sleep and into the next day I was in the afterglow of experiencing the profound infinity of love that constitutes all of existence. I had the realization that everything we beings do in life without exception, we do for love in one way or another and it is expressed in a spectrum of countless ways. This is the first time in life that I have experienced the Love of reality as it actually is; pure nondual infinite Love beyond the illusion of individuated ego experience. Love that will obliterate you because it’s just so much, Love that will break you down and make you cry, make you sob intensely.
A part of my being is fully awake now. I feel energetically different than before that experience. I feel energetically different now, as if I am a different person from before this experience. Experiencing that level of Love permeates every aspect of our being and our experience.
One realization I had was that my entire life up until this experience I thought that suffering was bad. Now I know what suffering is. Suffering is what happens when we knowingly or unknowingly turn away from Love. Because a person who truly understands Love, a person who truly loves themselves would never turn away from Love whether it be the Love of existence itself, the Love of another being, or Love of themselves. The only reason truly that we suffer individually and collectively is turning away from Love, that’s it. And that can breed many other things as a result but fundamentally it’s very simple. If you turn away from Love you turn away from what you truly are and when you turn away from what you truly are you’re out of alignment with the loving flow of the totality of existence and when you’re out of alignment with the loving flow of existence itself; it is so painful. That is when our experience becomes suffering. And we don’t have to suffer. What would serve us best in this life is to constantly and consistently choose Love at every second of every day. Forever. To choose whatever is the highest expression of love. And bask in its radiance and live in this place for our entire time of incarnation.
I felt true freedom in this experience. True freedom. Love is the substance of existence. Love is what you are. There is never ever anything to fear. There is never ever anything to fear. There is never ever anything to be afraid of. Just Love. Just be Love. Just choose Love every single time. Because that is what existence is built upon. That is what existence is. It only hurts when you turn away from love. But if you dive completely into love and totally melt into that experience of being love you will truly know and experience what you are, what the universe is, what God is and that will change every aspect of how you look at life, on the deepest level in every way and thusly change your experience of being forever. I Love you, whoever you are, for we are One.
I want to thank @fridakaia for helping me so much to truly understand what Love is. She is a beautiful and profound being and a lightworker. I also want to thank @Consilience for encouraging me to dive more deeply into Love on my journey.
On Materialism and God Self-Awareness
Psychedelics and the mercury whirlpool metaphorYes, this would be a state of Total Omniscience or Infinite Consciousness. I've been in this state. This is God's purest, highest state. In this state, God is an infinite singularity which is completely self-aware and self-understanding. Nothing is hidden from its awareness. It is just pure Consciousness, pure Love.
It has happened already! The mistake is assuming that Infinite Mind is limited by past or future. Past and future are things which Infinite Mind imagines, so it is not limited by them.
God does not need to wait for some future state in order to become fully God. God is always fully God. But temporarily it can forget that it is God as it explores finite parts of itself. If God wants to know what it's like to be a kangaroo, it has to stop being omniscient for a while and pretend to be a kangaroo. During this brief period, past and future arise. Otherwise there is no past or future for God.
How to spo
Did anyone figure out a way to stop demonizing people?I have two basic techniques:
1) Be so busy working on your life purpose that you don't have time to criticize others. Focus on being constructive rather than destructive. If you were working 14hrs per day on your art you wouldn't have the time or energy to criticize anyone.
Critics are usually people who have nothing else to do. They aren't using their time productively. They aren't wise enough to channel their energy creativity.
2) Awaken to Love. Realize that you are all people. Then it becomes impossible to criticize or judge others because you are conscious that their mistakes are your mistakes. If you were conscious that you are Hitler or Jeffery Epstein, how could you judge him?
Judgment is only possible when there is still the illusion of "other" in your mind.
Awakening is
What is awakening?Ego is God imagining it is not God but a human.
God is free to imagine itself to be anything: a rock, a tree, a coffee table, a kangaroo, a man, a woman, an alien, or... it can be aware that it is God.
It's like when you play a video game so hard you forget you are a human. Well, God is playing your life so hard right now that it forgot it is God. As soon as you remember, that will be Awakening.
What is Ego
What Ego IsActually, ego IS the sense of self, and it is a state of consciousness.
Perceptions alone do not generate a sense of self. People who are conscious of no-self (no-ego) still have experiences and perceptions. Just no human self tying it all together.
God imagines Mormon
Spiral dynamics; a meta-lensThe one reality is the sum total of all the lenses/perspectives.
Appearance IS reality.
Wahtever you are imagining becomes true for you. Because you are God, creating yourself.
So if God wants to create a Mormon, he imagines himself being a Mormon for 80 years. And thus a Mormon is made. Until it is unmade. Which is why a Mormon must insist that he's real and not just something God imagines. To be a "Mormon" requires the denial that Mormons are imaginary. Now replace Mormon with scientist or human. That's why everyone is in denial about God, especially the religous and scientific folk.
For example, you imagine the internet right now. If you stopped imagining it, you'd realize you are communicating with me right now directly, telepathically. Since I am just a fragment inside your own mind. But you need to deny that because you are attached to the idea of an external objective reality.
The name of the game is imagiming shit and then denying you imagined it. You imagined Leo, yet you deny it! Look into that
Path of awakening
Leo’s zen devil videoThat is the whole problem in a nutshell. There is no easy answer here. It requires a serious commitment to personal investigation while keeping a very open mind and being willing to change directions and admit mistakes.
In the end you are the TRUTH, so you cannot have anyone else get it for you. But of course many people can assist in your awakening process. Sometimes the assistance will be deeply counter-intuitive: the teachers who mislead you the most might be exactly what you needed to ultimately Awaken.
There are many ways to Awaken. A brutal approach is not necessary unless you feel that's what you need.
Personally I find a loving approach works better for me. You may discover the same. Sometimes the harder you push the less it works. So learning surrender can be crucial.
When in doubt, listen to your heart. Listen to love over fear.
You will never go wrong with Love because Love is Truth. One day you will understand. But probably not for a while.
What is required to got to the root of the truth
i've been deeply studying self-deception in groups, I need some help#1: There has to be a genuine desire for truth above all else.
#2: There has to be radical openmindedness
#3: There has to be a desire to question absolutely everything, every premise, every assumption, no matter how basic.
Nice advice about sex life during relationships
female orgasm problemWhat I'm realizing in recent years is that my enjoyment in sex, as a woman, comes far more from emotional immersion than physical stimulation.
So, it doesn't really matter what kind of technique a man uses on me. If I am not bathed in a soup of erotic emotions and feeling very open and relaxed, there is just no way for the energy to flow. The energy is restricted because I'm too tense and my sexual center is not activated.
The way I'll put it is this. Focus on your energy.
Your emotions and body have to reflect a state of relaxation for an orgasm to reverberate through the body.
It's sort of like plucking a guitar string. If you touch a guitar string, the sound is extremely muffled and stunted because the string isn't able to vibrate. But if the string is unobstructed, the string can vibrate quite a lot which allows the sound to reverberate through the room.
Another example, when you try to do the motorboat sound with your mouth, it only works if your lips are relaxed. Otherwise, you just get a stunted hum. Same idea.
So, you'll have to communicate with your partner that you need things that will put you in a more erotic and relaxed mood first. And teach him what works for you. You can also take matters into your own hands. But ideally, your partner will be the one that gets you to that state. It will probably take about 30 minutes of anticipation to warm up and relax.
So, find out what makes your energy flow, and what keeps you riding the wave of that energy.
Also, I recommend differentiating between "sex for him" versus "sex for you".
Men are really quick with their sexual energy and don't really need time to warm up. So, in 'sex for him', you can just let him ravish you to his liking. That way, you don't feel pressure to cum and he doesn't feel pressure to make you cum. And this takes a lot less time and effort to please a man. And this is usually such little effort (usually 15 to 30 minutes) that you can do this a few times a week (45 minute to 1.5 hour commitment). And the man will be pleased with this because sexual quantity is most important to a man.
But in a sex session that's 'sex for you', that's when sexual quality is most important. And that's when romance and teasing and foreplay and all of that can come into play. And this can be special times when you feel really in the mood... once every week or every two weeks or every month. Basically, to the tune of your libido. That way, you don't feel rushed.
And communicate about this arrangement before. That way, he can focus totally on pleasing you as the goal during the 'sex for you'. And you can focus totally on receiving pleasure as opposed to feeling that you need to both give and receive... which is a libido killing juggling act, as far as I'm concerned. It gets me too focused on performance that I can't really enjoy myself or let the energy flow.
Vision-logic description by Leo
Spiral Dynamics InfographicIt depends, some of them are Blue. Many of them are a mix of Red/Blue.
Hitler was the epitome of ethnocentrism: my race, my people, my civilization is superior to all others.
Hitler also had Red aspects because he had a lust for absolute personal power.
Religion is almost always a part of one's ethnicity. Religion does not exist in a vacuum.
If you are religious, your religion was indoctrinated into you as part of your culture and geographic location. If not for that, you would not be religious. You might be spiritual, but not religious. Religion is culture. And their own culture is what ethnocentrists strive to defend.
Jews are a great example of how ethnicity and religion go hand in hand.
Not a genius, but integral and multi-perspectival and well-read/educated. It does not have to be formal education, but you must read books.
That chart is not comprehensive. There are many examples which were not shown due to space restrictions.
Hippies need a more cerebral integral approach. More book smarts. Learning systems thinking would help them. And studying Spiral Dynamics would help them a lot.
Also, laying off the weed might help them
A nonlinear, hyper-intuitive sort of rationality which is more right-brain dominant vs left-brain dominant, and which focuses on holistic big picture thinking rather than technical analysis or linear logical proofs.
Vision-logic fuses rationality with intuition, consciousness, and high emotional intelligence.
Albert Einstein is a great example of vision-logic. He was not the typical cold-hearted, paint-by-numbers academic. Also, Richard Feynman is a good example.
Vision-logic is more playful, whimsical, creative, than traditional logic and very importantly it can handle paradox, which traditional logic cannot.
Douglas Hofstadter is a good example of vision-logic.
Advice on Premature Ejaculation 2
Premature Ejaculation / What is the solution?@DoubleYou You might benefit from Shamanic Breathing, Kriya yoga, and deep tissue massage. Stuff like that.
You can also train up using something like a Flesh Light.
Advice on Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation / What is the solution?Learning how to relax your mind and body is important. Orgasm can only occur when you body is tense.
Controlling your mind is important too. Your mental imagery contributes a lot to how excited you get. You gotta learn to pace yourself, go slow, enjoy, etc.
Of course good foreplay is key too. Perfect your fingering technique. Consider using toys to stimulate her long before the actual act.
great metaphore to conservative
A warning to those trying to reach enlightenment through psychedelics.Why don't you apply the same logic to meditation or driving a car?
Every time a new technology comes out some caveman will say, "But it's better to do it the old fashioned way. More pure."
So then by this logic you should wipe your ass with your hands. Sure, you could use TP, but what have you sacrificed? Why are you deluding yourself out of desperation? Why don't you patiently wash the shit off your hands each time? This will toughen you up. It will make you a read man. What kind of Buddha are you if you cannot stand a bit of shit between your fingernails? Only a desperate and greedy person would seek a better way. It's bound to backfire. This is antithetical to being human. God wants you to wipe you ass with your hangs like the Buddha did. My guru wiped his ass with his hands therefore so should everyone else. For sure your knowledge of your ass will be tainted if you don't get the full experience of wiping it with your hands. You will not understand the ins and outs of ass-wiping fully. Your technique will be bad. The gods will be displeased and not give you blessings. The gods gave you two hands for a reason, one to eat your food and the other to wipe your ass.
How does self was created
Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2Infinite Consciousness expands in all directions like a branching tree, exploring all the finite parts of itself.
Those finite parts are humans, animals, objects, etc. Anything material.
Distortion is automatically created as soon as anything finite comes into being.
It's like polarizing white light into all the colors of the rainbow. None of them are as whole as the white light from which it came because the white light contains the whole rainbow.
There is no MUST for Ego to die
Bobby's perspective vs actualized.orgIt mustn't. There are no musts. You are God and you are free to play in the sandbox of your Mind for eternity.
You can go become Hitler and kill 20 million people. God will still love you.
Which is why all these egos (seem to) exist. God allows them because no one is forcing you not be a devil. God doesn't fight devils with force. God simply loves them to death, which means they exist temporarily. Which is why we have Hitlers and Trumps and you
God's Love is so great that God isn't bothered by Hitler. Your love is so small that you hate Hitler. That's because you're a devil. If you realized you were God, you'd love Hitler as much as you love your mother. But this is far to radical for mankind to admit. That's because mankind are devils. But luckily God is perfectly okay with that!
Ego definition
Bobby's perspective vs actualized.orgYes, an asleep God wakes up to realize that he is God.
Nothing other than God can awaken because there is nothing other than God! God is ONE, so who can awaken other than him to himself?
Awakening is nothing other than the realization that there is no "other".
The ego doesn't exist. The ego cannot awaken. The ego cannot learn anything. It is the realization that ego never was -- that it is a total illusion -- which allows God to realize that it was God the whole time.
Ego is the mistaken idea that reality is divided into parts: me, you, her, him, them, animals, Jesus, aliens, God, etc. To realize ONENESS is to end all these divisions and exist as ONE. That ONE is the real God.
If the ego could awaken, that would mean there are two things: ego & something else which it awakens to. That would be duality. But Truth is ONENESS. So there cannot be an ego.
We speak of ego as though it's a thing, but really where's speaking of a non-thing. It's like speaking about a snake which is actually just a rope that we thought was a snake. There never were two things: a snake and a rope. Nor did the snake become the rope. There never was a snake at all! Only rope! The snake was just a confusion. Which leaves us with oneness, ropeness.
Coaching career advice
Resources required To become a Life CoachYou are not going to learn to be a life coach online. This is something that needs to be learned face-to-face.
Serious coaching programs usually cost $5,000-$10,000. Such a program will teach you most of the basics. But even then, your ability to earn money is not guaranteed. Being a successful coach requires knowing how to run a small business -- because that's what coaching for pay is. So you will also needs to develop business and marketing skills. Then you'll have a chance at success.
Being in India makes things a lot more complicated because the level of development of that country will probably look down upon life coaching. You could find ways to make it work but you'll have to get creative and innovate to find what solutions are needed by the people in your country.
Realistically I'd say your first step should be to find a way to study aboard. Then maybe you can return back and build a business there.
Research online for various coaching programs. I did this one and recommend it:
They offer a training in Singapore. But it costs about $10,000. But if you think about it, $10k for a career training is actually very cheap. A university degree would cost you a lot more. At least in the US. Not sure about how it works in India.
Becoming a Coach Emerald
Resources required To become a Life CoachAs a life-coach myself, I recommend reading a few books on the topic first to get the general idea.
Now, certification is not required because it's a new profession. But you'll want to be sure to mind the boundaries between life-coaching and psychology. So, it's important to know the distinction.
But the certification and all that is not so important. There are only two things that are really important:
Can you do the job well? Can you ask questions intuitively to promote self-exploration? Can you find clients on a consistent basis? The latter is the real killer for most coaches.
Now, I make my living as a life-coach, ONLY because I had already created an international platform to find clients. I have a YouTube channel with over 30k subscribers. So, all I have to do is mention that I do life-coaching at the end of my videos to find clients.
So, you'll want to set yourself up a social media presence through YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (or ideally all four) so that you can give away a BUNCH of free content. Give it for the sake of putting value out into the world. But also know that it's your bait and your net for getting clients. Use it as an opportunity to show your skills.
Life-coaching is not an easy sell anywhere. Very few make a living in the profession because they don't have a way to acquire clients.
But if you build it, they will come.
Becoming a Coach Nahm
Resources required To become a Life Coach@Elton
One person feels better, more assured, believes in their self and their dream...and tells another...your calendar fills up with the love, trust, and honesty given.
Here’s a good example for a reference, as well as a “coach of coaches” if you’re interested in his services...
The greatest life coach that has ever lived recommend this book to me, and I was surprised to find how easy & effective the right questions, and creating the space for another can be.
The NCA site. http://www.nationalcoachacademy.com/best-life-coaching-books
My site is in the signature below if you want to check it out as another reference. I started this around 2 years ago, and it is going far better than I could have imagined. If you have any questions pm me anytime.
Also, @Emerald is a life coach, and I’m sure would be happy to help as well.
Relationship pattern: GFs keep cheating on me
Relationship pattern: GFs keep cheating on me@lukmi
1) How many times did this happen exactly? Two times? That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Could just be a fluke. Although it is a bit odd.
2) Learn to provide amazing sex and girls will be begging you to go exclusive with them. Seems like your sex is missing the dominance and newness components. For sex to be good, you have to find ways to keep it new. Don't be doing the exact same routine every time. Fuck her in the restaurant bathroom once in a while. Etc. Get creative. Dominance is also important. Drive up the masculine/feminine polarity. Make her feel feminine so she is satisfied.
You can also up your value as a man. As you become more successful, more confident, more humorous, more wise, more healthy, etc. all this will massively attract her to you. She should see you as a one-of-a-kind catch. She should feel like she won the lottery in dating you.
If I see some traits of Feminism as a threat or unfair is because I´m biased?
If I see some traits of Feminism as a threat or unfair is because I´m biased?Women had less rights because for the majority of mankind's evolution the state of consciousness was so low that physical force determined rights and power hierarchies. Survival was unbelievably brutal and physical. The strongest dominated the weakest and established "rights" and rules which served them.
But now we are starting to move away from brutal animalistic survival and now the physical strength difference between men and women is becoming less and less important.
It is not a matter of men deciding to give women rights, but rather the entire species is evolving in consciousness and society is developing hard and soft infrastructure which allows for non-violent means of existence. This is not a process anyone controls. Men do not control it. Both men and women are puppets of larger evolutionary forces which drive the entire universe towards greater consciousness and love. Those who are physically weaker are treated with more compassion. This is true not just of women but children, the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill, animals, the environment, etc.
Once you are conscious enough it is no longer tenable to dominate others even if you happen to be physically bigger or stronger than them. It hurts your own consciousness to do so. Ego is slowly realizing the existential equality of all beings by looking past the material differences -- which are not fundamentally important.
Rather than seeing all this as a fight for rights, see it as an expansion of consciousness, love, and self-identity.
If you were highly conscious and had high Self-Love, you would not have a desire to dominate anyone, even if it gave you some temporary material gain. The material gain is inferior to Selflessness.
Finding God's Will
Finding God's Will@Bennn That's the problem with all your moral indoctrination, deep down you are still a devil and the only reason you follow those moral rules is due to fear of punishment or judgment by some "other". This is an ass-backwards approach to being a good human being.
True goodness comes from Self-Love and consciousness.
Remember, what you do unto others you do unto yourself. And karma'a bitch.
If you behave in evil ways, don't then act surprised when other do as well. The reality is, you are a devil among you own kind, in a self-created hell, and your morals are just a veil to mask your own devilry from your self.
Life is a game
I don’t know exactly why I’m pursuing awakening.It's a sort of play.
When you go to the movies, how come you care so much about what the characters are doing? You're there for fun. You know it's not real but you got nothing better to do.
Yes, meaninglessness is a big paradox. It is difficult for the ego-mind, which has been addicted to constructing illusory meanings all its life, to suddenly operate without meaning. There is a difficult transition phase here which can last months or years, where the ego-mind will feel lost and directionless. But then you stabilize in emptiness and play.
The point of life is PLAY! It's just like a video game. The mistake is that you take it too seriously because you are terrified of death and suffering. Imagine how bad video games would be if the main character was terrified of death?
Well... that's you! Ta-da!
Consider that life having zero meaning is the ideal situation. It gives you total freedom to play. It's an infinite sand box game this way. Otherwise you'd be a slave to some limited set of pre-baked meanings. This would make life boring and lame.
YOU. ARE. GOD! Invent whatever the fuck you want. It's all your whim.
Question on Creativity and Depression
Question on Creativity and DepressionWell, you are mixing survival issues with God-realization, which is a bit unfair. You are too wise for your own good! But not wise enough not to hang yourself with your knowledge of enlightenment. So you are stuck in a sort of netherzone.
Ultimate fulfillment is too big of a thing for you to worry about right now. I would leave some room open for enjoying basic survival and getting good at that. It won't all be for waste. It's all part of your growth.
Learn to feed and cloth yourself before you go chasing dreams of enlightenment.
You are right that whatever you do, life is about enjoying the journey, not the destination. This applies to earning a billion dollars as well as to spiritual work.
It's too easy to pursue spiritual work joylessly.
And don't forget: before enlightenment, the laundry. After enlightenment, the laundry. So you might as well get good at laundry.
Grain nutrition
Leo-Your view on veganism?That is one of the problems.
Realistically you'd need some kind of grain substitute like rice. But eating grain makes me feel bad because it's high in carbs and causes a sugar crash. It not particularly healthy either.
Grain is basically empty sugar calories.
Potatoes are one option. But again, it's mostly empty sugar calories.
My body feels best on a diet of meat, veggies, fruits, and quality fats. Low carbs as possible.
Juicing fruit and veggies is great for health. But you can't rely on it to keep you full.