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Martin Ball can’t sleep anymore
Martin Ball can’t sleep anymoreIt doesn't necessarily gain any ability. Any siddhis gained are an independent factor.
Awakening alone does not clear up all energetic issues, or shadow, or ego, or emotional issues, or bad habits. Nor is it development. So there are many factors herw besides awakening.
All of this I have stressed in the past.
Many awakened teachers have weird personality flaws and shadow issues and pathologies.
Awakening does not mean there cannot be a pathology. As history shows.
Martin Ball can’t sleep anymore
Martin Ball can’t sleep anymore@Paulus Amadeus
This is significant, but also keep in mind that this is just one case study, and people can be very different, especially when it comes to health issues.
Awakened people can have health complications and even mental issues or energetic issues or shadow. Do not expect them to be impervious to stress, and under enough stress even an awakened person should be expected to crack at some point.
Again, a lot of this confusion is caused by having overly simplistic and binary notions of awakening/liberation, where you guys think that it's total and there is zero suffering and you are a Terminator. That's a very cartoonish understanding of awakening.
It is not clear what the cause of Martin's issues are. So don't jump to hasty conclusions.
Let's monitor his case and see how things turn out for him and what larger lessons his situation holds, if any.
It seems like this might be part of his spiritual path. This might be his way of purifying himself even further to reach deeper levels of self-mastery. Or it could be some rare health condition. It's hard to say.
Is atheism necessary in the path of spirituality?
Is atheism necessary in the path of spirituality?@Arcangelo If you are self realized why bother what jesus said buddha said ? what it has to do with christian,muslim,man,woman?
Throw away all what you read heard.
Hell heaven are just stories.
Everything is happening its happening.
You as self - nothingness is just one aspect of the Infinite.
You as a human or form dont have any control over whats happening.You dont have creation powers.
Enlightenment doesnt give any answers about Creation,Why evil nature is created and infinite questions mind will keep poping up.
Enlightenment is supposed to bring the wisdom that all questions are futile.
All knowledge is ignorance and will not bring peace.
Try to go to samadhi as often.
Abide as self and be at peace.
Live as a liberated uncared soul free from every emotions,suffering.
Peace,Equanimity at all situations is that what matters.
This is my understanding so for.
- I am not realized.
Solipsism is NOT true
Solipsism is NOT trueIt might happen. We'll see. But don't get attached to it happening, as that just creates more suffering.
Solipsism is NOT true
Solipsism is NOT trueUnfortunately happiness cannot be attained as an external condition or even an internal condition. Happiness is simply accepting whatever arises, however it is, no matter how "bad" it is.
Meeting me will not really make you happy. I wish it were that easy.
Rather than trying to get out of your mental state the counter-intuitive move is to just accept it, make peace with it. And that is what ends up making it okay.
Then again, you can also act your way out of a funk. Like going outside for a jog or listening to some music. But that is not a permanent solution.
Sometimes this work is just fucking hard.
* hug *
Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?Of course if you are not conscious then no amount of words can help you. But by chasing consciousness you cut yourself off from the very perfection which you are seeking.
It's the classic paradox of spiritual seeking.
How do you walk a path which has zero steps? And yet you would be a fool not to walk it.
So in practice we must do some kind of practices.
Who here lives on trading stocks?
Who here lives on trading stocks?Trading stocks is a bad idea overall because you are not actually generating any value for the world. So the likelihood of failure is enormous.
Make yourself valuable. Become a massive value provider if you wish to break free of wage slavery.
Total Omniscience Awakening Video
Total Omniscience Awakening Video@Merkabah Alone vs together, one vs many is a duality.
Guys, watch the dualistic framing of your questions very carefully.
Sloppy framing leads to poor understanding.
Just by framing your question as me vs you, that's already wrong.
Me = you
By distinguishing me from you, you create my ego and your ego simultaneously. Self/other is the very first duality.
Total Omniscience Awakening Video
Total Omniscience Awakening Video@electroBeam You are assuming there is a difference between me being real vs you imagining me.
But there is no such difference when everything is imagination! Unless you imagine there is, in which case there becomes a difference for you.
Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?@Etherial Cat Yes, that's why integrity is such an important quality in a good leader.
Which is why Trump is such a terrible leader. He does not even know the meaning of that word.
Bernie has amazing integrity. High integrity comes with consciousness. So as our society becomes better as elevating the consciousness of all citizens, we will have more high-integrity leaders (and followers).
Total Omniscience Awakening Video
Total Omniscience Awakening VideoBoth of course!
You ARE experiencing my perspective! That just means you are living my life and have zero knowledge of ever having been you. Which is literally what I am. I am just you minus all your memories and experiences, plus all of my memories and experiences.
My life is your life. Your life is my life. When you become me, you become fully me! Which means no more old you.
God is an infinite multi-parallel processing hallucination. It has no limits.
Manipulation to acquire results = Setting yourself up for failure?
Manipulation to acquire results = Setting yourself up for failure?@7thLetter Much more conscious forms of manipulation are of course possible, and the whole point of our work here.
Actualized.org is a collection of more consciousness self-manipulation strategies which ultimately point the way to transcending manipulation.
Solipsism is NOT true
Solipsism is NOT true1) You haven't seen the full depth of it. Not even close.
2) People need to understand how radical this work is. Otherwise they are deceived. It's important to properly communicate how it FEELS from the subjective POV of the ordinary human. To play it off cool is just dishonest. It is incredibly radical. And it is dramatic. It is not a walk in the park to realize God. So let's not pretend it is.
Solipsism is NOT true
Solipsism is NOT trueNotice, the final arbiter of that is you. It is actually you who is decided if he is a bot. If solipsism is true, then you are the only thing in existence, and you call all the shots. So the only one who determines whether he is a bot or not is you. So if you tell yourself, "He isn't a bot", that's what becomes true for you.
Whatever you imagine is true, is what is true for you. Since you are God imagining the whole world. If you believe this world is real and not imagined by you, that's you imagining that you aren't imagining it, therefore making it real for you. If you stop believing this world is real, it will stop being real.
The problem is this: because you have a dogmatic position that solipsism cannot possibly be true, you do not realize your own fully authority as the creator of reality. You have literally cut yourself off from your own authority, projecting this authority onto an imagination "other" or "world". And of course that is precisely how you create yourself as this limited human puppet. You have actually managed to convince yourself that there is an external world with physical laws which were not created by you. But the truth is, you created the whole world and then cut yourself off from the fact that you created it. And thus a human being was born. You were not born as some biological creature. You simply imagined your parents and hallucinated a life backstory for yourself. In truth, you were never born. You just tell yourself you were.
So right now you are imagining that solipsism cannot be true and I'm full of shit. And so that is what becomes true for you.
All of your childhood memories are things you're imagining RIGHT NOW! They only seem to have happened because you think so. And so that becomes true for you.
Those are the true mechanics of reality. There never was a physical world at all. Nor was there a human self. Nor are there other people. It is ALL YOU! All by yourself playing this twisted game of infinite imagination.
Neat, huh?
Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?The problem is more tricky than that.
The problem is this: a conscious politician would be a decent human being. By virtue of this, he/she would not be very manipulative nor stoop to dirty and unfair tactics. But an unconscious politician would not be limited in this way. He/she would manipulate to the max and act like a devil. This devilry would give him a huge advantage against the conscious person when it comes to capturing the public's attention.
This is exactly what Trump and far right-wing people do. They have no shame because they are unconscious and absolutistic in their ignorance. And even in the rare case when a highly conscious leader manages to get elected, he is usually quickly killed or demonized to the point where his reputation is tarnished beyond repair.
And in this way, devilry and falsehood sustains itself. It always loses in the long-run, but the short-run it can be very powerful.
This is a profoundly deep and difficult problem. It has no easy resolution, requiring us to go through war, conflict, violence, debate, anger, etc. Which is why human history has been so violent. War is a feature, not a bug.
Ignorance cannot help but be ignorant.
Applying Spiral Dynamics to the entertainment field
Applying Spiral Dynamics to the entertainment field@Canada1977 That's pretty good.
Blue: NASCAR, football, baseball, summer camp, religious camp, wholesome entertainment for the family which instills morals and family values.
Orange: snorting coke off a stripper's tits in Vegas, gambling, nightclubs, casual sex, shopping, fancy dining, tourism, stand up comedy, etc. Basically everything that goes on in Vegas
Green: music festivals, Burning Man, hippie activities, psychedelics, weed, being outdoors connecting with mother nature, etc.
The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell ThreadThere are many business courses and seminars which teach you the how-to.
But mostly the how-to of business is learned by simply doing it. You make it up as you go along and follow your vision. Business requires strong vision & lots of studying your target market. You need to develop deep expertise in whatever market you're trying to enter.
Total Omniscience Awakening Video
Total Omniscience Awakening VideoThe basics of what I'm saying doesn't contradict classic nondual teachings of course. It's just a question of how deeply you realize what God is. God can understand itself at deeper and deeper levels.
The highest truth is that you are God. But how deeply do you understand what that really entails?
Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?
Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?There are many ways to reach Absolute Love. Psychedelics are not required. But they sure make it easy.
I reject the notion that consciousness has to be "earned". You are God! You don't have to "earn" anything to know yourself as God.
Of course it's not a magic pill. You still need to do lots of other work on yourself.
I have not gotten deep enough into Kriya yoga to see what kind of awakening it produces.
I trust they can be powerful awakenings. I think Kriya is very powerful.
Of course, that is omniscience. God is all-knowing but in a far more radical way than human knowledge.
Knowing and Being are one. God knows everything by being everything.
Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?
Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?What I have personally experienced has taken me beyond all teachers that I have studied. This is not to denigrate other teachers. There just comes a time where you go beyond what can be taught.
At peak omniscience I become aware of limitations in the teachings of even the greatest masters.
For example, Ralston does not teach about Absolute Love, and this is a big oversight from my experience. To not teach Love is nuts! It's totally fundamental. I cannot hold someone who denies Love as having reached the highest level of consciousness. And I like Ralston very much. But I like Love more.
To be clear, I can still learn from teachers. There are always many minor things to learn.
But the deepest truth must be gotten direct from the source: yourself.
The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
The N,N-DMT Mega-ThreadDepends on what you want.
DMT is better for seeing new worlds and aliens.
5-MeO is best for ego-death & pure awakening to yourself as God.
2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
2 Gram Mushroom Trip ReportIt's quite the paradox.
When I am fully conscious, there is no one left to awaken. All my work is self-entertainment.
When you fully awake you will realize there isn't anyone here but you. But you will also quickly drop back down into conventional reality and treat other people as if they are real and objective. You can't really help it. It's just practical and works for purposes of survival.
Total Omniscience Awakening Video
Total Omniscience Awakening VideoActually there is no non-existence. There is only existence. Existence is an Absolute with no opposite.
Non-existence is an image within existence. Which means non-existence exists (but only as an image). This is a very twisted mindfuck. The problem is that you are mistaking an image of non-existence for actual non-existence, which doesn't exist!
Look at how you twist yourself into pretzels, all to create the illusion non-existence.
It's pure genius! You are a genius bullshitter
2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report@Shaun Lol, no! The static world you used to live in was miserable and full of fear. Now that you see it's all an illusion you can love it all to the hilt and be joyful because you have absolutely nothing to lose.
You need to go deeper. Your ego is misconstruing things, projecting its own problems on it.
1 trip is nothin', just peanuts.