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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. + Totally agree with Supercoat. You need to learn where to speak Truth and where to just stay silent.
  2. @effortlesslumen Probably your throat chakra lacks some energy. Practice some sadhana such as physical yoga and with time it will transform you. Have you ever noticed others talking Truth and standing behind it? How do you view such people? What kind of respect do you feel for them? Contemplate this. I can tell you from my experience I was a liar all my life, never managed to tell Truth especially if it hurt people. But now I'm doing a lot of inner work with yoga+meditation and it's just easy to speak Truth. You see falsehood very clearly and you WANT reality to flow in a Truthful way. Notice how do you feel after you don't tell the Truth, with enough awareness you can sort of "feel" your consciousness sort of "shrinking". And notice how you feel after you tell the Truth. Of course you will feel some emotions, maybe some adrenaline but I mean NOTICE HOW YOU FEEL AFTER EVERYTHING HAS PASSED after the emotions, do you feel more conscious? More strong? Just do an experiment and notice yourself.
  3. @Carl-Richard haha!! I remember a friend of mine consumed protein powder while not even going to the gym thinking it will grow muscles ? this analogy is great!
  4. It's because it doesn't serve survival. And your mind is smart enough to not take in these kinds of insights and make it a reality. You don't want these insights to be on all of the time. In my opinion the main goal is to learn to turn it on and off on command.
  5. @StarStruck haha, that experience when you were a child created Karma. Now you have to go deep into yoga+meditation to go down so deep and release that Karma. Only then you wont have a cringe over talking about God. Good luck.
  6. @RedLine You no longer have the DESIRE for anything, but that doesn't mean you can't do it. You can have no desire to have sex, but given the opportunity you can have sex, but you sort of don't have the craving/desire for it, do you catch where I'am pointing? That's a big difference. The ego has desire/need/craving, but the Spirit/Soul/Consciousness does not. The problem with these teachings is that ignorant people take these things literally and then actually get lost in these word/meaning games.
  7. @jdc7733 Just contemplate what Love is. And you will have to go down a rabbit hole to the point where you will understand that your dead body will be Love. You have to look at LOVE from a relative POV. Your mind is in the way.
  8. @Mysterious Stranger You can only Fear death. The fear (lower case f) of talking to a girl is not actually Fear.
  9. This week I went to my ashram to practice yoga quite hard and friday in the last poses I had this moment of undertstading that "It's time". I didn't understand what that was, but the next day I understood what that meant. So yesterday tripped on 3.5g mushrooms. Albino Penis Envy. I was about 2hours in the trip and I started yawning like crazy. My jaw sort of wanted to stretch. Then I just noticed that my body wants to stretch out. In my mind I though "ok lemme take a piss and I can go lay on my yoga matt and stretch out like a SNAKE. Notice the word - SNAKE. I was super wobly and not coordinated walking to the toilet, I swayed left to right like I was drunk, but after my piss I just dropped on the ground and started to stretch on my own. And then it hit me that this is something significant. I started to laugh like crazy and stretch out my body on my own and I started to repeat "Oh mommy heal me from my ignorace" and my body turned so hot and I intuitively knew this was the Kundalini Shakti. So the next hour I just went into sort of a "exorcism" mode. Have you seen any videos where people have a kundalini awakening, twitching like crazy, crying, laughing and speaking jibberish all at once? That was the same for me. Moments of laughter, moments of tears, moments of anger, moments of almost puking almost the the level of just spitting on the floor. (I even managed to film the whole experience, but I will never post it anywhere or show it to anyone because it was such a private experience and people will find this negative to look at considering how beautiful they imagine this experience to be.) I was doing all kinds of asanas and stretches because the Kundalini needed it. Twitching myself like nut, shivering, twisting my neck etc. Immense sounds roared through my head with moments of complete deafening silence. It was so bizzare. The whole experience took over an hour. And I can explain the whole experience as if the kundalini was destroying the Memory/Karma that was locked inside the body, this destruction was meant in order to "kill" off the "Ego" in order for God to live through this body. It felt like I was being BORN. In those moments it felt like I need to surrender this body to its max. It felt like God was piercing through all of the shit that this body acumulated in so many years. And the internal ressistance was so low in that moment that God knew that this is the opportunity to go in and actually take ownership. After all of it I just sat in my bed, with complete silence in my mind, just observing the room I was in. And the trip ended there, ate a bit, drank tea and went to sleep. If you ever saw any videos of random people looking like they are going through an "exorcism" kind of experience, know that that's kundalini awakening and that shit ir real. Today I just feel quite tired and can't comment on any significant changes in my consciousness or any changes in activity. Just that I came to realize that I need to Love and care for my body WAY WAY WAY more. But I definitely feel different. I will post in the future if I notice any significant changes in my lifestyle. P.S. I only recorded it to actually see and maybe show someone in the future of how dirty all of this work actually is. It's not just rainbows and angels with lights all around. It's a shit-show.
  10. @Vibes But then if we had it different that guy wouldn't be happy as well and question why not other way I noticed that he has trouble with these concepts to the level of conspiracy theories. I'm not calling him stupid, but he's just lost. Ignorance is obvious.
  11. In yoga, people who were born in tough places are known to have bad karma in their past life. So they are just living out their karma. Even people who die in earthquakes are put in the world in such a way in such a time for a person to have go through death, that is their Karma. If you are born i'll that's karma. You can't do anything about it, just live through it.
  12. I can totally agree on this. It's as if you are looking at your room for the first time. And this "first time" repeats every day. And also apply this to everything.
  13. See the preoblem with Enlightenment is - what is it acutually? There is no straightforward answer/description. It has A LOT OF MEANING behind it. Different spiritual gurus and people talk about Enlightenment, but their understanding of what it is differs. Even Leo has it's own interpretation of what Enlightenment is. So can we actually agree on what are we talking about when it comes to the word Enlightenment? I think No. There needs to be an actual dictionary for these things that we could agree upon. So it's quite hard to answer this question. It's just the ressistance of your mind of letting go of the ego that's in the way of letting you to be/stay AWAKE. Thats why daily practice/sadhana is important. I cannot stress this enough, actual work is crucial. Yes I do. Even though some people dont know this I still recognize the God inside of them which is still not AWAKE. And when I'm going to my ashram I see some people are recognizing God inside of me. They are different people and you can SEE it. They look at you different, they act different, their body language is different. My pleasure. ??? Mahadev ♥♥♥ The meaning for MAHADEV is - a Greeting (with pranam mudra - ?) to another Being and recognizing the God inside of them.
  14. Yes I do. And I want to dive deeper to this question and find out how it acutally is. Because one time I understood that all of this spirituality and seaking Enlightenment, Mahasamadhi, ending the birth/death cycle was just a sham. Another self-deception to keep you busy. And as you said God is ENDLESS so this contradicts everything I said.
  15. Localy we are a Soul, that lives through hundreds of thousands of lives. Same Soul different body. And our Soul is locked with the body by Karma. Karma is memory which you acumulate within this lifetime. Once you burn off enough Karma the Soul no longer has anything to attach to the body with, thus leaving the body which is called Mahasamadhi - The ultimate Samadhi, Final Union with God. This is what the game of life is about.
  16. @Harsh Bagdia Now that it's been some time after that experience, can say that you need to burn enough Karma, with the use of yogic practices, in order for Kundalini to find an opportunity to activate itself. The thing is there is no metric for understanding just how much have we burned or need to burn through until Mother kundalini can do it's magic. It can take years if you have a lot of Karma. So it's tough to even advise anything here. I'm was sort of lucky in this case. As much Karma was burned that day I still have mountains of it still left. But now I understand how a person can reach Mahasamadhi, to end the birth/death cycle. Also I want to mention that all this week I no longer have an ego. It's just God looking at the world through this vessel/being. I can no longer even thank God for anything, I'm always left in BEING. If you gave me a compliment, there is no longer anyone who is going to receive it. Because I'am not the body.
  17. @Leo Gura Exactly! Oh and by the way I forgot to mentioned that the chant "AUM/OM" is actually destroying your karma with that vibration going through the body. I remember glimpses of where I was forced to hum the sound in order to release more karma.
  18. @Hojo And at the end of the day I looked in the mirror and I said Thank you. Thank you to the ego for building this body the way it is, this beautiful avatar.
  19. Ummm no fireworks. I understand that these experiences are different for every individual. Some see light, some see visions. I never see any lights/colors or visions. Yes. That's a super private experience only for you to experience. I would want everybody out of the room at that moment.
  20. It's not that you are looking for kundalini unblocking practices, but Nadhi unblocking practices. Nadhis are energy channels that are all around your body. When you clear some of the blocks it feel like a muscle twitch. You can feel it in your feet, arms, back, even on the spine and chakras, I even felt some twitches in my 3rd eye area. But the twitch is only once and it's gone, sometimes it can happens a couple of times in the same spot. Physical type of yoga + Bandhas and Ujjayi breathing. Bandhas are SUPER important, because it distributes energy in a healthy way. If you don't hold these bandhas while doing Asanas you can get into trouble and actually hurt your consciousness growth and even get a psychosis after doing it for a long time. That's why they say that Yoga can be dangerious if not done correctly. I can agree with that 100%, because while not holding Bandhas your head can get nauseous/dizzy, as soon as you hold them and breathe deeply with Ujjayi you no longer get dizzy and feel good. Physical yoga will clear your blocks quite quick, but it's a multi year process. Also Kriya yoga is good for this, but you still do have to practice physical yoga. There is no shortcuts here. Yoga has it's 8 stages: 1. Yama 2. Niyama 3. Asana 4. Pranayama 5. Pratyahara 6. Dharana 7. Dhyana 8. Samadhi. You do have to practice EVERTYTHING. Not just meditation. Yogis have written everything for us. We just need to practice it. In my experience physical type of yoga did the most of the work in my consciousness growth + clearing blocks. Good luck and please please if you will be doing Asanas be sure to learn how to do Bandhas. Those are Mula-bandha and Jalandhara-bandha. There is also Udyana-bandha. But it's not that important as those first two.