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About joeyi99

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  1. Love death and robots
    Love death and robots
    That's all in the mind of the beholder. Truth is whatever it is, good or bad. If you expect Truth to be pleasant, that's a problem. It may be pleasant but it may not.
    The Holocaust is as much a part of God as rainbows and butterflies. What will you do if you find yourself in the middle of a holocaust situation? Will be conscious enough to see the Truth in it? Or will you think that God has abandoned you?

  2. Contemplating WHO am I vs. WHAT am I
    Contemplating WHO am I vs. WHAT am I
    That questions seems to lead to the I AM realization. Who you are is pure I AMness.
    But going even deeper, who you are is God, the one and only being. Then the question becomes, what is God? What is the "substance" of God, so to speak?

  3. Jordan Peterson is in no way 'profound'.
    Jordan Peterson is in no way 'profound'.
    Are you seriously equating JP and Bashar?
    They are communicating from polar opposite states of consciousness. Bashar is teaching some of the highest wisdom on the planet. JP is ranting against stuff he doesn't understand. Bashar teaches non-judgment, JP teaches judgment.

  4. Jordan Peterson is in no way 'profound'.
    Jordan Peterson is in no way 'profound'.
    Don't forget "profound" is a relative term. For simple stage Blue and Orange folk, JP can be profound.
    It's all relative. Of course after you learn nonduality he won't seem profound.

  5. Mathematical proof for God
    Mathematical proof for God
    Georg Cantor proved absolute infinity at the level of set theory. That's about as close as you'll get from within the domain of mathematics and logic.

  6. If Life has No Meaning, Why Repetetive Numbers?
    If Life has No Meaning, Why Repetetive Numbers?
    Exactly. That is proof you created the meaning.
    If a thing had inherent meaning, you couldn't search for its meaning. It's meaning couldn't start at zero, and all animals in the universe would agree on its meaning.
    See the error in your logic.
    The numbers 1 or 2 are totally meaningless symbols. To a dog these numbers mean nothing precisely because these numbers mean nothing until you decide they mean something to you.
    Not only is 1111 meaningless, the number 1 is meaningless. It is not even a number to a dog. And so is every other piece of language. Even getting raped or murdered is meaningless. Until you give it a meaning.
    You really are not getting this whole business of relativity. Go watch my video Understanding Relativism and contemplate what relativity is.

  7. "You are already whole and complete" - Is that really true?
    "You are already whole and complete" - Is that really true?
    The contradiction comes from you not being fully conscious of what you are. If you were fully conscious of what you are, you'd realize you are whole and complete. But an ego cannot ever be whole and complete by definition. So you're stuck in an existential bind until such time as you awaken and realize your true nature. But in your current state of conscious you believe you are a limited human self, so of course you will also act in a needy way which will repel others. The less conscious you are, the more needy you are, the more people don't like being around you because your selfishness is repulsive.
    Detachment cannot be faked. You must actually become detached.

  8. Guy with 7 second memory has many signs of total ego death
    Guy with 7 second memory has many signs of total ego death
    Of course ego is rooted in memory. If memory is disrupted so will ego.

  9. Does being ever get boring
    Does being ever get boring
    Ideally speaking, bordem is a reaction of the ego-mind.
    In practice though, until you deeply awaken and purify the mind through 1000s of hours of meditation, you will suffer lots of bordem. It's a survival function.
    There is no way around bordem, you must go through it.
    Extreme mindfulness is required for things not to lose their magic. Survival necessarily makes things lose their magic because magic is not important to survival. Magic is a quality of pure Being.

  10. Should I go deeper into this work?
    Should I go deeper into this work?
    @aklacor727 It took many years for my intellectual and metaphysical curiosity to develop into a serious pursuit of awakening. You don't just start serious spiritual practice overnight. You gotta mature into it through learning, study, and basic self-help. So your desire to learn is all good. It's just the early stages of this process.
    Start by making your life the way you want it to be, before you go chasing enlightenment. Learn how to survive well.

  11. dating Blueprint [no Bullshit]
    dating Blueprint [no Bullshit]
    @Spiral Wizard The answers will depend on where you're at now (what your sticking points are) and what your goals are.
    Learning dating is about as challenging as learning biz. It will take some years to sort through the BS. And just like learning biz, it's worth it. So jump right in. Don't worry about having it all figured out now. That's not possible. It is an epic journey.

  12. Watching even after I've seen the episode
    Watching even after I've seen the episode
    There is so much depth in the last 2 years of videos you will have to watch them 5+ times over the next 10-20 years to understand everything that's there to understand.
    You can only understand up to the level of development that you're at. As you grow, you will understand more and more nuances that you had previously missed.
    The bottleneck is you

  13. If everything is imagination, then what the f am i going to do with my life?
    If everything is imagination, then what the f am i going to do with my life?
    @assx95 Don't adopt truths which you did not realize as beliefs.
    You have no idea if things are imaginary or not. You are just parroting some words you heard someone else say. These words are not true for you.
    For you, if we cut off your finger, you are gonna think it's a real problem. So that's what is true for you.

  14. Is meditation useless?
    Is meditation useless?
    And what did the Buddha do? What did Christ do? What did Muhammad do? What did Moses do? What did Joseph Smith do? What did Yogananda do? What did Sun Myung Moon do?
    Bodhisattvas build large movements which later become dogmatic religions and perpetuate ignorance through collective ego.
    This story has been played out since the dawn of human civilization.
    No one is to blame for this. It's inevitable given how consciousness works. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

  15. 99% of us will fail...or will we?
    99% of us will fail...or will we?
    Capable is one thing, actually seeing it is another.
    99% of people are capable.
    Just the fact that you're watching my videos means that you are more capable than most.
    Now... what you gonna do about it? Shit has more substance to it than capability.

  16. List Of Enlightenment Exercises
    List Of Enlightenment Exercises
    This thread is meant to be a concise list of exercises pointing to the truth of enlightenment -- the truth of no-self.
    All of the exercises listed herein are PRACTICAL! They are NOT philosophical or theoretical. They are not to be debated or pondered intellectually. They are to be actually done! Do each exercise carefully and notice what direct experience reveals. Often times direct experience will reveal something counter-intuitive, something that goes totally against all common-sense and any models you have of how reality works.
    Feel free to contribute your own exercises to this thread. But do so in a concise and practical manner, so whoever is reading this thread can focus on LOOKING or CONTEMPLATION versus debating or asking theoretical questions.
    This document is a work-in-progress. I'll keep adding more exercises to the list.
    Here are some of my favorites so far:
    Exercise #1: Drawing An Imaginary Line
    Exercise #2: Noticing Space As Unitive
    Exercise #3: Noticing That All Phenomena Is Democratic
    Exercise #4: Noticing Objects Exist Only Where They Are
    Exercise #5: Sensory Field Connection
    Exercise #6: Noticing There Are No Objects
    Exercise #7: Noticing The Self-Image Isn't You
    Exercise #8: Noticing You Are Not A Point-Camera
    Exercise #9: Noticing The Gap Between Thoughts
    Exercise #10: Noticing The Source Of Thoughts
    Exercise: #11: Noticing That Sound Occurs Exactly Where It Is
    Exercise #12: Noticing The External World Doesn't Exist
    Exercise #13: Noticing Other People Do Not Exist
    Exercise #14: Noticing That Nothing Is Hidden
    The above exercises are true enlightenment work. This is where the rubber meets the road.
    Keep practicing all of these exercises diligently, for months, until all your imaginary paradigms of reality break down and you are left only with direct experience. When you start to feel like this silly creature below, you're on the right track:


  17. Justice, Goodness, Closure.
    Justice, Goodness, Closure.
    No, the whole point is that it is NOT miserable. Your mind constructs pain, suffering, and misery.
    You are not understanding how deep this work goes.
    Imagine being so conscious that someone could break your finger and it would not be miserable to you.
    That is the depth of this work.
    Now, how to actualize that is the trick. It ain't easy. But we can work towards it.

  18. book list update?
    book list update?
    It has been updated 10 times already. Be happy with what's there. If you ever read and fathom all those books you will be a God among men.

  19. Has anyone read Gödel, Escher, Bach?
    Has anyone read Gödel, Escher, Bach?
    A delicious book. A work of art.

  20. Is meditation useless?
    Is meditation useless?
    It can still be difficult for them. Plenty of spiritually gifted people have harrowing journeys to awakening (like the many classic shaman stories). So don't get the idea that being spiritually gifted makes this process a walk in the park. You can be spiritually gifted and still have a lot of shadow material to work through.
    But the biggest thing is, most people will never even attempt to awaken or know about awakening otherwise, unless they are lucky enough to stumble upon it.
    A big secret to successful awakening is have the right motivation, curiosity, and desire for it. That in itself is a very rare thing which already requires a certain degree of spiritual attunement. If you motivation is strong, the rest is just a matter of time. If you motivation is weak, almost nothing can help you. So getting your motivation straight is crucial. Which is where psychedelics can be especially helpful. People would be a lot more motivated to awaken if they had a direct experience of God or Infinite Consciousness. It's very hard to build motivation off hearsay and fairytales. It's crucial to experience God for yourself so you know that it is more real than a brick wall. It's very hard to be motivated to pursue a thing for years which you doubt is real.

  21. Is meditation useless?
    Is meditation useless?
    Not so hard really. If you ask most masters about their childhoods and how they got into spirituality, many of them will tell the same story of having spontaneous (psychedelic-like) mystical experiences, kundalini activations, astral projection, lucid dreaming, etc. when they were in their teens. Not to mention that basically all of them were deeply interested in metaphysical and spiritual questions from their youth. It is not at all an accident that they got involved in spiritual work.
    I notice this in myself. I was born a philosopher. I would estimate I have double the baseline level of consciousness of the average human and my sensitivity to psychedelics is at least double or triple that of a typical human. But even so, I never had spontaneous mystical experiences as many masters do. So I am nowhere near the top of the bell-curve of spiritual giftedness. But it is no accident that I ended up in this line of work.

  22. Is meditation useless?
    Is meditation useless?
    No, they just skirt the issue and teach to a very mainstream audience -- whoever will listen and pay. Besides, what do you expect them to do about it? They can't recommend psychedelics because 1) they have no serious experience with them, and 2) most of their followers can't access them, and 3) they would get into trouble.
    The more mainstream the teacher, the more mainstream and mild his techniques need to be.
    Do you really expect Sadhguru to stand up in front of 10,000 people and tell them point blank: 99% of you will not awaken? Why would he do this? Of what benefit is this to his followers or his organization?
    Also, when you are highly spiritually gifted from birth you have no idea what life is like for people who are not spiritually gifted. It is like living in a different reality. So easily many teachers can be dismissive of the struggles of newbies and normies.
    You have to ask yourself, what is it you want and how badly do you want it? Do you really care to know what reality is? How important is it to you that you discover the answers in this lifetime?
    See, Sadhguru's agenda is not that. He will not resolve this for you. He is busy building his organization. If you die without reaching the ultimate answers, it won't bother him one bit. But if it would bother you, then you need some sort of reliable plan for how you're going to get those answers.

  23. Is meditation useless?
    Is meditation useless?
    Yes, it's worth it.
    It certianly won't get you awakening, but at least it will be a gateway to more serious spiritual pursuits in years to come.
    If you want a chance at awakening via meditation you will have to do at least week-long retreats where you meditate nonstop all day long, every day. Month-long retreats would be more realistically necessary.

  24. Is meditation useless?
    Is meditation useless?
    The mistake you're making is confusing psychedelics with makyo. Psychedelics are precisely NOT phenomenal distortions but pure insight, deeper than the insight of Zen meditation. The visual distortions that some psychedelics cause are to be completely ignored. The visual distortions arise with psychedelics precisely for the same reason they arise in meditation. They arise even more with psychedelics because they are like meditation x100. So you get 100 times stronger visual distortions but also 100 times deeper insight. Ignore the distortions and keep the insight, just as the Zen masters advise.
    There is no mistake in the Zen advice, but the way you are applying it to psychedelics is precisely backwards.
    You should dismiss makyo whether you're meditating or tripping balls. And don't forget, all of physical reality is makyo. So don't forget to dismiss that while you're at it
    This can vary for different people.
    In my view yoga is signficantly more powerful because it is a bio-chemical-mechanical change of the body-mind organism. Much moreso than meditation. Yoga leads to effortless meditation by a mechanical silencing of the mind.

  25. Concepts = Truth
    Concepts = Truth
    Mathematics is totally imaginary. There is no limit to what consciousness can imagine.