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Everything posted by purerogue

  1. Tell that to all people who get mental breakdown after get to see their reflection! In all seriousness this work goes deeper then some people think, until you have not at least touched realms where human logic does not apply, not talking about unicorns, you will not understand why no self state , even higher states where you literally become one with everything around you is just forms. At least that is my opinion.
  2. That is why it is so difficult to do this work, you are playing against yourself all the time, sometimes without realizing it. When it comes to traumas they are only problem because we have very strong reaction to cause of it, it is better to deal with it as it can very easily throw you out of balance, where regular emotions cause no problem for person who knows how to let go of them if needed. Emotions them self drastically change our perception of things, be it positive , or negative you can easily get misguided because your thought patterns work directly of emotional state you are operating from.
  3. Depends on circumstances, there are things that might be in need of taken care of, but if you plan to try fix for everything every time thinking that there is some problem you will run in circles forever. Ofc you could go very in-depth in this topic, but the thing is that not every emotion you think is negative means you have some kind of trauma that needs to be fixed, as not every positive emotion means that you are doing good to yourself. It is way more tricky then that.
  4. It is just emotion,feeling, sometimes based on your reaction to thoughts , sometimes just emotion,feeling it self. So if you want to change it , you have to change your emotional state of mind, or how you react to certain thoughts. There is no pointless,bland, there is only your state of mind that makes it feel pointless , bland , it could as well be very meaningful, you are trying to find logical in meaning that holds nothing.
  5. Practice you are doing is great if you are really serious about wanting to dive deeper,won't be easy though, but it is proper way if you want to see huge results. But stay away from it if you want to take it slow, from all things I have done it is probably most powerful one and can get you further then you can handle very fast. There are to many people who do not understand what they are getting them self into, they say they want, but when they starting to get it they break and ask for way out. I can't stress enough how much people underestimate what they are getting them self into.
  6. Not really, you see freedom from beliefs will get you past beliefs,where belief will keep you stuck The point is that you must droop all beliefs at certain point and drooping beliefs that are engraved in your mind so strongly will be no easy task at all. Other then that I have nothing against this path itself, I just see to many people who get consumed by their own worshiping object.
  7. There is path specially for belief, or rather people who want to worship god, or any deity really, it can probably go out of such norms and can be nation , or whatever. Extremely powerful, unfortunately probably most dangerous too, as your psyche gets so much engraved into believing this , that it is extremely difficult to get out of it afterwards.
  8. I am curious why he did something like that before elections, seems like very stupid move , it does not help him, but lets see, he always finds ways how to surprise.
  9. I am not sure if I get what you mean by if self is still around, self is still around in non dual states, it is just not directly connected to certain parts of mind,like thoughts, feelings,senses. Mind is way more complex then then feeling of me , us ,everything, nothing,thoughts,emotions,senses, it is multilevel maze, that is extremely difficult to navigate as every step can be misstep without you realizing it, it is like being tricked into believing something ,but still being able to make correct move.
  10. It is nothing unusual and this will come as my opinion as always It all depends from state you access, just as everything can feel completely empty, cold, you can enter in state where everything will feel alive and swarming, it is still all in realms of mind, that I am sure of, unfortunately saying more on this matter would be pure speculation from my side , so I will rather keep it at that. About consequence part, it is one of paths on how you can enter non-dual state, if you have not had one, to witch consequences can be serious ego backlash if you are not mentally strong enough, getting to non-dual state from this path is way more difficult for ego to deal with.
  11. In my opinion he is not done, he just got to non dual state and saw through some of the mind "games", how it operates, but it goes way deeper, to better describe he is just still mind that saw his own reflection.
  12. I see where they are coming from, the other side is so out of this reality that it has nothing in common with this , or anything that is talked about in duality or non-duality ,Oneness .So I understand why they say it is way of lunatic , but is it bad to be lunatic?
  13. Don't think that you would be able to handle pain without pleasure to appreciate progress.
  14. Interesting right, to bad that ignorance is so strong and so hard to see trough.
  15. Trump will win, they need very strong candidate to even have a chance.
  16. There is other practice you can do, I guess it will not help you see who you are ,probably, but it will give you tool to see how everything in your experience is built, problem is that I am not sure if you are mentally ready for it, it might confuse you even more. It is really up to you though, but are you ready for some possible ego backlash.
  17. Now the question is what did he notice, I have seen these threads to often to believe that it is anything more then just some ahha moment that will not last.
  18. No , not really, although it for sure can give you temporary highs, state you are in on itself can feel empty , but it is not really empty, there is allot of peace in it, the thing is as you made separation from previous state, which in place cut you of from feeling anything else then emptiness to certain extend. When I am talking about using both I mean you are both, not you use one and then you use another.
  19. Who needs to solve traumas, sorry it is to funny!
  20. Did't you think that you are your thoughts , your personality ?Now you see that it is not really the case, what happens if we take this state away, you go back thinking that you are this personality , this thought. That's the significance of this state, but what you did is you excluded your previous state. I am asking, can you use both of them.
  21. significance is that you do get stuck thinking that you are only ONE of thous things as you did before, so if you will include them back, it will not be the same as before.
  22. It just form of expressing, what you did there was only entering other state,dimension, striping yourself of previous states,dimensions, does it make more sense?
  23. So I see there is allot of confusion about what does loosing attachment to ego means, good and bad, hate , not hate, Judge, not judge. I know it has been said before, but as days pass, things get buried and people get confused because of form how people replay , rightfully so as it would be chore to put definition each time. Never the least seeing sentences, "you should not judge ", "there is no good , or bad", you should be, you should not be, brings you nowhere closer. To understand why, you have to understand 3 bases of no attachment. *More effort, or effort in general only strengthens your ego, it is nothing more then your ego saying to itself I will not do this , I will be like that. *Doing only what you want is still effort* *Will be attached , will not be attached is effort , so you are still running after your tail. See the truth of attachment in you.