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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. @EvilAngel I did, so I get you, but I do not anymore. This completely evaporates when you raise your consciousness. More specifically, try to seriously understand WHY they are like that, then understand that they didn't choose to be that way. Spiral Dynamics REALLY helped me to have compassion for others. Also, try flipping this problem on its head! Start seeing how dealing with unconscious people is a blessing. A test for you to reflect on how far you've come. Step in their shoes and see how your higher vibration can raise theirs. Getting angry at them actually lowers the vibrational energy and leads to a string of negative thoughts and actions for both you and the receiver of that energy. Whether you're conscious of this or not, that's what happens. This is not something that can happen overnight. It'll probably take months to truly get to a place where you stop anger and judgment. Because this was a recent thing for me, I occasionally feel anger rising up inside, but I can evaporate it as quickly as it had come.
  2. @Ethan_05 Of course people turn it into an ideology without doing the work. Leo says that in almost every video! Be mindful about it, but don't judge other people or use this as an excuse to not do personal development because the traps are real and potentially dangerous. There's nothing inherently harmful about his content, it is up to the user to use it responsibly. Leo didn't force you to watch it! You click the video, you sit there for hours and soak it in, and it's entirely your personal responsibility after that. It's like if there's an instructional video on how to fix your computer, that video isn't "dangerous" if you end up breaking your computer by doing something stupid while following it. Leo is very careful to remind you of the traps on this path, it's all baked in to the videos. And even if he didn't do that (he didn't have to), it wouldn't be his responsibility for whatever happened to you.
  3. Welcome to the forum! I use it for goals of all kinds, book notes, inspiring quotes, schedules (kind of like a checklist for my eating habits, meditation, yoga, journaling, etc.), collecting and organizing important webpages and online articles, inspiring people, burning questions and my thoughts and info about them, life purpose course, women (organizing my notes on relationships, dating advice, etc.), and just quick notes on anything at all throughout the day (many of these can be inspiration for new sections). I also have sections on ego (probably my biggest and most important section) and nonduality. Those are more advanced though, the rest are highly practical and you could start tomorrow.
  4. Gem from Sam Rami's Spiderman movie
  5. That is not at all evidence for or against the law of attraction. Lol.
  6. God playing
  7. @Shakazulu you don't do the universe, the universe does you!
  8. @DocHoliday really think about the meme. It says "if you wish to get rid of fear." That is conceivably the first step in overcoming fear, no matter how you'd choose to go about it... And understood at a deep level. You make a great point, I find that true as well.
  9. @DocHoliday be careful with what you call fear. What many people aren't aware of is that fear, as well as needs or wants, is fundamentally love. Just misguided by the fragmentation of ego. When taken further, your original meme seems to suggest that fear is the only source of motivation for overcoming fear... There's obviously something backwards about this, so I wanted to being this to your attention.
  10. @DocHoliday If one desires to get rid of fear, does he actually just love to not fear?
  11. No internal conflict = tapped in to infinite insights. Do you ever wonder why enlightened masters utter nothing but pure wisdom?
  12. Funny, after 2 years of dicking around with psychedelics and basically dipping my toes in with self-actualizing, I find myself a COMPLETELY different person. It's insane! Guess it just goes to show that everyone is different... However, I think you've had a lot more progress than you're giving yourself credit for. Keep on trekking my friend!
  13. I am subscribed and I appreciate his content.
  14. Now THIS is stage Coral:
  15. This is a really cool YT channel, you should check out his other videos.
  16. When you get down to the root, all love is self-love. I am you. You are me. There is no egoic self in the traditional sense, but in the absolute sense we are all one unified consciousness! Isn't the entire universe just an expression of its love for itself? Isn't our reality just a creation by the universe to turn the formless into form to marvel at itself? The universe was so bored that it literally created itself then forgot, just to have the experience of fucking looking at itself! Is the universe not the most narcissistic motherfucker you've ever heard of?!?! This is the cosmic equivalent of snapchat girls taking 80 pictures of themselves in the bathroom mirror to experiment with every angle and filter...
  17. It became obvious to me that for reality to be "perfect," it (consciousness, infinite intelligence) must be sculpting reality based on what is deems to be "perfect." And this notion of perfect would have to be based on certain metrics and values. Reality COULD be a multitude of other ways, but it is THIS way. There must be a reason, right? I get this intuitive sense (and seeing it all around me) that there is higher purpose and vision. We're all conducted. We all develop along certain lines (spiral dynamics). I could go on and on... What I'd like to open for discussion is: what possibly could be this higher vision? What is reality evolving towards??
  18. Yes, that's true until you get to Turquoise, and even then, we're still human and remnants of fragmentation will still show. While money could be a deciding factor for many people in blue/orange, what really throws them off their rocker is breaking or undermining their VALUES. It's like a fucking stab in the heart if you go against their religion, customs, ethnocentrism, patriotism, etc. Blue parents literally disown their children for that stuff.
  19. @Wyze Fragmentation is the work of the ego to separate itself. Distinguish itself. Label itself. Cut itself off from love. Trapping itself in customs, traditions, laws, etiquette, conduct, and other Blue values. The mental barriers and self-deceptions are so apparent when you're around Blue people. It's kind of hard to explain, but Blue people are basically incapable of love because of all the fragmentation. The love they experience is still very much in a box and highly conditional.
  20. You're going to have to deconstruct the word "autistic" to find what it actually means. Journal about it deeply. Where would you draw the line between "autistic" and "high functioning?" Does this term actually mean anything to you personally and how you'd want to live your life? Could it possibly be anything more than an crutch for you? When you realize it's a completely relative and baseless term, you'll be able to start doing inner work to rid yourself of the mental baggage. You're already aware of some of these limiting beliefs (like parasites), but a lot more will be uncovered. This won't be an easy process, but you'll be all the better for it. Also, be at peace with anyone who has called you autistic. It wasn't their fault...
  21. @RobertZ I was raised in a mostly blue environment. What you have to understand and accept is that blue people are incapable of love. They feed off of fragmentation, and are thus incapable of actual love. Love freaks them out! It's actually quite easy (from a higher perspective) to have empathy for them. Not pity, of course, but empathy. If you try to show it though, they'll throw up walls.
  22. I looked in the mirror this morning as well, lol
  23. I had some thoughts on this topic, and I'm kind of uneasy about it. I hope you can help me clear this up. Can I prove that I am conscious? No, as there is no one else to prove it TO. Proof is an untenable notion, as it implies a subject- object duality with which you're trying to prove using only subjective experience. Therefore, you can prove that proof cannot be proven universally, but only from a certain perspective. There's nothing I could possibly prove TO YOU, and as such, you or I shouldn't blindly trust anything. Learn to weed out Bullshit to give yourself better sources, of course. OK then, but I am conscious! Yes! In my direct experience, I am that which is aware of the experience. However, I can't prove that I'm conscious using external phenomena. This also means I can't prove anyone else to be conscious, as their notion of Consciousness would be predecated upon my first person experience, my consciousness. Is it a self-deception to assume that because I am conscious, that means everyone else is also conscious? How do I know for sure that everyone else is not a figment of my imagination? If I am conscious, shouldn't that mean that every other creature I perceive to be conscious is also conscious? Even the "figment" would still be an entity that's aware of itself, solely based on the fact that I am conscious of it. In a matrix style setup where I am the only inlet of Consciousness, everything else is a program or a form created by me... You'd still run into the same epistemic problems, that is, if you thought of this reality as "existing on a computer." In VR, the person playing is conscious. He cannot point to the illusion and say, "This VR body is producing consciousness." The scenario is fundamentally the same, just that we know it to be a layer deeper. We are that which is aware. That ever-present, background consciousness is all that exists, in either case. So, how many levels there are is completely irrelevant. We could be millions of levels "down" and still not be out of touch with consciousness. Infinite levels, infinite realities. What if earth was just a giant VR MMO, or a singular experiment? So what I'm asking is: how does infinite intelligence work? How do we know whether we're in a connected, unified consciousness like Leo suggests, or if each of us is in a VR game (just a metaphor) where we're the only point of Consciousness? Because we can't rule that possibility out...