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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. @AION The mind always sees everything weird what is not familiar. By living this kind of counscious life you will be judged as weird. I grew to like "being" weird.
  2. @LukeZ First you yourself need to be full of Love and then you can radiate it outward toward others. Breathe deep into your chest with full focus on your the center of the chest, hold for a couple of seconds and then release slowly, do this kind of practice any time you have spare time at work or anywhere. If you practice yoga, do chest opening exercises, these help you open your heart. Save up your sexual energy, no ejaculation. This sexual energy can be transmuted into Love. Lust is a very powerful energy, and if you point it towards Love - WOW... You could feel your body light up with Love. I do this practice with my SO, in the mornings we hug each other, I get aroused and then breathe through my spine towards my heart chakra. I feel a lot of sexual energy, but I manage to lower it's fire by just being fully in Love at the moment and not letting this energy escape through some other means like ejaculation. This takes time, but man you can just fill yourself with Love very quickly and for the whole day. It lets you just LOVE EVERYTHING! Love everyone, even the ones that you don't like. But Loving doesn't mean being with them, Love is different and you need to learn that. I once asked God what I could give back in return for making this reality so perfect. God said - Be the Light. This means Be Loving and Shine this Love to Others! So you intuitively know what to do!
  3. This summer I've been going strong into sadhana (Yoga+Kriya). Every now and then something would break in the psyche, old programing, ego etc. This would lead to more breaking and more breaking of these programs like a cascade effect. And after some time I started to stagnate my growth, I started to feel like shit day after day. Thinking it was the spiritual proccess I just continued pushing myself more and more and nothing got better. My awareness had even reversed back jumping from light to darkness day after day, a really downward spiraling experience of life. Pushing my sadhana didn't help or stabilize this either. So this lasted for about 20~ days or so, and I started to experience severe brain fog and ADHD symptoms. I started to intuite that something that I ate was causing it and realized I needed to clean out my body with fasting. So I did a 36 hour fast, recovered and boom - Clarity, Consciousness, Awareness, Love is radiating withing this body. The feeling of having an ego who was born into this world is also gone, the "ball of self" which I could feel when doing "self inquiry" sort of "broke", it's no longer so powerful that it could create an ego or small self out of it. God is what was left. And it's been a whole week and nothing changed, no ego, only this undying self is living through this vehicle/body. Also it feels like Im on psychedelics again 24/7, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. Even dreams have psychedelic vibes. The depth that I can grasp things just by looking at them are like im on LSD or Magic Mushrooms but without all visuals. This body has way way more energy now and doesn't get tired as fast as it used to which was very noticable. I do my 2 hour yoga and still have energy to do stuff. I suspect that the body had some kind of toxicity within it which caused all that disorders. Also the body had time to really rest and maybe the prana/chi within this body now has way more power to pierce through everything and give such clear awareness. Im not sure which is True. Just wanted to share how "I" have been lately. I Love You ALL! ♥♥♥
  4. @MarioGabrielJ seems like you are too stuck in your head and your heart is closed. Your words are full of "mind" thinking. Mind cannot see beauty, only heart can. 🙏
  5. @enchanted Are you seriously questioning these things?
  6. Alsmot always... It's even hard to speak about "Your" life, because You are no longer centered around the body. Awareness spills out and is not rooted to the ego.
  7. AFTER THAT EXPERIENCE I never did weed/psychedelics again.
  8. @OBEler Everybody is different. It has different effects. Can't say anything about it just explain my personal experience and then people would just see for themselves.
  9. You just feel it right in the trip that something is going bad, that this is not normal and something is having an internal conflict. The last trip I did gave me such a bad ego-backlash that I couldn't practice yoga/meditation for two months. You get huge insights during the trip, I'm not gonna denny this fact, but man do you feel bad the upcoming days/weeks. And you really think about is it worth it. After that when I practice your sadhana, doing yoga, I feel that the energies are all over the place and that yoga helps them get back to normal, but psychedelics just messes everything up. I've heard my teachers of tantra mentioning this fact, but I've kinda didn't believe him, but when you actually build yourself as a yogi and try to experiment with psychedelics you start to understand that this just messes the things you worked so hard for. It might just be me, maybe some of you are fortunate and don't get influenced by it, or maybe you are that numb and have no awareness about it. Who knows. It's just my personal experience and I've never ever done it, let alone smoke weed, that fucks up you too. Im living a sober life and yoga+kriya just makes you be in psychedelic states while you are sober. Sometimes it's very noticible, sometimes it's mild, but it feels like you are ALWAYS on something.
  10. @davecraw 6 hours is way too much. You are probably not even a monk and doing that much just hurts you. Try doing max 2 hours of physical yoga and couple it with up to 1 hour kriya yoga. I can see that you over-do it physically and you are not gaining anything in terms of progress. Also you must have a very clean diet for all of that to work. No, don't even try psychedelics it will fuck up your energy/chakra system. And you will need time to rearange it back to normal again. This will take a lot of time. If you are doing it naturally then don't try it, don't even play with it. Believe me, im talking from my personal experience, you can fuck yourself up. But also I'am not your daddy and you can do w/e you want. Try it, find out for yourself, but I don't recommend it.
  11. Yoga+Kriya is what is gonna get you anywhere near Enlightenment. Simple meditation is nothing compared to what Yoga+Kriya does.
  12. Ego is afraid of God, because Ego has to dissolve before God can live through that body/being. It is the internal resistance of your body which keeps you away from God-Consciousness. And that resistance can be broken through the practice of yoga+kriya. If you take psychedelics you have no chance of being in that state for long, this requires consistent sadhana to maintain it every day.
  13. @LordFall Haha... These people just believe what the mind creates. Don't ever give yourself to these kind of people and their interpretations of reality. Such people are very delusional and don't understand how mind creates reality. Also if you live in Canada you don't automatically get happy, you have to do certain things to create that happiness within you. This is such a stupid way to think about it. People often mistake what is true happiness and how it comes into your life.
  14. This is awakening in a nutshell. Even the act of trying to explain it is not it. It cannot be put in to words nor it should be. Being is the only explanation.
  15. Santata Gamana doesn't offer something new, kriya yoga techniques are all over the place. You can just find other books on it and just practice. He just writes book after book and baits you to buy more. I bought some of them, read them and I grew the need to buy more, which is sad.
  16. @theleelajoker It's the universal Truth for every living being. Yogis back then knew their shit.
  17. @theleelajoker The less tension the body has the more God will live through it.
  18. @theleelajoker The orgasm that goes through your spine up to your head. A wonderful experience.
  19. @theleelajoker You need to do yoga as well, because your sexual energy will get "locked" in your 2nd chakra and you will grow the need to release it through ejaculation. Even your lower back might start to hurt from all that sexual tension. But if you do yoga asanas with deep breathing you will start to flow that energy to all of your body. It's not easy as just holding in your nut and thats it. There are way more things at play here. I highly recommend this from my own personal experience. Been holding it for a couple of months now and it's like a treasure for me. And no woman will ever take that from me. I look at it like this - if I cum, I lose. Not comming is strength.
  20. @Zeroguy Now grow your consciousness so much that it doesnt become just a realization but your reality, where you see it every day, not just in your mind as a concept.
  21. @Ima Freeman Couldn't agree more. Having energy is crucial in spirituality. My pro tip would be eat a satvic diet. Learn about ayurveda and Gunas. Ditch Rajastic/Tamasic foods and go for Satvic, which actually nurtures your being with Prana/Chi. Some food might fill you up, it might have the building materials in them, protein/carbs/fats vitamins etc, but the energy is not there, the food is sort of "dead", without any prana/chi. That kind of "dead" food leeches energy from you. Also from my experience, seemen retention is very crucial in maintaining good energy levels. Even the act of masturbation without ejaculation alone is leeching energy from you. I've noticed that if you have sex with a woman, it's okay, because you trade energies, but if you masturbate your energy just leaves your body. It's quite hard to notice these differences, but if you are aware enough you should grasp the difference. It's not worth the pleasure when you notice how much less energy you have. And this energy actually empowers you so much. Sleep is very important. Try to sleep around 9-10PM, not later. You will notice how much more rested you will be. Physical yoga is important to get rid of any stress-tention that might acumulate in the body through out the day. All of that shit gets locked up in your body as muscle tention. You release that tention after a yoga sesion in "shavasana". After you relax your body, your sleep deepens, you rest in the night way more. Having small breaks through out the day is also important. Learn about Yoga Nidra and try to practice it when you actually have those breaks. Just try to sit or lay down somewhere and just release the tention, relax your body fully for 5-10minutes, it's sort of a sleep for yogis. Actually notice from which side of the nose you are breathing, if it's the left nostril dominant - you need to relax, if it's right nostril dominating breathing then you can eat/work/take action. Notice it and play around it. Distract yourself way less through out the day. Never watch short content videos and doom scroll as they say. That stuff is cancer for the mind. Hope my words are insightful. ♥
  22. I've been living in hell for over a month. Every day just getting harder and harder. No matter how much I meditated or done yoga I was in pain. My mind was so overpowering awareness that it just became a living hell. Sometimes there were very beautiful days, but none the less the evenings weren't. Fear, anxiety, pain, worrying.. All that shit.. Overthinking stuff to point of stupidity. But it still felt that I had to continue my sadhana no matter in what bad mood I was, something inside was guiding me and telling me not to stop. So it was a normal day, I just felt good, was working at my job and went home to have lunch and decided to bring some good quality Dates (the fruit) for my co-worker which I didn't like, but kind of felt the need to do so. And so driving back to work I heard a beautiful song which brought me to tears and that moment was so beautiful I understood that those Dates were absolute Love that I was going to give to my co-worker. So I just shared them and felt good, nothing out of the ordinary, just the pleasure of giving something. So fast forward to the evening, I went back home and fell asleep as I was quite tired from my weeks activities, woke up feeling cold and had an urge to make some oat meal with ginger to make myself warm up. So I did.. Dropped some dates in them too for some sweetness. Before I ate I gave my thanks to God for the food that's going to warm me up and strengthen me. And as I put my first spoon in my mouth my mouth just exploded with LOVE..... That porridge was so Godly good... It was literally LOVE in my mouth.. And I just started to cry... The more I ate it, the more I cried.. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Sobbing like a little boy.. The LOVE was sort of killing me, there was something ressisting feeling that Love, but somehow I managed to accept it. I understood that this was SELF-LOVE. It was Love for myself. And in that moment I cried even deeper because I understood that the only person that was there by my side this entire Life was - ME. Always Loving myself.. Always giving myself anything I want... And the recognition of that made me cry so much that I was on the floor just laying in tears. Cried so much I started to feel pain in my chest and I started to do Asana poses on my own, it was like my chest had energy and asana poses were there to let my body release this trapped energy. And the crying went deeper, the LOVE was felt deeper, in my whole body. It literally felt like my heart was being teared, I felt slight PAIN. I even felt heat from my spine, in the heart chakra center, coming out of it to my neck. It all went for about 40minutes and then the experience stopped. I no longer cried. Just sat there on the floor all wet from my tears. Breathing really deeply into my lungs, feeling my heart center. And I noticed that I could breathe in way deeper than before. It felt like a rock was taken off of me. And now my days are so bright. I no longer live in hell. Now the things that bothered me no longer bother me. I sort of accept it and just don't attach to it. Now breathing into my chest brings me Love and Joy. It's quite noticeable if I breathe deep for a couple of minutes, I start to calm down and into this calming Love state. I could actually feel like I'm on MDMA (people who have done it will know). And wow what a shift in consciousness. Some of my old programing went away. I feel like a new person even, a new ego. But it sort of feels like I no longer deny myself being myself, it was all there along, but my programing was stopping me from being authentic self. I can now meditate really well. Seeing God in everything is becoming a breeze. BEING is so beautiful.. Just being... Being and Loving... I'am in a constant psychedelic heightened state of consciousness. But it's all coming from within! Having this experience actually made me way more aware of having chakra issues. Now I feel like my throat is next. Will definitely share my experience if I open my throat. Ahhhh... I Love you all!!!! _/\_♥♥♥
  23. I'm so in Love with reality... It's so magical... So mystical... To the point where you don't understand how it all could come into being... But here it is... Just sitting there... Being... Loving... Beautiful... Working perfectly... And you see God in everything... You see the LIGHT comming out of everything... You see the "God's Soul" shining through everything in the form of LOVE.... And this Love is meant for you... For you to AWAKEN... To experience yourself... To feel the Love that God has given you... To feel the perfection of the creator... Tears in my eyes just roll out every day... Sometimes you can just cook food and it comes... Right infront of your eyes.. The absolute beauty in everything... Your heart recognizes it... It touches your Soul.... And you just cry.... The Love is so strong.... So selfless... So bright... So hot.... It burns away your ignorance... And you experience it.... You accept it... You bathe in it... It's so beautiful... Powerful.... And it is a GIFT.... The Gift that keeps on GOING... Never ever stopping... Never ever ending.... And then you want to give something back in return... God is so Loving that you want to give something BACK to God.... And then you ask of him.... What can I give you back in return??? What would please you??? And the answer..... "Shine.... Be my Light.... Be my Love... Be the Truth.... Carry it within your Heart... Within your Smile... Within your Eyes.... Within your posture and the way you walk... Be the Light and Shine to others...." And I do so.... I Shine.... I Love... I Understand.... I Accept... Because that's the least I can give back to God....