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About Sistema

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  1. It seems that there is quite a big confusion going on with stage Turquoise and Nonduality. I think Ken Wilber explains it well with path of growing up and path of waking up. One is spiritual intelligence and the other is spiritual experience. Other terms I came across were vertical enlightenment and horizontal enlightenment. If you were thinking that you were going to become Nondual at stage Turquoise then Ken might ruin your day
  2. @Scholar I was really wondering that myself and began my own investigation on this. I think that guys on are really on to something. They are not targeting Spiral Dynamics in particular but you can see that the way they talk about human functions that most likely stay your entire life. For example I am Ne/Ti (ENTP) which means that my natural function is GATHERING. I was very surprised to learn this because that is what I was doing my whole life. Gathering information and knowledge. I always think that I need more and more information so I could make one gigantic map of everything. Other functions are ORGANIZER, TRIBE and SELF. These functions show quite different behavior among the same level people, though they still share the same values. SD model is more for human values. It does not track everything and it does not tell you how individuals are going to act on these values. Let me know if you find something related to human types and levels Take care!