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Everything posted by purerogue

  1. Problem is that you think running with open arms, holding love signature is best approach, I am sorry , you must live very comfortable life and have no clue what people you are dealing with.
  2. Yes and parents are not to blame at all, taking children in hundred mile journey,knowing that none might even let them in , in hell knows what conditions is all praised, oh poor parents, it must be rough for them, they are such angels. Lets blame president because he does not take all planet in your country just because they came to your border, I think it would be better for you to stay on your side of expertise and let people who can see further then "we must help everything that moves" do their job, at least try to do it .
  3. Mechanic of Absolute are rather dangerous for mind, I try to stay away from such discussion in forum, have not seen anything good to come out of these conversations, just confusion and mixing relative with stuff beyond.
  4. And everyone knows that fairies exist , it took me 30 seconds to read comments and see that this was built and used at Obamas presidency and that it is just short period of time before they sort things out and they are moved to better facilities. You guys seriously should check on your hypocrisy, maybe check what other presidents did and were they any better then Trump, I guess it is good that people finally actually check something, but it seems it is still far way for you to go to not fall for stupid baits that each side throws at each other with half truths and stupid word twisting to make anything look bad.
  5. I am already contributing by existing, whatever my vote will be good contribution or bad, or any at all is another question. I personally see that there are better places where to waste your energy and have impact and I do not like to get involved in politics and all the drama there, there is to much misinformation, lies to put whole picture together.
  6. I am here to develop myself, not get involved in researching each party and consequences each party might have on world, hoping that one day we will have enough people who know what they are doing and my vote will matter, if I will involve myself in each endeavor where I can make some effect I will have no time left to do what is more important and ultimately has more impacts on humanity as whole.
  7. It goes both ways, you are just making assumptions here that everyone who did not vote will vote for what you want.
  8. I will try to explain it to you, giving proof would to be much of a time consuming effort that would take months, or years with right techniques prepared and enough people to make a point. Just to explain it to you People do not understand much about how their psychology (emotions, though, etc.) work, that is why they are blindly following their patterns, that means their free will is very limited. None is saying that brain chemistry is not a thing, but there are allot of things that produces this brain chemistry and there are things you can do to change it on your own, without using drugs.
  9. Yes , there are plenty of people who get in such problems.
  10. K I am confused, you want to be in control of your body/mind or what At beginning you say you want to let go of ego , now you say you want to manage it, they are two different things. To be in control of it you have to know how it operates and that will take you lifetime to learn, because you have to know each mechanics at play, what intentions to make, what will they do, basically cause and effect to put it very simply, I can't help you with that, but looking at it as something that can be corrected to play as you want would be good way to start.
  11. You get back to work Sir! >.>
  12. Desire, no desire does not matter, you are just making ego construct, it is clearly not what you want here I guess as you want something beyond, so to make it clear you transcend both , letting go of mind means it is irrelevant to you what your ego wants, or does not want. Now if you can let go of mind something will happen, come back when you at least had glimpse of it.
  13. And who is this no ego who thinks that it is just ego who want to do something? You let go of your body, but can you let go of your mind?
  14. You can actually write something that people understand if you try!
  15. Reasons are just that , reasons, I feel silly for even trying to explain it to you, His answer does not uncover anything, just shows his ignorance on matter. 1000 votes or 950 votes will change nothing if people vote out of pure stupidity, if you want to do something about it push your agenda and inform people what you think is right, will do more to your agenda then getting people who do not vote just to vote. In the end , it is who can persuade more people to their side with good talk and it is art of its own, because people are to blind to actually understand when they are being manipulated, played on their feelings by promises , or just pure psychological manipulation.
  16. Get to non-dual state and you will understand, you are not identified with thoughts, you do not see them as your thoughts, so you could say that you are in no mind state, but it is not fully true, but fact remains, you do not see them as your thoughts in literal sense.
  17. You are asking wrong questions, Right question is "Why is it only 1 h long video?"
  18. Sounds like you entered non-dual state, it is normal for thoughts to continue and it is actually first thing you should notice to see ego for what it is .
  19. That's why you do not upload video? >.<
  20. He is saying that everyone is lonely.
  21. Nothing wrong with them, I said what you must be ready to do to get Enlightened, if you are not serious about it then I would rather do self improvement, learn about mind and body , going for Enlightenment glimpses while involve allot of suffering.
  22. To simply be you must be ready to just BE, it is easy to say , but if there is anything that is holding you to your body/mind you will get glimpses at best. It is difficult to manage both, in such case you will have to learn allot.
  23. If you are completely serious about wanting Enlightenment to a point where you are ready to give up your life, then I would go straight for it, just be honest about it , if no then I would droop thought about it all together until you are ready.
  24. What makes you believe that you can even communicate with Enlightenment?