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Everything posted by purerogue

  1. Wise words, what you get further is disappointment and you realize that none needs to know anything, now you have to unlearn.
  2. You can do this with literally anything , music, people you interact with, things you see, etc, focus on what it is to you in relation, there is knowledge everywhere, you just do not see it, you ignore it. You can also have fun having it, like listen to this song I can put it in relation to me and my ego and it gets funny to me.
  3. Have you tried to listen , listen to words, not focus on who is saying them,try to relate them to your current level of development, not to person.
  4. I like my job, it gives me enough of physical activity, I like my colleagues and I have never really felt need for building something just to earn more money , I have considered it on purpose of making world better place for everyone, but even that did not feel like right thing for me.
  5. Don't think that anyone will be able to answer this question right now, because to answer it you must know how this reality was set to work, that is where science come in, but , even that will not be enough to answer it.
  6. To put it to perspective, you are already nothingness, but you are not nothingness, you can not put finger on nothingness as it is everything and nothing, if you become everything , experience everything ,you will still not be nothingness , as it will be just experience,, it is hard to explain, because it has no logical explanation.
  7. I have no clue what they meant when they made thous steps, is it understanding nothingness , or is it embodying nothingness , which would be still just state, experience , as you cant become nothingness .
  8. Because there is nothing, it is neither meant to be , or not meant to be , or meaningless . Saying that Enlightenment is truth is just perspective, you can as well get experience where it is clear that everything is meaningless and it makes total sense.
  9. What questions can you possibly answer if you just had experience and you know nothing then just this experience.
  10. So basically you realize that you are idiot, then I have nothing to realize, I am Enlightened
  11. I have a problem , after my yesterdays experience of trying to clear my mind of everything, I am starting to feel these strange sensation that I will float away, have you experienced anything like that.
  12. Same problem I am facing now, I want to keep me and explore more from its standpoint, but I know that there is no way in hell I am going to be able to always feel good if I cling to I, no matter how many tricks I have up my sleeves, negativity attracts I on every corner , does not matter if you get around some corners that makes me suffer, it is inevitable that there will be one that I can't escape as consciousness itself will send me this hint to spite me.
  13. k , I think I got answer for your question, does carbon dioxide increase have effect on earth temperature, yes, does it have effect on larger scale of cyclical changes, no, cyclical changes are happening irrelevant of carbon dioxide increase of temperature, it can just change how cycle will look because of this extra factor.
  14. I went back to full ego , but there is important thing to understand that it is just experience , so you still have to get middle ground, it took me like 6 months to deal with consequences of this experience, as it shatter your reality, just take it as experience that will help you later in your life, do not let it get you depressed.
  15. Yes and I would advise you to leave that perception.
  16. You can just exit that state and I think it will be better for you if you will , because it seems to have negative effect on your development.
  17. How do you explain something , that has no explanation , there is no time and there is time, I think dividing it as matter of perception will be good start for you until you get to experience it.
  18. Just google your answer, answer is yes , water will take up more space, but it is not that there will be more water , it will simply take more space when it melts.
  19. Does air compressed take up less space? Yes, it probably has some effect , everything has , question is how much.
  20. There are allot of information out there https://www.thegwpf.com/understanding-climate-cycles-or-how-to-avoid-climate-panics/ You can look in other ideas if you want to.
  21. Doesn't basically everything traps in heat, energy, Interesting , what I read that first of all we are due to ice age , not recovering from it, and evidence says that cyclical changes can happen very fast in couple of years, so I am confused how it can happen 10 times faster, but I do not want to ignore their claims, neither I want to cling to them , as they are not as smart as they think , they are still just speculating to some degree, that is why there are different opinions.