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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. Most know the relief feeling of quench only after having been thirsty. You're always in the state of the quench, yet when you come back to this state after having been thirsty, it feels so much more amazing... The same state. Learn to know you can enjoy a thirst less life in each moment. You're always in it. Oh, and of course continue to chop wood carry water... Drink water if getting hotter
  2. Most aren't ready for the direct path... Because the whole point is a continuation of the "state", not to just glimpse it Direct path for some would be like asking then to ready a cake instantly when having all the ingredients together, instead of having to go thru the baking process first. Most need cooking classes and then can have the cake. All about that work. Learn to cook and bake your own cake.
  3. @latina25 like in a literal sense. Can you lose your shadow? The shadow is you! You cannot win a fight against yourself. Kinda like this:
  4. @Dazgwny right! the creating the life whole time. indeed. seeing it so clearly that it's just black and white. it's like being aware that things are, the way they are, because they cannot be otherwise... almost totally identical to a see-saw. if you sit on the one side, you don't question or go in shock when the other side goes up. it's black and white... so is with life, but we do not see it all the time... not as clearly as you came to see when you did see it. but that's the truth. it's always the case, whether you're aware of it or not... it's all you champ! only you! so what's to be done? what's the answer? LOVE. Love yourself... because what's the alternative... fight yourself? can you truly ever outrun your own shadow?
  5. @Breakingthewall well said the world is the the reflection of us, in the mirror of ourselves.
  6. "Knowing that you are "That'... but AS THIS be THIS that you are now, while knowing you're really that the body and the mind should be one, not divided. true power lies within wholeness
  7. Denying shadow is like having a coin and claiming it has only 1 side. Be the coin. Coin is whole. Heads and tails are fragments.
  8. Feeling psychotic? Don't worry. You're the sane kind. You're job is to love them to death ❤️
  9. @Javfly33 because you cannot "GET" what you are. What you are GETS things but cannot GET itself... In the same way the eye can see everything, just not itself or a scale can weigh Everything just not itself.
  10. @FlowerNote you can understand it this way: Everything is like Sandcastles. Love is the Sand which the sandcastles are made out of. And saying "Everything is imaginary" is really saying Everything is temporary (not permanent) so, Sandcastles are temporary... a huge wave comes and wipes them away... Leaving behind only Love/Sand. Love/Sand is permanent/real. Everything/Sandcastles is imaginary/temporary/unreal.
  11. I know there's none but me but baby can't you see I cannot just love me I am too near you see So you are here for me from One we become three I want you to know that you are ever-free one out of the infinite branches of the same one tree blossom just as you like that's all I want to see I love you but you don't know me but trust the feeling & you will see all is Him/Her & you are He/She you are the fruits of the tree all the flowers & the honey bees nobody to agree or disagree just a humble little plea join your hands and sing with glee you are me and I am thee.
  12. @Javfly33 @peachboy @SoonHei you see! we are three xoxo 3 are 1 and 1 is 3
  13. @WHO IS there's absolutely nothing wrong with preferences or desires. As long as they are created out of the understanding of love and unity of all. You are absolutely loved and okay to live your life as WHO IS... As the Son of God... It is unavoidable to be living in a body and be without a personality and preferences. Infact your heart's deepest desires are your true calling. It's how to get them that's the journey. And you get them by following the path of love. Love is what gives you the power of God. The more filled you are with Love the closer you are to asking and receiving without much delay of the manifestation of the ask... Until it is merged... And there's no more delay. That's 'heaven' as per islam/Christianity etc... But in heaven. There's only love. Love for all. All are one and one is all. Love is the answer my brother.
  14. @Leo Gura spot on! @WHO IS What can the author of a book want from within the book?
  15. everybody applauds for the film, but nobody applauds for the screen.
  16. @inFlow lovely i have recently also had the very same changes as you had about the non-smoking and non-littering working on the healthier eating but the weed n littering is gone. final. non-conditional and immediate effect. we got this bruh <3 "The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.”
  17. awakening is to realize that THIS RIGHT HERE AND NOW is not other than lucid dreaming
  18. @BipolarGrowth Is the observer “behind” consciousness? consciousness IS the observer. it is what observes and nothing is prior to it.
  19. @neovox you experience is unique and individual to you. that image which appears to you with the intensity and the love you feel for/during it can appear to others as infinitely many other shapes and colors. the image of god really is infinite.
  20. @zeroISinfinity yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye
  21. a person doesn't meditate just as the character in a book doesn't take a break from reading the book. the break is for the reader. you are the reader, not the person