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About joeyi99

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  1. Applying Spiral Dynamics to the entertainment field
    Applying Spiral Dynamics to the entertainment field
    @Canada1977 That's pretty good.
    Blue: NASCAR, football, baseball, summer camp, religious camp, wholesome entertainment for the family which instills morals and family values.
    Orange: snorting coke off a stripper's tits in Vegas, gambling, nightclubs, casual sex, shopping, fancy dining, tourism, stand up comedy, etc. Basically everything that goes on in Vegas
    Green: music festivals, Burning Man, hippie activities, psychedelics, weed, being outdoors connecting with mother nature, etc.

  2. The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
    The Theory of Getting Rich Online, in a Nutshell Thread
    There are many business courses and seminars which teach you the how-to.
    But mostly the how-to of business is learned by simply doing it. You make it up as you go along and follow your vision. Business requires strong vision & lots of studying your target market. You need to develop deep expertise in whatever market you're trying to enter.

  3. Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    The basics of what I'm saying doesn't contradict classic nondual teachings of course. It's just a question of how deeply you realize what God is. God can understand itself at deeper and deeper levels.
    The highest truth is that you are God. But how deeply do you understand what that really entails?

  4. Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?
    Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?
    There are many ways to reach Absolute Love. Psychedelics are not required. But they sure make it easy.
    I reject the notion that consciousness has to be "earned". You are God! You don't have to "earn" anything to know yourself as God.
    Of course it's not a magic pill. You still need to do lots of other work on yourself.
    I have not gotten deep enough into Kriya yoga to see what kind of awakening it produces.
    I trust they can be powerful awakenings. I think Kriya is very powerful.
    Of course, that is omniscience. God is all-knowing but in a far more radical way than human knowledge.
    Knowing and Being are one. God knows everything by being everything.

  5. Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Total Omniscience Awakening Video

  6. Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?
    Leo, What Teachers Have Had The Same Realizations As You?
    What I have personally experienced has taken me beyond all teachers that I have studied. This is not to denigrate other teachers. There just comes a time where you go beyond what can be taught.
    At peak omniscience I become aware of limitations in the teachings of even the greatest masters.
    For example, Ralston does not teach about Absolute Love, and this is a big oversight from my experience. To not teach Love is nuts! It's totally fundamental. I cannot hold someone who denies Love as having reached the highest level of consciousness. And I like Ralston very much. But I like Love more.
    To be clear, I can still learn from teachers. There are always many minor things to learn.
    But the deepest truth must be gotten direct from the source: yourself.

  7. The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    The N,N-DMT Mega-Thread
    Depends on what you want.
    DMT is better for seeing new worlds and aliens.
    5-MeO is best for ego-death & pure awakening to yourself as God.

  8. 2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
    2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
    It's quite the paradox.
    When I am fully conscious, there is no one left to awaken. All my work is self-entertainment.
    When you fully awake you will realize there isn't anyone here but you. But you will also quickly drop back down into conventional reality and treat other people as if they are real and objective. You can't really help it. It's just practical and works for purposes of survival.

  9. Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Actually there is no non-existence. There is only existence. Existence is an Absolute with no opposite.
    Non-existence is an image within existence. Which means non-existence exists (but only as an image). This is a very twisted mindfuck. The problem is that you are mistaking an image of non-existence for actual non-existence, which doesn't exist!
    Look at how you twist yourself into pretzels, all to create the illusion non-existence.
    It's pure genius! You are a genius bullshitter

  10. 2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
    2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
    @Shaun Lol, no! The static world you used to live in was miserable and full of fear. Now that you see it's all an illusion you can love it all to the hilt and be joyful because you have absolutely nothing to lose.
    You need to go deeper. Your ego is misconstruing things, projecting its own problems on it.
    1 trip is nothin', just peanuts.

  11. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    It's a non-issue.
    You are acting as though insight is something wrong or bad. This is absurd. The whole point of the spiritual path is to gain deeper insight into the nature of self, God, reality, and life. This is not "ego." This is self-recognition at a fine-grained level.
    As God I enjoy studying myself in many different ways. If you don't want that, then do whatever you want. I could spend 1 million years studying myself. And I will.
    My path is what's known as Jnana yoga. It's an intellect oriented path. Other people prefer a heart oriented path. I like to dissect stuff and make sense of it.
    Anti-intellectualism is not a requirement of awakening. You can do both. The Jnana yoga path is very documented in history.

  12. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Again, it's not such a big contradiction as you think.
    Yes, I emphasize understanding and insight more than Martin does. But this does not contradict anything. I am simply interested in insight and understanding. It is definitely possible to understand yourself as God and all of the facets which you are. Not in a rational linguistic manner.
    Understanding and Being are ultimately one. So there's no serious contradiction here, just a difference in emphasis.
    It's not merely the ego that wants to know. God is waking up to itself. God wants to know what it is. Don't dismiss this as mere ego.
    Martin has a certain style of working with 5-MeO and I have my own style. Different people have different styles of doing this work. And that's okay. Find your own fave style.
    I do "energetic experiencing and processing too" on my trips. It's not as though I sit there and conceptualize stuff on the trip, LOL. Having insights and understanding and doing energetic process work well together. Don't make it a false dichotomy. You can have it all!

  13. 2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
    2 Gram Mushroom Trip Report
    @Shaun What happened was: you are God imagining the whole universe. You can imagine whatever worlds you want. Mushrooms expand your possibility to imagine new worlds and become aware of yourself as God. You are barely starting to learn how powerful your God mind is. Everything is your mind. You are all alone dreaming all this stuff up. You cannot die. You have been sitting here imagining shit for all of eternity.

  14. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Of course, but taking 5-MeO-DMT as your first psychedelic will be way too much for you to handle. You are likely to scare yourself so hard that you'll never try another psychedelic again. I would suggest the lesser psychedelics first to get your feet wet. Then transition to 5-MeO and don't look back.
    Getting into psychedelics is a long-term affair. It is not something you do a few times and stop. This will produce no meaningful result. You must gradually but methodically explore the field. It takes a few years of practice just to get your bearings straight and really get to work. Then it becomes the most powerful growth tool imaginable.

  15. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Oh yes. 5-MeO-DMT is just superior if you can get it. But other psychedelics are still great.
    No, not at all.
    It is possible to become totally omniscient, at least for a while. It is not verbal or rational knowledge. It is hyper-dimensional understanding which just cannot be put into words. It's what you might imagine to be God's knowledge of itself. You literally know how you created the whole universe. But you could never explain it to anyone in words, not even to yourself.
    Being, understanding, and knowledge all merge into one.

  16. Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    That's the kicker. There isn't a who. That biological who is purely an imagination. It has zero reality to it.
    There is no devil. Only God.
    The devil's greatest trick is appearing to exist when it does not! The devil is falsehood. And falsehood does not exist. Hence everything is Truth & Absolute Good!

  17. Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    All language is dualistic, one-dimensional, and extremely limited.
    What does other have to do with it?
    This one's a bit tricky and I'm still a bit unsure about it. I will clarify it soon.
    Basically it boils down to one of these options:
    1) You don't really exist. You are just a figment of my imagination. The entire world is just for me. In other words, total solipsism.
    2) God subdivided itself into separate dimensions, one of which is mine and one of which is yours. Of course since both of us are God, both of us are being both dimensions at once. So I and you are literally one consciousness but experiencing different forms.
    What I know 100% is that the formlessness in you is the formlessness in me. The all-seeing-eye is one in every living being. But I'm not yet totally sure how other dimensions might be created. Remember, nothing is impossible to God. It can create dimensions out of thin air if it wants to.
    All form is God's imagination. An insights is form, so yes it is imagined. But also insight can carry "truth". I don't know how to explain it. Insight is fundamental to consciousness. Consciousness is capable of insight. It can be self-knowing. Conscious can understand itself. That's what makes it mystical.
    The answer is very radical: every object outside of your current experience right now which you think exists, is something you're imaging. If it's not directly present, it is directly present as an image. So a galaxy exists in your mind as an image. If you were to travel to space and look at a galaxy with your eyes, the galaxy would now be created for you by you.
    It's a bit like a video game rendering engine. It does not render the world other than what the player is able to see right now. There really isn't a "world", there is only what's rendered at any given moment.
    Your birth and death are something you're imagining, for example. When you realize that, you will become immortal in that instant. Until you start imagining your birth and death again. Then you will become mortal. The way you were born is that you imagined you were born. And so it was.

  18. Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    Total Omniscience Awakening Video
    1) Yes, such videos are no designed to be practical. They are just designed to share my journey.
    2) Which is why I post it on my blog, not the main channel.
    3) It really doesn't matter to me any more. My top priority is to become maximally conscious. These levels of consciousness are impossible to explain or teach to anyone. All I can do is tell you they are real and true and worthwhile to attain. And I can demonstrate them with the way I am. In the end I will just be a roving Jesus figure who radiates truth & love. And that will be my highest teaching.
    It's hard to say. I just don't think it's realistic to reach such high levels of consciousness through meditation or self-inquiry for most ordinary people. Yoga maybe, but even that I doubt.
    I still recommend these practices to most people because something is better than nothing at all. But if you really care to awaken like a motherfucker, 5-MeO-DMT is the answer.
    Don't get discouraged by this. See it as a bonus boost to the traditional path.
    My next retreats will be psychedelic retreats. But I still want to experiment some more with yoga and meditation just boils to sitting down and being still for me. So in effect I meditate every time I sit still, and even sometimes as I move about. It just becomes more and more natural to the point where it's not even right to call it meditation. It's just being aware of whatever is happening.

  19. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    You don't know that. As if enlightened people never had sleep problems before?
    Elitist? Lol
    Integration is always ongoing. Far more time is spent on integration than on tripping. For every one hour of tripping there's maybe 5 to 20 hours of integration. Some trips take months of integration. It's not a walk in the park. Deep stuff gets surfaced, like psychotherapy at times.
    - - - - - - - -
    There's also a possibility that many of you aren't considering: What if the highest levels of awakening can ONLY be reached through 5-MeO-DMT? What if there are levels so high that they cannot be accessed by an unaltered human brain? Don't overlook such a possibility. The Buddha may not be the most enlightened person ever. The fact is you just don't know until you try. There is no reason to expect that the normal human brain can access all dimensions of consciousness possible. It very likely cannot.

  20. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The following video is about N,N-DMT, but this guy invented a technique for doing an IV drip of DMT which allows for maintaining a breakthrough plateau for 1-24 hrs!
    The IV drip method is mentioned at that last 15 minutes of the video.
    I don't recommend you try this at home. But it should be possible to create an IV drip of 5-MeO-DMT which will keep you in a totally nondual state for many hours while contemplating reality. Again, do not try this at home by yourself. This should only be done in a laboratory.
    But imagine a future in which you could go down to your local clinic and get a 24 hour infusion of 5-MeO-DMT. That will be the most powerful tool for enlightenment ever.
    Liquid Buddha Infusion << trademark 2019

  21. Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
    Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?
    No. This is terrible and sloppy analysis. With this kind of analysis the devils will exploit you since you're simplistically splitting everything down the middle and assuming symmetries which are actually asymmetrical.
    Republicans and Democrats are not just two sides of the same coin. Democrats are more conscious, more openminded, more Spirally developed, and less corrupt. This is very important to understand. This doesn't mean Democrats don't have flaws. They do. But Republicans have way bigger flaws. This needs to be acknowledged, otherwise you end up with a false equivalency which maintains an evil status quo.
    The midpoint between pro-slavery and anti-slavery positions is still slavery. A proper analysis of slavery must conclude that all slavery be abolished. Which can seem like a radical position. But of course "radical" is totally relative.
    You make some good points.
    I worry that Warren may cave to more centrist, status quo forces. The system will try to co-opt her. I don't worry so much about that happening with Bernie.
    Yes, it sure can seem that way from your POV.
    Again, don't confuse consciousness and Truth for neutrality or weakness. Conscious people are capable of taking bold and decisive action which may seem crazy to those who are unconscious or part of the status quo.
    Conscious leaders can be radicals. Which does not make them fundamentalists. They just have a higher vision than the rest of society can see. First they mock you, then they slander you, then they try to kill you, and finally, 200 years later, they accept everything you said as obvious and moral, worshiping you as a prophet and saint.
    I am not moralistic at all. You are feel to kill whoever you want. You will still be loved by God. Nothing you do is wrong in any way. The moralistic one is you because you believe in good and bad, right and wrong, and you judge your own wickedness.
    My political discussions are purely pragmatic. In the absolute sense politics doesn't matter at all. The whole planet can die and it will be just fine. But not from the ego's POV. So we are really talking about how to create a better world for egos.

  22. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Precisely because desire, sex, and gratification are identical to Nothingness. Why wouldn't you experience them? There is no why one way or the other. Making you totally free to do whatever.
    When you are fully awake (so to speak) there is no such thing as the ego. So actually no desire is egotistical. All desire is just a natural occurrance. There are not good or bad desires from the Absolute perspective. This is Total Love: to Love all the "bad" stuff so much that it is no longer bad at all.
    Such love is very radical and threatening to unawakened people because it interferes with survival.
    When you reach an even higher level of consciousness than you can presently imagine or have ever experienced, you will realize that EVERYTHING IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. This is Paradise and Nirvana. And it is liberation. You are liberated precisely because you realize that no matter what happens it is Absolute Perfection. So there is nothing to resist or worry about.
    Reality is not simply Everything or neutrality. Reality is Absolutely Good. Period. It's not just good. It's THE BEST thing possible.
    You have not reached this level of consciousness yet. It's very radical. But I can tell you 110% that it's the Truth. I wish one day you discover it.

  23. Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Is 5 meo dmt really a magic pill to enlightenment?
    Again, you are trying to frame this in a binary way, which I reject.
    There are many degrees of awakening. I have some degree of it, not the highest degree, and I am not immune to all pain/suffering. Although there have been times when I was so conscious that pain and suffering were realized to be no different than pleasure. But the body/mind is still not stupid. It still prefers to avoid physical pain, and it still has various desires. Pain, suffering, and desire are really not obstacles when you realize what they are. They are perfectly natural and even good. The desire to eliminate all desire is itself rather delusional. What I've realized is to embrace desire rather than to demonize it.
    It is perfectly okay if I desire sex, or even if I desire to murder someone. Who are you to say it's "wrong"? That would be ego judging.
    In a sense, liberation just means that you realize that everything is perfect no matter how anything unfolds. So if you suffer, and you realize that's perfect, you are free of it even though pain is being felt.
    You are trying to categorize people as "fully awake" but in practice this is very problematic. I don't know if anyone ever is "fully awake" all the time. From what I understand this isn't really possible as you could hardly function as a human at that point. I much prefer to think of it as a spectrum with dozens of degrees of awakeness with perhaps no lower or upper bound.

  24. I think i grasp the eternal now
    I think i grasp the eternal now
    Leo said that becoming conscious that the now is eternal will require a lot of practice, but i have manage to become conscious of this eternal now or i at least think. This not something i just believe, i'm actually conscious of the eternal now right now. If i think of yesterday that memory is happening in the now so there the duality bettwen the present and the past breaks down. Leo said that the absolute is right here and there is no where to go. I'm also conscious of this too. Althought all the forms changes im conscious of a thing that exist there all the time, but it's completely empty. This constant is nothing. Time dosent make any sense for me anymore. I actually looked at a video that explains what time is. 
    I'm really sceptical now becuse i cant have become conscious of this with only a half year with self inqiry and meditation. Maybe i'm just scratching the surface. Am i just deluding my self here?

  25. Psychedelics, what are they? Why do they work?
    Psychedelics, what are they? Why do they work?
    Well of course I do such "science" myself by testing on myself.
    You cannot understand 5-MeO by doing it on guinea pigs. You must become your own guinea pig.
    Of course there is value to studying the chemistry of it.
    But science cannot be used to explain nonduality.
    I have explained this many times in the past.
    You can have truth without proof, but you cannot have proof without truth.
    The domain of truth is much larger than the domain of proof. There are many things which are true which cannot ever be proven with evidence. Because all evidence is indirect.
    You are imagining lack of awareness. Right now you are aware, imagining that you will one day lose awareness. That is imagination. You are confusing your thoughts of the future for reality. You're not aware that all future is conceptual and happening right now (as an image).
    The future is an image in the present. That's what future IS!