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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. as it is all one movement there is no controller of anything no do-er from the ultimate perspective in this knowing, one can find the peace leading to unknowing the peace from the fact that wherever you are in life right now, the moment you are reading this, is where you are supposed to be peace in knowing that if awakening / self realization will occur for "you" it will occur when it does and won't if it will not. peace in knowing this allows you to surrender but true surrender is effortless. it just happens... however, from this understanding, one can pave their "way" to that total surrender so, if looking back you see that there was an egoic trap that you were in and are now free from... the falling into and leaving that trap was all set to be if you are still stuck in some egoistic trap and it's not known to you... then that is the case, as it should be in other words, not giving any particular idea or concept much thought - in knowing what is, is exactly as it should be
  2. @EvilAngel it's like being angry at a child for messing up their room or drawing on the walls you get angry, but then you don't. why? because you understand also, if anger happens, that's what's happening if you judge yourself for that, that's what's happening and also understand that there will always be relatively low-consciousnesses people. for me, this was the case... now the anger comes but quickly becomes comical... laughing internally at the craziness of someone's ideas and thoughts why you can see how de-constructive and self inflicting situation they are creating for themselves without realizing it...
  3. the movie of life is ever changing (always moving)... new frames are always coming and can never be stopped unlike a standard movie being played where you can pause/still it and talk about that entire frame being ONE with all that appears on it - this is not possible in reality... the talking about it happens as the frames keep changing/refreshing the talking about it happens in the changing of the frames of reality... that's why, the NOW is very important, though we cannot still the movie of life, we can recognize that it all appears in this infinitesimal point which is as good as stilling the movie... except, the movie does not become still, you become the stillness. talking/words are a part of the frame and not the entire frame itself - duality.
  4. @purerogue but there is always something which is aware you are aware of this as you read it whether there is the illusion of control or no control does not matter, there is awareness of either/or why doesn't it make sense? if there is no controller, then this thread and this post and this reply is all arising on it's own. that's it.
  5. @How to be wise thank you lol. in asking of this, i just also realized now that i tend to do this with practices too... like to think about and read more or watch videos instead of doing it and figurining it out in my direct experience haha thanks again!
  6. Sorry, I mostly frequent this area of the forum, so posting the question here. If it needs to be moved to a more appropriate section then no worries. I have to know what some functionalities of the forum work like. There is a FOLLOW button on top of each forum section and then also in each thread which is created... you get notified about it when someone replies in that thread? is that how it works? and secondly, when someone usertags you in a reply... does that give you a notification? I don't get any notifications when that happens... and lastly, there is a "notify me of replies" when creating a thread or replying to a thread... when does that kick in? if someone quotes your post and replies to that? sorry for this side post... just want to be able to understand the usage of it. thanks.
  7. Recently spoke to someone who is self-realized and thru him, I felt the true power of silence. After my monkey mind had asked a series of questions, and was still ready to continue to ask more he asked me to stop and just become still - in terms of asking anything, following my thoughts to ask a question and just overall, become still. Sitting there in stillness was odd - sure the thoughts continued and I got dragged along with them, but something about remaining in the silence had more value than all of the questions i asked combined... i was speaking to this person on the phone and he is in Pakistan what became clear to me as that when we become silent... it's more deeply felt that we are that silence itself. in that silence, the voice coming from the phone is no longer a voice of a person whom i am speaking with and he's in pakistan it is more so just a SOUND which I am aware of... a sound which is equal to any other sound in the room I maybe hearing the story around it is in the dream... of a person living in pakistan calling me and talking with silence, and coming into the direct experience, the stories begin to evaporate remaining in silence, one becomes and should try to realize that they are already that silence after sitting in silence for a few minutes, all of my prior conversation with him was seen as sounds appearing first from my mouth's location and another sound appearing from the phone. sounds within me me talking to me i dont seem to have the thought that I create/produce the sound coming from the phone but i think the sound out of my mouth was created and made by me it is so simple indeed. how to have a lasting identification with the silence... that's the question. but, who is asking this question
  8. @Mulky the movie script is already written this is just it being acted out, moment by moment the actor still must play out the part and have the experience of having played those parts though it's already all planned and written. depends on which POV you choose to look from from the character in the movie, he's got no idea what's coming up next the actor the actor and the character is one so both statements are true, that what is to come is both known and unknown (shifting the POV to make either statement true)
  9. @Preetom lol yes ... Something like that brother All of it on this XYZ Infinite dimensional grid of: Here x Now x Knowing
  10. In my direct experience. You all exist on my phone / computer internet browser. You all are another me... I talk to and ask myself questions and get answers from myself I am my own teacher and i am my student! I am also neither my teacher nor my student! You are your greatest teacher! I am a vibration heard from my own center and also another vibration heard from another relative center I am the all encompassing field Eternity is playing right now and it is just ON-Going. The big bang happened NOW. Dinosaurs were alive NOW. I was there all the time. The past happened now and the future will happen now. It's not that all of time already exists... It's more so it can only be accessed NOW. There is no other now than this now... The NOW isn't a different NOW for someone else. It's the same static now.
  11. @Gabriel Antonio yup. The Ego POV can feel solipsism From The ultimate POV, solipsism is true. There is just ONENESS. @Bluebird i also had a nice seeing in that during my sit, i knew and understood what Rupert.spira says about the feeling and sensations occuring inside of me. With my eyes closed, i touched the top of my bed and felt it as a position point within my dark infinite blankness... Inside of me
  12. @Jed Vassallo yes. Indeed. The green is us too. Actually, that whole of the picture is Us. Both foreground and background... Without separation That's just an illustration of course, cannot capture it truly @Gabriel Antonio because Now is all there is broo! Love it @MisterMan Also, does anyone trade their NOW POV for a day?
  13. @DrewNows woaaahh Haha Almost read the repetition later as a chorus to our song <3 god bless.
  14. Just a quick blurb. This was very clear for me and also to explain the something vs nothing question. One implies the other. Elegant.
  15. you are the GREEN GREEN is consciousness... awareness... aliveness... it is what puts the life in each of us... there is only one substratum there is. and as you can see. it is all one. the same green shines thru each of us... forms may vary... but the same green shines in each of our hearts.
  16. @TheAvatarState From those whom we know as deeply self realised. They say it. With conviction, that they know all of us are experiencing exactly the same thing as they themselves are From my pov, i know that I AM. When you will read this, you will know also that You ARE. It's one point of consiousness, talking to another point of consiousness! Simply put, without the whole oneness non-duality concept. When you see other humans around you. You know they are alive and have their own relative experience... That's as good as them being consious. Also, doesn't impact anything to do with Awakening, whether or not you know if anyone else is consious or not. Lastly, it won't be a yes or no like answer... You will just KNOW that it is the case when you realize it. It's without a doubt the case that each person is a consious POV within the infinite consiousness
  17. @ivankiss <3 <3 bless up love you too keep doing your thing
  18. @ivankiss thank you very much! No, you didn't miss my point. You hit my point with a sledgehammer this time, the sledgehammer of awareness! LOL So I would say it impossible for me to continue the unconscious cycle of dying as an old man and being reborn as a newborn; baby. That can, through my current view and understandings, happen only if one dies unaware of oneself. I agree with this 100% ^^^^ based on my understanding. That's what I mostly say that if one dies without discovering and knowing his/her/its true nature, then whatever their understanding/expectation at the point of death would be is what/how she/he/it will reincarnate/ be reborn as. And once it is seen, that you are/were always watching the movie of your life being played infront of you... and it's not just a movie about Ivan/SoonHei... but just a moive. Then there are just eternal movies/stories/dream thereafter... How amazing and blissful is that... FOR THE TRUE SELF. This SoonHei is just happy knowing that... because right now, the same awarness which will awaken/ be self-realised is the one who thinks it is SoonHei... So I express my gratitude via and as SoonHei... knowing that I am not SoonHei
  19. @ivankiss but i still don't think the question was answered... Or maybe i didn't get it Just want to know mainly that now that this awareness, centered around Ivan is self-realised / has awoken... It will not eternally be awake? Sure, the awareness centered around another new born baby or any other form IS THE SAME awareness as the one of Ivan's... And those will continue... But Ivan's POV Awareness, which is now awake, this will now never be not awake (yes, it was never asleep to begin with, by the embodiment of the awakeness which is now there, that can now never be lost) ? That's all I ask... Unsure if it can be answered as a YES / NO... I feel that it wouldn't ever lose it again... Hence why you wrote that you are now eternally awake... The dream before your eyes will continue to expand, Change and grow for eternity... But you will remain ever-aware and realized about it. The hindu concept of freedom from life+death... Life = forgetting you are wholeness and latching onto a form which appars in you... Death = return to your true self. You will now have a consious return to your true self (you have already had that) so upon the death of ivans body, you will now not ever mistake your identity to a form and be born into a world of form. Forms will be born. Inside of you and as you but you will remain and keep a GOD POV for Eternity now... Vs going from Ivan's POv to another form's POV and so on... ? Am i correct to say that? @ivankiss
  20. @ivankiss love your writings! Also, though this question may be from an egoic point of view... Do try and answer The Awareness of Ivan which is now awake and knows itself as Oneness... Vs the awareness of SoonHei which still thinks and operates as SoonHei... They are the same one awareness But have 2 different point of views of experience So. As you say, now you're eternally awake... Are You referring to the POV of the awareness centered around Ivan's character... Upon the death of Ivan's physical body... Where will that POV of awareness shift into Can that POV of awareness which you speak from (Centered around Ivan's character) not again forget itself as awareness and be reborn as another baby here or some other form elsewhere in the infinite? Or as the hindus say, that awakening ends the cycle of life and death... So whatever appears infront of this now-self realised-awareness after Ivan's death... Will be known to be unreal and illusiory? No more falling for your own tricks? (For that particular POV Awareness of Ivan's which awoke)
  21. Inexplicably it comes. When you least expect it. For a reason you can never know. One moment you are striving, figuring, imagining, and then,in the blink of an eye, it all disappears. The struggle disappears. The striving disappears. The person disappears. The world disappears. Everything disappears, and the person is like a pinpoint of light, just receding until it disappears. And there’s nobody there to witness it. The person is gone. Only, only awareness remains. Nothing else. No one to be aware. Nothing to be aware of. Only that remains itself. Then it’s understood, finally and simply. Then everything—all the struggle, all the striving, all the thinking, all the figuring, all the surrendering, all the letting go, all the grabbing hold of, all the praying, all the begging, all the cursing, too—was just a distraction. And only then is it seen that the person was, is, and ever will be no more than a thought. With a single thought,the person seems to reemerge. With more thoughts, the world seems to reemerge right out of nothing. But now you know. The incarnation is nothing more than a thought. A thousand incarnations are but a thousand thoughts. And this amazing miracle of a mirage we call the world reappears as it was before, but now you know. That’s why you usually have a good laugh, because you realize that all your struggles were made up. You conjured them up out of nothing—with a thought that was linked to another thought, that was then believed, that linked to another thought that was then believed. But never could it have been true, not for a second could it have actually existed. Not ever could you have actually suffered for a reason that was true—only through an imagination, good, bad, indifferent. The intricacies of spiritual philosophy and theologies are just a thought within Emptiness. And so at times we talk, and I pretend to take your struggles seriously,just as I pretended to take my own seriously. You may pretend to take your own struggles seriously from time to time, and although we pretend,we really shouldn’t forget that we are pretending, that we are making up the content of our experience; we are making up the little dramas of our lives. We are making up whether we need to hold on or surrender or figure it out or pray to God or be purified or have karma cleansed—it’s all a thought. We just collude in this ridiculous charade of an illusion pretending that it’s real, only to reveal that it’s not. There is no karma. There is nothing really to purify. There’s no problem. There is only what you create and believe to be so. And if you like it that way, have at it! But we cannot continue this absolute farce indefinitely. We cannot continue to pretend this game we play, indefinitely. It’s impossible. Everything comes back to nothing. And then it’s a bit harder to hold a straight face consistently for the rest of your life. -Adyashanti