Etherial Cat

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Everything posted by Etherial Cat

  1. Na. I love you. But that's kinda the same thing.
  2. Hahaha. Yeah, they'll tell you one day that beauty (here synonymous with good looks) doesn't matter for a man, and the next day complain that Chad with his square jaw stole all the good girls.
  3. Beauty can draw attention, but attention in itself is not inherently fulfilling. In fact, it often comes with significant downsides—unwanted attraction, projections, envy, and lust—all of which are far removed from genuine appreciation and love. Having been surrounded by exceptionally beautiful women since my teenage years, I’ve seen firsthand the perks that beauty can bring. But I’ve also learned that it’s not enough to sustain meaningful, fulfilling relationships. Beauty is fleeting, and without the deeper foundation of a person’s character and essence, it offers little to build upon. Ultimately, beauty is a double-edged sword—captivating yet impermanent, alluring yet insufficient for the kind of connection that truly lasts. Both men and women often chase physical beauty, driven partly by shadow motivations—seeking beauty as a substitute for being loved—and by our predominantly Stage Orange culture. In this culture, external validation and societal beauty standards influence our self-esteem far more than necessary. Beauty is ultimately a matter of perception and extends far beyond the merely physical. Men are naturally attracted to feminine beauty, but with maturity, the depth of what beauty means transcends the physical. It becomes about more than just an impeccable exterior. What could I do out of someone who is absolutely gorgeous, masculine, and all of that if he can't meet my depths? Be a foolish clown? Or see the beauty in the more subtle?
  4. Contempt and arrogance are big turns off for me. I like to be connected to people and find it hard to establish any meaningful contact in these circumstances.
  5. I’m stepping in because the discussion here seems to have been misrepresenting femininity, and I wanted to offer some clarity. I also disagree with the idea that we’re just survival machines. I believe we’re love machines—caught in survival mode because we’re still culturally unconscious. The end game, though, is to transcend the excesses of the survival mindset and return to love as our true nature. )
  6. A woman's attraction to a toxic bad boy stem from the suppression of her own assertiveness. Toxic bad boys are pretty lame. Can't make a decent partner out of it. As per the nice guy... What's hiding behind that concept? I’ve had male friends who described themselves as 'nice guys,' but their behavior often revealed selfish underlying intentions and energy that felt off-putting. They were 'good partners' only in their own minds, not in reality. As per picking a potential mate... I want someone with whom I can grow and match my value. Not everyone would be compatible and it's a headache.
  7. Kiddos need their mum as much as their dad.
  8. What becomes problematic is using this reasoning to reduce men’s sole purpose to reproduction—just as Leo did with women. If that argument held up, the logical conclusion would be that the main purpose of both genders is reproduction. Yet, this is rarely said about men. The underlying implication is often that a man's purpose transcends reproduction, while women are reduced to the role of child-bearers. In some cases, this narrative is conveniently framed to allow men to prioritize their own ambitions while women are expected to sacrifice themselves—often in the name of love or an idealized version of the 'Madonna". Metaphysically speaking, the purpose of the Masculine isn’t simply to thrive and accomplish for itself like it's the Chad gender. Its deeper role is to love, honor, and protect the Feminine in its full expression. And in it's human form, it also means recognizing and valuing the Feminine beyond its reproductive role and checking out of its current naval gazing tendencies.
  9. Silly me, I should go autoimpregnante myself like a female python .
  10. It’s often said that women’s primary purpose is to have children, but doesn’t this overlook something essential? Both genders play complementary, symbiotic roles in reproduction—neither exists without the other in this process. If we were to follow that logic further, one could argue that men’s physical strength serves the sole purpose of protecting women and their offspring. Yet we know it’s far more nuanced than that. Framing women solely as ‘baby-makers’ not only diminishes our full humanity and capacities to do other things but also implies that men alone hold inherent value, existing for themselves while women are reduced to accessories in the act of creation. The second, subservient sex to the other one. The narrative that women exist primarily for motherhood or are the second sex to men is outdated and does not reflect reality. There are countless women who are exceptionally competent, accomplished, and articulate, contributing meaningfully to society (and this include this forum) in ways that go far beyond this role.
  11. I don't know about a frog prince, but I've got a turtle prince for youuuuuu. 🎵🎵Damn, he is a sexy Mitch. A sexy Mitch. Damn he is a sexy Mitch. 🎵🎵 And Trump is still missing so far, am I not right? Lucky youuu. Also, any chance you were that infamous demon who attacked Tucker Carlson? -- I am having constantly weird dreams lately. And they can turn pretty easily into lucid dreaming. Last time I was exploring a very trippy dream, which contained lots of archetypical symbols and in which I woke up, knowing it was an epic dream that would be perfect for some analysis. And what was super crazy, is that not only during this dream I woke up and turned it lucid, but I transformed the lucid dreaming into some sort of no-self awakening. Second time that this happens to me. Anyway, while this was happening, while I was dreaming I felt clearly that the dreaming mind was looking for homeostasis. And there might be even several layer of homeostasis being looked for. And one of it might be the search for the unconsicious to heal into non-duality too, if it makes sense. I just think the act of sex symbolize merging with what you still haven't made peace with in the relative world and is symbolized by these right wing chads. I share your analysis that you are longing for reintegration and what you dislike outside is disliked inside. End goal is discerning what actuality is made of without judgement and without any sort of repulsion for the ignorance that ends up harming out of innocence and trauma. I do think that the conscious repulsion you've got for these men might be a key element there.Maybe it's even more about you than it is about them. Somewhat making love to your masculine based repressed shame?
  12. Here is what GPT says about it: The idea that everything we do is for love is a philosophical and psychological perspective that reflects the belief that, at a deeper level, all human actions are motivated by the desire for love, connection, and acceptance. This doesn't necessarily mean romantic or familial love in the conventional sense, but a broader notion of love as the driving force behind our desires, intentions, and choices. Here's a deeper look into this concept: Love as a Fundamental Human Need: Psychologists such as Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs identified love and belonging as fundamental to human well-being. We seek love in various forms—whether through social connections, approval, or self-love—because it gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Even actions that may appear self-serving, such as acquiring wealth or power, can often be traced back to the desire for love or validation. Love as a Source of Meaning: Many philosophers and spiritual teachers, including Carl Jung and Eckhart Tolle, argue that love is not only a fundamental force but also a key to personal growth and meaning. When we seek truth, knowledge, or success, we often do so with the intention of improving our lives and the lives of others, which is ultimately tied to our desire for deeper connection and love. Motivations for Action: Even in difficult or painful circumstances, when people act out of fear, anger, or frustration, it's often a reflection of unmet needs for love, safety, or acceptance. For example, when someone acts aggressively or defensively, it may stem from a lack of love or the fear of losing love and connection, whether that be through fear of abandonment, rejection, or isolation. The Desire for Unconditional Love: Some philosophical and spiritual teachings suggest that every action, whether consciously or unconsciously, can be seen as an attempt to return to a state of pure, unconditional love—whether that's love for oneself, for others, or even a deeper connection to the universe. In essence, this view asserts that the pursuit of love, in all its forms, is a central, underlying force that drives human actions. -- We don't do stuff primarily for survival. Survival is what happens when we are feeling disconnected from Love.
  13. There is no more power than in a human being to love and to be loved. All we do is ultimately for this sole purpose. Exploiting this vulnerability is effective. She's probably feeling meh about her husband and projected her need for affection on the scammer.
  14. Isn't it fun dealing with all of these unconscious psychological landmines that maps the path toward reunion of the two polarities in the relative. God's funny sense of humor. -- Just a question, have you noticed any equivalent of that one complex in a woman's psychology?
  15. I think for him its more that he wants to deal with the new power more than a strict adhesion. @Emerald Great analogy. I was a huge Pokemon nerd and while the situation is sad and super serious, I found it wonderful to dive into these common childhood memories. I do think you are correct, there were hidden team rocket members.
  16. I’ve never seen a better fit for the word ‘delulu’ in my entire life. He is the embodiment of candide naivety. An intentionally well-meaning person whose ability to process reality is just downright ridiculous. Spiritual bypassing combined with political illiteracy is a very sad combo to observe.
  17. Great list... Thanks for taking the time to debunk that ridiculous 'Dovnald Trump' () myth. It’s infuriating to see a politician making his bread and butter out of fascism being painted as an agent for peace. And yet, people fall for it.
  18. And yes, it's well known that feminists are ugly desperate harpies leftovers. It's empirically proven by pop feminist you would all known, like Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, Beyoncé and the likes. This is a 'you can't fire me I'm quitting case'. These women don't miss the loss of men that are only interested in their looks, which is the whole point. Read the room.
  19. Great comment. I fully agree. I've found this video which illustrate how healthy masculinity should look like. Of course, it's through a fictional character, but there is a lot to learn from it.
  20. I blocked and cutted off from my inner circle all the male friends I have that are advocating in any shape or form against my rights two weeks ago. Had a great leftist french buddy who was a sexual consent minimiser and always came out to stand up for convincted rapists. I instead reinforced my network with men that are aware of gender problems and value collective healing. The others can get the low boundries discounted pick mes that are willing to put up with their dehumanizing nonsense.
  21. I get that, but the path towards the goal is what doesn't excite me.
  22. What have they put in the water in Spain during the last year? (Also no pun intended with the horrible actuality , bad time to use that expression I guess...)
  23. I am feeling a bit uncomfortable to post Leo's erotica A.I deep fake Marcus's story () now that we laughed a bit about it . What do you think @Leo Gura ? It's rather cute.