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Everything posted by purerogue

  1. Best I can come up with is this line, " all taken in and nothing left out " Right now you made separation from ego, can you take ego in, while still staying in same "state".
  2. Fine, but the thing is that there is no right and wrong, we can go on forever into discussing what is better, what is worse, if you do not do any practice probably nothing will change in your lifetime, if you do practice, but shut yourself from information to not lead yourself astray you can still make all the same mistakes , but have cut yourself of information that can help you see it. In my opinion, do nothing is purest of forms without leading you in circles, but it requires clear vision.
  3. Not really, you are talking as if you can just do nothing, every thought,sensation, emotions,action and so on leads you into doing something, being able to do not get attached to wherever they lead will get you somewhere and either way is good practice to reinforce almost every other practice you are doing.
  4. To each their own, this topic was not meant to get you there, but explain what needs to happen to get there. If I would have to give advice , doing nothing is good thing to try if you understand these principles.
  5. You should be able to explain most of your trip, none can really do it for you, as there was way to much going on and you know better. First you have to remember that you must be calm when you are under any substance, or your mind will start to uncontrollably jump from one idea to another, even then it will drag out your deepest mental patterns depending on setting that you are into, you had allot going on both in internal experience and external experience that was new to you, so your mind was getting in middle of experience and trying to reason with what is going on. Also mind likes to rearrange experience after it happened in his own way, not in direct experience way , but memory is problem that you have to remember too. What you have to do is untangle experience and see what is what. To be more precise, what was experience itself, what was mind reasoning of experience and what was just action to reasoning.
  6. Let me put it in other way, I am not asking you to take this post as truth , but it might be helpful at some point, when you increase your vibrations, consciousness level , how ever you want to call it, your mind increases its awareness,attention to present moment, which makes you see things that you usually do not see, but never the least, they still happen all the time , ofc it is never that simple, everything is connected and your state makes things move certain way too.
  7. Because you will try to find,make your own meanings, purposes out of them either by yourself, or because of what some else told you, it can wreck your psyche worse then most of other things you get to deal with on your path if you step in certain areas. It is up to you ofc, knowing risks makes it safer, why do you think that there is any meaning for you?Maybe it is just you seeing clearer trough illusion and it does not really hold any meaning.
  8. Try to put intention, awareness on what you want to find without actually making the question, and meditate in silence, that mans no thoughts , or trying to come up with ideas, by the way can you be more specific what kind of inquire you are talking about?
  9. I understand what you mean, my personal advice would be stay away from synchronicities.
  10. K I see, I do not want to make any claims of meaning , or no meaning, but there are mind tricks that could be at play, again , I am not making claims there to be. But it is completely possible that you just had day where you saw thous combinations more often then usually, so your mind took notice of it and it started to notice these combinations more as it was where your attention was at. I have fair share of such situations too and with different things each time, tricky thing, What I would say is pay attention to numbers you see and check if thous combinations really accrue so often, or you are just paying attention to them more often then other numbers.
  11. If you honestly will say that you did not look for meaning, then there could be interesting conversation, but only in case if you really did not look for there to be meaning in life, I do not mean specifically numbers, just desire for there to be meaning.
  12. I have been in your shoes, so I know what you mean, the thing is that it is kinda pointless for me to try to explain this, even if I will change your mind for the moment, it will be like giving you drug uplift you for a while till you change your mind again. because you do not actually have knowledge of it yourself. How about this, have you had any non-dual state ?If you have , can you please elaborate why you make such questions of why do anything and how is it possible that you still do stuff.If you have not then get at least there, it is relatively easy thing to do.
  13. if you will pay attention to what numbers you see, you will see that you see what you want to see.
  14. Maybe do some actual work instead of theorizing, your character does not disappear, it still eats and shits, it does what it has to survive.
  15. It is disadvantage only if we place it against someone who has advantage and we have set goal that both need achieve, but again, what it has to do with good, or bad?
  16. First you need to want and not want something, then consider something, good or bad, clearly your ego works in such way and it can make him suffer, but what makes you think that one thing is good , another bad?
  17. Exactly, that is why you must be careful when you listen to teachers, they can be Enlightened and whatnot, but they still talk by paradigms of their character, so one will say there is God, other there is no God, third will say some other thing based from where they come, you must remember that you are still talking,listening to character.
  18. Show me any "Enlightened " master who talks about shadow work , show me any teacher who talks about shadow work all the time and is full with joy, peace, love to even close level. Here is the thing, I am not saying that there is nothing to fix, some things are better to be taken care of, but you will run all your live like this, trying to fix fixer.
  19. I think you did not even try to understand what I wrote, but just lashed because of comments some people wrote here. Nothing of what I wrote requires more then some intellect to digest information, you do not need some groundbreaking insights for it. To be fair I did it overly simplific way,not going to deep into explanations,but you seemed like quite smart guy to get there yourself.
  20. To my knowledge everyone struggle with it, keep trying and eventually you will get trough to face next barrier, what could help though is awareness practice, or rather observing of your own actions thoughts, you do not need to meditate to do it, it will make you less attached to your personality, which will make it easier to get trough.
  21. I would switch to inquiry, if you want to go mediation way focus more on basic inner peace, relaxation meditation, it will clearly not make it permanent fix, but it will balance your emotions in more positive way so to say. What you are asking for is not that easy to get , you still have doubt, desire that can never be satisfied, I like how Sadhguru put it in one of his videos, how flower gives one fragrance no matter of circumstances, but us humans are jumping from one place to another as soon as something comes our way, all the time looking for something to be good ,bad, interesting, boring, needed, unneeded. The thing is that there is nothing to really look for, it is all just way of mind, but it is not so easy to see trough this ignorance, as I said, easier said than done.
  22. Lets look at what Shin said First you have to answer if there is such thing as good ,bad and suffering, to which I would say it would be wrong to say that such things do not exist, there are people who think that something is good ,or bad, there are people who suffer, so ultimately they are real. But now lets look at it differently, is there anything that is actually good,bad or brings suffering, you will find that it will vary allot because of how your personality, how your mind interprets it at any given time. what someone consider bad and makes him suffer, could as well bring joy and be considered good for someone else , or you can see it as bad one moment, but as something good, or irrelevant another day.
  23. You think that your limited personal mind has intelligence to understand what it really is funny, you can have had any realization you want, form plays by its design, and is only able to make another interpretation of mind.
  24. You could start by trying to understand why you have it, is it because you are shy, or is it because you are indecisive if you really want to make closer bound with people, maybe it is because of some traits of overthinking of how to react to people actions, conversations they make because you do not want them to misunderstand your body language in negative way. does having more people nearby make it harder for you to make conversation, then being alone with someone. We could start from this and some pointers you can add,
  25. Sure thing, but you can't bring formless in to form, as soon as you will do it you will be form again, even if you will think that you are formless, it will be nothing more then form thinking of it being formless.