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Everything posted by SoonHei

  1. @Cepzeu great post! i know the deep realization that you're talking about here i have had this too and it's amazing you're just like WAAAAAAAAAAAA lol keep going. i did come out of that realization though and it doesn't feel as powerful as it did during that moment (that's what is called about being the understanding vs trying to intellectually grasp it) NOW is definitely the ALL and this realization can also be had that if you were able to "still" or pause a single slice of NOW then you have this reality-3d-4d moment of space-time all captured as ONE all there is to that moment is the entirety of it. as ONE SOLID BLOCK of reality. IT IS ALL ONE sure, there is the point of view looking out of "your" eyes but it is all a frame of experience of that total moment in the NOW that's how you can see and understand the duality collapsing and seeing and understanding how it is indeed all ONE
  2. @Ero you raise some good questions there... i'd like to get an answer too, i have an idea about what it might require to see thru... but i'm hoping someone with a higher understanding / direct realization can step in and answer here... @Nahm @cetus56 @Leo Gura
  3. @Preetom yup I agree what i mean to say is the same! embody your current experience. dont live it on the beliefs, like there is nothing to do etc... it is most of our experience right now that we are a separate self. sure, most of us on this path know so intellectually or have had a few peeks here n there about the TRUTH but it isn't out present experience it's just important to note that when a lot of the realized masters look back and say it wasn't anyone doing any of these actions which led to the realization. it is correct but all the while living as the ego in that past, there WAS someone doing something. inquiring, thinking, doing the work. the point of views are relative, not absolute. being with your current point of view and working from that is the key not projecting an expected POV and working out of that
  4. @AlwaysBeNice yes, i agree. not all say that... but this is a common understanding when talked about exactly. speaking from a place of non-duality, most of what's being talked about are pointers as it can only be so that way
  5. @Shin i'm scaled the level of skill that requires no glance at the keyboard or the screen to see what I am tying and if I'm doing so accurately. in other words, I can type without looking... care to venture a guess about where my eyes might be looking at as I type this? oh yes. you got it #TheHand
  6. yes. i agree with this. the HIGHER SELF / TRUE SELF working thru/living out life each of the ego-minds is what has this realization and it is understood. I'm not sure about the question you asked in bold...
  7. @SageModeAustin it's like trying to turn your head to look at the back of your head... any "doing" will not accomplish it that's why it's so slippery... it has to be realized
  9. was going over some trip reports and found this to be extremely shocking and terrifying that so many reports of bad trip reports have a line which kinda goes like this: I thought it couldn't get any worse and THEN IT DID! A LOT WORSE and it KEPT! GETTING! WORSE! that in-itself shows the boundless/limitless nature of reality how can there ever be the worst possible pain? if it could be quantified in some way then say if the pain level reached that highest quantified level, what's there stopping it from adding +1 to it. just like the infinity of the numbers in maths although, there does seem to be a recognition / feeling of a level which is known to BE the worst/BEST - the one having a non-dual samadhi experience feels infinite bliss/pleasure... INFINITE! how can infinite be felt? yet it is known that this is the best/highest there is just like that, there may also be infinite pain (resistance to what-is X 10000000000.... ) these could be the depths of the hell where lost souls may dwell to post the "death' of the physical body and if they arent in-tune with their mind or have a super guilt full consciousness just a rant.
  10. wow this is so elegant! it makes sense also, that if there is no resistance aka resistance = 0 then we get; PAIN x 0 = No Pain! nicely done. thank you @WelcometoReality indeed! so many trip guides and Leo also says, just surrender (accept / stop resisting) and that's the key it is another one of those #EasierSaidThanDone things. but that's exactly why they suffered, yes, i agree.
  11. Am I correct to state that we all have overlooked the Non-Dual state in our everyday life when considering the simple example of watching TV? When we watch a TV show or movie, we are fully immersed in the experience. We are fully watching and knowing the story/experience from a place of stillness - the dinstiction between ourselves and the show we are watching collapses . We aren't thinking about past or future, we are just in the NOW deeply watching the content and in a way, one with it? Sure, we don't get the experience of all duality collapsing - maybe that's because it is overlooked so easily... But again, is this correct or am I far off? Even a moment of a full hearty laughter. Someone has a funny slip n fall and you laugh ur heart out in that moment - you again don't have an " I " in that moment... There is just laughter.. you have with that experience ! It is often said when enlightenment happens, there is usually laughter... Sure the above slip/fall laughter ain't the enlightenment laughter... But the essence of it is the same I feel. Being ONE whole in the moment Any existence purely in the Now yields the Non-Dual state.. with the ego quickly collapsing and then rising soon after - all unnoticed
  12. boom. get this tattooed on the inside of your eyelids. #ReminderAsYouBlink
  13. @WelcometoReality yes. you and I are on the same/similar page there. #WorkInProgress when there is resistance... it must be seen for what it is - you cannot force the resistance away... or pretend to accept WHAT-IS it has to be done at the core level it's almost like freaking out to see that there's a snake on the ground and you almost stepped on it. now you're on top of a chair and unable to move as you're afraid it may get you then you somehow see what you thought was a snake was a piece of wood. you mistook it to be a snake. the will annihilate the resistance/fear of it. and then there is acceptance of what is whatever the equivalent of discovering the snake was a piece of wood is for a particular situation needs to be discovered/uncovered (the illusion seen thru) and then the worry or resistance cannot remain. nobody in their right mind would continue to pretend to be afraid of a wooden stick thinking it maybe a snake or might turn into one once you see it for what it is. the resistance/pain is gone. POOF
  14. to all: anyone doing this hand watching exercise have any understanding grow or any significant rising of awareness yet?
  15. @Charlotte <3 indeed it's a gradul process "upwards" the more aware you become, the easier you can see thru a reaction of yours which is about to rise in response to a certain event this way, anger, a defensive stance comment, sadness etc all can be contained/coped with and let-go of easily someone grieving the death of their loved one does eventually stop and move on - doesn't mean they no longer love them ... they have now finally accepted their death and are at peace with it. is this not the case? so if someone is okay and business as usual the next day or the same day after the death of a loved one. doesn't mean she/he is heartless (unless they are and that's a diff topic) for an enlightened person or someone with a high enough level of awareness . they know life/death is part of what-is and it cannot be anyway else once it has happened. accept it. and move on. done. the gap between the incident and finding the peace with the said incident gets smaller and smaller as your awareness risies. the goal is to be able to do this MOMENT BY MOMENT - that's true enlightenment, living in the NOW and that level can only be attained by NO-ONE. you must become NO-ONE to be able to not have a zitch of attachment to anything to be triggered in anyway . so you merely live and accept life moment by moment. this is another way to say find out and live as your true nature. NOTHINGNESS. NO-ONE. gradual steps up to let-go of your beliefs and conditioning and then ultimately full non-dual awareness
  16. oh no. absolutely not. it does not appear. nor is it to be asked during that experience. no thoughts outside of what is happening in that moment right NOW appear during that experience. this question is merely a tool to understand what's really happening in those moments . to see the process / mechanism of what's happening in such experiences @WelcometoReality
  17. was gonna start a new thread but why not use this? i have a strong feeling that whatever song or music that brings you to a state of a mental high. of power. of belief. of motivation. of accomplishment. it can be used to aid visualization / imagining of the moment which you're trying to manifest. it gives it that added layer of epic feel. the sense of I GOT THIS. if i investigate this via awareness perspective, i suppose the vibration energy that one vibes at can be raised and more positive. thereby aligning it with the end result which one desires... of course believing it (knowing it) will happen (has already happened) and feeling it NOW is very important and then your forthcoming experience will manifest that desire in it. so yeah, i feel any empowering music (whatever that maybe for you) can assist you with feeling that you have that moment RIGHT NOW
  18. There is epic music and then there's EPIC MUSIC as you ascend the scale of consciousness and expand your awareness - it is said you see a lot more beauty in things in which you did not before I presume it also applies to music - more so than visual. music has always been (at least for me) a very powerful thing which resonates and awakens a certain feeling deep within me. Especially "epic" themed sound tracks - powerful soundtracks Hans Zimmer is one genius MOFO when it comes to this. I can only imagine how powerfully or infinitely powerfully does an enlightened being FEEL the sound/music of epic music. To someone who is already feeling unconditional joy in each passing moment - for them to hear something as magical as this... just wow. I have also heard that people hear music / see visuals / experience feelings which are unimaginably powerful/good/stronger during DMT/LSD trips etc... I suppose an enlightened master on a trip would really truly love that ride - just witnessing it all #NoBadTrips This one here is one of my favorites I actually listen to this while doing deep affirmations and prayer. It gives a deep feeling of accomplishment and alignment and relaxation with the build up of music... COME ON TARS!!! Check this one out, from the movie Interstellar Anyone else have any more epic tracks which come close to this in grandness? Warning, do not listen to this while driving, I have found myself to be speeding without realizing when I listen to this while driving
  19. i want to ask this... i have deeply understood i feel that the law of attraction works from the place of non-lack. you've got to be: A) contend with where you are in life. accepting it fully B) do not project that next boost/bump in your happiness into the future, when asking / wanting what you desire, bring that moment and feeling of having had that desire fulfilled already NOW. believe it with conviction that it is already here and that you've achieved it. when you genuinely feel that to the core of your being, it will manifest that in your experience as you desire. the sheer unshakable belief of having achieved it already is a requirement. it comes with entirely having faith and trusting in the process which in turn comes from understanding the process note, A is a prerequisite of doing B because if you don't have A, you're wanting from the place of lack while feeling shitty about what is and thereby giving rise to more shittyness around you instead of manifesting your desires. #EasierSaidThanDone #EasierDoneAfterUnderstood #DontBelieve - KNOW THAT IT IS ALREADY THE CASE! someone who is rigging a game of soccer to have a team lose and is 99.99% sure he will win the bet cuz of insider setup still has that 0.01% of WHAT-IF left. (some unplanned error during the game could result in him losing the bet) vs after a certain event has transpired, then it is 100%. it IS. it has occurred. there is 0% room for WHAT-IF at this point that's the type of conviction one needs in their mind when trying to achieve it . 100% believe = KNOWING THAT IT WILL (trusting fully that it will, IT MUST, for that's how it operates!) to truly manifest and and get your desires, one needs to be very very close to the 100% trust in the process and believe KNOW that it will happen for him/her.
  20. yup. that indeed! that's exactly what it is. that's why it's so simple. it's right there infront of us at all times. but we tend to think that happiness is caused by the content... that happiness (in a way, is triggered by the content) but the mechamsim of what's happening is as simple as this Is the content currently appearing in the experience being accepted completely right NOW? if the answer is yes (unconditional acceptance) = happiness if the answer is no (resistance) = suffering / lack-of-happiness one can see that the happiness is not dependent upon the CONTENT in the above question substitute anything in the content of experience and if the answer is yes, that would mean happiness loss of a job, stuck in traffic, headache, etc so these moments of happiness appear in our daily lives - when we investigate such moments we can find that the one common factor is not the happiness but acceptance of that situation entirely (generally happens to be happy/fun stuff in our day to day) but that's where we have got much to learn by watching those who have a higher awareness / enlightened anytime you're laughing your guts out, you're having a non-dual experience of that moment.
  21. @seeking_brilliance hmmm indeed. especially the fact that one has no idea whatsoever that she/he has taken a psychedelic which is bringing about this current experience so it's hard to try and bring awareness in that state to try and clam yourself down. having a high baseline awareness would help after doing such trips a few times i reckon
  22. @seeking_brilliance hmmm it was a mix of it i believe. not sure if many were on the spiritual/actualization path... but goes to show. that really, it's all you mind and it's infinitely powerful in that what it can show you / make you experience both in content and magnitude
  23. @B_Naz yup. That's true. About the image n visualization being what they are. As they just appear The part about it all being ego is there yes. But really anything at all we do - all the doing mechanism - is done from the pov of ur current experience as ego . That goes without saying Sure once "one" has realized that "she/he" is pure awareness only then it is seen that there is no-doership But while we associate ourselves with the body-mind , approaching it in this way is valid n should work... Just like the law of attraction.. why are there so few success stories? Most people wish for and ask from the place of lack... It's like one is crying in pain and saying please make this pain go away... Instead of accepting the situation, realizing that there is a thorn pricked which is causing the pain and then to remove that thorn Unsure if I am on a tangent here But yeah, any practice/action/this conversation is all an imaginary ego-self talking/interacting away with other ego-selves.