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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. @Nak Khid if you awaken enough you understand that you were the guru all along.
  2. Yesterday I came to realize that once you see some kind of signs from the universe (numbers, words, experiences, etc.) the God, which you ultimately are, is helping "you" out, giving directions where to go, what to do, what to aspire, etc. But the only problem is once the ego sees some kind of signs it dismisses it for woo woo and just caries on with his life dismissing those signs. The point is that YOU are giving yourself these signs, you are helping yourself in life by using reality as pointers where to go and what to actually do. But the only thing is will you dismiss it or go in-line with it.
  3. When the self is silent the One is being. Being the true self, the silent formless nothing. I can recall this weeks insight into my wife. I watched her eyes and saw, the what at the moment shot up in my mind - "the puppet master". The puppet master has no attributes, but it controls the being. It is God and the Devil at the same time.
  4. @eputkonen Couldn't agree more. There is only self-deception on top of a self-deception on top of a self-deception.
  5. @Maximus I like the idea of your own resort. With hookers and cocaine LOL
  6. @Maximus I can totally relate to you. My best friend just links me wikipedia links with descriptions of some kind of "syndromes" that I somehow have.
  7. @Pacific Sage Because it's You giving signs to the self.
  8. @Nahm And it's working simultaneously with everyone on this planet!! It's all part of the God's game plan.
  9. @wesyasz That's the problem that the Ego faces, he doesn't understand what are these signs so by being confused he dismisses it
  10. @Maximus It's just a model for materialistic minded people. But they still dismiss this.
  11. IMO Gaia is great for people who accept stage Green. It has some turquoise in it, but not that much, mainly Green material.
  12. @Butters It's a part of the process. Don't block emotions, feel them for what they are, they are pointing you to something. Investigate deeper why they come up, what shadow elements you still have subconsciously. Feeling bad from time to time is a good sign of growth, later you will understand this.
  13. Same here. I started to live the life from no-self. At first it can be scary for the same reason your loved ones not understanding you, seeing you as "weird". It's normal. Live your OWN life, not theirs, be authentic and be proud the way you are. Don't be something else just to please others. BE YOU! Don't close the throat chakra, speak what you really want to speak, but understand that people need to be met at their own consciousness level, so just accept they are not in-line with your understanding and your world view. If they don't accept you it's only their problem, not yours.
  14. When I smoke weed I always shake as hell. To the point where I just can't control it. As some sort of cold sensation.
  15. @Fede83 One of the most important benefits that psychedelics brings is the speed that you can change your habits. Once you take a good dose, for a while it erases the default mode network in your brain, thus forming new habits is way easier. But it comes with a price, you might not like the actual trip
  16. @OBEler hmm I should invest some time in researching this theme, should write a topic on it, atleast the written "facts"
  17. @OBEler so repeating the process by charging it again the negative energy is sort of "destroyed"?
  18. I practice reiki and one friend of mine gave me a stone of some kind, idk what it is exactly, but it's one of those 'spiritual stones', and once I meditate with it, I can sense subtle energy going from it by holding my hands above it, but that might be cause I'm charging it with Reiki energy. And the deal is that you can charge anything with Reiki, food, water etc., but my given stone feels stronger energy comming to it that any other item, it's almost as giving reiki to any other human being. I can't actualy confirm that it works or doesn't, but I can feel something though. Also I can't say that it has any benefits or not. I will probably read some books on these stones in the future for sure.
  19. @John Iverson I'm not saying that it's impossible to cure ADHD, but weed doesn't cure it thats for sure. Kriya Yoga works like magic, a few weeks is enough to see results
  20. @John Iverson You won't cure ADHD for sure. I'm smoking for the last 4 years, it only worsens ADHD. Yeah I can agree just smoke on the weekends, never do daily smokes it not only worsens your focusing abilities, but the insights won't come that often. My go to route is just do Yoga and other consciousness work and then once every second weekend I smoke and just contemplate everything I know. You can reach great depth by doing this, but in the end you will see that weed slows down your progress and you wont wanna smoke. Don't get addicted though, you will be playing with highly addictive substance
  21. The main concern is that many of the people who are here are not in stage yellow (Spiral Dynamics). I see people with great insights, but most of them still they lack that yellow'ish outside the box thinking. Over-all this forum is great. Lots of people helping what they can. Tons of love also.