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Everything posted by Peter-Andre

  1. @Preety_India Wow, I would have never thought. What made you change your opinions so radically and so quickly?
  2. @Claymoree Do you really believe that is the ideology that socialists like Vaush are advocating for? I suggest you read a little bit more about what socialism is because your understanding of what it is is is way off right now.
  3. @Claymoree What is your definition of socialism and why do you think it's so similar to fascism?
  4. @Forestluv Lol, his last name has never been more appropriate
  5. @Thewritersunion Absolutely! Just because a democrat is now president, that doesn't mean the fight is over. Progressives and leftists have to keep fighting to push for progressive politicians in future elections and for the Biden administration to implement progressive policies. I'm quite excited for this. It looks like progressives did really well relative to the more milquetoast democrats in the congressional election this time around by the way, so that might be a sign of a progressive wave sweeping over the US.
  6. Now I think we should pay much closer attention to the run-off elections in Georgia that will determine which party will control the senate for the next two years. That is also pretty huge.
  7. I said a long time ago that this would be the ultimate test of the American democracy, and it looks like democracy won today! Wonderful news! Congratulations to president-elect Joe Biden and vice president-elect Kamala Harris. We've probably got a turbulent couple of months ahead of us as Trump and his remaining supporters will do everything in their power to sabotage the transition of power, but I think the worst might be over.
  8. @The Don I don't know what it'll ever take to reach through to you. Your mind seems to be completely sealed and shut on this issue even though you say otherwise. You've clearly bought into a pro-Trump ideology, and it's honestly frustrating seeing you defend him regardless of all the terrible things he does.
  9. @The Don I don't think anyone here is a particularly huge fan of the CCP, but a lot of the things you criticize them for perfectly apply to the Trump administration as well. Trump doesn't have a good record on human rights either, particularly on LGBT+ issues, and he clearly doesn't care about democracy as long as he's in power.
  10. @The Don I think you're missing the fact that Trump is actively preventing people from coming together by inciting hatred and divide among the American public. Throughout his initial campaign and his entire presidency, he has done everything to go against those values you claim to hold dear. The US cannot come together in peace with a president like Trump. It just doesn't work.
  11. @The Don If there really is substantial proof of voter fraud or other issues with counting the votes effectively, why isn't this reported by the Associated Press or Reuters? Why are the only people reporting this Fox and other far-right "news" outlets?
  12. @The Don That's simply not true. The GOP were massive obstructionists when Obama was president. I suggest you watch this video about how they refused to hold a vote when Obama wanted to confirm his judge to the supreme court.
  13. I wonder what the future of American conservatives will be. There seems to be a lot of infighting on the right right now. There is a movement, though perhaps only a small fringe movement, of far-right Trump supporters who no longer trust Fox News or even the republican party because they see them as being anti Trump. I'm wondering how many such people there are and if this will lead them to split of from the Republican party by not voting for them or perhaps starting their own ultra-far-right party. This could perhaps lead to a schism of American conservatives, which would probably only be to the benefit of Democrats. But I don't know. Maybe it's unlikely.
  14. @Lyubov Yes, sorry about that. Looks like there is still some speculation surrounding this. I should have checked the source more carefully before posting. I assumed The New York Post was trustworthy, but that was really just an assumption.
  15. There will probably be a recount in Georgia. Trump will almost certainly demand it, and that will just make it all the more satisfying if Biden still comes out on top after the recount.
  16. @Preety_India An estimated 309,034 votes remain to be counted there. It's on the same website I linked above.
  17. @Hardkill 7,658 You can keep yourself updated on the numbers here:
  18. Update: Trump is only leading by 665 votes in Georgia as the last votes are being counted. Georgia could easily flip to blue now.
  19. @Anderz I would say he's been doing just the opposite. He's taken people on the lower stages of the spiral and dragged them even farther down.
  20. @Preety_India I hope this trend continues. Bolsonaro getting ousted or something would be quite fitting right about now. But I'm afraid that might just be a pipe dream.
  21. @abrakamowse I'm wondering if he'll just nuke Canada or something the day before the inauguration as an absolute last ditch effort to hold on to his presidency.