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Everything posted by purerogue

  1. There are only 2 ways in big picture, ofc there are way more middle ways and so on , but it does not really change my point, you either are located in mind, or you are out of it.Either way only thing you are contacting with is ego mind, so take everything with grain of salt and not as complete truth, no matter even if it comes from most Enlightened gurus.
  2. You see this is another yes and no , and neither situation, there is time and there isn't time , it is frozen and it is not frozen. Time itself is very complicated, what is here and now, we get information delivered to our brain only after event even happened, so it is completely possible to be in situation where your experience lags behind.
  3. Interesting question, logical explanation would be that it clearly includes time, but infinite holds everything, so there can't be time.
  4. You do not focus on nothingness, you just do not focus on anything , to do it your body needs to be able to breath comfortable when you are relaxed and have as little interference as possible, if you are new to this you will have long way to get even close to being able to do it, but it will be good training to stop your mind jumping around.
  5. Funny It does not matter how you meditate, you could be standing on one feet with your hand touching ground, or just lying on bed. But there are things that you should pay attention to: *Can it cause any health problems to you(optional, but I would rather do not do something that can cause harm to your body) *Can you breath properly while in such position, especially when you start to get really relaxed , that is why back posture is important because when you relax, your body curves in making it harder to breath properly, making disturbance *Is it comfortable for you, you do not want it to disturb your meditation because of some pain , or whatever, but I can see some good thing in it too , can make it easier for you to learn how to do practice even if you have outside interference. Ofc that is my opinion, if you will look in some other schools they will have some reasonings why sitting like that and that is better because of chakra point flow or whatever, you can look into it too if you are interested.
  6. It is mind action in both ways, it is silly to say opposite, difference from inquiry and mediation is that inquiry will be sudden click, mediation will be insight that you will most likely interpret your own way after you get it, which is why it is problem.
  7. I think I read somewhere that you can have problems from doing it and it makes sense, it is not healthy to have blood flow disturbance for long time and sitting with crossed legs can surely make problems for your knees because of unnatural way your legs are placed.
  8. What did you expect when you are thought to not judge, not get angry, understand this, understand that, look at this like that , look at that like that! Ofc you will be awkward, trying to play with your mind pulling strings as if it is puppet that you can control.
  9. I mean with such mentality you could make yourself to believe anything!: D
  10. My personal opinion you can't claim Enlightenment, that is why serious gurus do not claim to be Enlightened, you can't be Enlightened and act upon it , as J. Krishnamurti asked Osho pointing at sea when they met , can you hold this water in your hand and then pointing to the ground , can you hold all of this soil in your hand. There is no way you can be Enlightened and be using body, mind, they are limited.
  11. Lets see how long it will last! You are making big claims for someone who is going to get to experience not just ups, but downs that come with it, from different point of view.
  12. Most of the time people overestimate how other people feel, or assume based on some strong traits that they have that they are having no problem wonderful life, just because they might be going around smiling , or are successful with what they are doing does not mean that they do not have fair share of their own problem that they are internally fighting, I would not make such claims on people who are very close to me, let alone someone who I do not know that well.
  13. Up to you, what if I would advice if you really want to go that path is to start by contemplating on some topics one by one that could make you break, like strange loops, free will vs no free will,meaningless vs meaning , if you can't mentally accept such things , then you should probably stay away from this until you can, as it can get very uncomfortable. Look for topics in forum , it can help you get trough them faster.
  14. It is completely normal and I hope it will make you appreciate and understand certain things in life in both sides, no need to put this state as bad, it is just different, going back will make you appreciate it too hopefully, there is huge array of ways how you can go about it, understand it and see where you want to go.
  15. It is all matter of perspective and model, you are neither wrong or right is how I go about it, implying that it means that you are wrong and right to think that you can be wrong or right. Not knowing is just tool to observe without interfering, or to get huge glimpses it new areas you could never think for being possible. To make it simple, you do not have to do anything about it as long as you do not interfere, it will come to you itself.
  16. Well it should still be aware of what it is doing , just because your calculator can follow set rules , does not mean that his calculations are conscious. Just like your browser you are using now , you still need catalyst to make it work, not just digits. AI is not different from calculator just way more codding.
  17. Do not see it working without some catalyst like awareness, that can interpret it in such way , just like you need it for organic body , so you would need it for non organic. I think your question should be more of a , is it possible we are made like a game for someone, and is it even possible for us to break out of it.
  18. You could say so if you want, but it is not entirely correct too,there is still huge difference from interfering with things and not, which hugely change your view on what actually is ego,memory is not you, so just because you decide to take up on personality and interfere with it does not make you it in full sense.
  19. I think you both are talking from different positions which does not make it fair. In one hand you can have desires,judgement that you are trying to control, interfere with or not interfere with , on other you can just have them without actually interfering and being mentally attached to them or ego doings. I used word ego ,but it is not really ego we are talking about here, hard to find correct wording.
  20. Do not really care for him doing what he is doing, but it is rather sad to see so many people not questioning what he is saying , just taking it for truth.
  21. Sadhguru is alright, unfortunately his videos lack depth of letting listeners understand what he is talking about. I would suggest for you to listen to J. Krishnamurti, go to channel made for him and start from bottom , you will find more in there if you are willing to actually follow what he is saying and not just follow, try it and question what he is saying while listening to him, amazing man I tell you .
  22. Stop looking at existence as something created for your ego, you are drawn way to much into your spiritual ego.
  23. Exactly, you must take control, that means making identification with ego, ofc you can make some very nice system where you can make your interactions as minimal as possible, but I really doubt that it is possible to have both at the same time, I just do not see it working , at least from my experience now, I am probably wrong, but even if it is possible it is far reach for me at the moment. Another problem is that ego can't deliver experience proper explanation, its gets distorted by it.
  24. In which part of my comment I said something about them being criminals, you could say I am immigrant too, just not in USA, there is clearly difference from illegal immigration and legal one. It is not for practical purpose, immigration has huge effect on well being of people in country. You can have any fancy feelings you want, it has to do with facing problems and having to take action, especially when it involves not just you. To point it out to you , it has nothing to do with judging, it has to do with life, there are people who will spit on your love, use it. I would like to end this discussion with you , it really is waste of time. please do not think that I am ignoring you if I do not replay, I just do not feel like it is worth having it.
  25. Can you be more specific, I have no clue what exactly he means by insecure and in what context. He himself looks pretty insecure to me to be fair.