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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. @now is forever don't get me wrong. I'm not demonizing the person. Just that whole exchange reeked of devilry. The intentions weren't coming from the right place. It wasn't well-thought- out. Let's just assume that the "witch" powers were legit and she could read the future. Telling OP about it would actually influence the outcome to some degree (in a sense a spell that seals the deal), so the witch created a situation in which the only option was to force money out of someone else, in order to stop thousands of dollars in damage and bodily harm. Whether the cleansing would have worked or not is completely irrelevant and unknowable. The proper action for the witch, if her intentions were pure, would be to offer the cleansing for free or to not say anything at all and not get involved in the quantum entanglement.
  2. @tashawoodfall I can't speak to whether she was legit or not, but IT IS possible to read that stuff on other people. It is also possible that the experience stuck in your subconscious and that belief willed its way to existence, as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyone who forces you into a corner and charges $20 to save you from a car accident (assuming their reading was legit) is a devil. So don't go to her. Fuck that. I'd say forget the whole thing and try not to be pulled into this stuff as easily next time. Your inner game, your beliefs are everything.
  3. @AlphaAbundance if infinity posed such a limit on itself, it would not be infinity, would it? The only reason we are able to escape the matrix is BECAUSE our true nature is infinite, that it lies outside of this illusion or Maya. Your question is backwards, as it is coming from your limited, rational mind within the matrix.
  4. This, I can agree with. The main difference between science now and yellow+ science is that science will understand its limits and no longer make truth claims. When science accepts that mysticism is valid, they will start to merge and co-evolve (probably when society is at upper green/beginning yellow. And that will be a beautiful thing. I think we'll start to see the very beginnings of this in our lifetimes. Just see how our understanding of meditation has deepened over the last 20 years. Science admittedly doesn't understand WHY this shit works, but there has been a giant influx of funding and studies into meditation research. Take that times 100, then you might have a little vision of what will happen when mysticism and science start merging.
  5. @Leo Gura yes, exactly! Science becomes mysticism, in a beautiful full circle! I don't believe that mysticism will not evolve as well... It has been evolving for the last 10000 years. Just extremely slowly. Mysticism is really just science taken to the extreme. Science won't cease to exist when it gets to that point, it will flourish unimpeded. That type of science would be completely unrecognizable to us now, but I believe it will blow our fucking minds. What I'm saying is that mysticism as a scientific pursuit is still in its infancy. Mysticism is still in the dark ages. I mean, it is still fashionable and recommended to use the same techniques of 5,000 years ago! How insane is that? Do you really think that's the only way, or the BEST way to practice mysticism? We've barely even begun...
  6. @Leo Gura thank you. I understand everything you're saying, but what if science evolved to transrational? What if science were to understand the limits of concepts and language, did not proceed to make truth claims, and only was interested in studying and facilitating experiences of the Absolute? Would it be feasible for scientific application to AID or COMPLIMENT spirituality?
  7. @Leo Gura Science - "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." Isn't that exactly what your method is, except it's more informal and has no implied metaphysics of physicality? I don't see science and spirituality as separate in any way, actually, I think they come full circle. The true definition of spirituality you've presented is really close to how I envision science evolving to: the study of actuality through observation and experimentation.
  8. Thanks, Ace!
  9. @Serotoninluv I see a future that when science drops the materialist paradigm, it could be centered around facilitating experiences of the absolute. This field is still in its infancy
  10. Current science will never be able to, because consciousness is obviously not materialistic. When science evolves to shed it's materialist paradigm, then it might be able to explain it in much the same way Leo is doing now. You have to understand that science as it's practiced today is not true Science...
  11. @Aakash that's a great point! Yeah, AI will move our society to stage Green, because the jobs that robots can't do are ones relating and connecting with people. This in itself is a really beautiful thing. The transition will require a global shift in values; this isn't going to be pretty at first, but it'll happen!
  12. Yes. The proliferation if instant communication and information sharing is ultimately a positive thing, as it will speed up our evolution through the stages. Just look at What was once hard to attain info is now available to anyone accessibly
  13. I don't see it that way. The internet speeds up the evolution of our species, but it itself is not a force that will pull one way or another. The internet is a direct extension of ourselves, and will highlight and exaggerate our existing issues. And because of increased lines of communication, we're understanding more and more about our problems and how to fix them. Our technology will speed up our evolution. That is why it is so beautiful...
  14. Pic or it didn't happen! Also, expect an ego backlash within the next few days. Watch Leo's video on it if you haven't already. I believe in you! ❤️
  15. @ShaharA all the time my dude!! Maybe it's because reality (being) gets too intense sometimes, and I feel the need to disconnect for a few minutes. These are usually deep contemplation sessions, and I basically lose all care for my physical body, and zoom off into space. It'd say it happens at least a couple times a day, and it happens spontaneously (obviously only in a safe spot, not when driving lol). Completely within my control to stop, but I like them! It's nice to hear someone else does these too
  16. How ironic, because the entire premise of the book is that we are always looking at the clock wishing we were somewhere else... I mean, of course that was the book you were reading! How could it be any other way! Your ego was so startled by the contents of the book that you're exhibiting textbook ego backlash behavior that was outlined within the book. It's all laid out right in front of you. Do you see? Ask yourself, "Where is it I'd rather be? Where am I trying to go to when I read? Why am I resisting the present moment?" If there isn't a legitimate place your intuition is trying to pull you towards, then consider that "anywhere but here" is precisely the place your ego wants you to be, which is quite neurotic and a never ending loop of anxiety. You are controlled by psychological time. In order to apply the wisdom in the book, you're going to have to self-inquiry into the inner workings behind this uneasiness. Perhaps you should stop reading for now, until you have processed everything in Tollé's book. You might even have to read it again. But all this is a sign you haven't absorbed all the new info. You're still probably trapped in psychological time, and you won't be able to move on until you become conscious of it.
  17. I don't think you actually believe this. How did you notice that you started judging less? You had to be aware of it, no? What you do believe, is that sometimes the best way to deal with a problem is to gain a new perspective on it, to come at it with a different angle. By gaining new perspectives by connecting with new people, you expanded your identity and gained new insights into yourself. THIS is actually the mechanism behind why you started naturally judging less, and it's the same mechanism I'm talking about. All it is is observation! "Other" is the direct reflection of "self." That's all you've been doing. If you really want to take your awareness to the next level though, try coming back to direct observation of the self. Perhaps you're more ready to take on that direct perspective now. It was just a metaphor. It is YOUR crappy soap opera, and when you bring awareness to it, it will slowly evolve into your dream movie. That's the beauty of it! I actually thought my beginning soap opera was fascinating, then hilarious, and my movie has since turned into a roaring comedy!
  18. @Sagatarius That is the eventual goal, but that is too big for you to grasp. This is not to belittle you at all, every single one of us is this way, we're just not aware or honest enough to admit it. It would be wise to not underestimate your ego's need for a concrete goal. A goal is not to say, "once it's up I'm relapsing twice a day." A goal is a concrete step to reach higher. We all need stepping stones to reach the top of the mountain. Thinking you can fly right now is a self-deception.
  19. That's what your ego wants you to think, in order to avoid doing the challenging work. In order to demonize your original demonization, you actually have to become aware of and call out your demonizing. This might seem negative at first, but awareness is the key to overcoming. Even this path, while not ideal, would eventually self-correct as you continue to call out various demonizations you weren't conscious of before. Eventually you'll form a map of how you demonize, and that raising of consciousness will eventually be able to call out the meta-demonizations, and you'll stop demonizing altogether. However, while this is certainly a risk, it isn't ideal and can actually be avoided by arming yourself with the expectation that you'll meta-demonize. Practice merely being the watcher, with no attachment to your thought patterns. Practice self-love and acceptance throughout the process. Think of it like watching TV... a bad soap opera, if you will. Your mind is going to try to pull you in and get you emotionally involved in the story. Don't. Just watch and learn.
  20. Day 1: Energy: 2 Awareness: 3 Sexual thoughts/urges: 2 Self-esteem: 3 Social confidence: 3 Day 2: Energy: 3 Awareness: 3 Sexual thoughts/urges: 4 Self-esteem: 3 Social confidence: 3
  21. @Wyze The reason you're triggered by them, and the reason they keep coming up for you, is because you don't understand them. Watch Leo's latest 2-part Cult video. That was literally the subject of them, and your questions should be answered. If you've watched them and are still confused, then let me know and I'll try to explain it. But there really should be no need.
  22. @Serotoninluv I came up with the ocean metaphor on the fly and rolled with it lol... and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. If the ocean is love and consciousness, then the turbulent area where the ocean meets the air is really just love! Because anger, fear, and hate are all really just love misinterpreted from a narrow perspective. Love manipulated by the ego. Love interpreted from the duality of ocean and air. Perhaps I'm reaching here, but I thought it was profound.
  23. Could any question, no matter what it was, be harmful if investigated honestly? Questions ONLY get you closer to Truth, as it must be! If that wasn't the case, then would what you're pursuing really be Truth? What you felt was normal+. Your ego understands intuitively that this self-inquiry would lead to the death of itself. You understand this. From the ego's perspective, yeah, that is a very bad thing! But your ego is not truth, as its main purpose is to surround you in a bubble of deceit to maintain the illusion of your separate self. You cracked the bubble enough to get a sense for the first time that you're actually in a bubble, and this knowledge alone will make you feel like you're dying, because you've been led to believe that YOU ARE this bubble. Understand that following this line of inquiry will literally lead to your death. Also understand that this will be the greatest thing you'll ever experience. We're talking about enlightenment here. You cannot stay YOU if you want to transcend YOU. Good luck!