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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. @andyjohnsonman Okey maybe I can explain. You concentrated on your gut. Feeling something good (wont go deep here) but maybe your awareness went too deep and triggered something in the gut which made your mind automatically respond in that being in front of a crowd feeling, cause you kinda imagine what would that feel like. Let me elaborate with examples: I used to smoke, and it makes your heart pulse faster, when I was smoking sometimes I felt social anxiety out of nowhere just by being alone smoking my cigarette, then I realized that my mind responds to my body in that way, it connects the random higher pulse from smoking with social anxiety. There were no physical activity to set the pulse higher neither I endured fear, so my mind just created some feeling/emotion due to my racy heart. Its like if you remember something sexy (porn, sex etc.) just randomly and you get horny. Or you touch yourself and trigger your body which your mind responds with pleasure. Hope you can contemplate this and understand why you felt that way.
  2. @Aakash you cant ignore everyone. Even my wife aint there fully, even me. I strungle with my head all the time. I have good days I have bad days. But this is a process, yoga is a life-saver for me.
  3. Been doing yoga for some time now. Seeing great results in my awareness and consciousness. The mind was quieted down. Mind-body/consciousness separation was obvious to the mind itself. So yesterday my wife somehow managed to talk me into vaping weed with her. Ok I accepted it, but I have been off it strongly and didn’t want it actually, but thought why not, maybe something interesting will happen (being in mind that my weed sessions are quite metaphysical/spiritual). So we vape, we talk for a bit and then later I grasp what is the ego actually and become fully conscious with a silent mind. Was looking at my wife and seeing the non-duality again, but very strongly. And funny enough I, being very serious and focused, using my mind was able to communicate that to my wife, calming her down, making her focused and saying "Baby relax, become conscious right now that we are one, you created me and yourself" (I cant remember how I spoke it actually, but you get the idea). And boom she awoke, with a mind fuck instantly that she was asleep. She became very conscious. I was seeing "her" awareness/consciousness through her eyes looking back at me seeing the same, and I realized that the awareness is the actual soul. And I could actually grasp it with consciousness by looking at it. And damn believe me from an ego perspective it feels so great to be awake yourself and to see you wife also awoke at the same time. The feeling that she is seeing the truth is so amazing. And wow did we go deep that night. We became fully aware what is the EGO/identity and that the mind creates it. We became aware of the self deception. Wow is that a scary thing.. Self deception within a self deception within a self deception. The self deception itself is a self deception. There is only self-deception. Understood that the only thing you want in life is to be way way way more conscious. More empty mind and more focus. Also I challenged my wife with a riddle to see how much she is aware of her mind. "Does a dog have Buddha nature?" being conscious she thought about it for a sec and I heard she answered it with a guessing tone, being aware that the answer came from an ego mind. I explained to her that the main part of this riddle is why the Buddha is being mentioned. The ego see's Buddha as a some sort of a higher being, but the Buddha was a human like her dad/mom. Then I elaborated the explanation and gave her the answer with explaining why she wasn’t sure with the answer, cause the mind TRICKED itself with a false belief in her mind of a Buddha being a higher being. And once she heard my explanation she became directly aware of the self-deception mechanism, she couldn’t believe that her mind is so deceiving and feeling so real and just. Once she saw what can false beliefs lead you to she became instantly suspicious of her own mind, but becoming aware of the problems that the ego/mind creates. Also I became aware why Jesus/Buddha and other mystics have their photos hung around, cause they were conscious. And they are you, sending the message to themselves into the future. And so this morning I just wrote this wanting to share my experience and not to forget it, I hope by doing yoga I will manage to remain being conscious most of the time.
  4. @Leo Gura @Shin @Preetom cmon, we are one, so are the women too, when they click boom you made them conscious and aware of the truth, just put some effort, its hard
  5. @Leo Gura @Serotoninluv Omg so true, like 10/10, the most perfect, the non duality is so sexy damn boys
  6. @Leo Gura already done that, and wow was that amazing for both of "us", lol. Totaly new thing, no mind sex, just sex.
  7. Read my full post. The problem is that your SO isn't conscious enough to see who he actualy is and therefore ressists your understanding because he is stuck in the ego mind. You will have problems with him in the future because I probably can guarantee he will dismiss enlightenment and think of it as a idea, not being the actual thing. Believe me, being awoke with your partner is the best feeling ever, you know that you are IT and your partner know that too, when you look them in the eyes you see that he is conscious and that he sees that in you also. More couples should attain enlightenment, I was lucky that my wife grasped that, it autocorrected alot of stuff, and now she actualy understands what I mean by speaking some deep stuff. Really think about what you want, dont let your husband drag you back to unconsciousness, and also go into it, I can see you havent attained it FULLY! Being lost is not knowing the truth. When you know it you will feel it and it will feel like steel.
  8. Omg omg omg, iam so intelligent.. oh my goooood, its possible cause its intelligent and its nothing, omg..
  9. @Shin And there is a key point there shin. Some time ago like 6 months time back I told her that I want to take her in a state of mind that she isn't in now, and I told her that I have arranged particular words and I will say them to her in a particular way when she will be in that state of mind. And yesterday I caught her in that state, caught the window where she was conscious and high as hell with an empty mind. Told the exact words what I needed to say to her, and I also told her that these are the words that I have spoken of in the past and there they are "Do you understand why I spoke of that part in the past?" She instantly realized that I knew the truth way before and she wasn't conscious of it back then, and she had such a mind fuck oh wow was that an satisfying unravel
  10. So I was sleeping tonight and I woke up slightly, being like 50/50 wake/sleep state. Then I just felt something really weird, I started to shake as hell, felt like something is ressisting something for some reason, actualy it felt like a somewhat of a mystical experience, so being half asleep I though that surrendering is the best option (which previously I wasnt capable of doing so in normal states). Thought that if I would die now then let it be my death. And I just completely shifted from a shivering state to total calmness, my body became so relaxed when I surrendered to the experience, actualy it felt like I died then, the body relaxation was seen as a death of some sort. The next thing was that I was observing this and thinking in my mind and then an insight occured that my thoughts are also me, the nonduality was so total there (not only in material sence) that I just laid in bed with such an empty mind being total calm and just accepting everything that I actualy am. Then I just fell asleep and woke up all happy with energy. Maybe someone had this kind of experiences?
  11. @Inliytened1 It's true, you just wanna bask in the calmness of that state which the realisation brought to you
  12. @Mikael89 Oh wow, this sound disturbing to have. I remember everytime I smoked weed I always shaked as if my body had been exposed to alot of cold, I just couldn't understand why that was. I heard that the kundalini energy becomes more active when high on canabis.
  13. @iTommy wow what an interesting post. Maybe that was some kind of an energy release idk. I will have to investigate this
  14. Omg I'am so back to my ego, but woooooow, that was the 1st time I done yoga while smoking. Damn and I thought I knew wtf is going on, never did I expect that to be even a posibility. But how to know if that is truth? I observed everything as if it was comming out from a mind, it was like manafesting itself into existence also with myself, I felt inside of 'it' and 'it' itself was me, but it was like a 'play' a game that 'it' was playing it and the end game is realising who you are with tapping into infinite intelligence. Its such a perfect creation. Perfect everything, magnificent, amazing, powerful and just wooow..
  15. It's as if the higher self, when doing kriya, numbs the human side of me down so it could take control of this body.
  16. It's like intelligence can't be measured, how do you understand it without a direct experience of the creation itself.
  17. It's just an intelligence without a substance, damn I just said oh my god so many times because its so amazing just wooow, its just shockingly intelligent..
  18. @moon777light you freak out because your mind thinks you will die, thats why you stop. You actualy can die doing Kriya.
  19. @moon777light Face east every time. Also when the moon is full try doing Kriya at night time, you will notice a difference. About the personality - nothing is permanent, everything changes.