Aspiraling Wizard

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About Aspiraling Wizard

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  1. Understand that Leo is not a god-tier master expert on every aspect of life. His map of reality is extremely deep, broad, nuanced and comprehensive but he's still far from perfect. Everyone is ultimately going to have to go about finding and/or inventing their own solutions. This is not only what will actually work but what you actually want. Leo even said recently in the ego development part 3 video that nobody actually really wants him to spoonfeed them all the answers. This is impossible anyway.
  2. So THIIIIISSSSS is why you want to ruthlessly murder innocent aliens!!!!! Wow, I'm so glad I saw this. I'm sorry for calling you a chimp yesterday, I was thinking about what I said later on after I posted it and while I haven't changed my opinion on the whole alien thing, the other stuff was unneeded and made you even more defensive. We were both being shitty in some ways to relative degrees. God DAMN do you need to do some shamanic breathing to release that trauma and start melting away your materialist and rationalist ideologies! You do you and you do it when and if you're ready because it's sum RADICAL shit, my broah. Baby step it. I struggle greatly with socializing too because I have asperger's syndrome but doing yoga, shamanic breathing, hypnosis e.t.c. has and is continuing to make a difference. Sorry again for calling you a chimp.
  3. Good on you for being honest about it
  4. This is a painful false equivalence. There are no lives at stake in the alien scenario, at least not immediately and probably not even into the near future. NUking Japan was a best case scenario in response to a chain of violence going back decades(started by a group of people who began attacking others unprovoked because they thought they knew what was quote unquote best for them!). This is it for me on this thread. You're too pig-headed. The last thing I'll say is that I hope you cultivate some more receptivity and then combine that with all the projecting you're doing. You'll project higher quality projections!
  5. Telepathically breaking through the collective hive mind sounds like the best Life Purpose EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  6. Well said, man. Although I will add that if you do enough Kriya yoga or some other form of yoga or quote unquote mystical/non dual practice, you can handle a lot of love. You just have to build a robust church for it first
  7. Dude......EVERYTHING I said went completely over your head. Your notion of intelligence is painfully limited. You seem to think that rational/computational/analytical intelligence is quote unquote intelligence period. I'm not sure how you would best transcend that huge limitation but transcend it for the sake of your own enjoyment and fulfillment in life if nothing else. You may have very high IQ but very low EQ/Wisdom, which generally leads people to think INCREDIBLY self biased and arrogant things like "Let's just blow this creature away and dissect it and pick things off it's carcass. You know.....FOR SCIENCE. You're acting emotionally here more than logically and are also probably very emotionally repressed which is actually IMPAIRING, skewing and corrupting your logic. One of the biggest traps rationalist zealots fall into is that they trick themselves into believing they are impartial. I'm still working on transcending that stuff too. I thought that emotions were quote unquote irrational and primitive but they're a necessary aspect of your being. One should not be weaponized against the other. But I'm getting too speculative at this point. An alien race may have a vast army with highly sophisticated tech and no mercy. They may take offense to an unprovoked assault same as a human would and may seek vengeance as many humans do. Your counter argument with the ants is overly theoretical, in practice you would get fearful and angry and automatically defend yourself if you believed that was your best option. Just like if another human put a gun to your head. There would be SOME form of a major response if they found out that a group of their own was killed like that and given where humanity is right now overall, i would submit to you that we would be totally unprepared. And the level of preparedness is relative to the nature of the species we would have pissed off in your hypothetical scenario. There are SO many angles you're blind to here. You're a desperate and greedy chimp who just wants to get his hands on some new shiny things. There's NO actual logic and sophistication in what you're proposing. He is definitely morally underdeveloped but the biggest underdevelopment for this guy is Emotional intelligence. If he did trauma release and other practices that develop you along that line like body scan meditation or practicing self expression, I think the lack of morality wouldn't be at least as much of an issue because he would be more empathetic and able to imagine what it would be like to be an alien just cruising through the galaxy....chillin.........and all of the sudden dying in a flaming wreck.
  8. You fail to realize that shooting down a craft like that completely unprovoked is an act of war. If the military ever did that, they would likely be provoking a war that we are VERY much likely to lose.....HORRIBLY. I'm talking the most laughably pathetic and completely justified curbstomp ever. As in an entire armada of warships quantum leaping into earth's airspace so advanced that the average person would have a psychotic break simply from looking at it. It may even be an alliance of multiple different alien species. Careful with this word alien because to ANY other species WE are the aliens. If you really care about the possibility of interacting with other other intelligent and/or sentient life, I would suggest cultivating WAY more humility than you currently embody.
  9. My DOOOODE, I was actually trying to help you out. Read my post again VERY carefully.
  10. Alright I can see some of what you're saying in terms of the meanings assigned to the units of measurement and how the machine works. Correlation and causation are two different things as a reminder, however. These dynamics of energy and consciousness function FAR beyond what these machines can measure though and while I think you know that intellectually, you'll have to do a lot of spiritual work before you can start to see it at the existential level. I've been at it for about three years and I'm just getting started. Careful, the stuff you learned in medical school MAY limit you in your understanding of this as well but I've never been to medical school either. I just know they're operating purely from the materialist paradigm. Watch Leo's video called "The secret to Rapid Learning: Making Distinctions." You can make abstract "virtual" distinctions with these things. There is truly no such thing as an "alpha" wave, but we can take a large group of people and not only measure these things listed above, but also measure other aspects of their life and then draw conceptual lines between them based on perceived similarities between all these other aspects and the EEG measurements that may be useful relative to the goal of improving people's lives. We could measure a group of guys who register the "alpha" or "theta" waves on the EEG and then look at their level of success in business and dating as well as look at the level of success in these areas of guys who register the "beta" or "gamma" waves. I would submit to you that you're likely to "see" that certain "patterns" emerging and that RELATIVELY truthful conclusions could be made and that relatively useful and truthful categories and categorization criteria could be created that would be true to a certain degree from certain points of view AND that would be useful for improving people's lives. There are counter intuitive dynamics here too. You can have a person who is vibrating at such a high frequency that your machine will either not be able to measure it or it will actually register a flat or mostly flat line, which would lead most people to conclude that the person is dumb when in fact he's a highly educated and also Zen Minded person. You can have someone who registers a line with all kinds of sharp, rapid oscilations and you might conclude that this person must be so smart and thinking so deeply about so many things when actually he's stressed, confused and frustrated because he thinks he's smart but he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is and all that activity is more closely representative of all of his struggling to figure things out/the mental gymnastics he's doing. Then you can have someone who is essentially numbed out and braindead but appears very calm/peaceful/Zen minded and you'll get that same flatline and you may think he's God lol. The interpretation made by a given interpreter is always going to be more important than the measurement of any machine, as well as the "proper" integration and consideration of all other relatively relevant factors in a given person's life. These phenomena like frequency and vibration go all the way to the heart of the universe, far beyond the "physical." Again, I think you know a lot of this stuff at least intellectually. I don't even fully understand all of the stuff that we've both said about it, I'm grappling with it in real time while trying to articulate an opinion of mine that I think has validity and value and is based upon metaphysical truths and dynamics that modern science barely accounts for if at all. Hulse is the one that thinks these human created labels are actual aspects of existence. Whereas I'm proposing that we can hold the dots and lines that are possible to draw between these different phenomena as VIRTUALLY true so that we can look at the interplay between these dynamics in a cool and holistic new way and maybe even help some "beta" guys who are struggling in their lives in the process in a way that is far superior to black and white manosphere douchbaggery but which also incorporates some of the truth in what is espoused by guys coming from that frame of mind as well.
  11. This is the only Jordan Peterson video anyone ever needs to watch.
  12. EXACTLY. Countless egos(particularly Red egos) will readily co-opt religion and even in some cases spirituality in order to justify and further themselves.
  13. He might to some degree but I doubt it. What he really craves is progression towards mastery of relatively lower stages of ego development but also more importantly he probably wants love, connection and deep intimacy. And of course sex itself combined with those other things. TheSomeBody: Be VERY careful with this bohemian worldview of there being no downside to hookups and prostitution whatsoever and that anyone who doesn't engage in either or both of those things and doesn't feel comfortable with them is some repressed Blue conformist. Depending on your current level of consciousness and development, these things may actually be legitimately unsatisfying to you(of course you always have to be mindful of bias and self deception). I've had sex with a person that I didn't really want to have sex with but did anyway because of multiple cravings/neurotic needs and not only did it not feel that good, but the whole situation ended very badly. The pursuit of sex can become very time consuming and toxic depending on the place it's coming from. You can even be taken advantage of and even hurt or killed, especially in the case of interaction with prostitutes. Prostitution is currently illegal in most developed parts of the world, not to say it necessarily should be but nevertheless it is. Careful with how you label yourself and what labels you accept from other people.
  14. My mom recently got me an unexpectedly awesome gift! The Komuso "Shift" is inspired by the Komuso monks of 17th century Japan who used a tool similar to it in their meditation practices. If you're someone who has difficulty starting meditation, someone who feels too intimidated to start or someone who even regularly meditates but still has difficulty with swirling thoughts, let alone shifting into some of the more advanced states like Samadhi, I know of no better tool now to help with all that and more. Only takes about a minute to use and you can wear it around your neck. It even looks cool. The biggest thing for me is how significant the change in my awareness was after using it only twice and also how long it lasts after your last use. I use it in a pinch or before my meditation practice. I didn't link to their site directly because I thought that might get flagged for some violation.