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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. I don't think I misunderstood you. There's an important distinction to be made here. "Not resisting" is not something you can flip like a switch. If it was that easy, everyone would do it. One must learn why they're resisting. They must make sense of it. Why is chasing the Ox one of the first steps to enlightenment? Because the ego needs something to chase to make it worthwhile. It is only through this process of chasing and taming the ox that you are able to embody and see that you were the Ox the whole time. ONLY THEN can you surrender. If I read your post correctly, you advocate for beginners to stop chasing and making sense of the world. It doesn't work like that.
  2. @cetus56 LOL! No, I'm far from embodying it, as I'm still on my early journey. But I feel it. I know the source of humor. And it's a beautiful thing.
  3. Your post doesn't make any sense. Sorry. You're trying to analyze depressed people from the vantage point of (probably) already having an enlightenment experience. Just because YOU can just "be"(and understand what that means), doesn't mean an unconscious person can. You're not appreciating your own journey and how you attained some of these insights. You're absolutely right that someone first starting consciousness work will feel even MORE depressed. More nihilistic. That's egoic reaction. That's not something to avoid! That's the journey! That IS what you should be working through! So anyone who's reading this, have faith in these practices. You must understand your entire ego and all its tricks. You must go through the darkest depths of your being, and face your worst fears and insecurities. I'll add that psychedelics help immensely with speeding up the process, but there are ultimately no shortcuts.
  4. Uh, wow. My close friend and I are completely tapped into infinite humor. You're the only other person I know that resonates with that too... It's quite an amazing thing! It's not something you can explain to people. You're either tapped into that "frequency" or you're not.
  5. Buckle you seatbelt, Dorothy. Cause Kansas... Is going bye-bye! ?
  6. I've learned to not go there with my parents ?. I had an interesting conversation with them over spiral dynamics, but they couldn't help but interpret the model from their blue/orange perspective. That I was somehow judging and pidgeonholing people. "Like, liberals are somehow more evolved than me? WHAT?" These topics just don't translate well to people that aren't fundamentally open minded and non-judgmental.
  7. You trolling me, bro? I was trying to explain my situation of time travel and quantum entanglement, and you went off on a tangent of feeling ultimate love. ? It's all good though! You're not wrong... It just seemed a little off topic. I meant everything I said. Perhaps you're taking life a little too seriously if you think love is all there is at higher metaphysical states of Consciousness. Yes, love is the emotion we perceive when we connect with ourselves. It's literally the connection. But HUMOR! It's there too! And I feel that it's a metaphysically based emotion like love. It's the ability to laugh at ourselves about our own insignificance. There's beauty there.
  8. @Nahm oh yeah totally. In order to get to that highest form of love, you literally have to die into it. You nailed it! But there's something else I've realized. When you try going after these states of total "presence" or "being," there's another potent emotion that surfaces. Humor. I've gotten to a point where my perception gets lighter and lighter, and I'll start laughing uncontrollably at the beauty and illusion of it all. It's from this pervasive existential humor that love tends to pour out of me. Or is it the other way around? Have you experienced this?
  9. @cetus56 No I haven't watched the movie Dune, but that makes sense of intuition which dreams are gong to pan out. @Nahm You're right, my perception of future events is just as real as any other perception. My theory is that we all seem to be "synced" into the same time because we are all one mind. However, it is possible to become "de-synced" from the usual experience and feel things that are "probable" to happen in the future (which is like the "standard" time of this giant mind). The reason I say probable, is because your knowledge of future events can alter the path. Quantum entanglement. Here's a very real example from my own experience: sometimes I can pick up on my phone alarm and vibration before it goes off. However, if I don't have the INTENT of keeping my phone right where it is, then I won't feel it early. That's because in a probable future timeline, I'll intuit the alarm going off before it actually does and pick it up, thereby preventing myself from feeling the vibration in "the future." I'm still in the early stages of figuring out how this works. Really exciting but really scary at the same time. It's not consistent yet, but I'm working to hone this sense...
  10. I would be very skeptical of suddenly coming to a conclusion about a problem such as this a day after posting a topic, and after reading a single book and throwing some thoughts around. What is that, a combined few hours of work? You think that's it? You say you're satisfied... WHO is satisfied? Certainly not the force that compelled you to research this in the first place! That's not possible. You've settled for an easy middle ground where your ego and your true self are both partially satisfied. "At least I can't say I didn't search." But on the other hand, "at least I still have some control." Your journey is far from over my friend. You're going to be eaten up on the inside even more now. Don't deny it. You've admitted that you don't have control over "the force" that compelled you to come here, yet you said you were in complete control of your egoic mind and how you interpreted it. Think about that. That is to deny that these parts are interlinked and part of the same system. When they obviously are. Be careful of judging your previous actions from the lens of the present. We all know hindsight is 20/20. But in the moment you chose to read the book, you had no clue if it contained more information that might have been helpful to you! You had no choice but to read it. If we rewinded time millions of times over, you would have bought that book every. single. time. You getting this? Did I have any control on writing this response? No. I saw your message and knew I had to shake you up. Did I have any choice on how to word this, or how I chose to be harsh and blunt? No. This is all calculated on how I feel best to respond given my current knowledge. This is not meant to overwhelm or belittle you in any way whatsoever. I believe that this is what you need to hear, and I can't explain it. Quantum mechanics tells us that there are nothing but probability fields, and things only "come" into existence when observed. You used the example of the interaction of water molecules. What is the force that decides how things come together? Do you think you egoic chimp brain had any power over that? Fuck no. Get real.
  11. Oh I completely understand where you're coming from. It's a valid point, and we should all be mindful of that. But Wim Hof is not great because he is immune to cold. Wim Hof is great because he is a conscious, holistic human being who teaches other people how to become in tune and conscious of their own bodies. To formulate his own method, he gathered wisdom from various ancient spiritual traditions. This isn't "new" stuff," and he's definitely not masquerading around as some god. I think you'll find that out quickly if you research him.
  12. This isn't his goal at all. "Never getting sick" is the clickbait title of someone else's video about his work. If you actually research him, he is extremely conscious and comfortable in his body. He doesn't back away from telling that he got his strength from massive suffering from his wife passing away. Pain is the key, facing your own death is the key to understanding who you are. There are no misunderstandings about that. No shortcuts. I suggest you actually research him and watch his podcasts. There's something special there about his psychology that can't be faked. Don't let other people's interpretations of the surface level "gains" of this method fool you. There's deep wisdom to be found here.
  13. This is fucking hilarious, I just watched the sick video today and have committed to the method. What a synchronicity. But to answer your question, there are many facets to enlightenment. Is he a non duality master? Probably not. Does he understand the mind-body connection more than probably anyone else? Does he understand the power of the present moment and is able to embody it? Yes to both. There seems to be a deep wisdom and mental mastery about him... I would say he's pretty enlightened
  14. Thank you for the response. It's so crazy you said that, because I've been noticing things like that happen more and more to me. I'll notice seemingly random thoughts I'm having actually pop up in my direct experience a few seconds to a few minutes down the line. It's mystical. It defies everything. And it has happened enough times (dozens of little "insignificant" instances over the last few months), that there's definitely something to it... It's even getting to the point where I'll smell and feel things a few seconds before they actually happen. So how would you visualize "time" in these scenarios? What you described reminded me of a description from the movie Interstellar. The guy took a piece of paper (space-time), folded it in half, then poked a pencil through it to demonstrate "time travel." But wouldn't the"gap" or distance between the folds remain the same? Or alternate timeliness or realities are always the same perceived time apart? I've narrowed it down to about 15 seconds where most of my phenomena takes place.
  15. Time is definitely not linear or universal. Physics has proven this already. I have directly experienced "time travel" on trips before. Remote viewers can see things from past or future. Time is a perception. And the ego clings to this perception as "It's own" so that's why it's nearly impossible to wrap your head around this stuff. That being said, for the past to make logical sense within the context of the present, events had to build off one another. That's why we can look in history to "uncover" truths about the present. If the past was completely "made up" in the last second, then looking into the past would probably steer towards confusion and deception, however the opposite is true. So there's at least an intelligence behind the past that can't be "faked." Whether it was "real" or not, can't ultimately be proven. What are your thoughts on this?
  16. Conceivably, yes. From a certain perspective Thursday exists, from another, it doesn't exist, and from yet another perspective, Thursday both exists and doesn't exist. Each perspective is a partial truth. The real question you should be asking is why there is Thursday at all? What is the function of Thursday? Thursday does not feel any different than Monday. The days of the week are just a mental construction or framework to separate time to be useful in society. It's a language. Symbols. Would the days of the week be useful to you stranded on a desert island? The NUMBER of days elapsed maybe (for survival purposes), but a distinction between days would not be relevant. So what you're really asking is if a certain point in time we perceive to be "in the past" existed at all? Let me ask you something. In your direct experience right now, what would be the difference between your thoughts of the past being "actual" or being "imaginary?" Is there a difference at all?
  17. @Flammable ok, I think I understand what you're saying, but I don't think it's that simplistic. Yes, from a non dual perspective, the duality of free will and determinism break down. But what are we left with? The only way, logically, for the world to operate would be completely deterministic, unless there was an unimaginable force outside the system to alter it. But in this closed system of infinite void, there can only be one outcome given the state of infinite intelligence... the "best" one from the vantage point of the Force. There is NOTHING random in the universe. Random is a concept that cannot exist. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yada yada yada. BUT, that's the only outcome if the universe was linear and rational. Completely deterministic. But most of us here know that's not the case. Reality IS a strange loop. Infinite intelligence created itself... out of void. Nothing. There's nothing rational about that. Time is not linear, it is absolutely bendable. I wouldn't have believed it unless I experienced it myself. Quantum mechanics tells us that there's nothing here but probability fields, and that the very "fabric" of the universe can shape and mold to anything it wants with enough force. I think that's at least pretty close to the truth. Seems to line up with my consciousness work and mystical experiences so far...
  18. This has been a great discussion so far! I just wanted to add something I've been contemplating lately. I believe that the illusion of choice is actually a self-deception mechanism (like one of @Leo Gura 's 60+). The idea that there is no choice is a great threat to the ego mind and its survival, because feeling in control is something it requires and seeks. Now, like many of the self-deception techniques, this one especially is highly exploitable (by the Devil, as well as for good). For instance, (positive example) in the movie "The Matrix," Morpheus gives Neo a "choice" of the blue or red pill, knowing that Neo's egoic mind NEEDED to feel like it had a choice at that time in order to be invested and make the right choice. You see, just the very idea of oneself having freewill alters the playing field in various ways. This is really the devil's trick! Any adolescent knows that when they gained more freedom in their teenage years, they started making a LOT of bad choices. "Freedom." When you're "free" to do whatever you want, without the right guidance your ego is allowed to take over. It clouds your judgment. What's actually going on here is that when you make a choice, you must create a rift in the present moment, play out different timelines of how you THINK these various decisions will play out (illusion more prone to corruption), and often resort to reason to help you decide (without knowing it's heavily reliant on emotions and ego). Another interesting phenomena is when you get lost in the thought loop of how you thought about how you were thinking, and so on (like Princess Bride). This allows lots of time for your ego to take over. Think of "free will" as a sleight of hand trick the ego uses to add another foggy layer between you and the present moment. Free will creates a strange loop of thought that one can get lost in. Why? It's simple, because free will DOES NOT EXIST. IT CAN'T. It's fundamentally an output from which there was no input. A "random" button of the mind. The fact of the matter is that there always needs to be an input of some kind, some direction. And of course, the conclusion we have all arrived at is that that direction is completely outside our control. You can't actually think about how you are choosing. You either live in the present moment and listen to heart and intuition, or you muddy the waters with choices (and other delusions of the mind). Ultimately you didn't have a choice in how you approached the situation. Now, I don't believe that we live in a completely deterministic world. I agree with Leo that there's some 3rd state of being that hasn't been talked about yet, something mystical and post-rational. The nature of reality is a strange loop, with the guiding, creational hand being "infinite intelligence." Is infinite intelligence predictable and causal? It apparently has a plan for human evolution, and it's probably going towards it in the "best" way possible. I don't know. When I get that deep, it stops making sense and seemingly contradicts itself. Those are some of the questions I have, hopefully some of you fine folk could shed some light on them? If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Peace.
  19. I would recommend a Denver/ Boulder stop on your tour. I think you’d have a great turnout, and the setting would be perfect too. I know that both my close friend and I would be there!
  20. @seeking_brilliance What I meant was that whatever emotions we feel are just experiences based on the metaphysical connection we realize with something else. That's what's going on behind the scenes. When you look at examples of true love, unconditional love... that phenomenon usually happens when you recognize deep sameness between yourself and something or someone else. Why does a parent (mother especially) feel unconditional love with their child? Because they realize that child IS them, in a certain sense. So in a way all love is self-love. Love breaks down the barriers that the ego created, and recognizes the deep sameness. The more I brought up examples and contemplated this, the more I realized that love in essence is the reconnection between mind (this is all mind-stuff after all). What you perceive as the feeling of love (and of course from a human's perspective, this is a complicated emotion that arises in so many ways), is really YOU (infinite being) breaking down barriers and reconnecting with yourself. Think of it like open communication with all parts of your being. That's an immensely pleasurable feeling. "The self cannot love" is a true statement and not contradictory. Making the distinction of "The self" fundamentally separates "you" from "other." That is what's usually called ego. I hope that makes more sense with my definition of love in the above paragraph. "All love is self-love" is a true statement, because there is nothing other than you. But we're seeing that language (symbols) breaks down when talking about nonduality. It's kind of a whacky strange loop. The first statement is from the perspective of separateness, the second statement is from the perspective of the universe. So in summary, love is MUCH more than just a feeling. The feelings are secondary, the primary process is metaphysical connection. And what is connection taken to its furthest point? The convergence of multiple parts into one... With this definition, you'll quickly see that a lot of what you once thought of as "love" is just hormones, and that true love becomes easier to spot. I think it's simple yet profound.
  21. I'm not sure whether to share the insight I've had on it. You may not have the proper context, and this may not make sense. But I'll say it anyway. All love is is infinite mind connecting with itself. Love is a connection, that's all it is. Everything else is just an interpretation. Love seems really complicated sometimes, with many different facets, but that's all fabrication. Love is fundamental metaphysically.
  22. The various aspects of this "infinite playdoh" or void. That love, intelligence, and consciousness are fundamental. There's many facets to this, and each realization is separate from nonduality, almost like a subset.
  23. Ok, maybe I'm crazy or deceived or overlooking something... But I had this insight when I was thinking about how the body heals after you get injured. Let's say you cut your hand (keeping on recent topics ). There's a deep gash. For your hand to heal, it would take insane "computing power" to align all the cells properly to heal. All the muscle tissue, sweat glands, skin cells, blood vessels, and tendons (maybe) have to regenerate in exactly the right fashion, something has to smartly direct all these processes. This is an insanely complicated task. The smartest supercomputer in the world literally couldn't do it. So, what are the mechanisms that allow this to happen? What could it possibly be? From a materialist paradigm, there is literally no mechanism that could direct this. Is the brain finding the location of each cell? No. Does your hand have the blueprint, and cells just know how to regrow? The nail in that coffin is that it regrows smartly with all the other body systems in mind. It would be absolute chaos if everything grew back on their own accord. The pieces wouldn't "fit." And the hand doesn't regrow abnormally. No, it does its best to heal to exactly how it was before and stops there. Everyone takes this for granted... but really think about it. How marvelous is this? It's basically science fiction! After this contemplation, I laughed because it became so completely obvious. It fit in with what I've been learning from my own work and From infinite intelligence, we are engineering every hair follicle, every nerve, every part of our body. Maybe I'm missing something, but this seems so fucking obvious to me.
  24. 1st: make sure it's actually LSD. 2nd: 1 tab. Usually laid at 80-120ug range. Don't even think about starting higher your first time. 3rd: safe travels my friend!