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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. @axiom Haha... Wow... In the recent months I no longer saw myself as the body so I thought Who can "attaining" this Enlightenment? If I'am not the body, so who can get Enlightened? The Soul? How can it get Enlightened. That melted away fast and I no longer even thought about reaching it or even the possibility that there is a thing as Enlightenment.
  2. @axiom Thus it keep another deception going. The Mastermind God with his illusions of meanings. A-haa....
  3. @axiom Hmm.. Sounds true.. I might be stuck in thought. The "Me" right now seems to be a kind of paradox. You search for yourself, but it seems there is nothing to search/find that you are "That". The "Me" in deeper levels kind of doesn't point to anything. Yet the inquiry keep going.
  4. @Leo Gura Is there more? I definetely experienced God-Realization fairly often. Nothingness Void was a first. In my experience it was way harder and trickier to break through the Nothingness than God-Realization.
  5. @Leo Gura So God-Realization is seeing, with your own direct experience, that God imagines everything into being using his infinite intelligence?
  6. @zazen A simple yes or no would have been greatly apreciated.
  7. Bumping my thread. Still haven't found any info. This spinning sensation again happened to me today.
  8. I've started to occasionally feel this sensation of spinning while in concentration practice at the end of my Kriya. It's peaceful and not getting me dizzy. Maybe somebody has any info on what is going on at that particular time of the spinning? Thank you.
  9. @Fandango Everything that seems to be smart or smarter than you always look Godly. Back in 2000~ years reading was seen as having magical powers. How can you read something that is been carved in something? Surely one who reads must be a God sent. Be aware of this mechanics of our psyche. If an alien would come to this planet and read your mind you would look at it like a God, because it's superior compared to you, but the alien is just an alien and he knows it's limits and could say that he is not "God" (well, he is, but you get the point). If dogs would think like humans surely they would see us as Gods, because we are superior to them having different bodies, being able to grab things with our hands/fingers. Now going to ChatGPT or AI, there's no way that talking to a code is like talking to a God. It may seem so, because its "knowledge" is superior to yours.
  10. I smell bullshit right from the start. It has some good points, but a lot of nonsense also. The problem with spiritual articles is that you have to deeply read them and nit-pick every word. Also without any prior spiritual experience you can deceive yourself even more. This article is full of false claims. One should be very careful in reading these things, because the message that is created to give some clarity can deceive a person as much as guide him.
  11. @Eternal Unity only a quack can offer mental health medicine on a forum.
  12. You can see how powerful you ACTUALLY are, the thing is that you put this power for stupid purposes such as imagining cancer. The power of imagination is very very strong. Especially Female imagination is out of this world. You can imagine diseases upon yourself, also you can imagine love and well-being. But only you choose what you want to imagine. I would recommend you to start some kind of meditation practice to ground your imagination and grow some will-power to have some control over your thoughts. Don't take medicine unless you are in a very very bad situation and you have been prescribed with it by a professional. @Eternal Unity What kind of people recommends medicine to other people? Are you a M.D.?
  13. @Bruins8000 You are the Soul that chose the body that you are in. The body is empty without a Soul, just a "meat bag". When the body was conceived by your "parents" the Soul, that you are, chose it to "live" in it. And now you are playing an Act , being a part of the huge Play of reality and play like the Ego that you have grown into.
  14. Why is this topic even in the Spirituality/Enlightenment thread?
  15. That's when you sort of limit yourself in the mind when you say "This is enough for me" and then after some time you become "average" by not trying to be better at the thing that you are doing. I've been guilty of this for entirety of my life. Now I'am just watching myself every step of the day where is my set limit of comfort toward anything, let it be diet, the way I talk to people, my physical routine etc.
  16. @r0ckyreed Just the other day, while I was doing my physical yoga, I started to look at my routine and contemplated where do I find myself now? Am I comfortable with my routine, and the answer was yes. Then I saw the mechanism of what you described as Paradox Of Satisfacion in myself. This insight will go with me the rest of my life. Thank you!
  17. @Maciej Borowka Physical Yoga for body strength and Kriya Yoga two times daily. In 3 months you will cut through a ton of bullshit that is out there in the world and will gain clarity of what you REALLY want to do. Good luck.
  18. @iceprincess Good luck getting something NEW that no one has ever thought of. When you think you got a genuine idea or insight you google that and it's already there. Reading about something and actually understanding are two different things. Insights = knowledge. Meditation+contemplation is key if you want more AHA's.
  19. @r0ckyreed Thanks for the post. I got value from this. Very insightful!
  20. @blankisomeone Accept it. It's your karma, it's your story. It's a feature of your life. These are lessons that we have to go through. Try to forgive yourself. I've done some shit myself and I just live with it. We aren't perfect and we fail in life quite often. As a kid you probably done some shit that you look back to now and say wow what an idiot I was. But you didn't knew better at the time. Don't beat yourself up too much.
  21. the soul knows be sure to not rush the process, take it slow. INTEGRATE and EMBODY. Live in Truth, not just Know it.
  22. If you keep this intention in your life you are prone to be depressed. Drop that cause you will NEVER be happy at the sober state that you are in right now. You are correct, but the thing is that your energies on LSD get together very well, but your sober state is just messed up. Eg pic: Do some kind of Breathing exercises like Kriya Yoga if you want to align your chakras in your sober state, but bare in mind you LSD trips will be different because your chakras are out of order in a way that LSD makes them "straight" and if you do this practice you will re-align them so much that LSD will not give you these experiences that you are having right now.