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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. i agreee eckhart's was spontaneous.. i think depending on the teacher, and what their path was like... it is all reflected in their teaching also i think that a lof of the gurus refer to the simplicity of seeing thru the illusion but it's only really AFTER the fact that they say this i dont think they are deliousion, far from it lol - i dont even need to say this but when they say, or eckhart says IT IS HERE NOW! just NOW. simply NOW it's easy for them to see it as they are speaking from that place of NOW vs the rest of us could be a billion miles away from the NOW (billion mental illusory miles) but yeah. i agree with you. the work that needs to be put in is massive it's no easy task especially since it is a sub-task for most of us, unless we can , like Leo, work towards making a life purpose in which we end up working in this field of study and making a living to be able to continue to do this work and not worry about paying the bills my goal personally is somehow winnging the lotto (using mind/law of attraction/positive vibes to get that lol) and then after lotto, meditate away and enjoy and go deeper into it i am not after the money (or so i think now, hopefully i wont change after getting the money) but yeah. i am after the freedom which money will give me which allows me to do this work uninterrupted or worrying a guru would tell me here, i am just setting up this obstacle for myself to delay the work which needs to be done. but from my full time work job which i very much need if i need to survive on the month-month bills i got. i cant bring myself to full dive into it... and the next thing i know is i have lost my mind and cannot work anymore and then lose my house/job/car lotto > freedom > eventual enlightment LETS GET THAT MONEY SO IT CAN GET ME ENLIGHTMENT SO THEN I CAN LOOK BACK AS ALL AWAKENED SOULS DO AND GO LIKE WOOAH. WAS "I" A CRAZY LIL NUT OR WAAT?
  2. i love the color shade of light and dark on his face. the light source/lamp is shining from his right side and does not light up the left side of his face nice effect. very artsy and thought out
  3. @Preety_India kaash aap hamko real life mein dikhti... aur jaise Rupert Spira sahib kehtay hain... mein aapki beauty ko dekh kar fully us moment mein gum ho jata aur enlightenment paa leta... Jokes aside, nice post thank you.
  4. sad to say the reason why i clicked this thread was to write this and i guess from what i have gathered thus far - love is universal. it is the experience of us feeling our very own self. when we absorb deeply into the what-is of the moment is when we exeperince love. this can happen during intimate moments, moments of experiencing nature / beauty etc.
  5. Very deep post by Robert The. Main essenes of it makes sense when looking at how enlighteed beings live. It's important to note when I say how "they live" it means how those now-"mostly empty" body/minds act/behave . And their bodies act out happiness as the higher self is seeing thru the illusion thru them. From that point of view, happiness can be substituted by 100%surrender and acceptance of what is. So for example an enlightened person getting raped for example would / can be fully ok/accepting of that experience. This is important due to: And That's why this here by @XYZ is very important when it comes to how that happiness, which Robert refferrs to in his post, needs to be had at this sort of level to be fully liberated . So you work toward that and that accepting of what is only can happen when we stop taking things personaly and slowly letgo until the last thing to leggo of is "I" which somehow has to be seen thru.
  6. @WindInTheLeaf holy shit Thanks! That was very helpful! The first line about "what if this is that, waking up thinking I'm awake but I'm actually dreaming There is no way to know! Unless one wakes up that is... Lol So I guess this yet again puts it all in perspective That if u put the dream and reality on the same filmroll , our little daily awakenings occur on the different frames on that filmroll... All on the same plane of reality So the real awakening is outside of that filmroll reality. Wow.thats why it's unlike anything else we have or can possibly imagine All of what can be experienced , all the infinite absolute experiences are all on that film roll So when "we" wake up and "see" from the place-less place . Place where there is "non-experience" since all of what can we experienced is on that filmroll, the filmroll is alive yet aware of each Experiences in it. When enlightenment occurs we "see" from meta-filmroll That's they reason I suppose why it is said that it cannot be explained in any way possible since it's outside the realm of experience Oh but it blows my mind that it's all one! Woah God bless God is the greatest!
  7. @WindInTheLeaf exactly I know reality itself is groundless I am referring to the process/each of our experience Let Waking State be represented by ∆ Let our nightly dreams be represented by ßn N being the variable since each of those dreams vary in story/setting etc So this is how our experience goes ∆ - ß1 - ∆ - ß2 - ∆ - ß3 - ∆ ... So on. You see the recurring ∆ That's what I am referring to when I say our "grounded state" where we "launch" into the various ßn experiences... The substance and lived experience of both ∆ and ßn are the same Yet ∆ is a recurring experience with a seeming continuity So all im asking is that the ∆, although same in all aspects as ßn, somehow a higher order or somehow differentiated than our dreams as per our experience that I mentioned above.
  8. Hmmm Yes. Somehow if I look back upon any dream I have had (after waking up from the dream) I can relate to that to an extent Like after the fact, it was like I had that entire experience occur to "me"
  9. @starsofclay can you do it with a good success rate? Induce lucid dreams?
  10. Yes I'm not sure this also applies to lower level of truths I have felt this feeling in the body about knowing and loving that truth <3
  11. All the same I get that Labeling it doesn't change I'm rather inquiring into the mechanism of how it goes from one state to another And different order of reality so to speak
  12. Yes but initiated from a "grounded dream" i.e. the current waking state ???
  13. All experience is "real" That's why I know there is 0 difference between my current waking state and a dream state (while I am living in them) It's only after waking up from a dream can you look back and go like Woah, that was a dream What I was just asking that why/what is it that I keep "returning" to this current waking state after waking up from my nightly dreams... I think leo may have referred to this calling it a higher level or order of reality/dream... Please can someone shed light on it
  14. how may sex feel for enlightenmed beings? osho must have been a champ.. or if he went slowmo like his talks, that's jazzy too dunno who else... lawl "with the force of the universe...! "
  15. @phoenix666 wow. what did you have? your first glimpse of the TRUTH / NON-DUALITY? or just a very deep insight?
  16. WOW. Thank you. Adding this to the notes to recourse myself as needed. Don't think I fully grasp this as yet... but then again if I did, I would be enlightened
  17. @Saumaya Emotional development and human maturity is something you can work on even after enlightenment. Yes. I meant this as higher levels in my original post. And also, I wanted to know it like this, so I can understand what I may have missed Thank you So just to understand, what does spiritual seeking mean? As in... Isn't awakening just a 100% beyond doubt confirmation that nothingness is our natural state? What does spiritual seeking refer to after that? Working towards staying in the easily 99% of the time? And all the while human maturity and emotional development continue along side.?
  18. @Artaemis Woah That's epic, ur awakening Hey I won't call that cheating, you must have gotten pretty close in a past incarnation to have gotten it as a child Hardwork Pays off <3
  19. @Artaemis wow... so you had your awakening? could you share how that "experience" came about and what it was like soon after? Also, if you're at 5 - this is the HARDEST PART of the journey. You gotta go thru an exhaustive process for all of it to collapse in on itself and for "you" to see that there is nothing left to seek.