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Everything posted by Finax

  1. Vivek paid 5 million to buy a failed drug RVT-101 from GlaxoSmithKlien, the drug to treat alzheimers. Vivek changed the name of the drug and promoted it on CNBC mad money and speaking deceitfuly by leaving out test results to make the drug sound positive. His hedgefund friends helped fund initial money before they all sold to get rich. His company was based in bermuda. He sold all his shares before the final test revealing the drug failure. The stock was renamed afterwards. I'm curious how many alzheimer sufferers or family members lost big money on this scam if any. I wonder how easy it is to pull this off or how often it occurs. It seems like scams like these dont face justice often enough. What's really dark and devilish about all of this is how playing into people's desperation or despair from a disease is a amazing way to make a fortune, and vivek did it boldy in public and shameless. Was CNBC partly responsible for giving him airtime at all.
  2. @John Paul why would it discourage people with children. The way I see it, families with children are more encouraged than ever to keep their children safe from violence.
  3. To put it simply, a man took photos of his sons genitalia to send to a doctor online and was false-flagged by google, which auto-backs up his photo to the photo cloud service. The Police determined him innocent after a child abuse investigation, but google still asserts the power and authority to permanently shut down all his accounts, including his active phone number service (Google Fi). Google’s reasoning is that they personally looked at all his photos and found a video he took of his wife sleeping naked in bed with his sleeping son in the morning. So they continue to keep his account banned. here’s a link to the article. Google’s ability to defy Police Judgment is scary, and their position to snoop through auto-backed up photos of people even after innocent cases like this one gives them too much power in my opinion. What do you think? Some people make their money from using google products, so a permanent ban on accounts can be very damaging and disruptive to a persons lively hood, especially when Google is this big and prevalent in people’s lives.
  4. @aurum I don’t think so. Googles decision to immediately ban an innocent from all their photos, emails, files, and phone number without evidence is not correct like you suggest. Even if they bring the accounts back, the damage was already done, and it can be more damaging then you might of thought to a persons life. Sending innocent photos to a doctor should not warrant an aggressive ban in the first place. Patient doctor confidentially matters, what happens when a lawyer asks his client to send photos that might be illegal, the lawyer will not report to the police, but Googles ability to intercept those photos goes against the idea of confidentiality, especially when Google does not know the context of the photo. Privacy matters. Child porn is serious, but child nudity is different. It should be taken seriously regardless, but a innocent who was following doctors orders should not have led to ban on his accounts including his emails and phone number. I can foresee worse examples happening in the future if google is not careful.
  5. @aurum Why is privacy not important? And I am bringing this up now because I was curious for some answers and the time when the article was made does not interest me. @Danioover9000 High profile case as in court case? there was no case because the victim deemed it not worth spending thousands trying to sue Google. Although I do believe he has a legitimate case. If the government can’t ban a person for no good reason, then a tech giant should follow the same principles seriously.
  6. This channel is great. Good commentary.
  7. Basically Youtube is allowing RT (Russia Today), a Russian state media to bypass YouTube policy after they threatened to ban YouTube in Russia, which would apparently be billions of dollars in losses for Google. RT has stolen copyrighted property for years and faced account termination for all 39 RT channels in accordance to YouTube policy that it is suppose to enforce on all channels equally. Instead YouTube stepped in and was caught helping Russia to avoid termination, and changed their policy to allow certain channels, like RT, to have 35 copyright violations before termination per year, while other channels can only have 3. The power of money is real, RT has used YouTube to damage the United States such as spreading misinformation on Covid to kill as many Americans as possible, but because YouTube allows RT on its partnership program, They both profit tremendously from ad revenue. This video shows just how sneaky and deceptive large corporations can be to protect their interest. I would like to here your guys thoughts on this, do you think Youtube is correct or should they be held accountable. Thanks
  8. @Leo Gura This actually has happened to me for the first time a few days ago. I had a strange dream where Obama emailed key and peele a funny joke, made me laugh when I woke up. ha ha Great Coincidence!
  9. They make references to psychedelic toads and Fire Nation = Fascism, as well as they can point out or predict many things in this show that would fly over other people's heads.
  10. Here is a church that teaches and embraces meditation, wisdom, philosophy, understanding, and love. At 26:32 , Danny talks about how wisdom comes from within and is connected to your heart, and has nothing to do with logic, and has nothing to do with knowledge. He goes on saying that true education is love and understanding, not knowledge. Danny has spoken about Socrates, and the ancient Greeks, as well as the Sufi mystic Rumi, and Ekhart tolle. He has spoken about loving other religions and has invited an Islamic scholar as a guest speaker.
  11. ashitaka, the man, is red. he comes from a purple tribe, he’s pragmatic, tough, and assertive. he has a curse on his arm that flares up when he’s angry.
  12. Adventures in awarness daily evolver
  13. He is even teaching about breaking away from all authority, and become your own authority to find freedom, then he connects this with Alan watts. At 1:01:50.
  14. Being balanced and whole is better than being niche for the most part in every area of life. Although niche-ing creates success quicker.
  15. With that said, I consider Nier automata to be a metaphysical work of art.
  16. It’s also about how you use games. High conscious Variety gamers like CohhCarnage patiently play a game in full, offer there thoughts, design ideas, and move on to the next game when they are done. Low conscious gamers would be like DrDisrespect where they are addicted to dominating other players and play the same violent competitive games over and over and have anger issues. In fact, It’s not really the question of what are high conscious games but more of are YOU a high conscious gamer.
  17. Only and ego will try to deconstruct the ego, which can work but not all the way, at a certain point, the snake eating its own tail has to completely disappear, seems impossible right?
  18. Being is a better way of explaining what YOU are as eternal nothingness, better than saying consciousness as people may misinterpret that as what is being conscious of.
  19. @Sempiternity Mother has negative view on the Bible, it takes “drinking the blood” literally and turning into a horror. The movie is a fantasy and doesn’t reflect truth, so I disagree with the premise.
  20. Dream Beyond dreams Beyond life You will find Your Song Before sound To be found Close your eyes And Rise Higher still Endless thrill To the land Of Love Beyond love Come alive Angel eye Forever watching you and I You are the night You are the ocean You are the light behind the cloud You are the end and the beginning A world where time is not allowed There's no such thing as competition To find our way we lose control Remember love's our only mission This is a journey of the soul The perfect song is framed with silence It speaks of places never seen Your home's a promise long forgotten It is the birthplace of your dreams
  21. One of the greats, because this movie shows you the beauty of “mentally ill” people that most people would just label them crazy, especially at that time. The most spiritual horror movie I know of, it deals with mental illness, psychology, and Vietnam. Consciousness can get very twisted and hellish very fast.
  22. Addiction to weed is a problem, especially if you get “awakenings” from it. I had to make a painful return back to reality when I realized that all that weed would do is make my ego mind more imaginative and fantastical, which is a false spirituality and not truth.
  23. I stopped weed when I realized all it does is increase my ego imagination, and any “insights” I got where simply just fantasies.