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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. yes. this exactly captures that state of this is what i was trying to say here so @cetus56 what exactly was that? was that a sudden shift? but not all the way? or just a brief depression episode which was cured when the woke up the next morning... but i retained all the thoughts about it and my experience... i was able to continue on 'normally' as i did before the experience but it did shake me to the core... kept ranting about us being mammals to my family members for a month+ afterwards... not in a gaga sense but like the true knowing sense of it... it didn't go away for you for a long time?? is that what you mean? and then you had your awakening as you investigated that state?
  2. @Highest indeed! that was the realization... things like, oh, we gotta drink water when thirsty and just how my life revovled around family/friends - i thought from their point of view, it was all so werid so is that the Glimpse of awakening? my visual field, it was all same but all so different and what was different was my perspective about everything during that time. or was this just before the Glimpse, the dark night of the soul state? just wanna know what i stumbled upon - but whatever it was, it was a very significant and unique experience
  3. @BuddhaTree ay bro. question you realized that it was a freaking mirage that was seducing you into an illusion. Now you are free from the illusion! so yay! i am free from the illusion - now there is nothing to do? there is just being now - to be. that's it? why realize this illusion if it leads to meaninglessness? wouldnt one rather stay in the illusion - better to live in the illusion as there is meaning at least
  4. @Victor Mgazi woah. that oddly makese sense it gives understanding to the concept that "there is no meaning" what is, just is 2+2 = 5 that just is. there is no, right or wrong so even 2+2 = 22 is okay there is no meaning lol this is liberating in a sense! from a student's point of view - imagine doing a test and writing the question as the answer god bless
  5. hey i clicked the thread you posted and have a question about what's mentioned in the OP's post... Second series of attacks involve your deepest programming and insecurities. Situations will present themselves to trigger what you cling to as a person. It will seem VERY real and frightening. This is where a guide is very important. Someone that can keep you steady and focused so that you don't give up. Different dynamics in the job area, family area, interpersonal relationships are beginning to manifest and everyone around you will try to pull you back into who they need you to be. I call such attacks HELL. They have a feeling about them that is so definitive, like a surgeon that cuts off parts of yourself. BTW, they will only cut parts of who you are not, of your own illusory construction. How to deal with such attacks. Usually during the first attacks of this type, you completely "lose it". You lose the seeing, the observer, the guide, the God and everything seems to go into a full panic mode. Body reacts in a myriad of ways - pains, aches, shaking, vomiting, trouble breathing, sharp knives, cold, hot, etc. Mind is going completely bonkers. If you can get in touch with the one that sees that and just let it happen, if you stop pushing it away, if you can fully feel the body's reactions, it will pass. so if a random or even a willed "glimpse of awakening" is had by me... it is inevitable that i have to go thru this path? i think i have read that its quite rare that one is okay right after their awakening like in eckhart tolle's case and i am sure many others too. his is where a guide is very important. Someone that can keep you steady and focused so that you don't give up. so during this time, if i am unable to do my job, or even do / live out regular life among family or whatever... i am to drop all of that, lose my job, family or w/ever and not give up on what? fully awakening and integrating? and then after that moment has occured. then i can come back to them later ?? this all gets me to wonder and hope that i win the lottery or something so i can do this spirtual search without having to worry about paying bills at home cuz i will have money if no more job and family will be okay too.. money wise.. sure money aint everything.. but its real to me/them (for now that is) but yeah, that seems to be my impediment in this search.. dont wanna bump into the dark night of the soul as it's called.. god help me for maybe trying to avoid it this way, i may call upon it even harder lol naa. i got this. mind over matter.. but then again, easier said than done.. i have heard during that state, all of ur teachings etc start to crumble and u feel like u losing ur mind . i wont know here to turn to.. other than all of you here. i am in toronto, canada.. dunno any enligthended soul here to save me soul if that point comes
  6. i have recently stopped saying "thank you" on this forum lol and instead just say thanks
  7. speaking as a noob on this without having had my own awakening/enlightenment i know that once you have had it. then you gotta start integrating it in your daily life and learn to live with this new perspective you have stumbled upon
  8. @DocHoliday thank for you the clarification and love the fact that it's always "sooner or later" with enlightment so it's inevitable... but could also mean i gotta wait 23,322 lifetimes before i get mine anywho... YOLOish
  9. Just watched a video this morning by Mooji. In it he says that some of you may have been asleep for many lifetimes before you awaken... This to me seems like that if we fail to be enlightened - then upon death, after whichever process, we reincarnate back into another infant body-mind. and secondly, let's say one does get enlightenment... then does that 'particular consciousness-mind' NOT reincarnate back and is then finally free for eternity? unless 'it' choose to re-experience itself another way? like Buddah, Osho, Mooji, Ramana etc... these 'individual mind-consciousnesses' after 'their' enlightenment, now they have finally awoken after their own many lifetimes of sleep, will remain awake? ugh... I am sure the answer to all this lies within the awakening itself. but i am sure you guys understand my thought and question coming from the current duality point of view... any shedding of light will be appreciated thanks!
  10. hmmm so in a way then each of those different realities do exist and a part of the infinite IS experiencing that experiencing right now / simultaneously God = a single being having access to infinite experiences and viewing/knowing/observing them all simultaneously (all without time i.e. past, present, future - all possibilities actualized simultaneously)
  11. @WelcometoReality @Faceless wow thanks ! and yes, interesting take indeed. that's the one thing i have picked up along this journey read/listen, register, let go
  12. @DocHoliday question. you know it is said, there is only ONE being. experieincing itself in various forms so when a human takes DMT for example and encounters all those different higher dimensional beings or machine elfs , whatever else they may encounter... those entities are also part of this reality/illusion or is that another reality? and do those higher level state beings we see, have a "life" of their own which they experience... and if they do, are they awoken? is that why they exist at a very higher / jolly / happy state and their world is just totally phenomenal and ineffable for us?
  13. @Faceless @WelcometoReality for you two, how do you see all these posts or questions here? or for my questions... like do you just directly see that here is another you, asking yourself a question and now expecting an answer from itself?
  14. @WelcometoReality hey ! what do you mean by this. do elaborate... and to the Mind, come on brah! :@
  15. @Faceless wow, all of that was very elegantly put... directly from the Source it would seem. So technically I wouldn’t say it’s the awakening of the mind that realizes nothing, but the silenced movement of mind that nothingness is then actualized. - hmmm, interesting take, but I see the mechanics of it now. nice to have you dwell amongst us duality-trapped souls
  16. @WelcometoReality hmmmm interesting. thank you for that. i have heard about the diff types of awakenings, but not labeled as you have described. that's nice, thanks where/how did you have your glimpse of oneness? if you could tell me briefly or send link if you have already described it have you done any psychedelics / drugs or meditation or anything else which aided with the glimpse / awakening? also, 1 year for stabilization... but stabilization nonetheless, good for you. hopefully it wasn't too rough to integrate into your life. that's the one part i tend to focus on (yes, we shouldnt - as that issue is only in my head) but i tend to think how i will be able to cope with the knowledge of what i have seen, after i have seen it maybe i should treat that thing as "cross that bridge when i get there" but i like to be prepared... the only thing which comes to mind from the various teachings is "allow it to be" and "surrender" then again, even leo after all his experiences and work said " I wasn't even close ... i was infinetly far away " about when he 1st had enlightenment experience
  17. lol nooo much different and deeper than food manifestation/prediction lol
  18. @tsuki thank you very much for that You are supposed to work on them yourself and in solving them, wake up. wow, that's amazing. and in my readings thus far - all points towards that. thank you. it's like many things are metaphorical in bible/quran etc and when you approach those messages in this way, then you can truly see how it all fits. The point is to see that any you is replaceable and in fact, it is not something constant, but constantly changing. thank you! @ajasatya yes, that's amazing and scary! but it's so effin mindblowingly cool! now waiting for my glimpse #WorkInProgress #OneDay #ActuallyNOW #CanOnlyHappenNOW #NoFutuerNoPast #Eternity <3
  19. @tsuki oh no sir ! absolutely not being a smartass. as you can see from my post count. i am new here. very new. i ask a lot of questions. especailly when i see someone who i can sense is understanding of the concepts so i was asking you that question for myself . to understand it for myself, and out of full out respect. not implying anything and definatly far from being a smartass. i was merely just asking that WHAT exactly is the REAL SELF (which in that question, using your format of the answer i was writing as bolded YOU ) thanks! and much love and respect.
  20. @tsuki "There will be no you once you get it." there is no YOU once YOU get it - who/what is that bolded YOU that gets it? and that YOU - when it gets it, it sees that it's the ONLY YOU which each of the MEs will arrive at upon getting it?
  21. @Ingit hey i am quite new to this stuff also havent done very many sessions of meditation but if ur having negative thoughts, feeling anxious and sad - then that's just normal from what i have heard. meditation allows you to look within yourself and in process, those emotions/feelings you have shunned away bubble up to the surface, you just need to surrender and allow them to pass thru and out of you. that's how an old emotion/feeling/trauma is overcome... not by shunning it away but facing it head-on and surrendering to its existence as it appears
  22. @WelcometoReality it is my understanding that when we say the experiencer dissolves - this means ego death for that body-mind. to those who have glimpses of oneness, do they have a momentary-spontaneous ego-death? i thought ego-death is a process that one must go thru and slowly surrender and let go until eventually one fully lets go and oneness is seen since the experiencer has then dissolved. and if both cases are true, then in the case where the person who has the spontaneous ego-death, will they not lose their mind and be like WTF happened to me, especially if they have never even conceived of such a concept in their life and are far away from spirituality.
  23. WOW! Science catching up this is a science/physics video! @Highest @Leo Gura
  24. @Highest this HERE/NOW is massive indeed... aka infinite we witness it always in the present with no past/future you have any direct experience @Highest wherein it is said past/present/future exists all at once. ^^^ is that just an intellectual understanding which is had, that all past/present/future will occur / occurred in the "now"? or is it somehow "experienced" that one sees/knows all of what happened/will happened/ is happening all at once - if this is somehow true, then one's soul is truly shaken to the core realizing the might of the God to know infinite eternal experiences all at effin ONCE .. BLESS UP!