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About joeyi99

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  1. I think i grasp the eternal now
    I think i grasp the eternal now
    @Peo That's good. But there are deeper and deeper levels of realizing it.
    Sounds like your understanding is still intellectual to some degree.
    The Eternal can get very palpable. You can become so conscious of Eternality that it will feel like you can cut it with a knife. Like all the air was sucked out of the room.

  2. Inside Mooji's Cult
    Inside Mooji's Cult
    Realization is realization. It happens at the moment it happens. What happens afterward is another matter. In that moment there actually is no afterward because there is only the eternal NOW. Future is imaginary.
    You can realize that 2 x 2 = 4. You can also forget that realization. Then you can re-realize. And so on.
    It is possible to experience what the Buddha (probably) experienced and then know it.
    Of course in the end we cannot know with 100% certainty what the Buddha experienced or realized. It was not necessarily the highest level. But if we give him the benefit of the doubt, let's assume it was the highest level. You can experience it too.
    You actually ARE the Buddha.

  3. The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
    The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
    @7thLetter You should be clear about what you want.
    Success has specific requirements, and just being successful doesn't mean anything. You can be successful but more miserable than if you were poor.
    Your work will not be satisfying without life purpose clarified.

  4. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    @Enlightenment You are the one making the distinction between permanent and not. That is irrelevant at the moment of realization.
    Just because something isn't permanent does not make it any less important to one's growth.
    And you never come back quite the same. It changes you. Just like a meditation retreat. It does not solve all problems at once. Nor is anyone claiming that.
    You have to be careful with how you set your expectations. The psychedelic path is a unique path. It does not have to align with any other path, nor meet the milestones of any other path. It does not have to fit the 10 Ox Herding pics or anything else. You can leap straight to total enlightenment in 5 minutes. And then jump back down. And that's okay. It is what it is.

  5. What Did I Do Wrong in Vaping My 5-MEO-DMT Freebase?
    What Did I Do Wrong in Vaping My 5-MEO-DMT Freebase?
    Greetings to all!
    About a month ago, I sourced some of the God Molecule from an online research chemical company here in Canada. I purchased 1 250mg of it oxalate and another 250mg freebase. 
    One night, I measure approximately 15mg of the freebase and heated it indirectly in a glass pipe with a blow torch. The substance vaporised and I inhaled as much of the white smoke as I could and held it in for as long as was possibly until I had to cough. I had no reaction from this other than the cough, a slight feeling of weakness and a burning sensation in my throat.
    My thought was that the heat, though indirect, may have been too intense and because of this the substance was destroyed. So, after about 10 minutes, I measure this time 20mg on my scale, scraped it onto a mesh screen that was placed in the same pipe. This time I decided to heat the substance directly but with a butane lighter. 
    The substance vaporised as it did before. I inhaled and held my breath until, again, I had to cough. I lied with my face down as the feeling of weakness was more intense. I could also feel my heart rate increasing and the burning sensation in my throat was even stronger. I laid there for about 10 minutes or so until I felt I was back to myself.
    Now I am wondering what did I do wrong or if the chemical that I sourced is not what I thought it was.
    I'm wondering if anyone has had an experience like this with synthetic God Module. If not, what do you think I may have done wrong?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    PS: I am a total NOOB to drugs, smoking and psychedelics. 

  6. Inside Mooji's Cult
    Inside Mooji's Cult
    Some degree of realization of no-self.
    The attachment with being exclusively identified with the body must be broken.
    This is usually called stream-entry in Buddhism or kensho in Zen.
    There are much much deeper levels.
    Total omniscience is possible. I recently peaked into total omnisicence. It's so fucking radical.

  7. how do I find out why I feel a certain way?
    how do I find out why I feel a certain way?
    @LoveandPurpose Just ask yourself.
    It isn't so complicated. All the answers are inside you. You are looking everywhere but inside.

  8. Difference between being god before and after the death of the body
    Difference between being god before and after the death of the body
    Baseline human awareness is not high enough to notice the Eternity of NOW. Human consciousness is deliberately time-bound to aid your survival.
    Eternity will only become noticable through practices or psychedelics. But Eternity is always the case. It is always NOW, NOW, NOW. Every temporal experience is actually eternal and has existed forever. But you aren't noticing it.
    You must realize that you are inside the Absolute at all times. The relative is actually the Absolute when looked at deeply enough.

  9. The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
    The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
    You need to find a unique and underserved need in the marketplace and invent a creative and effective solution for it, providing people with massive value.
    That is the heart of business. Everything else is distraction. What you eat and when you wake up is irrelevant. Business is a very concrete thing. Try not to muddy that with a bunch of cute self-help ideas or philosophy.
    "How can I add massive value to the world??" << that should be your top question when thinking about biz. If you're not adding real concrete massive value, you will not succeed.

  10. Shamanic Breathing Mega-Thread
    Shamanic Breathing Mega-Thread
    Just wing it. You've can only figure stuff out like this by living through it.
    Your mind is very strong. Even after a terrifying experience you will return to homeostasis quite fast. A week later you will be back to normal in most cases.
    Your body and mind have automatic healing mechanisms. You're not some fragile vase.
    Did I say that? If so, it was just a metaphor. Don't take it literally.
    This technique is not a replacement for meditation. Rather where it shines is in dredging up latent emotional baggage, which meditation does only very slowly.
    Meditation's primary purpose is not dredging up emotional baggage. You can spend years meditating, and become a good meditator, but you may still carry deep emotional baggage.

  11. Difference between being god before and after the death of the body
    Difference between being god before and after the death of the body
    @zunnyman When you are fully conscious that you are God, the notion that your body will decay does not even make sense. Since your body is totally infinite and omnipresent. The human body is no more you than a brick wall. I was looking at a brick wall the other night and I could not tell the wall apart from my body. The wall is as much my body as my body.
    Being immortal is not about living forever through time. It is realizing that each moment is eternal already and that there is nowhere else for God to go. God cannot go anywhere because God is everywhere.
    You will not become enlightened. Rather enlightenment will reveal that your birth was just an idea, a story. The story of you will be erased. What will remain is omnipresent consciousness, which is God. Your perceptual field will be radically recontextualized and realized to be the body of God.
    You are not understanding just how radical enlightenment/God/no-self is! It's so radical you cannot imagine it, and it does not fit that materialistic paradigm you're using. That whole paradigm of a physical world will be wiped out at the moment of enlightenment.
    There never was a self.

  12. Leo I disagree. Parental love - there is more than meets the eye.
    Leo I disagree. Parental love - there is more than meets the eye.
    What you have yet to realize is that the entire universe is your body, every grain of sand on every beach of every planet is your child.
    Not figuratively. Literally!
    There is nothing which is not your direct offspring.
    When you realize that, you will understand Absolute Love.
    Limiting yourself to your body is the grand illusion which we are here to overcome.
    This is the larger reality to which you are being pointed to.
    Discover Absolute Love and you will become a better parent too.

  13. Leo what is your level of consciousness right now without 5-Meo?
    Leo what is your level of consciousness right now without 5-Meo?
    @Shadowraix Piecing together insights can be tricky, especially from squirrely substances like mushrooms. The insights can be hard to make sense of.
    It helps very much to have a solid theoretical foundation in nonduality and spirituality beforehand. Which means reading lots of books and developing a theoretical framework. That helps me a lot. So when I trip and I see some new insight I can say, "Oh, hey, that's what that Zen master was talking about!" or, "Hey! That's what that yogi was talking about!"
    If you come into psychedelics with zero study, you will be so lost. You won't be able to make sense of it.
    Watching my videos should help a lot with this. People who trip need to watch my videos.

  14. Total liberation?
    Total liberation?
    This is false.
    There is no suffering in manifestation other than what you add to it. If you cannot find lasting peace right now, you will never find it.
    You will not find nirvana anywhere but right here. Your job is to realize that this here and now is nirvana. Don't go looking for nirvana somewhere else or at some future point in time. Those stories are the thing keeping you from realizing nirvana.
    Nirvana is Truth, and Truth is NOW, NOW, NOW.

  15. Understanding the perception
    Understanding the perception
    @CreamCat Root access comes after some deep enlightenment.
    How do you think advanced yogis acquire siddhis (paranormal abilities)?

  16. Leo I disagree. Parental love - there is more than meets the eye.
    Leo I disagree. Parental love - there is more than meets the eye.
    @Freyah You have to understand that ALL action in the universe is ultimately love. Just in various forms. Sometimes twisted ones.
    Is a parent's love genuine love? Yes, but it is still quite narrow and conditional. There are many things your child can do which will make you stop loving it.
    And certainly not all parents love their children. Some parents are much better at it than others. But even the best parents still don't know what universal unconditional love is. They know love only within that narrow context of their child.
    Wait till you experience God's infinite universal unconditional love. Then you'll understand why I say that parental love (although good) is like a drop compared to an ocean.
    Yes, I agree that parenting can be a big growing opportunity. But it will not deliver you to Absolute Love. That requires spiritual practice.
    What's really amazing is when you realize that murderers, thieves, and genocidal dictators are all acting out of love.
    Love is as diverse as all the objects in the universe.
    The reason I say that things I say is because I am trying to point you towards discovering Absolute Love -- a thing which you have not yet discovered.

  17. How to verify that reincarnation is real?
    How to verify that reincarnation is real?
    Past life regression is a common hypnosis technique. You could try that and see if anything interesting comes up. There's no guarantees.
    Other than that, hardcore yoga would be your best bet.
    Once you realize consciousness is all things, you'll understand that you/it will live through all possible points of view.
    Large doses of psychedelics also help. If you mega-dose some mushrooms you will see some crazy shit that will be totally out of this world. Be careful what you wish for. This is no joke. You are not ready to know such things.

  18. Shroom report - I am nothing
    Shroom report - I am nothing
    Dosed 2g of pure psilocybin extract at 10pm last night. I've been taking these 2g trips every two weeks lately, and this one ended up being a pretty intense experience compared to my other trips.
    This one was more intense due to the fact that I smoked some weed before the two hour peak started to settle in. For me when I take shrooms it takes about an hour for the trip to start and then I enter this two hour peak where I'm just rising and rising and rising until you reach a climax then you start coming back down.
    My sense of self was beginning to fade. Awareness began to shine through my experience like filling an empty bucket full of water. Everything started to look block like, if you taken shrooms you know what I mean by this. The nothingness really started to make itself known. I'm just sitting there in my room, and my ego is literally seeing that I am nothing... absolutely fucking nothing! It felt like the illusion of my mind was just staring back at me like who's there? No one! No one is there! Can the light of a flashlight turn back and look at itself? Can one side of a coin see the other side? What if it could? This started to become really unsettling for my ego, it just felt insanely fucking eerie. A sense of fear was starting to rise so I asked myself why be scared? You are it, are you scared of yourself? I knew that I shouldn't be scared but still, the fear continued to arise, it was out of my control. Is this thing scared of its own death? Hell yeah it is. Don't underestimate facing your own death, if you tell yourself your not scared your're most likely full of shit. It actually feels like you will die, I am not kidding. The you that you thought you were will cease to exist and you will be left with nothing. I am it, you are it, we are all it, you could say that you're just playing one big game with yourself down here, trying to distract yourself from what actually is. 
    You come down here, to this world experience, and it's like you get lost in your own game. Its so complex, there's so much going on here, that you actually convince yourself that this is real, that all of this is actually happening. Your life already happened and didn't happen, simultaneously. There's actually no one here, other is a illusion, you are just fooling yourself. When you're having a conversation with someone it's just life talking to itself. It really is all just you, and you will underestimate this too until you actually become conscious that this is true. It's actually pretty baffling to see the extent of much you deceive yourself, but it's almost like you have to because you couldn't be here otherwise. 
    We're all running around here trying to seek something outside of ourselves in this materialistic realm because we think it will make us happy. Don't get me wrong, that brand new car that you always wanted will make you happy. A promotion at your job that you worked hard to receive will make you happy. Buying your dream house that took you years and years to save up for will make you happy. All of this stuff is fine and all, there is nothing wrong with it, however it is all short lived. That happiness your're seeking eventually maxes out and your right back to where you started. You're happiness doesn't have to be dependent on something outside of yourself, true happiness comes from within.  You could waste your whole life doing this, you'd be like a hamster running on a wheel for eternity, always ending up right where you started. Always trying to be somewhere else than where your at. Again, it's all a distraction to prevent you from seeing what is actually true, your ego does not want you to do this.The thing is you already have it all, there is no where else to go but right here right now. Anything that you'll ever truly need will arise effortlessly during the right time in perfect harmony, not by force. The ego can twist this around, like oh well it doesn't really matter then, let's just stare at a wall until I die because what's the point? No! You came here to experience life so enjoy the ride. Realize that this is all just a game and in the end none of this matters, like at all. It's all temporary and it will all pass. Just do your best, love yourself and smile. One day this will all come to an end and you will merge back with god. 
    Now do I have what I said above embodied?, there is still much work to be done for me. Psychedelics are nice in the sense because they remind me why I'm doing all this in the first place, and gives me motivation to keep going. It's like I need constant reminders because my mind will just try to cover all this up again.

  19. Best Long Term Consciousness Retreats?
    Best Long Term Consciousness Retreats?
    @noselfnofun It's complicated. There are insights, there are states, and there is your baseline level of consciousness. All of them can be affected.
    You certainly cannot maintain a peak 5-MeO-DMT state because you would barely be able to walk. But it changes you even though you drop down. The sense of self is expended beyond your body.
    Yes, do both is the suggestion.

  20. Best Long Term Consciousness Retreats?
    Best Long Term Consciousness Retreats?
    No, you will not be anywhere close to that conscious. You will be lucky to get a few glimpses. But the value of the work is not just in getting glimpses. There's a lot more lessons than just enlightenment.
    Most of Peter's apprentices are not enlightened at all, not to even speak of deep enlightenment.
    Which is not to say anything negative about his programs. They are great. But you are grossly underestimating the amount of work it takes to awaken that deeply. I have watched his apprentices struggling and struggling and failing and failing to grasp what they are or what reality is.
    Not to brag, but I have awoken deeper than any of Peter's apprentices who I have met. And that is thanks to 5-MeO-DMT. Such degrees of consciousness would take you 40 years of work to attain.
    Total omniscience is possible. But you won't get that through any kind of apprenticeship program.
    Still, I recommend his programs. It's not the program's fault you are so asleep
    If you're not using 5-MeO-DMT you're looking at 10, 20, 30, 40 years of work to reach the highest levels. The reality is, you will probably never even know you missed the highest levels because you will be so far away from them even after 40 years of work. Unless if you are supernaturally gifted. And that assumes you're working your ass off on this work, not just half-assing it the way most people do.
    It's still worth doing the work. So don't get discouraged. Just don't ignore the most powerful and direct tool there is for awakening. It would be negligent to do so.
    You will not understand Peter's full depth without psychedelic assistance, I can promise you that.
    None of this is to discourage you. Just the opposite, it just shows you how deep this work goes. So get excited! You have a lot of room for growth.

  21. The Life Purpose Onion
    The Life Purpose Onion
    @Danioover9000 The center of the onion is basically becoming a Jesus Christ. But you'd need massive, massive enlightenment for that.
    At the very center of the onion is God. If you fully become God, you will become a walking, talking vehicle for God's Love on Earth. Literally. You will walk around radiating God's Love to the whole world. Very few people get this far.
    You won't just be a vehicle for God, you will actually be the one true God. At this point your life is totally selfless and devoted to the betterment of all of living beings. Your love for the world will be infinite and you will be in paradise all the time. You will need nothing because you have become everything.

  22. The trickiness of Projection
    The trickiness of Projection
    Projection is when you judge another for the very same thing which you yourself are doing. The judgment is an exteriorization of your own guilt and self-judgment. But by projecting this bad trait out onto some "other" you can avoid looking at it within yourself.
    The classic example is this:
    Let's say you were raised to believe that homosexuality is a sin for which you will get sent to hell. But you find yourself having mild homosexual urges. But you cannot admit this to yourself so instead to get angry at some flaming homosexual on TV. So you start to badmouth that homosexual and you vow to punch him in the face if you ever meet him in person. All of this is really just you denying your own homosexuality.
    Scientific studies show that men who hate homosexuals are more likely to be sexually aroused when they are shown naked photographs of men than those who do not hate homosexuals.
    Another example would be: If you're acting like a selfish devil and you start calling other people selfish devils, that's projection. Or if you're cheating on your taxes but you get angry that rich people don't pay enough taxes, that's projection.
    For example: Donald Trump will call any news he doesn't like Fake News when in fact he is the biggest purveyor of fake news. He will call people liars when he is the biggest liar there ever was. He will call investigations of him biased because he is the most biased President there ever was. He will complain about rigged elections because he himself was rigging the election.
    In general the ego wants to be as selfish as possible while denying that it is in fact being selfish at all (because this allows it to be even more selfish!) So the best way to do that is to divert attention way from its own selfishness by point out the selfishness of others. If everyone around me is so selfish, then I'm actually an angel. And that's precisely the self-image I want to have so that I can justify being more selfish. If I see myself as the least selfish person in the world, that suits me just great. Now I got a lot of selfishness to make up for Now I can steal, rape, and kill without guilt.

  23. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    Each mindfuck is its own kind of infinite.
    The thing about infinity is, there's many sizes of infinity, as Georg Cantor proved.

  24. 35mg 5 MeO TRIP REPORT
    35mg 5 MeO TRIP REPORT
    I never smoke it. Plugging is my fave method.
    Freebase can be converted to salt fairly easily or even just the freebase itself should be pluggable when dissolved in oil or something besides water. I have yet to validate the plugging of freebase. I'll have some news on that soon.
    The Glass Vapor Genie is good for vaping. Meth pipes also work of course, but they can be a bit hard to control. They can burn easily. The Glass Vapor Genie will work much better.

  25. Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
    Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
    No, there are many ways to solve problems and I was just giving one example of a possible Tier 2 solution. It's certainly not the only method I would use.
    Split-testing ideologies is really not that good because ideology itself is the problem. Ideally we would create an education system which teaches children so well about how ideology works that all ideology would be wiped out within a few generations. Of course this will never be allowed in practice.
    In the meantime, we have to work within the bounds of what people can handle. We can't reform society too quickly or it will backfire.
    It would be nice to have some objective ways of adjudicating public policy issues. Because right now it's just people spouting their opinions without any concern for what the effects of the policy are. For example, tax cuts are made without no concern about how they impact society or if the economy is actually made better or worse by them. We need a definitive answer as to which tax rate leads to highest consciousness. This is a scientific question, not an ideological one. If the optimal tax rate turns out to be 90%, that's what we should make it. If it turns out to be 10%, then that. The point is not to get attached to any specific policy but rather focus on maximizing consciousness for the majority of people. Whatever helps to push us in that direction is what we should all agree on.
    Of course in practice there will be tons of resistance, since people are selfish devils. But in the long-run higher consciousness always wins out.
    I am not suggesting we scientifically test entire ideologies. That's doesn't seem possible. Ideologies are not empirical by design. But what we can scientifically test is very narrow concrete policy proposals such as:
    A) End the drug war for 10 years, monitor social stats to see if crime rate and other indicators rises or falls.
    B) Restart the drug war for 10 years, monitor social stats to see if crime rate and other indicators rises of falls.
    Then pick the best one.
    My best guess is that option A would be much better than option B. But we don't know that for sure. We need to run a test and see. There may be unforeseen problems with ending the drug war. For example, maybe too many teens start doing heroin and we have massive overdose deaths.
    Countries could also run different tests at the same time and pool their results. So, for example, the UK could run this drug war test for 20 years while the USA is testing something else. Then we look at their results and use it to help shape our next policy choices. This would be the intelligent way to go about it. In this way we could crowd-source the evolution of government very quickly. Imagine 100 countries running such tests for 100 years! The end result would be a really smart and efficient government. Of course our currently government is nowhere smart enough to adopt such an approach. But one day it will be.
    The structure of the best government for maximizing consciousness is really a structural engineering problem. Some designs will be much better than others. The problem is that no one really knows what the best design is. This requires an evolutionary process to discover. Just like designing the best rocket.
    What we should all be able to ultimately agree upon is that maximizing consciousness and love is best for all life forms overall. Of course it would be bad for selfish unconscious devils, so they will be the ones who will try to stick a wrench in the works.