charlie cho

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Everything posted by charlie cho

  1. I was sad, though, nobody was replying to your post of joy.
  2. @Beeflamb I know I've said this a million times, but I suggest you read a book called, "Chaung Tzu's parables". It's a taoist book from a disciple of Lao Tzu. Believe it or not, around the time Confucius and Lao Tzu was debating with their ideas, they were not viewed as debates of life philosophies but of different political ideologies waiting to take charge of becoming the main political system of ancient Chinese factions. I don't think OSHO was completely against politics as Chuang Tzu was, too. Chuang Tzu, like OSHO, continuously bashed on politicians and confucius ideas, which was the prominent social etiquette at the time, presenting that only a leader of Tao is able to govern a state to its utmost potential. The question is, though, will the leader really be able to adopt the Tao? He says one of the requirements of a leader to become prominent is that he should not thirst after power, again bashing on Confucianists idealogy that a leader should live for honor, glory, and prestige until his death. At first, I never was able to accept the idea that the Tao Te Ching and The Chuang Tzu's Parables were books presented to help political leaders, but, now, after reading them carefully, I could see why they were saying the books were that way. Chuang Tzu was never really hating on those politicians as was OSHO. It's just the 'way' they were governing their country, they had a problem with.
  3. @Leo Gura where do you get the energy to reply to all these posts? Are you never tired? Was just curious, because your advice is great, and I'm worried about your health.
  4. @Madhur that's awesome man. You have no idea how much thinking too many thoughts can destroy your body. Many ways to remedy that. one is sports, music, friendship, sex, life purpose.... etc. Second, your body need blood flow. Of course, the ideal situation is that you have no thoughts or negative emotions in your body to be toxic. Negative emotions destroy your body by blocking blood flow. Third, the artificial way to increase blood flow is indeed sports. I recommend yoga! Beautiful thing! You see beautiful women as you have your body healthy. Most importantly, stretching your body is the best to remedy blood flow and giving your body a balanced muscle bone structure, and it has far less chances of injuring yourself, even more so than simply running and jumping! Fourth, enjoy life! Fifth, don't be a hypochondriac like me! sixth, discipline yourself to at least work out twice a week. AT LEAST! seventh, occasionally give yourself love by baking fresh bread or buying it from the local bakery. Chop some fucking real lettuce and cook chicken or egg, and put them together with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and the salad will be magnificent. eighth, for emotional support, listen to some stand up comics. Take this advice cautiously though, people like Bill Burr is funny as hell, but he can be quite toxic at times. I love Bill Burr but the guy has some fucked up energy in him, so I occasionally listen to the guy. But I do give props for Bill Burr cause he really knows what it takes to live your life purpose/calling! This man may not be spiritually gifted, but his love for his work is inspiring! Listen to him if you wanna focus on your work and love your work at the same time. I think it will give you positive throughout your working life with Bill.
  5. Yes. You know when you have sex, you still move your body in a practical way so that your woman can get an orgasm with you. At that moment, you are not thinking, otherwise you wouldn't get an orgasm. Many things in life is exactly like sex. When butchering a cow with utmost precision and professionalism, you won't be using the analyzing mind. When shooting a basketball shot with utmost profundity, one must possess a certain presence while shooting the ball - I mean with utmost profundity, not some any old good 3 point shooter. In fact, it has been my observation that the best performers, in all professions, have been people who use intuition over their heads. Surprisingly, this holds true even to war. Read the Art of War by Sun Tzu and all he talks about is the importance of Zen or Tao in his method of war. Read the book of five rings and you can see all that muyamato mushashi talks about is flexibility in battle. Steve Jobs had talked about this in his biography saying he takes his gut feeling to be more accurate than his head. Steve Wozniak said he considers himself more of an artist than a technician. I don't know if the analytical mind has to be destroyed completely. Obviously, I cannot agree even to this. However, we must acknowledge the essentiality of intuition. From creation to war this law still abides. Who on Earth dares to argue against this law other than people who are unobervant?
  6. @RoerAmit ill say it simple. I tried radical honesty. But you have to think of it in a more nuanced way. First, you gotta define what honesty really is to your true self. When nazis were inspecting certain germans who were hiding jewish families in their attics, those germans lied their ass off, i bet you, and made those nazi polices to believe they fuckin hated those "nasty jews". I bet you when Oscar Schindler was having jews work at his factory, he told his nazi general friends he loved raping those useless bitches working as his secretary but also as sex slaves. (Sorry for going out of hand here but this is one of the scenes in schindlers list) Now, we have to be more sophisticated here. Were schindler and those german families honest when they were bragging about how they hated those jews? Were they liars? Were they hypocrites? Yes they were hypocrites, they were liars, but to me, those hypocrisies, lies, and acting have made me shed tears even 60 years after the incident of ww2, for their hypocricy had shed light on who they are in their deepest, love. Within the hypocrisy, there was authenticity. Within the acting of Schindler there was honest integrity of a human being. Nature is sex. Flowers cannot be borne out without sex. Trees start from a seed borne out of another fruit that fell on the ground from another tree. Bees are born out of sex. Fish are born out of sex. Its not a human phenomenon. All life on earth is sex. Peakocks are sex. I think when we are really true to ourselves, that is when we go through sex the most. I apologize if my explanation was too abstract, but this has been my limit in how i am able to express what i understand about answering your question.
  7. @Kundalini Cataclysm when you see it. as krisnamurti puts it, the observer is the observed. you see yourself. only you exist throughout the entire universe. there is no other realm. just you in this infinitly wide spread energy and consciousness. consciousness is light. energy is your the body.... the body of the infinite world. light is man. energy is feminine. dont think about it in the head. yes, the desire and the intense longing for it, i think is essential. but please do not try to think what it is.
  8. Did you just really say that without hesitance?
  9. Do you exercise often? At least twice a week. At least!
  11. Watching Leo's take on wisdom, he came upon saying the people he deemed wise. I got triggered deeply when he said Confucius. I'm not trying to be a dick here though. Like, for a person living outside Asia, I understand why you might think of Confucius as a wise person. I know Leo just talked about him from the top of his head, so I don't really care. Really, I truly tell you, most of the nationalism, racism, strict mannerisms, oppression of youngsters for the elders, strict body movement, lack of creativity, over emphasis on learning and education in china, japan, and korea stems from Confucianist ideals. I'm very passionate these days to really break the idea of people idolizing confucianist ideals. People think in ancient times, our ancestors must have idolized confucianism. Before the year 1600, confucian ideals were mainly frowned upon. Most likely, the first emperor of China hated Confucius scholars and decided to massacre them. I'll tell you what Confucius thought of as the greatest sin. This means not being filial, not being a patriot of your country 不忠不孝 His ideal of a noble man was a person who devotes his life for his country and his parents. Tell that to a girl shooting porn who was molested or raped by her father. Tell that to Chinese citizens who were persecuted for criticizing their government. Just read this, if cannot be bothered. Several philosophers and sages in ancient China LOATHED confucius. Mainly Taoists such as Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. I guess "loath" may be quite extreme a word. Anyways, they emphasized how confucius made people into knowledge lovers, without any depth into their understanding of the world. People who are pretentious just to be mannerly in front of his king just in order to look like a patriot and a person who has cultivated filial piety. Chuang Tzu and Lao Tzu liked to deem Confucius as a person who has made his disciples stay away from the natural, the Tao, because Confucius LOVED knowledge and intellectual prowess in his students. He basically thought TRUE WISDOM COULD BE CULTIVATED, which is the most dumbest thing you could ever hear of. True love and morality cannot be cultivated or learned. You can't learn how to love a woman, you simply love a woman. You cannot force yourself to love your village people, you simply love them when the right time comes! If you know the famous story between Confucius and Lao Tzu... read... Confucius – Ego – Morality? — OSHO Online Library There are so many things I can talk about confucianism. In conclusion, just like christianity and islam has destroyed many things in society, confucius did the same, maybe worse. And that guy called confucius himself was not enlightened like Jesus or the Buddha, nor was he a decent philosopher! I know I'm paraphrasing here, but his core idea was to "cultivate" intelligence, "devote yourself to the country" "devote yourself to your parents". I mean loving your country, loving your parents is cool. But with such philosophy, you can only get so far. His ideas had such small a scale that even Taoists could see the limitations of them so clearly, they could not bear to see people actually adopt those ideas in their political system. Yeah, loving your parents are cool. Loving your country is cool. But the scale is just too small!
  12. Yep. I do think I have answered that I agree Confucius had helped china to go up from barbarism from your above post. My parents used to say that. "You must see them in context. Don't judge them with the views of today." Definitely not refuting them on that point. Confucius had done a good thing, but to me, it had only done good until the point of the 18th century. After that, it's only destroying what's left of china and north korea. If you haven't known, if you come to Korea, mannerisms are heavy and if you disobey to hold a certain mannerism towards your elders, you are heavily heavily scorned upon. I mean, it's like the barbaric ages! It's hilarious! You can see this in sports culture, work culture. One of the reasons japan is way better in basketball than Korea and China is because they don't have much of those mannerisms based on age difference, which enacts much of bureaucracy than meritocracy. This also holds true in work culture. I wish I don't sound off like a person with victim mentality here, but the truth is the truth, there is a lot of ageism here, little of meritocracy - you have to experience it yourself though! That's why in one sense, I feel so much hatred towards that ancient scholar. So much trauma that still haunts me to this day. In context, Confucius was a nice man, but that would not be fair to Lao Tzu, Jesus, and the Buddha who was way older than Confucius. Way more experienced than Confucius. More learned than Confucius, yet they know that "knowing" isn't be all end all. They surrendered all what they have learned and became the infinite mind that confucius can only dream of. I can critisize Confucius this harshly with ease because I know he could have done better with a master like Lao Tzu next to him, yet he missed to actually attain REAL WISDOM! Ah! I like Confucius as a person. I think if I met him, he would be a cool guy to drink tea with. But man, the repurcussions that had lasted to this day, has mentally drained me.
  13. @Breakingthewall yeah i agree with you. And yes, he did try to legislate all the small mannerism one had to have to demonstrate nobleness and filiel piety. This is the utter nonsense that shows his confusion of what true nobility is. Yes, it was a feudal time which was called the spring and autumn period. And you know what? Those warlords at the time did not like his idealogy. He complained to lao tzu moaning about how nobody cares about his ideas. In context his political ideas were, yes, quite good. Nobody should refute that. But only for this reason. Those feudal times had frequent rape pillaging murder cannibalism patricide. Especially patricide was frequent because the sons often killed their father to become the leader of the faction, so in that context, of course confucius ideas of filiel piety is important, but this is like teaching a dog not to shit on the mattress a brilliant thing. Like, patricide is something quite brutal. And anybody of the right mind wouldnt really care to do that. You have to take into account confucius self admittedly said he has not acquired realization of the infinite. At least, i give him props for being honest. He also was humble towards lao tzu and chuang tzu, calling them dragons amongst the realm of wisdom while he is nothing compared to them. What im trying to get at is that he did not cultivate the biggest vision one had to have for politics and leadership. In other words, he creates so many quick fixes, good intentions but is lacking in inner game. To some degree, you may say lao tzu and chuang tzu lacks outer game, but id 100% take the guy with inner game down over outer game because the guy with inner game can build his outer game according to his conditions at the different times. Im sorry to say this, but confucius is like a poor man's mystery method. I mean, come on. Filiel piety and nationalism is your greatest idealogy? At least chritianity puts "love" as its idealogy, or buddhism puts "mercy" as its idealogy. Taosim puts "balance nature or tao" as its idealogy. NATIONALISM? FILIEL PIETY? And to the people who still listen to his ideas! Wow it astonishes me.
  14. @Nahm dude, who are you? I see you everywhere and i never see you saying something.... thats ever ... to my liking?
  15. @Justinian711 I have to continue.... I do use one note on my computer as much as I use it on my tablet. I just wanted to let you know the magical things your hands can do over your computer. You don't need to draw like Leonardo Da Vinci. But you have to admit, your hands and pencil can do certain things that a computer is limited in doing when expressing creative ideas. When you use them both, it is magical, I promise you. Just saying bro. I just want to let you know before I let you go.
  16. dude, a note book is good for one note. But having an Ipad for one note is really underrated. It would help you to get your note taking to a whole another level. I'm currently using a samsung tablet, and it's pretty fucking good. Imagine using an IPad. It would be phenomenal because the IPad Pencil, I heard, is phenomenal
  17. @ucan99 I highly highly recommend Chuang Tzu's parables. I'm reading it in korean and chinese altogether, so I don't know how it will pan out with english though -- if it would be as good as the korean version. First of all, Chuang Tzu is an excellent writer, labeled one of the greatest scholars at the time - quoted by Sima Qian, the Herodotus of China. Even though he was worshiped as an intellectual, he had no pride and had even loathed the idea of gaining "knowledge" to become wise. That's why Chuang Tzu HATED Confucian's ideas, an idea that is much dominant in the whole of Asia today, because Confucius believes one cannot be a sage unless one learns and cultivates wisdom. Chuang Tzu very much opposes that idea by saying wisdom cannot be cultivated, but it can only be naturally come into light by letting go of knowledge, beliefs, and attachments. There is no bullshit. There is no woo woo in here. This guy is on to the point. He writes sentences like a hammer waiting to bash your brains out from all those limiting beliefs. Reading Chuang Tzu, you can really get to understand where most OSHO's ideas come from, so if you have a lot of interest in OSHO, Chuang Tzu is a must read.
  18. Reading Chuang Tzu's parables, he talks about what it takes to live a long and healthy life often. His emphasis is never about any tips and tricks. His emphasis lies on the mentality people need to acquire in order to lead a long happy life. I have hypochondria. I initially thought "worrying" about health will help me get my health in order. In other words, I thought obsessing with the thought "how to be healthy" was going to help me actually be healthy. I think I'm wrong because, upon reading Chuang Tzu's book, he again and again implies one cannot be fully healthy unless one is enlightened - saying you need to be one with Tao, the natural, to let your body to not become twisted like the masses of the population. Obviously, one can infer in the text that with hypochondria, one cannot achieve a long lasting healthy life. With that affirmation from Chuang Tzu, I now have the confidence to take action in discarding my inclination to "try and achieve a healthy body". If you guys struggle with hypochondria, or just want to understand what health is in general, I highly recommend this book. It does talk about other subjects more than just health, but, even then, they are really interesting and are worth a read, for Chuang Tzu, like Nietzsche and OSHO, being a highly intellectual person and a famous scholar at the time, he philosophizes or states his words like a hammer. He is not interested in making your intellectual. You can literally feel his texts hammer on your head and destroy your own misconceptions. It's as if he mastered the art of writing while he was in school that he came to the point where he can use that as a tool to help you destroy limiting beliefs.
  19. I heard many warriors tend to feel affinity to being spiritual. I can relate to that because being an athlete most of my life, you tend to try to be in state, in the flow in order to remain in the high ground over your opponent. The moment you think a foolish thought, positive or negative, you'll tend to lose the game, and even if you don't lose immediately, you lose in the long run in some alternative way. Did you know Peter Realston was actually a martial artist? Buddha was in a warrior tribe? Muhammad of Islam was a warlord? Often, Krishna attacked a another tribe for some reason. This paradox breaks my brain apart. Do you people know any literature written about this paradox?
  20. @rnd it's that easy to create a new account? I don't consider my life to go downhills because of reddit. I just really liked posting on the judo subforum. I didn't expect, however, that posting something on the writing subforum would stop me from posting on the other one. Can't you be bothered creating a new account everytime? And who in the world of reddit would actually say "I'll downvote you and your life will go downhill." Do people actually say that on Reddit? If it's true. That's fucked up.
  21. I posted something on the "writing" sub forum, but people were disagreeing with my post left and right to the point these "writers" downvoted me a lot. I really liked being downvoted. I felt proud of myself for being able to withstand pressure and not be wavered by other's opinions. But here's the real problem. I was in this judo subforum, and they wouldn't let me post anything because I had bad karma. Like what? Just because I have low status on Reddit, makes me not able to post anything? It felt like I shouldn't post anything that people will disagree with me just because I wanted to stay in the Judo Forum. Is this system working out?
  22. @TheAlchemist it would be great if people downvoted because they thought it did not contribute to the conversation. I feel like in my experience, people don't really care about high or low quality. They downvote with their emotions, downvoting because they disagree or upvote because they agree. Some people may do it righteously, but 80% of the people are not like that.
  23. @Hansu yeah your last sentence. Thats what i was thinking
  24. @Hansu i hate how i sometimes cannot think for myself, and i have to get someone to tell what is right for me. I always knew there was something fishy about the reddit karma system. It felt like going on a cult and saying shit they hate and they will raid on you for not saying what they want to hear
  25. I asked: does this system work out well? is that really true? PEople downvote you because they think it is low quality? Everybody has different perspectives on what "quality" is. I think it's dangerous to make most people judge what high quality and low quality is