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I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anythingYou are wrong.
You have simply not awoken to what God or Love are.
Emptiness is, ironically, just one facet of a much deeper thing which you have yet to access. You have not accessed it because self-inquiry is not a very effective tool to get there. And these various Buddhist and Neo-advaitan approaches which are popular today are fundamentally dogmatic and shallow. The realization of Emptiness and No-self is just the beginning of this work, which you have mistaken for the end.
If you are not conscious that you are God and that you are imagining all of physical reality, your awakening is skin deep. And if you are not conscious that Truth and Love are identical, again, your awakening is skin deep.
Everything I say here on this matter I have personally verified and become directly conscious of. And so have others before me.
I have told you guys many times, you don't understand how deep this goes.
If you do not want to follow my teachings to God and Love, then this is not the right place for you. This is not something I will compromise on. There is enough ignorance around here as it is to have to deal with supposedly awake people who deny God and Love. You can fool yourself, but you ain't foolin me.
God's eye is watching you.
You are being guided here to something far deeper than you yet understand. If you doubt that, by all means, do your own thing or follow some other teacher.
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anythingRealistically you cannot trick your way out of this problem. You must do the practices, have multiple awakenings, and do further practices to weed out all attachments, cravings, aversions, fears, clinging, etc.
In other words, by doing all of the Actualized work & practices you can, one day, get to a point where you will be unshakable. But also, to await such a point is going to create more suffering. Happiness can never be found in the future. It exists only NOW! But in order to fully surrender to the NOW you have to spend some years doing practices to calm down your mind.
Yoga, psychedelics, self-inquiry, etc.
Basically meditation teaches you authentic happiness. The happiness of NOW.
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anythingEvery spiritual school has rules you must play by. Welcome to society.
If anything my rules are too lax and too accommodating of diverse perspectives. This tolerance gets abused by devils.
But I have some limits. Undercutting the highest truth I know cannot fly here. If someone wants to teach that there is no God, that love is just an emotion, that psychedelics are delusion... well... they will have to start their own school. Not in my school.
I hold WinterKnight to a higher standard because he is here in a teaching capacity and representing enlightenment. I would have less problem with it if he was just making random comments as a non-teacher.
In the future I will be screening people on this forum harder when they claim to be enlightened in order to maintain the integrity of these teachings. A lot of people come here, claim to be enlightened, and then they're off to the races with their twisted and half-baked views.
1) Your awakenings were not nearly deep enough, requiring much more embodiment work.
2) Your desire to feel good is never going to work. You cannot use spirituality to feel good. Rather, what spirituality teaches you is that no matter how bad you feel, that is good. This is very counter-intuitive. The ego wants to lock in a happy state. This is not only impossible but it is the very cause of your unhappiness. Happiness is total acceptance of whatever is happening in the present moment. That means if you're getting tortured, you accept it without trying to escape it. The desire to escape suffering is the very thing which creates suffering.
Because this is not as slight a difference as you think, and because this problem, while small now, will only grow larger and larger with my newer teachings until it comes to a head.
I have a very specific teaching I want to offer the world. I created this platform to offer this teaching because I knew that no other platform would allow me to teach what I need to teach.
This is precisely backwards. You are God. Period.
The mistake you're making here is you're still maintaining a subtle distinction between self & other. You're "otherizing" God.
You're missing the most important point of all: THAT YOU ARE GOD!
This is no metaphor. You created the whole fucking universe. But you forgot. Now you must remember.
Thousands upon thousands of people have awakened to Love. Many even on this forum.
But awakening to Love has nothing to do with walking around all loving all the time. Do not confuse Love with some sentimental positivity. You can find Love in a warzone.
Here's one example:
No. What I'm talking about is not emotion. It's existential insight & raw Truth. How you feel about it is irrelevant.
I understand that more than you can imagine.
No, it does not matter. Consciousness cannot really cease. It can just be empty. Empty or full doesn't matter, it's all the same Truth. Nirodha Samapatti is identical to NOW.
Existential Love is not a state. Love is all states.
I'm confused about Truth and perception.
I'm confused about Truth and perception.It is being in the same way all concepts are being.
Just be careful not to confuse the thought of a chair for a chair.
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anythingLove is simply what is.
If you are a serious student of spiritual texts and teachings, you know that the best of them talk about love. It has nothing to do with fireworks or psychedelics. Psychedelics simply show you your deepest nature -- if you have the courage to look at yourself in your rawest form.
The reason some of guys have a hard time buying this whole love business it because you're still thinking of reality from the materialist paradigm. This paradigm can extremely subtle, such that even people who have an awakening or two -- such as Sam Harris -- still have not transcended it. According to materialism, the universe must be neutral, impersonal, and devoid of any sentimentality. This is a hyper-logical, hyper-masculine, reductionistic way of understanding reality. And it is untrue.
Consciousness is Love. It is not dumb matter or energy or even "simply what is". What is, is LOVE! And why it is, is LOVE!
Be careful not to underestimate God's goodness. That is the key mistake here. God is not neutral as you might assume.
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)@Matt8800 Thanks for the details responses.
Do you have any sense of whether it's possible to materialize a physical object through pure Will? Like a marble or a coin? And what is it that prevents this?
I'm still trying to figure out the precise connection between Will and physical manifestation. I know that God's Will manifests all of physical reality, but I'm not clear why I don't have access to change it, since I am God -- what prevents this access?
Any insights on that?
And have you had any experience tapping into and shifting collective consciousness? Like the consciousness of the entire human species? Healing the species as a whole, for example.
I'm confused about Truth and perception.
I'm confused about Truth and perception.No, you're misquoting me.
I said:
Being = perception - ego
Being = experience - ego
Truth = perception - ego
Truth = experience - ego
Truth = Being
Perception = experience
These distinctions are subtle but important. Remember, I am not saying that colors and sounds will disappear. They will still be around. But they will get recontextualized.
You can look at an apple and see it as an apple.
Or you can look at an apple and see it as not an apple.
In both cases there is a round, red shape visible. But how you interpret that shape is very significant.
Try looking at an apple while letting go of your idea that it is an apple. Just stare at it in silence.
Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
Kriya Yoga Mega-ThreadNo, just do it as long as humanly possible.
It's very important that when you do your whole routine, that it be natural and organic. Don't waste too much mental energy criticizing yourself, timing things, analyzing yourself, etc. You must enter a flow state. The whole thing must become silky smooth and effortless. Let go of any self-conscious thoughts and just follow your heart.
Turn off your targeting computer and use The Force
Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
Kriya Yoga Mega-ThreadI usually take one slow breath in and out between leg changes.
Just do the best you can, even if it's less than 90. The idea being that you will improve over time so it's not a big deal.
Holding your breath to 90 is quite hard when you're holding all the 3 locks. Your body will get very tense and burn through more oxygen than usual.
Truth (contradiction)
Truth (contradiction)@OmniYoga There is consistency only because you deny the inconsistencies by outrageous degrees of self-deception and self-bias.
Your mind has deceived itself so completely that you cannot even imagine what no-self is. Because your very life depends on you not seeing it.
If you understood what I'm saying here, you would experience death.
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anythingConventional human love, like romantic love, or love for your family, is like the tip of an infinite iceberg. You are conscious enough to realize love for only certain objects which serve your ego's survival. But once the ego is fully dissolved you realize that conventional human love was merely the tip of the iceberg. Then you realize that EVERYTHING is love.
The deepest love you have for your family is the love God has for all of its creation. You as a limited human feel a tiny portion of that universal unconditional love. Most of the time you are disconnected from it because you are disconnected from yourself as God.
If you were fully conscious that you are God, your love would be infinite and totally unconditional. You would not even be able to think of anything other than love.
Love is an Absolute and has no opposite. Feeling love is not necessary for Love to be at work. Love is at work even if you are torturing a puppy.
There is nothing you can do to shake God's love. You can be the most evil, egotistical, deluded person of all time, and God will still love you.
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anything
I am enlightened. Sincere seekers: ask me anythingLove is everything that has ever "physically" occurred, that you have ever known, seen, or felt. Love is every "physical" object.
Love is Nothing.
No advanced growth possible without psychedelics
No advanced growth possible without psychedelicsYou are God. You are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
It would help if you stopped telling yourself otherwise. Since you are God, whatever you imagine becomes true. So if you imagine you're a limited human, that's precisely what you create.
No advanced growth possible without psychedelics
No advanced growth possible without psychedelics@Phoenixx The point of human life is become more conscious of what you are and what reality is.
This requires raising awareness of oneself through self-reflection, contemplation, inquiry, meditation, disciplined practices, etc.
Truth (contradiction)
Truth (contradiction)@OmniYoga The I you think you are is conceptual. It exists as a concept.
In the same way that Santa Claus exists conceptually.
Which is you say, the human self is imaginary. You are imagining that you were born. This a story you tell yourself to create a sense of self.
Think of it this way: just because you have a thought about something -- like Santa Claus living on Mars -- doesn't mean that thought refers to anything in the real world.
So the question is: why you assume that body is "yours"? Why isn't that body the universe's?
See, you've confused the universe and yourself. Or to put it more accurately: the universe believes it is a human. In the Absolute sense, there is only the universe believing it is a human. The universe is trying to act human to convince itself that it is human. But it's just the universe. The human part is imaginary.
N,N-DMT Trip report
N,N-DMT Trip report@yellowschnee That is not nearly a high enough dose. You'd need double that for a chance of breakthrough via plugging.
Questions about reality
Questions about reality1) Things are under the universe's control. But luckily you are the whole universe.
2) Death is something you're imagining right now.
3) Yes, you can break the chains of past and future by realizing that past and future are something you are imagining right now.
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)I have never seen or reliably heard of anyone manifesting a physical object out of pure will but i certainly wouldnt say it was impossible. It just means that it might take a more evolutionarily advanced consciousness/being than just the most advanced ape on one planet.
Affecting the material world via magick is usually done with creating what is normally called a thought-form that is charged with a certain intention. I conceptualize it like a ball of energy that contains information that exists on the astral realm. One of the principals of Hermeticsim is correspondence - "As above, so below". While it seems like any effect would be causeless empirically, the "cause" is the ball of information/energy on the astral realm that influences the probable and possible futures. Many people bring in Chaos Theory as a way to try to describe what they believe is the mechanism.
This is why people can do stuff like heal cancer through visualization. The visualization is your direct connection to the astral realm and manifesting magick.
When people astrally project, they start off visualizing. It is literally nothing more than imagination. Then, things start to take a life of its own that is increasingly beyond your imagination. With practice, many people claim that it becomes more real than real. You start interacting with beings that act on their own autonomy completely. The further I go into this, the more I ask what is real. I think it makes more sense when I remember the real self is not physical anyway.
This is why all energy working traditions use visualization. The breath builds the power through gathering chi. You infuse the energy with your intent. You release the intention charged energy onto the astral realm with your visualization. If the energy is strong enough and is infused with the right intention, it effects physical reality due to correspondences resolving between the realms.
According to occult philosophy, you are God but you are also simultaneously an individuated conscious entity that is evolving for eternity. Non-duality doesn't mean that duality discontinues its manifestation. When that individuated awareness is no longer focusing its awareness through a human body (physical death), than it focuses its awareness somewhere else beyond the human body. The subjective experience continues unbroken. The individuated being continues to get closer to merging with the One but never quite does fully imo. Kind of like dividing distance in half for eternity.
Regarding manifesting as God- when I created a spirit (albeit, in God's name) and then it showed up saying he really wanted to talk to me through my fiance's body, isnt that god-like in many ways? It doesnt make me more of a god than anyone else. We are all sparks of god in duality and can create in duality. It just means that Ive studied and practiced the Occult so I know how to manifest my god-like abilities whereas many others never know how (or care).
I have shifted through many layers of consciousness but have not been conscious that I was tapping into the collective consciousness. But that just may mean that its not there. I suspect a clairvoyant might be better at that but not sure. I did combine weed, a half tab of lsd and mdma at a concert in a sold out massive stadium once and I swear I totally tapped into collective consciousness at that time. That feeling was so far beyond what ive ever experienced, its hard for me to remember what it felt like.
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)
Ask an Occultist (divination,talking to spirits, siddhis, etc)@Leo Gura
1. Yes, but my abilities were that of a mystic, which is different than a clairvoyant or psychic. Mystics tend to merge their essence naturally with the divine. They get far more information/knowledge/insight but is usually pretty deep so it takes a bit for them to unpack it. Mystics are considered to be deep reservoirs of spiritual energy, which is why dark spirits tend to leave them alone. If spirits harass anyone, its usually the clairvoyants/psychics. I had a knowing as a child that spirits would not want to mess with me without understanding why I knew that. I did have an experience twice about 30 years ago where I woke up and saw a brilliant light in the room and felt like I started floating above the bed, which scared the shit out of me at the time. Clairvoyants talk to many diverse spirits while mystics tend to only communicate with the divine or a direct messenger of the divine. Psychics see; mystics know and command. You are also a classic mystic IMO.
2. I think everyone can develop their natural abilities much further than they currently are. The question is what are ones natural abilities? My fiance is a gifted clairvoyant. She can see spirits, channel them and speak with them but there is not nearly the sizzle and crackle in the air when she calls the divine into the room like when I do it. Spirits tend to do as I tell them but they might test her a lot more. With that said, I try to develop the areas that I am naturally weak as much as I can. My favorite books on that are by Ivo Domingues called Keys to Perception and the Magnus Opus by John Kreiter.
3. Many people that are highly awakened are mystics. Since they dont have the psychic sight talent, the spiritual world, along with all its possibilities and potentials is not as obvious. When a mystic steps into that realm however, they can usually summon massive amounts of spiritual power. The REAL power is making ones way through acceptance and finally making it to complete surrender to the divine. Once this happens, the divine may give the mystic authority to speak and command in the divine's name (I call the divine Adonai because I like how the Jews "conceptualize" God, which is actually no concept). The power that one has when this happens is ineffable. If the divine has not explicitly granted the authority, the Mystic can request this authority is granted to manifest the divine will he is surrendered to. Of course, he is responsible for how he uses that power but the mystic is expected to discern himself how to use it on his path of evolution. I think that this seems to be fairly uncommon because one weakness of the Occult path is the lack of attention to total acceptance and total surrender to the divine. Yogis typically get stuck on the being side of the paradox and occultists generally get stuck on the doing side of the paradox, which hinders that shift to surrender for the occultist. I believe this paradox should be resolved without leaving either out.
4. Great question...Im also curious as to why some are mystics and others are psychics.
5. My healing abilities have been getting quite a bit stronger but when i was granted the authority to speak and command in the divine's name, that was a game changer. Im still exploring this but the first time I used it, my fiance had a back that has been in extreme pain for years. I started rubbing her back muscles and in my head, said "I command the muscles to release and be healed in the name of Adonai". As the word Adonai entered my head, a massive surge of energy came into my body, shot down my arms and hands into her back. Even though I was silent, she immediately yelled from the shock of energy and jumped up. She was totally healed in a way that was FAR beyond my previous abilities could even come close to. I experimented with it and found that if I say it out loud, it is even more powerful. This ability is something I am still experimenting with to see how far it can go. I also created a servitor and used the same authority/command and the spirit showed up and requested to speak directly to me through my fiances body as a medium. This spirit was far more real and powerful than the two other spirits I made without using that method.
6. I have projected myself 30 miles away into my fiances bedroom and whispered into her ear. I didnt say anything to her but she told me the next day she felt me in her room and told me what I said. The healing abilities at this level are new and Im just familiarizing myself with it. Ive been shown deep insights where I had complete knowledge about very complex subjects but this is common for mystics and you have also experienced this. Whether it is a spirit guide or the divine, its spoken to me telepathically but that is also common for mystics. I created a servitor/spirit and infused it into an object. I started talking to it and "charging it" and the object started moving on its own (very shocking). It did the same for my fiance. Ive summoned spirits that spoke through my fiance several times. I just started shifting my attention to the occult a year ago. Its been a pretty crazy but extremely interesting ride. Im sure it will get crazier and even more interesting as the years go by
A list of +300 documentaries of a wide range of topics
A list of +300 documentaries of a wide range of topicsI think this was shared somewhere in the forum way before, but I thought it would be fitting to repost it here, enjoy.
No advanced growth possible without psychedelics
No advanced growth possible without psychedelicsPsychedics are not required.
However, I must be honest with you guys. Most of you are so lost in your minds and so unserious about doing concentration practices and/or yoga, that you will never grasp the deepest things I talk about without psychedelics. The psychedelics are recommended because you are not motivated enough to do the manual legwork.
If you refuse the psychedelic path, you must work your ass off doing concentration practices and yoga.
This dabbling bullshit does not work and you will waste years of time.
Spirituality is the most hardcore pursuit that man can undertake. Start treating it as such. It will be worth it.
Or just forget about spirituality and do basic self-help. You need to be very clear with your intent. What do you want? Do you really want Truth? If you do you should be willing to sell your mother into slavery to get it.
Question to leo about his Truth video
Question to leo about his Truth videoIf you want serious answers to such questions then your best bet is to ask them on psychedilcs.
Verbal answers will simply not help you.
Truth and the Embodiement of Enlightenment
Truth and the Embodiement of Enlightenment@UDT What you're missing is the insight of no-self.
The distinction between self/other is imaginary. So there are no individuals.
This requires awakening.
Yes, LSD was showing you that. But you are not taking the contemplation seriously enough. Ask all your doubts when you are on LSD.
Levels of self involvement, defilements & the measure of spiritual progress
Levels of self involvement, defilements & the measure of spiritual progressWithin Buddhism, full and total enlightenment is the same as completely ridding yourself of avijia. Avijia = ignorance.
Ignorance isn’t removed all at once, however. It is shed step by step. Step by step our defilements & our impurities are purged from our systems. This purging eventually culminates and results in the dropping of the first fetter: the identity view - the immense self involvement and attachment one has to one’s personality, identity, body and mind. This is what the modern spiritual community calls non duality.
For those that enter non duality, however, it becomes abundantly clear that regardless of the dramatic loss of tension upon awakening, tension still remains. Ignorant actions, thoughts and behaviours still remain.
Traditionally, within the non dual community, such tension is easily dismissed as “mind stuff”. Yet why does such “mind stuff” still remain post awakening?
A lot of the same people also report growth and deepening. How can that be?
If ignorance is gone and one’s clarity complete, there should be no growth. If one has completely disidentified with the body mind organism one should not report such things. Yet not only do such things happen, but many teachers even talk about levels of enlightenment.
In this thread I will answer
1 - why that is?
2 - What the substance of the path is, pre and post awakening.
3 - how can one open one’s self to the substance of the path and shed one’s defilements, and achieve complete and total enlightenment.
Let’s start with number 1. Why is that?
The human being comes with some built in programming. We are programmed to survive, and we primarily rely on our intellect to do so while our intellect relies on its understanding.
The issue is, the world is a complete unknown. We can never understand the world. It is unpredictable, always changing, moving and way beyond our scope of understanding. This threatens our survival.
Once we feel threatened, we are now at odds with everything that threatens us (this also separates us from what threatens us.) The more threatened we feel the more at odds and separated we become. The more self involved we become.
Now let’s get back to the path. On the path, as we decrease our level of self involvement, we progress.
This is the case with people off the path as well. For example, a sociopath or a serial killer is completely self involved and doesn’t even see other people as human. This is why he can kill, maim and torture them.
At a certain point we hit a threshold and our level of self involvement results in the dropping of the first fetter. In non duality. Yet the subconscious and instinctual need to survive, our fears, traumas and control mechanisms are deeply ingrained in us.
This creates cognitive dissonance. Why, you might ask, do I still feel fear, anxiety, depression, joy, pettiness and all these human emotions even though I see clearly that I am not the body mind? Why do I still put others down and think of myself as primary even though I see that so on and so forth?
Because your seeing is surface deep. Only on the level of the conscious mind. You still fear, you still attempt to control on many levels within your subconscious and beyond.
These questions are often ignored and shut out by people in non duality for the drop in self involvement has resulted in a previously unimaginable peace that they do not want to question, that they do not want to rock.
So just as a religious person clings on to his god for comfort (and ultimately survival), the non dual man does so with void.
2 & 3 - what is the substance of the path pre and post awakening? & how to shed one’s defilements.
The substance of the path relates to clear seeing of three things within Buddhism. Three major facets of truth.
These three things are 1- Anicca 2- Anatta 3- Dukkha. The more clearly you see these three aspects of truth the less self involved you become, and the less self involved you become the more progress is had. This is true pre and post awakening. In fact, complete seeing of these truths on all levels of the mind (subconscious and beyond) without any cognitive dissonance left = full enlightenment.
Before I delve into these three facets of truth, however, let me talk a bit about truth itself. Truth is never not present. I don’t mean this in a non dual way, but the facts of life, if they are indeed facts of life, should be evident in every waking second of life itself. If you do not see it, you are simply turning away from it. By that logic if you do indeed want to see them, you should first reflect on what is making you not see such truths, and then reflect on the truths themselves.
Now, let’s define and then talk about the truths a little bit.
1 - Anicca. Anicca has two translations that I think capture its essence nicely. One is “one can not maintain anything to one’s satisfaction” while the other is “impermanence”.
2- Anatta. Anatta, popularly translated as no self, has another more nuanced translation that I personally think is superior: “the inability to control”. A self is merely a series of complex control mechanisms created in response to fear after all.
3 - Dukkha - suffering that can be stopped from arising.
Why are these truths so important, you may ask?
Self involvement and ignorance are both a direct result of not seeing these truths clearly.
When we do not see the impermanent nature of the world, and our absolute inability to maintain anything to our satisfaction (Anicca), we attempt to control life’s circumstances.
We exert our will onto the world (the opposite of Anatta) and then, when life shows us that it can not be controlled and pinned down and eternalised, Dukkha arises. Suffering arises.
Instead of constantly living through that loop of pain, the next time you feel pain, and the next time you suffer, reflect and ask yourself: in what way am I attempting to pin down reality? To eternalise it? In what way am I attempting to control life? In what way am I failing to recognise the absolute truths that are anicca and Anatta at this moment?
Then, by reflecting on and seeing these fundamentals of reality all around you, In death, decay, aging, and every second of our waking life, the clarity of them will increase further.
Bring your ignorance to the light by asking how you are failing to recognise these truths, then burn them slowly through constant reflection of these truths : )
That was a really long post. A lot to take in too I assume so sorry if it wasn’t too clear. If you have any questions regarding it, feel free to ask.
5 Meo DMT and SSRI Interaction
5 Meo DMT and SSRI InteractionWhich is why I say bi-weekly.
Tolerance resets after about 10 days.
5-MeO-DMT, N,N-DMT, and DPT have no tolerance at all.