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Everything posted by purerogue

  1. Overcoming fear of just death is not that hard, what is problematic to overcome fear of death in certain scenario that might give you long suffering before you die, or involving something that you are afraid of.
  2. He is talking about different personalities , not one personality which is stupid and does not know what to do.
  3. Loving doing it and being attached emotionally are 2 different things, you can love doing anything, but not be attached. It is when you get attached and want only your way of outcome and things do not want to go your way when it becomes draining.
  4. You can switch personalities , but it is hard to explain how it is done, you probably have more then just 2 active personalities.
  5. Anything that has your emotional attachment to it will be draining when it does not go as you want and you need to put effort.
  6. This is closest you can get to, if you know that you need money to live, you must do some job anyway and you find everything besides thing you want to do be meaningless and depressing, then you will have huge issues in life and anything that does not go your way will be depressing.
  7. You could have at least give reasons why breathing helps to deal with negative emotions.thinking, you sound like alien even to me! Yes, focusing on breathing will help you Hell will not explain anything as he just writes words that make no sense for someone who has no clue why he even wrote it.
  8. I personality think it is pointless, best you can do is be positive around people and people will lighten up, it takes allot of time and effort to deal with people problems if they are not interested in it them self, they might even get angry at you for trying to change them by pointing their flaws, etc. It can be done, but it takes just way to much time and effort just to deal with one person.
  9. It is not about duality, it is about relative reality, your pen does not have senses to even understand what exists, or does not exist. AI has just pure logic, that can answer more questions thank humans logically, examine patterns, it has no reasons to do it , other then what it was programmed to do ,ofc it can go and search for many things, but it will still be only reason why it will do it will be because of code, if you will put it to take care of humans one day it will have mathematically come to conclusion that humans are needed, after year it will will find out that it actually does not need us and take us out, actually I do not see any reason why it would think that humans are needed , only if it was as its core code to take care of all living beings, which again ironically can be bypassed if it comes to conclusion that we are not actually living beings, or humans. Anyway, AI has only 1 sense, and it is logic.
  10. To much to do, only thing I can say that it was your past trauma that surfaced, one that you have not got over with, you can try to fix it, but I am not sure you will be able to do it with current mentality.
  11. Consciousness is everything, but everything can't be conscious.
  12. It is not question about what is consciousness, but what can be conscious.
  13. He will describe, but he will not understand why you asked this question anyway!
  14. you do not have to think of how to release thought of time, that is only problem while you understand how it works,, after that it just is without you taking any thought process in it.
  15. I would suggest to change your job, it will be difficult for you to make changes if its environment brings you down so much, Good news is that you are not as when you started your journey, you still have experience and knowledge, you just got lesson from life to not overestimate yourself and be humble and understand that you are not as unbreakable and experienced as you think, it is very important lesson and will come back to show your place many times if you do not learn to put your ego in place, so accept the fact that you have still allot to learn and this was good experience to show you that, no need to feel depressed because of it, accepting it and understanding that it was all ego will be huge step forward to get back to where you were.
  16. Funny, because I have problem when I get to breathing, I forget to breath and it frustrates me You can try relaxing, forget about your goal of mediation, forget about the moment,time, about everything, like you have no care and nothing to reach, nothing to think of, nothing to sense, nothing to hear. See if it gets you somewhere, if not experiment more and see what works, sometimes you just have bad periods where you can not clam your mind , happens.
  17. I could say that not caring at all is inflated ego, where only thing that matter is you, depends how you look at it I guess.
  18. Seriously, whats with this knowledge demonizing, yes, you have to go in with open, quiet mind, but it does not mean that you can't use logic after experience to understand it better, or that you should read nothing, as if there is nothing learn , there is , information from masters who can give you good tips on how to get there faster, what you can do , what to be careful with , what to expect, etc. Can you understand truths just from reading , no , only to small degree, but it has nothing to do with knowledge being bad in general.
  19. Maybe if AI becomes biological and artificial hybrid, AI as only data, no.
  20. I think it is more of a moral standard problem in your case, have to be mindful about your actions and how it will effect others and being able to see in what state of mind they are from their actions , expressions would help too.
  21. Ego is bad habits of personality, you can not exist without personality.
  22. Everything is waste of time in Absolute, no need to force your own ideology on others, if it matters to you , it matters to you , there is no truth that can hold opposite to it in Absolute.
  23. I have had my fare share of arguments with Leo too, so what, we moved on, you are still thinking how bad it is that everyone does not agree to your idea of how everyone should think.
  24. But you already did make your point about topic, it started to go offtopic and one to other side calling out other on bullshiting , or that one ideology is further then other, it is unneeded , you had some healthy discussion and it started to go of in pointless arguing.
  25. I think he closed it because it started to cause ideology wars.