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About Arion

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  • Birthday 09/12/1996

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  1. Start with family and friends who support you; Let them share it on facebook, etc;
  2. As an accounting professional, I would suggest you learn: Excel- formulae, and become able to use it fluently- Vlookups, Hlookups, SUM IFS, pivot tables Acccounting wise- know your debits and credits Learn about reconciliations and the concept behind them If ttheres a particular industry you want to remote work in- learn about the systems they use- e.g investment companies might use CAMRA.. insurance might use SICS///many companies also use Microsoft Dynamics and Great plains.
  3. Huh? I don't get it. If your coming with the ' everything is one' archetype, how does that help answer the OP's question?
  4. I think your career enjoyment depends on your mindset and whether you think what you are really doing does count to something : Even if what you are doing something that has a minute impact in the grans scheme of things- honour that and do it as best as you can I personally , am an accountant, and sure it can get boring sometimes- but i try to always improve and add value- this drive alone , makes it interesting A job is not like a trip for ice cream, and should be seen as such
  5. As a fellow 23 year old, I will tell you that you must expect some disappointments in the working world- you may not get all that you seek..the key is to be able to bear the things you don't liek and understand why they need to be there, and treasure the parts that you do like and become a master at it; I would tell you that the concern for finding the perfect square job will fade as you realise that it likely is not possible.
  6. Tool- Reflection Tool- Lateralus Tool- Third Eye Tool- Parabol and Parabola
  7. Can you share any further info on this? If these things actually present themself to the human eye- why on earth does no one study them etc? Why the shoo shoo around it?
  8. Hey Dan, I like your methodical overview of your years 2018 seems to be your most self scruitinising year- especilly with logging your thoughts etc I don't be on this forum often, but I searched "audit", since I am also in that field, in the same company as you were. Keep up the good fight- see you on the forums
  9. Seems legit to an extent. I browsed through the entire 6 parts.
  10. Don't lose semen you can relax sexually without orgasm...see into tantra practices
  11. @Electron I am everything you described, except the introverted part- I won't say I'm seriously introverted. my point of action I said to keep searching for truth, and blasting my career. whichever friends , girls etc I meet on the way, so be it
  12. @Justin Evans your post is long, and well appreciated by me
  13. @Peace and Love Hi, I deeply empathize without what your experience in life has been...but it's great to see that you've became a better person from it Keep doing what your doing! As for me, I am a 20 y/o male, but choose celibacy as I have experienced how porn use and masturbation warps the male mind. Also, I guess I had bad experiences with women, but I trust that there are great women out there; Celibacy for me is -an experiment to 'swim upwards'.....sexual energy for a man usually flows downwards i mean short term lustfulness with the the urge to ejaculate - this is great for nature and the continuation of a species, but there sa certain thing that happen during with true abstinence- just read the reports of nofap persons who have been successful. I , as said before have experience s what lust feels a bad way, through porn use etc..I've enjoyed seeing rough sex etc, and sure this can be something beautiful for an intimate couple, but for porn watchers it just trains us to like violence and humiliation . I have found it brings more peace, and is wholesome to see female from a point of reverence , rather than lust. Lust may be okay in an intimate relationship; this isn't my assumption, as I haven't reached there yet This view on sexuality is Bramacharya, an ancient Hindu practice...there's a guy by the name of Stuart sovatsky who publishes work and insight on this philosophy of sacredness sexuality. It is difficult to maintain long term, but each failure and effort carries me further and further in.
  14. I've wondered about this question myself. Maturity is the ability to see things from a big picture, with a long term view, and to make decisions in line with this view( a mature person is not impulsive ) It is also the ability to empathize with a wide range of life events and experiences ( hence why mature people are usually older people, who have been through many experiences in life, but not always)
  15. @Stef this I see my experience with women as we'll, as a 20 year old man. I am am left with no choice. But to be a mgtow, rather than put up wit that craziness