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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. "it's recognized" who does this recognizing? the separate individual does not exist... the same thing which does the raining, the snowing, the winding, the waving is what does the recognizing. it's what's happening in the moment. a knowing of recognition. like chapters in a book, or scenes in a movie come and go... there's the fight scene happening, there's a romantic scene happening, there's a comedy scene happening, there's awakening occurring - ONE THING. ONE MOVIE... LIFE.
  2. No-one becomes enlightened. How could they?! - enlightenment is the withdrawal FROM the imaginary 'someone'. It isn't the withdrawal OF a 'someone'
  3. @Shiva99 can you kill your mask? or your clothing? or your shoes? you just take them off and throw them away. stop following patterns and beliefs you have gathered which lead you time and time again down the road that you do not like. observe yourself. set a goal and be your own judge to see how well you adhere to it. be tuff on yourself. so you're ego... just know it's not you. you are below all that. below the ego. prior to the ego. ego is a mask. mask that you have worn so long that you're so afraid to take it off because you think it will kill you. but you are below the mask. yank that shit off burh! there's no way to STOP being/doing something just as there's no way to stop shaking your leg... other than to SIMPLY STOP. if you were clapping and asking for a way to stop clapping... the answer might be a hard slap on the face, the will put the clapping to a stop. the way to stop is to see you are doing it over and over again moment to moment. there's only STOPPING. observe and take action as needed.
  4. @Red-White-Light for God yes. for red-white-light, no
  5. come on guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OSHO is an illusion!
  6. waves appear in consciousness like waves appear in the ocean ocean isn't the wave ocean waves
  7. intellectual understanding leads to experiential understanding but yes. talking about it vs knowing the taste, 2 different things. @Someone here
  8. @Someone here oh yes. because it's loopy. non-dual is strange-loopy so it's got to be this mantra
  9. @Someone here nothing is everything, and everything's It.
  10. just like if you were having a night-mare and instead of waking up from the dream, you become conscious that you are dreaming... and it becomes a lucid dream. then the it's your dream. you dreaming and molding it to your will... vs previously you-inside of a dream. and yes. impermanence is the truth. change is inevitable. like a dream. you don't wake up from a dream and cry about losing the billions which you inherited in last night's dream. if you can take and view life to be the dream that it is. then you simply enjoy moment to moment. when you are in the mode of enjoyment / happiness, you are most powerful. powerful such that conscious thoughts creates reality... the gap between the thought and it's manifestation becomes less and less until it is instant... then all distinctions collapse. non-dual. ONE. realized-ONE.
  11. @Johnny5 you got it. it's never not been rolling... no attachment to result. because you already fine right where you are. so one acts because why not, but one isn't taking action to attain anything. you are already whole. and the action which results from wholeness is total and loving.
  12. @Johnny5 you are the gas and the pedal and the foot that's gonna floor it trust yourself and trust it will be and watch it become might be a slow start, like pushing a boulder off the hill... once it gets rolling, there's no stopping it
  13. @Someone here reflection in the mirror = you before the mirror = ONE yes. you're right. only no-thingness is permament and unlimited. forms are finite forms change and dance around eternally against the unchanging emptiness the you before the mirror is a no-thing, the reflection/forms will go on changing. it's only a matter of identifying with the forms/reflection vs your true position... the change and power isn't instant usually... the previous momentum slows down and then goes opposite way, like a fan spinning clockwise, it first slows down - *stops* - and then spins counter-clockwise. the impermanent has gotten the hold of the permanent and has been making it dance... you realize your mistake and then make the impermanent dance to your tune
  14. you are center point in lake effort and movement creates waves of disturbance which emanate out from you in the center. if your level-of-consciousness can be the amount of stillness around you, it is maximized by you becoming still. then slowly slowly those ripples you have created before will be moving away and out from you and around you the ring of still-water becomes more and more and more. there's no edge to this lake... center everywhere, circumference nowhere be still and KNOW be still and FEEL be still and SEE SEE that you've always been still, just stop latching onto the ripples.
  15. @Johnny5 YOU are the max. the level of consciousness reaches towards you but never arrives because you are infinite. to infinity and beyond. the best way to make it grow is to just be YOU and watch it grow unobstructed and without resistance.
  16. @Spiral Wizard if we define REAL as what you can draw on a piece of paper... then you tell me if there are any limitations to what you can draw? draw and thus make it real? same way, all books, movies, possibilities are REAL for infinity - as potential.
  17. levels are in a way unavoidable... same way a building is a structure with levels, 23rd floor cannot be where it is without the 22 floors below it. but with consciousness, any level can become the "highest" level the moment it takes on a certain perspective which makes it to be so.
  18. the reflection in the mirror will only stay as long as you stay, but you can never be totally still... it will keep on moving, the reflection is a flow, not a frame. it's a movie, not a picture
  19. you choosing to not-add is equally unneeded zero-sum game, either way you spin it what to do then? whatsoever your heart desires bruh
  20. @Red-White-Light ye is gaad bruh
  21. unsure the full content - posted a while back. but the mechanism is there.
  22. not if you die consiously... or die with a strong underlying belief about what happens after death. thats what will happen for you. then there's a continuation...
  23. what do you think religious heaven/hell are? they are very real places that is a continuation