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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. Lose the " I " who seeks or searches or asks questions... Just watch it... Watch it until it disappears. Nonduality . . . the myth Apparently . . . Although there is no such thing as nonduality it seems that there are many different ideas about what it could be. Because the separate seeker experiences everything as a subject object reality it is inevitable that it will see nonduality as a something that can be personally attained and experienced. It will also be seen as a state of no-self that can be taught or energetically transferred. Attempts are made to use the idea of nonduality as a description of the unknown? It is often talked about as a something that needs to be integrated, nurtured and supported? There are even conferences held about its evolutionary development and its possible outcome in another something called the future? It is amazing how many different beliefs and theories can arise about nothing. The term nonduality is just that. It is a term similar to Advaita, and refers to the concept of “not two”. The idea of there being “not two” is attempting to define a mystery. The mystery cannot be named or known, of course, but there are certain descriptions which get somewhere near: the formless form, the relative absolute, the empty fullness or what is and is not, which all defy definition and make no sense. All of these ideas are immediately rejected by the separate seeker who is entirely invested in its own survival and seeks an answer that will satisfy its own experience of reality. Empty fullness cannot be taught or experienced, for how and where would it be found if it is already all there is? Where would there be a place to stand and know or be aware of nothing and everything? However, isn’t it wonderful that the dualistic confusion which surrounds something called nonduality is already empty fullness. -- Tony Parsons; February 2018
  2. I recently just discovered THAT which is so simple and easily overlooked. Just being still and silent, i uncovered that very ordinary but peaceful experience called happiness which is normally masked with objects or goals. It's just the quietning of the mind which occurs and we think the object or our goal triggered it. So now, i ask this. During my meditation, i arrive at that peaceful, silent state and just be. I still have a sense of the body but no thoughts and i am peaceful. Now, do i just remain in this state everyday whenever i can / as much as i can and it will slowly deepen as i adjust to it? I have just found the ground zero But rest of the ego is still here... Just marination in silence now. Is that what i am to do?
  3. @Serotoninluv yes. Stillness indeed. Is this ultimately the simple thing which is so obvious? As to what happiness is? That quite space of stillness? The one causing spontaneous laughter? But now that i know it. It's just a place to be in, to relax my mind. @winterknight advised to just remain in that state and rest shall follow @Inliytened1 yes brother. Self Inquiry based thoughts vs random other thoughts, any day But rather, staying in the quite state and watching is powerful also @Jack River yes. There's nothing which can be done and all questions are born from that state. And that for me has done it to an extent. I have had a peaceful mind all day today since that. Had a bit of laughter also I am the ocean, all as ONE When the fish jumps out of the water That's a thought, projection, desire or fear, it will give Peace when it returns back to water, that is, in the fulfillment of it which is projected... So, we are already in a state of peace as the ocean prior to the rising of the fear, desire, thought... That causes separation (if you're identifying with that thought that is)
  4. Hi I was recently told by many on here as well as others i have talked to that i have amassed quite a bit of concepts in this search and what i need now is just observation, practices, direct experience, watching etc And i saw briefly but powerfully I saw and felt the power of silence! For i am.the silence! This was via a mild weed high to calm the thoights but it was so obvious, and so simple! What also kinda triggered it was the thought / question: what exactly is this SoonHei searching for?? What kind of experience or object.. what exactly is enlightenment Now for the how to proceed. I'd like to know if using guided meditation as aid is ok? Or is that my ego in a way trying to use a form of concepts which i feel like i love to listen to and learn about. Silent sitting meditation or guided meditation? Same thing? My main point is to avoid concepts and listening to satsangs on YouTube rupert, adyashanti, fred davis, mooji, leo etc. Also, for anyone Listening, another insight i had was The search/seeking IS THE SEPARATE SELF itself. It's not a process. It is wrong to say there is a separate self seeking. That's key... Or was for me Like during my sit in silence. I heard a scraping sound outside (maybe a racoon in my backyard as they often come) but i immediately noticed the ego trying to latch on it. Wanting to know what was it? Where did it come from? Always a question it puts which needs to be solved only to be set by up another question requiring solving... Movement away from the silence! Silence is what you are after. Silence is peace and happiness. We project a goal which gets in the way of this silence. Doesn't mean avoid all thoughts, otherwise how are you gonna function. Avoid all ego based thoughts. Stay in Yourself.
  5. How so ? What u mean? Like having the inner and outer match? Hard to remain in the silence.?
  6. @Jack River hmmm yes. Seeing the nature of thought trying to understand it self is seen... And yeah, i noticed that the deciding part of it is also present which it also isn't And yes. Motive effort time thought . Krazzy
  7. had an insight i'd like to share. there is nobody on this side of the mirror... Who I normally think myself to be only exists IN the mirror. I have never seen myself. Only a false reflection.
  8. Had a deep insight into exactly what "thoughts create your Reality!" means And wow. Had another one on top of it! Its not that thought creates Reality! They are one! Consider time as FRAMES on one frame both, thought and the "story" which you are creating around it are appearing and reflecting back as one! You are creating Reality with your ego! You are creating a certain story. Yes. All is watched by nobody / God all the time. But we are the knowledge of God being played out. Each one of our point of views! Is a knowing by God.
  9. @Jed Vassallo i can tell you that's exactly false.
  10. Btw General question, Who are enlightened . members on this forum. I ask because listening to their point of view as coming from the absolute and in the nowness helps me learn more. I know winterknight is one But not sure about any others? I know leo says he isn't Who else is? Mu? Nahm?
  11. @Joseph Maynor yes! Indeed It's a different possibility within the absolute! Btw, how long has been since your enlightenment? I think u are yes? Sorry cant recall
  12. @Viking i feel strongly that the realization IS the happening of unconditional love! They are one. The true total unconditional love is only in the same frame as of the realization as inner = outer
  13. Dont think this is device specific @Leo Gura Just have been having it since Thursday. Better now.
  14. @Serotoninluv wow. Cool. Thanks. Can't wait Also was thinking before about taking a guided meditation track with me But i think going in blank and silent will be cool Hopefully the cool stuff DOES arise!
  15. I am gonna be trying a bath float tomorrow Supposed to be really good and boost a meditation practice. Was wondering if anyone here has tried and what their was experience like...
  16. @cetus56 i think i am well aware of what it was you woke up with Happy Friday to ya <3
  17. Had a dream last night. It Was going all smoothly until something happened and in the dream after which I started having an argument with my sister which got pretty heated. As it got more intense, I felt more and more involved and angry in the dream until whatever I was saying to her with intensity and anger woke me up on the bed saying the same exact words. I stopped instantly of course. And had an insight right after. Up until the anger, the fight/argument, the dream was going all nice and smooth as they do... You don't have a sense of effort in the dream as you do in the waking state... But as soon as i went from being a watcher to being involved via the anger (strong ego in the dream) it became hellish and strong... Same idea with the waking state... Being as the witness to all that happens would move it forward smoothly, no effort or issues. But as we get more involved or especially angry, it starts to feel burdensome and contraction. I awoke in the dream to the waking state with that ... Not so easy in the waking state... Anyways, thought I'd share this
  18. I am not familiar with the terms solopisms / nihilism (unsure if they are the same thing - the idea that only I (as the ego-self) exist and the "others" do not exist separate from my existence. That is not what I am sharing in this post. Rather, it's a version of that which I believe is the case. As there are infinte possibilities at each passing moment and I only have access to my POV, what happens next is known to me, in MY dream. Others who appear in my dream (all of you, my family memebrs) are a reflection of my current state / experieince. Each passing moment, the others who exist in that frame are an intersection with my frame. for example, my brother and I ten years ago, are not the same today. same as my parents and everyone else. It could be that the frame where my brother and I 10 years ago were in together, could look infintely / significantly different than my frame as of today. i could have died in a version of reality for him or something else the point being, i am always "alive" or here/now in my POV and frame of reference had a bit of this insight from watching that new netflix show... for example, if i "die" in a car crash on my way to work, i might wake up instantly and still find that i didn't leave the bed... others die in your version of the dream.. but your dream cannot continue without you infinte possibilities interlinked during each passing frame/moment of reality i had a bad trip on synthetic product once... i was blacked out for like 10-15 mins.. and my friends who were there descibred to me that i was screaming on the top of my voice for the whole time and yelling and kicking and rolling, we were in my car and they kinda held me down, but it was a nightmare for them now the momement before i took this substance and my friends there... if we take a POV for one of my friends, in his dream, i could have died as well and not come back after the 10-15 mins... of course in my version of the dream where i returned, i have a version of him who experineced this particular story of me screaming for 10-15 mins and then returning back each of them could have had a different version... and all versions are possible all infinte versions! so others who exist in your dream/reality/pov are there for that tiny brienf moment with branch out to infinte possiblities... and one of those include the same external world as you.. such as donald trump as president .. many examples. so on... that's what the outside world starts to reflect what you come into contact with / think about such as buying a new car and then seeing other cars like that in your experineces it's not as simple and straightforward as "i am just noticing similar cars to mine as i own it now" the fact that you are noticing them is what's imporant. vs not noticing them before anyhow. kind of a rant here... so yes, there is ONLY MY VERSION OF THE DREAM ... TO ME.. others appearing in my dream, are also me (ultimately) but are different POV intersecting with mine from their infinite stream of possiblities leading to that point and then branching off again.. but they dont dissapear as pixels turning on/off.. you always have pixels in your awareness which will be intersecting with yours my mother who i saw yesterday, is not the same mother today not in the conventional scientific sense that the atoms which made her up are now different and replaced but rather, the whole deal.. heck, forget yesterday, this is the case each passing "second"
  19. just an add-on for this point @winterknight this realization is seen/known by ME - ME being the TRUE (and only) SELF. yes?
  20. In other words, this is a different way of saying the same thing... You can say there is only God and both good/light and evil/darkness are part of him. Or you can say there is God and the Devil. God is Good/Light Devil is Evil/Darkness. So yes, doesn't matter which way you spin it. Just another concept within the dream.
  21. Wow Thank you! That's a very simple way for me via that dream analogy. #SelfInqTime
  22. @winterknight dream analogy. i have, for my understanding, previously used this analogy... of how a dream feels so silly and a joke when you wake up from it. i had a stream of thoughts during one of my sits in that, in a dream - though there is an illusion of a do-er... it was all just happening to Me (the sleeping me let's say for the sake of keeping it simple) now add the concept of lucid dream to that, you get a sense of rush and happiness that this is not real, it's a dream, if you were in a sad situation it changes and recontextualizes instantly so on... my question: is it fair to say enlightenment = becoming lucid in this current waking state. nothing changes, just like a lucid dream, but it all becomes a joke/play. and now taking this beyond... unlike a lucid dream, where it is all happening to me ( a body/mind sleeping on a bed) ... for a lucid reality scenario, it is realized that there is no me as a thing sleeping/sitting anywhere. it's just an on-going dream, just appearing in me or *add all the other ways to describe enlightenment*
  23. Was checking out Jim Newman (Tony Parson like dude) and something about his writing made me have this thought. Each of us on here, knows that we are just an idea. We come into being as an illusion... just like a series of pictures drawn on pieces of paper and moved gives life to the cartoon (animation). I just find it silly to believe that we know something to be the case and deeply believe in it, yet we still act out and play our parts all the while continue the search or doing practicing to see this. I guess, that's the whole deal about dropping the concepts. Because we hear this concept and it's just a concept for this ego-self. Some new chapter in the story to continue it. That's why all concepts/stories/ideas must be let-go of and direct experience should be the main focus of attention. having a strong desire for it... Illusory Existing Animated Self. That is literally what each of us is. We know this. I, in typing this post, know this. and what most of us here are searching for is a direct proof of this. We want the end to ourselves and that too is not correct. We do nothing ourselves. We are animated by Life itself flowing through us. I guess I am just looping in a paradox of this reality... One thing J.Newman said that it cannot even be said that there is a recognition or insight that the individual is not real... because WHO has that insight? There was never anyone here to get that... Yet the pursuit is strong as ever (perpetuating it's existence) "Pinching" "my" "skin" so " I " may "wake up" #DirectExperieinceComeGetMe
  24. @QandC hmmmm. even for this.. seems like more work to avoid the realization of TRUTH itself. though you call this a life purpose... but maybe change that.. or aim for something more practical.. this work as being your life purpose impedes the realization of TRUTH (in my perspective at least ) also: QandC: I'm not trying to communicate what Truth or the ultimate perspective actually IS, but rather want to communicate that it exists and is possible to achieve without making it seem like another perspective the last part of that also... again not possible. no matter how it may be done. it will be yet another perspective out of an infinitely many perspectives which can be possible. give that search up with this realization. unless i am again missing out on what your goal might be... but that also seems impossible to me. for example, the insight that "there are no lessons in life" is also a lesson. #Loop #FullCircle
  25. @QandC let me help you right there. if your goal is to have some ultimate perspective which will allow the communication of the truth, then please know that this is impossible truth is not communicable. once you get that, then searching for a way to communicate it is silly. it's like as Leo once said in a video... looking for a needle in a haystack and then realizing that there is no needle... will one continue to seek a non-existent needle? EDIT: actually just found it. it's not in a video. but in a post he made Think of it this way: you are looking for a needle in a haystack, but this is no ordinary needle. In this case the needle is literally the realization there was no needle to begin with!