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Everything posted by inFlow

  1. It's crazyy Good!! Loving reality is the best thing ever! You become like sort of in a relationship with it. I wanna deepen the Love for it to see where it goes. Anyone ever experienced this or something similar? Share if you do, thanks!
  2. Couldn't agree more. Even simple things like air become mind blowing.
  3. @YogiCosmos The aura or halo is only depicted in art to show an "awakened" being. It's not literally happening that you get a halo lol.
  4. @YogiCosmos how did you "get" to this state? Any kind of sadhana that you do? And if so, how much time have you done it? Thanks for the reply.
  5. @catcat69123 Cool! Thanks for the info. Nice story of how you came to this diet. Will do a research on ayurvedic health!
  6. @Clabber Girl Try fasting for a whole on sunday and stop eating shit food. When I occasionally consume some junk food I feel so sick the day after that I fast for the whole day.
  7. @preventingdiabetes Stay away from all synthetic stuff like whey powders. It will clog up your whole system, probably give you brain fog and make your mood bad. Try t do it naturally. The last time I drank whey protein it gave me depression for a couple of days until it was out of my system. Threw that shit away the next day I felt ok.
  8. I can agree on this, meat kind of makes me feel bad on a very subtle way which is noticeable when you are running everyday all cylinders 100%, focus is great, mood is great, motivation is great, then you eat meat to get some protein/strength and boom you are actually going down in energy, but on a subtle way.
  9. Morning: Couple of spoons of honey right in my mouth not mixed with anything. After that Oat meal with coconut milk + some fruit and berries and Maca powder and some nuts. After that I take my daily vitamins. Lunch: Some grain like buckwheat (This is by far the most clean/healty grain ever) mixed with some vegetables or avocado and I serve it with some eggs or Tuna. Diner: probably some simple salad or just some fruit with nuts. Nothing flashy. I try to avoid meat when I work. I find that it's hard for the body to digest meat so it pulls a lot of energy out and makes me tired, not energized.
  10. @Artsu it would be helpful for US if you actually described why are you at the psych ward in the first place. How did you end up there? What was the step by step You are here anonymously so please if you just could. I would like to read about it.
  11. I don't want to seem narcisistic to you good people, but I have nowhere where I can share my experience and ask this question. A few weeks ago after doing Kriya I started to look at my hands and noticed that they look sort of alien. Really foreign and strange, as I was looking at them for the first time. And one day I just observed them and understood that these hands cannot be "Me". Yes the hand is Mine, I can control it, but what I'am cannot be the hand. And then I looked more into it and observed that if "I" am not my hand, "I" also am not the body. And my mind freaked out so much that I had to stay in place and observe what is going on. And I realized that the ego was never even there. I have grew so much consciousness that it broke through the illusion which the mind had created. The thing that shocked me the most was that I was not on any substance, I was sober. It was a super scary experience. So a couple of weeks have passed and I still cannot say that I'am the body. I'am way more! And in those couple of weeks my life changed. I'am so happy now with what I have and do not need anything to make me happier. The way I live my life is no longer around my body (ego). Priorities have changed, thinking has changed, purpose has changed, the way I talk with people has changed, I no longer want to speak about my life with them because I have no need to tell them what am I up to and it's way more interesting to hear about what they are up to, how was their weekend etc. I feel that I'am in such peace with reality, being in the moment for what it is just noticing other people which are still stuck in the ego minds trap. I no longer care about my body appearance, but I still manage my body well. I'am no longer attached to what other people think of me because I know what I'am. Living has become a blessing. Every day is just so interesting and I'm always waiting what reality will bring me, be it a hard challenge or a lovely surprise I'll take everything GOD can throw at me. And I often just cry in joy, even this morning when I had my breakfast I took my tea it was warm in my hand and that made me cry because of how lucky I'am to even get the opportunity to have a warm cup of tea. So do I fit the Enlightenment description? And please can someone articulate to me what actually is the Spiritual Enlightenment ? And whats next? What do I "do" now?
  12. Now I understand why you suffer in life. All the time that you are alive you live life from the ego, but once you awaken the receiver changes, you understand what things are important to the real "You". Then you live life from Truth and that brings happiness as a byproduct.
  13. This is exactly how I live my life now, no meeting friends for shit and giggles, no alcohol, maybe weed once every few weeks. I just wanna do my thing and that makes me the most happy! The body is quite happy aswell and very strong physically. I found that if you abuse the body then bad emotions can come. The body talks with you through emotions. Yeah it seems like the actual FIRST step towards somewhere. Yeah it's a long process. I find that once you are on the track and continue to stay there you kinda speed things up, get these realizations just random not even wanting them. And they hit you like truck out of nowhere.
  14. @Breakingthewall Couldn't agree more, being sober and having these realizations/experiences is way way different. Those one's are real so to say. Just don't let the mind play some tricks on You, be very aware at this moment of the self-deceptions.
  15. Yesterday I was going to the forest where I usually go and meditate near a small river-flow, when I always go in the forest I put hand my on this one tree, pet the tree and say "Hello my Mother" with a smile on my face. Going through the forest is always a beautiful experience, we got snow now and it's so cozy there, silent, healing. So I went to the small river there, put my yoga mat down, zafu on top and sat there for a short 20min meditation. Then I drank my tea and just stayed in silence listening to the water just flowing. Then I remembered a video of a guy walking barefoot on snow and I wanted to try it and so I did, walked for a couple of minutes until my feet couldn't take it. After that I walked back home. And in the evening I was doing my routine of cardio+yoga. I noticed that when ever I get on my training bike and start to pedle my back starts to heat up, where the Ida/Pingala side channels are. It's just a super warm sensation. So I just pedle pedle, sweat for like 15~mins and my thoughts go to todays walk through the forest. And I started to tear up. I realized that when I walked through the forest, the forest was so happy that I was enjoying it. And I felt so happy that the forest is so beautiful and I could enjoy it. Same goes to the river! The river was super happy that somebody enjoyed it and that it had the opportunity to calm down somebody. So did the snow that I was walking barefoot on! The snow was so happy that it could do the job of cold exposure. The snow sort of felt that it had the privilege to do so! Not just being boring snow but actually helping somebody. And realizing this I cried so much! I had to get off my bike and lay on the floor to just cry. And everything went through my mind! Even the thought that my bike was happy that it could do the work of getting me stronger! Idk how does this sound, but the actual experience of this was the most profound, Loving, Healing I've ever had. I mean going to the same forest will not feel the same, it will be a different experience. It feels like now for me these inanimate things have a nature on their own! They can "feel" sort of speak. I sort of want to talk to these things! Just today when I woke up I was in such joy of being in bed! Hugged my pillow said thank you to it for being there, making me sleep well, so did the same for my bed and I was just in so much Love with the bed/blanked/pillow, felt like I was getting hugged from all directions! What an experience to have! This actually puts "Reality is Love" to a whole different LEVEL! Have a gone insane? Am I talking to God like this? Is this where growing Consciousness gets you?
  16. @Osaid well better not be talking with "items" in front of others though ? but wow what a recontextualization this is! And the most beautiful thing for me is that I was speaking to the forest way before I realized this! It's like why there would be a forest in the first place? If there is no body to experience the beauty of it, that makes it a sad/lonely forest. It's like when ever I see a beautiful girl walking by I smile and observe her beauty, so does the forest! It's so happy that it could have me walk through it and to see It's beauty!
  17. @Galyna That's what clear for me right now is that this is Awakening and not Enlightenment. It's like who is getting Enlightened? The body? The mind? They are separate things and the mind is no longer the self just a thing to think with and to operate in reality. And yes I can totally agree that only practice gets you there. No thinking can get you there if your Consciousness level is low. The thing with me was that I was into spirituality for like 5 years now and now the past two months I have done it hard-core. Practice, practice PRACTICE!!! Not like 110%, but it was very consistent. I never missed a day for meditation and physical yoga. And the results come! If you work hard You "get" there. Also I had a couple of dreams where I would dig with a showel dig dig dig and I found Gold and I got so excited. And the meaning behind those, that I've read online, was that hard work in the end pays off. You get rewarded!
  18. @Moksha so beautiful. These days I wonder if I ever could go back to the old way of operating, like could the ego take back "control" and it's such a paradox, thoughts making meaning that doesn't exist, imagining that there is an ego and that it "could" go back. Haha.
  19. Something like that, you feel that the body is tired and needs it's rest. It's no longer that I'am tired, but My body (that I'am living through) is tired.
  20. Probably the second one. (Im not a native english speaker and I cant understand 100% what are you asking, I must understand it clearly to answer this, I don't want to deceive you) The body has it's own inertia , old habits, thoughts, emotions towards some experiences. So yes I have this body, it has it's own things that it needs (food, warmth, survival things) but I'am still no longer attached to it. When talking with other people nothing has changed, my manors and sentences that I use are the same, and I notice that oh that's like the old "me" the ego, but I notice that these things no longer are attaching to the limited me. Yes people see me as the same old ego, that's normal, but in my experience everything is different inside my consciousness. Of course, that's what I'm working on, but I'm reacting way different to the same situations that I'm going through vs when I was identified with the body. I hope I can communicate it clearly.