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Everything posted by Brahman

  1. Great video thank you. Especially like the part about paradox of focus in meditation. Are you the video creator?
  2. I have definitely had the same thought but I agree with Sir Valdimir to a certain extent. I think people becoming educated about psychedelics is great and theres no reason not to suggest to offer some resources you've found helpful and interesting. But it's got to be their own choice and their own journey to decide they want to do it. Making it into a persuasive manipulative act even in the slightest way will not end well or bring about the healing people need. You can't force someone to change they have to decide to do it themselves. Same goes with spiritual healing in all ways including through psychedelic therapy. You can however offer resourses, videos /etc they may find interesting and help to spark an interest. Another idea is to start a lot smaller. Try watching some ram dass lectures together (or anybody else you like), try meditation nights once a week, try yoga sessions together (yoga with Adriene is great for all ages and levels), maybe even schedule a retreat for a week with the family (I went on one in Thailand with my father and it really brought us closer and opened him to spirituality). Then after a lot of that maybe see if they seem to fancy the idea of psychedelics.
  3. For a long time I thought this perspective was silly. It neglected the work that needs to be done and breeds laziness and pride. However, it is true, and this perspective opens up space for jolting you into realization. Your doubt is the thin veil that separates you from God - this veil is ultimately also an illusion and substanceless. You say "I can't be enlightened yet there is so much work to do" and "my mind is so busy, I have so much resistance and problems in my life". You are creating a "later" which does not exist. There is no later to get enlightened. It's pure imagination. Be as you are now. If that's anxious, doubtful, heavy mental chatter, sad, tired, energetic, happy, etc. It doesn't matter. You are already there. There is no other way to be. Being itself is it. There is nowhere to go. There is nothing to do. In this space of understanding there opens up the potential for the will of God and your own to merge. There is no separation. The union was created by full acceptance of things as they are. Of your so called "lack of enlightenment." Herein lies the benefit from this way of viewing. Here and now is your portal. Exactly as it is. Imagine a portal which you already walked through yet simultaneously stands in front of you. And you can walk through this portal to infinity. All of this talk is completely circular if you haven't noticed. "Benefit from perspective" implies something to be gained, something you should do - and there is none. "All you have to do is fully accept this moment" also implies there is something to do. You aren't there and all you have to do is accept - this too is false. May these contradictions serve a similar purpose as Zen Cohen's. May the paradox spark understanding. The union is already there, simply you chose to forget at this moment. Or maybe not! In which case you are conscious that you are God here and now. Either way is of your choosing. Be as you are now. Namaste
  4. I'm like your friend and also pretty sensitive to psychedelics. 1.5-2g shrooms is plenty for me, 200ug acid will cause a breakthrough
  5. Ok I see what you're asking now. I don't think I have the understanding to fully answer your question. But this is what I've experienced with time dissolution: Motion is a completely relative phenomena. Which only exists with the concept of time in place. For example lift your hand into the air. You can say the motion is upwards because you are creating a past in which it was downwards relative to where it is now. This process of creating the past and future happens so quickly and unconsciously. You imagine the hand has potential to move in all types of ways, and you also imagine it can't move in some ways. For example you imagine the hand cannot detach from your body and move on its own. Now let's say you haven't lifted your hand yet. You imagine it can go upwards and thus there is now space for motion - you created potential for movement only because you also created time. Try to get closer and closer to the now and see this. I haven't experienced a slowing of motion if thats what youre asking. Like everything goes slow motion or all motion freezes like in the movies. Maybe this is possible, but it's more that since the concept of time is broken all motion is simultaneously super fast and super slow mo. In fact there's no difference because faster and slower are relative to each other - on an infinite scale where there is no actual substantial difference between the two. When you have an awakening experience it's clear that all phenomena is imagined and really there is just an ever morphing field of awareness where no object is ever fully still. Even if you stare at a rock that isn't "moving", if you watch long enough you'll start to notice new things about the rock. "Oh look there's this gash I didn't see before. " "Hey those lines on the rock kind of look like a circle." That process of noticing new things is actually you creating them right now. Consciousness is morphing everything, and everything being morphed is nothing other than consciousness itself. Both you and the rock merge into each other. This motion of morphing doesn't stop and in that consistency of motion there is also a stillness behind it. Its a big mindfuck where complete unstopping motion forever exists as well as complete stillness. Notice that no two moments are ever the same. As you're reading these words your eyes are moving and you're analyzing new sentences, creating meaning. No two moments reading this text are the same. Even if you go and re-read a line. That moment of re-reading is not the same as "before." It's getting weird haha. This is a glimpse of the ever-changing nature of consciousness. The stillness aspect is prior to all of the change. Prior to all relative difference that creates any motion at all. Hopefully this helps, I know it may not have exactly addressed your question.
  6. Yup it is! This post was even written from that place. Both perspectives are valuable and make for a beautiful dance. Be as you are now includes seeking. Includes the desire to not be as you are! It is complete and fully encompassing
  7. There is no time. It is clear that the past is all arising in your mind only in this moment. The future is obviously completely imaginary. The past is also realized to be imaginary. It is imagined right now. Think of a time in your past. When you were a kid playing with friends. Where does that memory exist? Only right now. You are in fact creating that memory right now. It's hard to stomach but undeniable when experienced
  8. That is the hardest thing isn't it. Firstly just understanding that this is temporary and you will get out of the slump helps a lot. But as far as actionable things. What helps me a lot is realigning my core values and purposes. So literally getting a notebook and journaling. What do I want out of life? Why do I do what I do? What are the reasons my "bad" habits are "bad" to me? (In other words what are they keeping you from doing or being). These are very general questions so you can get way more specific about the things unique to your life. The reason this helps is because backlash activity occurs because you start to unconsciously shift your values. You value instant gratification more than your long term health. (So you eat fried food and ice cream instead of a healthy meal). This is just one example. Notice how a lot of these bad habits have been caused by value shifts. The problem is these values got shifted unconsciously. You didn't sit down and say okay for this week I'm just gonna default to activity that gives me comfort and gratification over my larger life goals. That would be insane. It was a subtle sort of shift that happened without you noticing. So just intentionally realigning yourself has made a massive difference for me. But also know that it's really difficult to instantly change back and give yourself time. Be very forgiving and loving to yourself. There isn't a magic fix, but bon't worry you will get out of it. Be patient and as mindful as possible. Periods of backlash are a great gift in retrospect. They teach you so much about yourself.
  9. This sounds very similar to Kundalini awakening experiences. You can do some research on these and it might make you feel better to know you aren't alone. Oftentimes people will have radical experiences like this followed by deep backlash and pain through the desire to live normally again. Understand that something very special is happening and embrace it as best as you can. You can do this! Any downward spiral is completely temporary. May want to check out Leo's vid on ego backlash if you haven't seen it. @Carl-Richard is also right. The fear gets justified through thoughts. Becoming aware of this process will be extremely freeing for you. Notice the fear cannot touch you. Watch these fearful thoughts arise and fade in your awareness. They are not you and they cannot touch you. You got this man. Always got a community here too if you run into troubles.
  10. This is the right course of action haha. From reading your responses it seems you are living too deeply in the conceptual mind. You say "but isn't my experience processed in the brain" - this is an idea. You are experiencing the thought of a brain and the idea that things are processed here. Get closer to this moment right now - where everything is found. Being is prior to all concepts. Notice that thoughts come and go through your awareness right now. The thought of a brain is just that - a thought. Which arises and fades. Try to notice the awareness underneath all of these fleeting concepts. You have it right. Just sit and attempt to experience it. Have patience and know that you're on the right track! Good luck!
  11. True acceptance isnt about achieving a better state really. Honestly from the way youve been speaking i think you would greatly benefit from yoga practices instead. Yoga often creates immediate and dramatic changes in state. There are a lot of techniques that you can explore, shamanic breathing, pranayamas, Kriya yoga, Kundalini yoga, even just basic Hatha yoga I do daily and see radical state changes. However, meditation will also get you these benefits. Especially when paired with a yoga practice. Except you have to even let go of the desire to change anything and just completely surrender to this moment. Otherwise you'll be playing mind games to infinity. The "but this doesn't seem to be doing anything" and "if I do nothing, nothing will happen" thoughts are just more mental trickery. Sit in the place of watching and let those kinds of doubts fade away. It takes a lot of patience so like you said - you may just need this. To answer your other question, I was introduced to acceptance of sensations through a 10 Vipassina meditation retreat. Which is SOOOO worthwhile and deepens your practice immensely. This however requires even greater patience and willingness to go through very painful experiences. The path of acceptance is not easy, but ultimately it's the only one that will get you where you want to go. When you accept all sensations and thoughts a miraculous shift happens. Let's say you have severe pain in your knee sitting in lotus posture. First you'll hear the mind say "FUCKKKK, Jesus this hurts .... I need to move, Godd ..... Pay attention to something else... Just distract yourself and it'll go away". When this happens do not give into the temptation to move. Instead, counterintuitively, sink deeper into the sensation. Drown the sensation in awareness. Eventually through this awareness, the sensation gets recontextualized. It's a very sudden Ah Haa! moment. So just wait for it. And then you see that this is not pain. It's simply sensation. It's meerly another object in awareness. A very intense and vibrant one, but just an object. You may have several realizations here. One realization will be it's impermanent nature. This sensation is comprised of change. Pure change and it will eventually fade. Another will be that this sensation cannot actually touch you. You are the witness of it. Like a child who watches a horror movie and gets scared. You can tell him it's only a movie but until he realizes it for himself it will affect him greatly. Right now as I explain this you may conceptually understand. This is not the same as the actual insight. Practice and find out for yourself. Try a 1 hour strong determination sit. No movement allowed. And inevitably that uncomfortable sensation will arise. You will be tempted to move and comfort yourself. Don't do it. Sit with it and go deep. The only way out is through. Use the pain to have a breakthrough. Hope this helps
  12. Yes @Recursoinominado is right according to Vipassina theory. I'll add that samskaras (impressions) are essentially the seeds of karma and multiply through craving and aversion. Everytime we crave and avert (which is reactionary at this point for most humans) we accumulate more and more samskaras - thus more and more karma. From my formal teaching of Vipassina, they say in order to purge these samskaras you need three things: equinimity, awareness, and understanding of anitya. Anitya meaning impermanence. Everything is always changing. By sitting with awareness, equinimity and deeply understanding anitya you no longer express craving or aversion to any thoughts, sensations, or experiences. Past or present. When you no longer crave and avert you purge your old samskaras and stop the process of creating new karma. The trick is to sit in what they call "witness consciousness." Sit in the seat of pure awareness and watch everything as an object of consciousness. Notice everything arises and fades within consciousness and you are this awareness through which everything arises. Sitting from this place you are now watching everything like it's a movie. It's like watching a horror movie when you were a kid. You'd get completely sucked into it and it would freak you TF out cuz you thought it was real. Once you realise oh this is just moving pixels on a screen and watch from this place you are not effected, until you get sucked in again. The mind is constantly sucking you in, creating craving and aversion and multiplying samskaras. Sitting in witness consciousness you start to stop this process. Remember this is all theoretical for now and it takes much practice to get used to sitting in witness consciousness. In a 10 day retreat it took me til day 6 to reach a consistent place of sitting in awareness like this. But the rewards are unspeakable!! Good luck and hope this helped.
  13. There is no waiting - that's the thing. You aren't sitting and waiting. You're sitting and being. You keep choosing to accept the present moment over and over again. Each changing moment is fully accepted. You narrow deeply into the present and from this place the whole notion of gaining anything for later becomes ridiculous. All you have is Now and you just choose to connect to this truth through your practice. The practice is of sitting with the intention of just being with the moment - however it is. Whether it's filled with thoughts, uncomfortable sensations, sleepiness, emotions or whatever. You choose to not reject anything. Then Bam - you hit you're desired state. Even this sentence is wrong because there is no desired state other than whatever your current state is. In summary im saying the only problem you ever have is resistance to this moment. And if you make your sitting meditation practice about noticing this resistance when it arises and choosing to accept instead. Miraculous things will happen. You'll see the mind react. "This isnt working I'm not doing anything here", "this is a waste of time", "Am I even doing this right?" "My back hurts", etc. all of these forms of resistance are completely natural and you can even accept this! Accept the resistance itself and you've gone deeper. Sorry if this has gotten confusing now but I'll just finish by saying complete acceptance is the most advanced practice I've found. Hope this helps
  14. I think you can reframe the way you're looking at meditation. It's not about gaining anything. It's just being with what is. Practicing non resistance and surrender. If that means boredom then surrender to boredom. Surrender completely to the moment and meditation will never fail you. Because you are here and now. There is nothing to gain or lose. Nowhere to be, nowhere to go. If you practice with this attitude your meditations will become a beautiful practice. And you can never lose. Counterintuitively, only through this approach will you actually reach deep states of oneness and higher consciousness.
  15. Nice video man, I enjoyed. Seemed like you had a good stream of consciousness going on the subject. I like the part especially about not focusing or thinking to hard when that "what am I?" feeling arises and simply letting the conditioning go. I often have the feeling/thought arise spontaneously but when I try to think through it, it disappears. Instead if I just rest my awareness on the feeling of self. Just be with that curious state without trying to extrapolate meaning, the inquiry goes much deeper.
  16. Yes, you're completely right here. This is a very important thing to recognise and often dismissed as basic understanding, but there are much deeper levels to this. Resisting others is ultimately resisting yourself. Even on a basic level, the specific aspects of people that you resist are qualities that you actually have yourself, that your ego resists! That you bury and hide and blame others for. My two tips for putting this to practice: Number 1: Truly take on the attitude that there is No such thing as an external problem. Ultimately if everything is one then this is obviously true. All the problems you find in others are actually contained within your self. But even on a basic psychological level the real problem is you needing others to change. Start to see when you get triggered, when you begin to judge and react, and then remind yourself that there is no such thing as an external problem. Diffuse the tension internally and open yourself up completely to the situation. You will become better and better at this process meerly from recognizing that this happens. This meaning that YOU can cure all problems internally through opening yourself. Number 2: Begin to recognise that where you find resistance you are on to something - you have the opportunity to grow. Meerly by enforcing this conceptual pattern into your life - into your moments of resistance, you will start to quickly solve any resistance that arises. Again through opening. This is a subtle but very powerful process that requires practice and developing a feel. Similar to developing the feel of a clutch when driving a manual car. Once you know the feel you can change gears effortlessly. Putting these things into practice requires basic mindfulness practice. Start to become aware of your emotional changes and reactions as soon as they arise. This requires a strong intention and again - more opening lol. As a reminder the two tips are: There is no such thing as an external problem Where you find resistance, you’re on to something These may seem like basic statements but in my experience little jingles like these can serve as mindfulness reminders and come to thw mind much more easily in moments of deep resistance. Thanks for this post. Very valuable insight. Although it may seem simple it is one of the most difficult insights to put into practice. This is where you see peoples true level of spiritual growth!
  17. Nice post. Good overview through the lens of the spiral. I completely agree, I noticed many of the same patterns. Another great turqouise moment is in the episode "The Swamp" where the man who was bending the vines talks about oneness through the analogy of the banyan tree and of time/death being an illusion. Here's a link to the clip:
  18. I've tripped N,N DMT approximately 25 times. I will try to distill my best advice and several personal experiences in a relatively concise manner. Firstly I'll say that if you have DMT and haven't experienced a breakthrough, your chances increase tenfold if you have psylocibin in your system. The chemical structure is very similar to DMT and serotonin for that matter. Only a difference of one functional group. A good way to think of it is that having shrooms in your system preps your brain for receiving the DMT. I have had much weaker experiences without psylocibin and with it, Ive become God. Can't recommend the two paired more. Take it approximately 2 - 2.5hrs into mushroom trip for best results imo. But obviously feel it out. Secondly I'll say that DMT only takes you if you're ready. At least in my experience. If I take six hits while surrounded by people in a social/party environment, I'll get nothing but a mild body high. One hit after deep meditation and yoga sessions, spending the day calming the mind and DMT will show me incredible things. You need to be in the right state and you need to listen and surrender. Speaking generally, it's not about how much you take. It's about how willing you are to surrender. How I start my trips: 5 mins of Ujjayi breathing to deepen the breath and ground into meditation spot. Exhale completely pushing all the air out of the body, using your abs to push away and then take your hit on the inhale, Slowly and as long as you can, then hold the breath. The DMT will start to take effect and then as you exhale surrender completely to the experience. You're job is done now, no effort required. All you have to do is listen. Listen to what's happening and watch like it's a movie. Allow all your awareness to be pulled inwardly into body sensations and let go of control. Be completely open to whatever the DMT "wants" to show you. My method of ingestion: Freebase Vaporized. I have DMT concentrate in a vape. Very pure. Haven't tried other methods yet. General structure of trips: Once it's in my system and I am listening carefully I start to fall into a trance. It lulls me into this wavy state and then usually a high pitched buzzing will happen. Listen to this buzzing or if it's not buzzing it will come in the form of a strong body sensation or visual. If any out of the ordinary strong stimulus presents itself, allow all your awareness to be sucked into it. The buzzing increases in intensity like a spaceship about to take off. Beautiful vibratory frequencies, it feels very "pure" - like a pure sine wave. As my awareness of the object increases, eventually I merge with it and then BOOM. Blast off. Incredible keleidescopic visuals. Unlike anything you thought you could every imagine. Figures and beings seem to be swirling around the room. If the eyes are open, everything in the room becomes connected to form beautiful symmetries and geometric shapes. If eyes are closed the visuals are even more profound. Then this is usually where my sense of self usually disappears. "I" am now gone. There is only pure experience. Any semblance of egoic mind that wants to understand or wants to remember what's happening is now gone. Then it tends to differ each trip. Many possibilities can happen. But after the experience, only approximately 15 mins in "I" start to come back. Normal thoughts resume and I'm like "Wait, WTF just happened." My most recent experiences: BECOMING GOD: Was with a close group of friends in a secluded nature spot and already 2.5hrs into a shrooms trip. The beautiful visuals began after the initial hit and I was immersed. Lord Hanuman - the Hindu God showed himself to me and I cried tears of joy, so much loving energy was being given to me. I felt unworthy of such love. Took another hit. Began to shoot off again. This time all fear left me completely. I opened my eyes and was reborn. My mind was fully in tact I could remember everything. Visuals started to fade but consciousness shot through the roof. I stood aloud and began to shout and cry in ECSTACY. Pure Joy. For the first time in my life. I became conscious that I am God. I was concious of the process of creating everything. RIGHT NOW. Everything is created right now. Including my entire past. Everything was recontextualized to meet the perfect present moment. Ridiculous levels of Bliss and understanding that this is timeless and all loving. I was completely in love with everything. I loved every little flaw that my Ego would shudder at. I loved the hell out of my friends and for the first time could fully express it. I felt completely open and flushed with endless energy. All I could say is "Oh my God!" and "WOWWWW!!!" and "No way, no way, it can't be." And "It loves it all. All of it is love." Essentially I said these 4 phrases on repeat for approximately 30 minutes. My two friends who didn't hit the pen were confused but ammused. And my friend who did was having a very similar experience. We began to become concious of the source and began to have an experience of unified mind. Our minds merged in waves. We became separate and laughed our asses off and then we became One and also laughed histerically. This is very hard to explain so I'll probably make a separate thread on this experience because I have a feeling many people have gone through this and can talk about it in more detail. After glow lasted hours, into the late night when I finally fell asleep, filled with love. DMT teaches me Yoga - Opening the chakras and releasing stagnant energy: A few weeks after the previous trip I went again on psylocibin. At the top of a gorgeous hike with breathtaking views and I started to do Yoga before hitting the pen. I started to feel energy moving through me and releasing. I began to feel so alive and awake. Like I could never really "feel" anything and this was the first time I could. Then I meditated for a few minutes and hit the DMT. Exploding fractals as usual and then the DMT started to take control of my body. I started to do very weird yoga movements such as exhaling while flexing all of my muscles inward and compressing into a tight ball. It held me here for about a minute. Completely compressed and then BOOM. Release. Massive inhale and all this energy cleared up. Massive physical and emotional release. It's like that feeling when you have gas trapped and you can't burp and then finally comes that beautiful belch, except this was 1000x more satisfying. This process repeated several times as well as many other yoga releases. It would do things such as stretch my neck all the way upward so I'm looking at the sky and then stick my tongue all the way out. And I mean all the way out. Flexing all the muscles in my throat whilst exhaling similar to Lions Breath. I'd never done anything like this. I had so much awareness concentrated in points of my body and it opened up all places that were blocked. A lot of it was centered around my throat and it had me chant several OHMs and other really weird movements, that maybe I'll explain in another thread. Point is it controlled my body. "I" wasn't doing anything. It moved me. Hard to describe but you'll know if/when it happens with you. Wasn't really coupled with any God realizations but it was the most intense release I've ever felt. I cried for about 10 minutes thanking God for helping me. Last notes: I'm my experience every entity I've ever encountered on DMT has been extremely loving. This is why you know it's an entity and not just standard visuals. It feels like a separate being. You know how you can feel the difference between a person in the same room staring at you and a poster? It's like this except the being is emitting incredible loving energy towards you. For me they usually help me release stagnant energy and move my body. This psychedelic has given me the most diverse range of experiences beyond any other psychedelic I have done. It's new and unexpected everytime. And it won't take you all the way everytime. Be okay with this and understand it's not the right time/place for you. Have patience and surrender deeply
  19. "The Midnight Gospel" - Stage yellow and turquoise television show. First of it's kind that I've ever come across. Incredibly creative and delves into deep existential topics every episode. Highly recommend. This is a different kind of TV experience.
  20. No problem! Just posted in case it would give one person a cool experience. Glad you liked it!
  21. I'm curious as to people's thoughts on these supposed rocks and crystals with energetic properties that you can feel. Was reading about "Moldavite" and hear some pretty wild claims about it's capabilities and feelings it can give you. I've never experienced anything like what these people are talking about, but I've been surprised many times from things on this forum and actualized things such as yoga which I was also a former skeptic about. Any information about Moldavite or other crystals and rocks with properties you have experienced are appreciated.