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Everything posted by Zeldor

  1. @SoonHei lol, that's pretty cool, the last line describes part of what I felt pretty well. Are you saying that my understanding was the understanding that there is infinite content within the container that is all the same/different? And that actually being enlightened is becoming the container where all these experiences are actualized. That when you become enlightened you have a constant pathway to witness all these experiences. If this is true, does becoming enlightened mean that not only do you understand the fundamentals of what reality is, but all the ways reality could be, like you would know all that there is to learn. Even though it all appears the same, that it is all also different and that there are individual aspects to be understood? That all Is one also means one is one and not all? @Dodo I know your response wasn't directed at me, but is Mu an advanced form of skepticism. Like skepticism that's even skeptical of itself? https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-mu-in-zen-449929 (are links allowed? This is where I "learned" what mu is). @Leo Gura I definitely don't think I became enlightened, if I did, then I would be kind of disappointed because that experience wasn't the most amazing experience that I think is possible(: I think for all your what questions, I would say they're all the same, but as I explained in my first paragraph that they also may be individual aspects that I need to understand independently from another, which means I definitely have more work to do. Yay? For your why reality is this way, I think that's because it has to be this way, that all the other ways it could be would limit it and then it wouldn't be absolute. I am definitely not conscious of infinity.
  2. Has anyone here read Beyond Shiva by Avahtara? It is SantataGamana's biggest recommendation in Kriya Yoga Exposed. He described it as "almost a guided meditation". After doing my Kriya Yoga routine, I read it and it prolonged the After-Effect-Poise of Kriya by around an hour.