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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. damn that's next level and i guess being mindful in the deepest of depression/times of delusion is the way out... hopefully you're now on stable ground
  2. @Highest do enlighten us briefly on your sane to insane to sane journey - focusing on how/what happened when you say you were insane? lose job/family/friends? do share...
  3. Was listening to Rupert Spira yesterday and something deeper clicked all of a sudden... I have listened to him before but didn't think of perception in this way before. Rupert often says, where does "seeing" take place or where does "sound" take place? Same thing with "sensation" etc. Note: did not have any direct experience - but a deeper understanding which has brought me closer. So, I thought about it this way: What I see in-front of my eyes, my entire visual field, I think it exists "out there" - outside of me. But if you take the understanding of science to help - what happens is that light is reflected off the objects and enters my eye which sends the information/signal to the brain where it is perceived. Where is that information/signal which goes to the brain stored/registered or viewed from? Where is that visual field occurring? It is occurring "inside of me" or in my brain as a materialist would say. I feel I finally understand it (much closer to the Truth than before) the seeing/hearing/touching/sensing - even my body, which all I know about is thru these senses, it appears in that field. So all that appears in my field, is made up of my field - my knowing... ME. this is how the awakened ones, see that it is all them, all created of the output of the 5+ senses and resulting into the experience. All is one because all there is, is perception and that perception is all made up of my knowing - and what is my knowing made up of? it is made up of itself. it is, itself. self-aware. the level beyond this is out of my grasp (maybe that level can only be understood upon direct experience) - the fact that there is a knower of all of this, there is a knower of the knowing of the direct experience. all of this is more clearer as a concept/image in my head but here was my attempt to put it into words now, just gotta get that direct experience to see how so wrong i was lol but for now, this is good as i feel this was a step higher than where i was before
  4. epic. thanks for sharing. and slow and steady learning also because i feel if it's all given to me, all at once, i might lose my mind or go thru those dark patches people report... i want to slowly learn, channel the hidden emotions, have them pass out of me...
  5. i had a similar episode like this after consumtion of some synthehic w33d i believe... it didnt last longer than an hour or so (cuz i slept in the midst/peak of it - hoping that by the time i wake up, all goes well) but yeah, everything was meaningless - the visual sight was the same/similar ish but i saw myself and my family memebers in the other room who i could hear - as animals. i looked at my hand and my body at that time and it was so differnet.. i felt i have this thought that i am normally this very highlevel intelligent being.. but i am just this body.. plane animal type body.. like man has a penis . wtf is that shit. i have this tool , which i erect then mash a woman. the whole thing was WTF this was b4 i knew about all this sprituality stuff. but was this episode of mine and of the topic-starter what people refer to as DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL? and on that point, with the knowledge i have now - i think back that maybe if that states comes upon me again somehow, maybe i can "fight" it by surrerdering to it and expericince an awakening? is that likely.. dark night of the soul, when surrendered to fully leads to awakening?
  6. @Nahm thank you for the breakdown and the last paragraph as well i have had moments when i fully surrender and smile while suppressing my anger caused by whatever emotion/state/happening but then, since i am new to it, i have had pressure-cooker type moments when all the emotions i was supressing, come out. it's like a fit of rage lol... then i find myself reflecting on it after or almost, during the moment too, but i can hear myself telling me that this is ok. channel out the anger. you need it. the person on your recieving end deserves it etc lol it's all good. you live and you learn and no. no phsydeliccs. only w33d thus far. and some artificial w33d i think which i got from my convicincence store - didnt end up in a good state after that. had a blackout but was screaming or something.. kinda like that flakka stuff but much much less intense (still was pretty crazy) unusre if my soul can handle full on pshucdellics like shrooms, lsd , DMT yet... never done those... gonna work my way up 1st internally via meditation and just reading and learning with Leo and all of you , <3
  7. wow that's so true. i didnt think about the "aameen" when the muslims say. it is so very similar to Om/AUM epic oneness - you get me good each time <3
  8. seen some videos on YT where many enlightened masters say that THIS IS IT. It is THIS (pointing to the space/room/area around them) then they also say this, whatever THIS is, is unknowable. or speaking from the Oneness they say, I don't know what I AM or What this is... All I know is that it just is... like are they trying to say that the entirety of universe, the ONE/infinite "structure" they dont know what all of it is, in itself? also, from the oneness point of view (i assume that's the God point of view) - does Oneness/God not know "what" it / all this is? or how it came about or w/ever. one common theme shared is that THIS is God expereicing the infininte possiblities which can exist - and that's just what that is
  9. damn @cetus56 i have not i guess i will see this tonight - with some thought boosters aka the green stuff. thanks for this. do share more if you've got sir thanks!
  10. bless up or rather, bless within
  11. In this video, we can see Leo in a state that he gradually goes deeper and deeper into until he says There is Zero Self Agenda. There is No Leo here now. There is no Self. I presume this was done via 5-MeO-DMT. Is the state / level of consciousness from where Leo talks to us in this video the same state where enlightened masters such as Sadhguru, Mooji etc talk to us from in their videos? Or is this Leo's video an even deeper level (since it's via 5-MeO)? Also, the other videos where Leo talks about 5-MeO and he describes being inside a dense sphere yet going deeper and deeper - is that a state which occurs in his 'mind' or while he is in the state seen in this video - but deeper still?
  12. @Nahm of course not... but knowing the potential to "do" is there, is epic (while living this ego life, might as well live like kings)
  13. enjoyed the read. i agree and understand what you're saying here. i have had this insight too i think of it all as an infinite unbounded rubik's cube which is scrambled in places and "unscrambled" in other places and those "unscrambled" places is where this current version of our reality appears where we identify those unscrambled pieces as various forms all around us, including ourselves about law of attraction, i absolutely believe in what you're saying about manifesting a rolex in place of a coffee cup... or even willing an object into existence. jesus was known to show miracles and that is what it really was... he was willing that stuff into being or healing the wounded or whatever else he did the main thing is believe. undying, undead, nodoubt belief that it can be done. it's not just merely thinking about the belief and then expecting it to happen... it is embodying the belief... to the degree that it becomes equal to your belief that if you're standing infront of a train when it's coming in at 120km/h, and it hits you head-on, you will "die" (yes, not you as you're eternal, but your body/current life will be over) now tell me, do you have a shred of a doubt about that statement ? you dont! that is how much you need to believe in that to work - that if i close my eyes and "will" an object infront of me, it will appear this is easily manageable in dream-space, especially when you have had a Lucid dream.. u can do/will whatever you want and it manifests it's just that in our current living reality - we dont expect that to happen your thoughts/beliefs are all manifest away.. be it that sexy gym body or whatever u want.. u must believe in the results and the method or system to work before it works
  14. What I am calling "stable enlightenment" here would be what the lives of some of the current spiritual leaders which come to mind may look like. Mooji, Ruper Spira, Sadhguru, Fred David, Adyashanti, Eckhart T. - list goes on Path A From what I have learned thus far and what it seems to me is that Path A to enlightenment is not common (yet) but maybe down the road it will be. There are people who know nothing about spirituality who take drugs like mushrooms/lsd/dmt for fun/tripping out etc Select few of these people may get a breakthrough experience in which they see the ALL/Absolute and learn about their true self and construct of reality as a result. you can see common trip reports of breakthroughs and becoming everything/everywhere/infinite. but these people normally return to their ego-self soon after 1-2 day 1 week or so... as they know not what they have witnessed.. being unaware of it, and not actively seeking it.. now this "glimpse" inducded and brought on by the susbtance consumed is not as strong as awakening brought on by Path B what is path B? that is the path where one learns about this information, and pursues it - chases it, looks for it in process, the person does many self-inquriy, meditations, exercises and goes thru a slow process of detachment and on this journey, as insights are recieved, they are slowly intergrated... now to that someone on this path, having already intergrated knowledge/teachings/insights into their life... when they see the absolute/have the awakening, it's rather easier for them to go into the stable enlightment state . the last state of bliss so my questions is that i have seen many videos on youtube where people during satsang/meets having moment of awakening and they just start laughing/crying same time but they are at peace vs not being at peace when they come up to ask the questions is this that person's first glimpse/awakening during their spirtual path? and now having seen the TRUTH they feel liberated in that moment - but it will again take time now to intergrate?
  15. I am currently still in the ego/body-mind state aka not enlightened say when I get enlightened (realize that there is no I - and see myself as the eternal awareness) can "I" then just "sit back" and watch the "movie" of whatever my body-mind unit does on its own accord? or does One shift back/forth between the dual and non-dual states and occasionally may "participate" in the life of the body-mind unit?
  16. @Highest hmmmm interesting. thanks and when grace came to you? what was that like? the integration process of what you had witnessed or became aware of.. did you all of a sudden change you ego-ways or is everyday a learning experience? (as you said above, you're not yet enlightened)
  17. @cetus56 love it. thank you and i guess the end of all answers statement... one stops asking or wondering where that blank canvas came from or how? it is just accepted as something which we will never know? i cant recall who said it, but one of the masters who i follow said reality is unknowable. we cannot give it a name... or describe it or explain it... we can only become directly aware of it. and that's just the end of the search. no questions past that that's as deep as it goes
  18. I am reading a famous book most of you may have read called THE POWER OF NOW by Eckhart T. In the book, it is said repeatedly that we always searching for happiness/truth/enlightenment in the future... we want a certain something to transpire first and onlu after that said event occurs will we get our happiness/enlightenment/awakening... Is the author saying that as someone who has not done all this self-inquiry work, someone who is very much attached to my current level ego's likes/dislikes etc, that as this current ego-full person, I can somehow reach deep within myself NOW and be enlightened? Won't that mess me up more? as in, having seen the absolute in my current untrained state - how can i integrate that back smoothly into my life like the author has for example? in his case, and in the case of many others, enlightenment was achieved during their darkest of times, when they are ready to let-go, surrender, die and not care/worry about it... so in order to get a quick glimpse of the absolute, does one have to go deep into themselves (IN THE NOW) - and somehow reality is revealed to them? or anytime a glimpse is seen, it is via ego-death.. be it a full blown awakening, or a quick glimpse, ego-death is the common ground required?
  19. @Highest what meditation method did you use (i am sure many) but which did you find the most fruitful... ? i know it may vary for me though lol - but just curious... my expectation of it working because it did for you will make it work for me
  20. @Highest are you enlightened/awakened? also. i am quite new to this stuff... i am gathering info right now so i can guide myself on the path correctly.. but i feel like i keep delaying self-inquiry work which seems to be very important to attain enlightenment/glimpse of it even... but yeah, i am very curious about all this... as it maybe evident with my long posts and many topics i have asked questions in what also blows my mind, that all this meditation / self inquiry etc is all said to be "not required" also by many masters... because it is the "pathless-path" so there is no process to enlightment, it just happens when you just fully let go... i guess meditation assits in letting go.. unsure why masters speak that way... maybe they go back n forth between teaching directly and indirectly with the wording they use
  21. Q: The feeling of butterflies in the stomach - that is usually experienced when you encounter someone/something whom/which you Love. Is that the feeling of enlightenment except boundless, extreme and a billion times more butterflies in the stomach than the regular love/crush feeling?
  22. Hmmm thank you very much for sharing. i hope to one day have that experience and "live" to tell the tale @Highest
  23. @Highest hmmm. Thanks Oh. I'm sure whatever you have seen sounds impossible. That's one thing which I don't pay much attention to anymore, the word impossible, since I started on this path. Do share just once aspect if it can be said in words... Just give me the intellectual sweet taste of reality Also, what you speak of here, about what you have "seen" Do u refer to seeing some version of beautiful manifest form or do u speak of something beyond form or accessible in awakened state only? Like stuff on DMT is also what people see and is impossible too But I feel you're talking deeper, kind of what Leo says when he states "what happened to me is impossible" The fact that it clearly happened to him in his experience and yet it is realized as an impossibility (from human/ego point of view) just effin blows my mind and draws me ever so deeply into the wanting to know and experience this for myself . Hopefully I'm still sane after that But jokes on me... I don't exist