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About joeyi99

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  1. Leo's Live Awakening Video is Freaking Profound
    Leo's Live Awakening Video is Freaking Profound
    Awakening is nothing but the present moment. You will not gain anything else.

  2. @Leo: Could you elaborate on karma, please? ?
    @Leo: Could you elaborate on karma, please? ?
    @Forrest Adkins It comes from ego and ignorance. It takes a lot of consciousness to be able to understand spiritual concepts accurately.
    As the Buddha is said to have said: "You are not punished for your anger, you are punished by your anger."

  3. Issue with David Deida's book
    Issue with David Deida's book
    Masculine is more active, seeking to enforce itself on the world.
    Feminine is more passive, seeking to soak in the world.
    Is this really so hard to understand?
    Masculine wants to penetrate, feminine wants to be penetrated.

  4. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    It's important to distinguish attraction vs dating vs relationship.
    These are distinct phases. What I'm talking about here is mostly the first phase: attraction, without which nothing else is possible.
    Once the relationship begins for real (after a few times of sex), then things change.
    I recommend all guys practice what I call Conscious Relationship. Which is a huge topic which I won't explain here. Suffice it to say, you ladies would love it. It's everything you want out of a relationship and much more. It's the thing you wish pickup was because you're not concerned about the attraction phase much.
    I am by no means only about attraction and anti-relationship. I think there's lots of value in intimate relationship. But before we get there, we gotta bang There's a certain order of operations to the mating game.

  5. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    Match is part of the process.
    Of course not every woman will be a match with every man. That's all sorted out in the field.
    It's not like if a guy has game he can attract/sleep with 100% of women. About 33% of women will love him, 33% of women will hate him, and 33% of women will be indifferent.
    There's always an element of luck and personalities need to match up. That's why he chats with 10 women, 3 get attracted, 1 comes home.
    A highly attractive man is actually more polarizing. Some women will absolutely hate him. But those who like him will LOVE him.
    You also have to keep in mind that not all guys with game are the same. Each guys attracts a specific subset of female personality types. Because game is expressed differently through different personality types. Game is not a specific type of guy, it's general principles of attractiveness which are incarnated uniquely by each guy, attracting different kinds of women. For example, humor is going to vary from guy to guy. Guys can have very different senses and styles of humor. But learning the general principles of humor will help every guy, no matter what his style of humor is. And all girls love some style of humor. Humor can be dry, witty, intellectual, sexual, subdued, bold, sarcastic, self-deprecating, dark, physical, nerdy, etc.

  6. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    Not 25% of women. 100% of heterosexual women.
    What you describe in your 2nd paragraph: the vibe, the energy, the nonchalance... that's exactly what game is.
    You are thinking of game as a set of tricks men use to maniuplate women to sleep with them. But that's not real game, that's crap game. Real game is a man simply behaving in a strong, authentic, masculine way which generates a really charming vibe that girls cannot resist.
    The charm isn't fake, it's real! The woman gets attracted not because she is verbally tricked, but because the guy is actually being an awesome guy to his bones.
    Imagine your dream guy: strong, bold, charming, smooth, natural, funny, cool, exuding masculine vibe. That's what pickup trains a guy how to be. And once a guy becomes that way, every girl wants to marry him. The trick is, once a guy becomes that way he has so many options that he may not want to get married to any one girl. And thus a player is born.
    Despite what they say, girls love players. She simply wants to lock him down for herself. That is the real issue. Girls struggle with players because they are hard to lock down.
    In other words, sex is a marketplace and girls do not want to admit that.

  7. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    That's such a huge topic.
    Here's a few things quickly off the top of my head:
    Laser eye contact Learning to create a genuine smile on a dime Firm, commanding tone of voice. Slowing down your rate of speech. Being relaxed and at ease in your body when talking Simply lots of socialization and conversation experience (doesn't even have to be with women). The stuff I talk about in my video: How To Be Funny The ability to talk about yourself endlessly. Dressing sharp. Get all of your clothing tailored for slim fit. Groom yourself well. Upgrade your whole wardrobe to be stylish. Develop a sense of style that suits you. The ability to be playful and laugh at yourself and life Handle your sexual neediness so that you aren't sexually needy Develop charisma -- I have a good book about charisma on my book list. Passion for life. You must be building an awesome life for yourself aside from girls/sex/relationship. The girl should be the least important part of your life. Your life should be so awesome that anyone who comes into contact with you would feel lucky. You must be in love with yourself and your life. Self-Love. Accept yourself as you are, completely. Be thrilled to be you. Treat yourself as God's gift to the world and to women.  
    You feel the pain of it fully. You cry. You pull your hair out.
    Some nights I had such failure that I literally drove home crying. And that's what made me stronger. The suffering grows you.
    Read the book Mastery by George Leonard.

  8. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Yes, I know your pain very well. I have lost 100s of such girls out of sheer incompetence and weakness.
    I think your only problem is lack of volume. You gotta understand that getting good at this skill set literally requires 1000s of approaches every year. Really, you have to devote a few years of your life to it.
    How badly do you want to get good? That's the key question. As Zizek would say, are you willing to sell your mother into slavery to get good with girls? If not, your results will be mediocre. You need serious vision and drive here. You will have to work your ass off for it. Having sex with lots of hot women is not something that life just hands you on a silver platter. Becoming a highly attractive man is a huge makeover project. It involves making deep structural changes to your entire lifestyle and way of thinking.
    If it was easy, every guy would be sleeping with a model.

  9. how do i filter girls?
    how do i filter girls?
    You need a lot of practice physically escalating on a girl in a noncreepy way. Learning how to touch her is crucial for success. Touching is so important. Start touching her with 3 seconds of meeting her and don't let up. Escalate your touching all throughout the date.
    Google: "kino escalation ladder"
    You need to learn kino
    You need to take every chance you can to touch her to make her comfortable with your touch. Start with playful, non-erotic touching, then ramp it up to the heavy stuff.

  10. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    @Aaron p
    1) Empty stomach != empty ass
    2) That microscoop needs to be calibrated to each substance. It can vary quite a bit. For some substances it will be 10mg and for others up to 20mg because density varies. You need a miligram scale to calibrate it.
    It's not unusual for some people to need 35mg+ when plugging.
    For me personally 15mg is an epic trip. But I'm Leo and you're not.
    You could always try snorting it. The dose for snorting vs plugging should be very similar. Just make sure it doesn't all drip down your throat. It must get absorbed in the nose. This requires a very gentle snort and flipping your head upside down for 10 mins so it doesn't drip out.
    Snorting is gross and will burn, but still worth it.
    Careful, snorting can be powerful.

  11. Multiple trip report results over 6 month period
    Multiple trip report results over 6 month period
    @WinterCeleann Great! Welcome aboard!
    You're doing good, but all that is just the tip of the iceberg. I suggest you contemplate more existential questions. Such as:
    What is reality? What is God? What am I? What is love? Etc.
    It would also be a good idea to upgrade from mushrooms to research chems, as they are more powerful, more clear, and more versatile.
    Mushrooms are too tricky and squirrely.
    If you want ego death, contemplate What is death? / What is a self? / What is ego?
    You should be aiming for 50-100 trips to sort all these questions out. There is too much material there.

  12. Being God - Questions
    Being God - Questions
    1) It can!
    2) Precisely because it is already happpening. Remember, if you ask for an apple, you will get an apple, not an orange. Right now you are so busy materializing apples yet you're asking why you don't have oranges.
    The problem is your current state of consciousness is far too low to allow you to change how you are materializing physical reality. If your state was 1,000,000 times higher, you could change that.
    I have been so conscious that miracles become possible. But this is not a state I can sustain (yet). It's utterly radical. You are not human any more at those levels of consciousness. People will preceive you as an alien. And they will come after you with pitchforks.
    This is dangerous territory, and ripe for abuse.

  13. Kobe Bryant is Dead
    Kobe Bryant is Dead
    Because compassion. Compassion is never mandatory, but if you are conscious, it naturally comes when you see tragedy.
    It's hard to care about millions of people who you don't even know exist.
    But of course in the absolute sense Kobe's life was no more important than an ant's. But humans are self-biased creatures. And killing a queen ant has an outsized impact on the other ants.
    If you think about it objectively, it really is amazing that Kobe got so famous and rich for throwing balls into baskets. That says a lot about what humanity values and our level of development. People don't like to question the obvious.

  14. Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    Could learning game turn you into a people pleaser with low self-esteem?
    There are right and wrong ways to learn game.
    If you're doing good game, your goal is to develop authenticity and inner strength. You're not trying to please the girl at all. If you go in trying to please the girl, that's bad game, and she will smell it and reject you. With good game you're not being fake to trick her into liking you, you're working on yourself as a many to burn off all your fear and weakness so that when she's talking to you, you actually are a highly attractive, strong, valuable man. And then she falls in love. She's not falling in love with a fake or a people-pleaser. If anything, game will make you icy and detached. You will stop caring what people think of you. And then your game will shoot through the roof because women find that so attractive.
    In the end, after your entire gaming journey is complete, what you'll discover is that nothing is more attractive than genuinely and FULLY being yourself. That's all game is. But when you start you are so self-conscious and so inauthentic that you have no idea what FULLY being yourself means. Game is a process of a many discovering himself. And then women get attracted like flies on shit.
    If you can just be 100% fully authentically yourself without an ounce of fear or embarrassment in front of a hot woman, that's all you need to sleep with her. It really is that simple. But it's also really hard to pull off if you're a socially awkward guy with little dating experience who secrete hates himself for all his flaws.
    All you need is to be able to walk up to a beautiful women, look her straight in the eyes like you want to fuck her, and then proceed to have a fun playful relaxed conversation, charged with a tinge of sexual energy. Easier said than done. Real game is about training yourself to be able to do that.

  15. Being overpowered during a trip
    Being overpowered during a trip
    Psychedelics certainly help. There are some which are very erotic which are perfect for this. I got very close to having a female oragsm once. I don't doubt it's possible with more practice. But even if you aren't able to actually have one, just getting close is very powerful and healing as it integrates your feminine side.
    Otherwise there are other methods like hypnosis and visualization.
    Visualization is an extremely powerful tool. You can visualize so hard that you can materialize a diety into your perceptual field. But of course this is not your regular visualization exercise. This is hardcore stuff that requires serious commitment and practice.
    I think every guy should try to have at least 1 female orgasm just to open his mind. And don't confuse female orgasm with anal sex. That's not what I'm talking about.

  16. Leo Gura PUA
    Leo Gura PUA
    I am too conscious to teach that stuff now.
    My time is limited and we got bigger fish to fry. If you want to learn PUA then there are many PUAs on Youtube you could learn from.
    If you're coming to me, you should want to learn about consciousness.
    And none of this means that I never go out. Maybe you'll see me in the club some day

  17. I cannot have a platonic friendship with a woman because I need love!
    I cannot have a platonic friendship with a woman because I need love!
    Two basic solutions to this problem:
    1) Practice Self-Love. Using visualization, give yourself the love that your wish your mother gave you. Give yourself unlimited love. Give yourself the love you which any woman or girlfriend would give you. Do this for 10 minutes every day for several months. It will make a big difference.
    2) Go attract some women and have sex with them. Get a girlfriend.
    After you do steps 1 & 2, your problem should be gone. If not, repeat steps 1 & 2.

  18. Is ignoring people okay?
    Is ignoring people okay?
    You need to learn to set boundaries and communicate your values and boundaries to people rather than acting silent or passive aggressive.
    Better communication is crucial.
    People-pleasing is a common problem. It's worth taking the time to work that out in yourself. You don't want to live as a people-pleaser your whole life.
    Once you solve your people-pleasing, then you will be able to effectively communicate and enforce your values and boundaries with people, and you won't have to ignore them or suffering silently.

  19. My very first psychedelic trip: 1.5g you so much
    My very first psychedelic trip: 1.5g you so much
    @moon777light Good. That was a nice newbie intro. Your mind is still very chaotic and random, which is why you had all those wacky visions.
    As you do more, you must learn to focus your mind and contemplate the nature of reality rather than just going on joyride visions.
    Visions are fun, scary, and interesting, but what really matters is getting down to understanding what consciousness is, and what YOU are.
    So far you got a tiny taste of what consciousness can do: it is infinite imagination -- which is why you're able to have all those wacky visions. But you don't yet comprehend what consciousness in itself is and why it is here, or all of its many facets. You also probably don't understand how conscious in the trip connects with consciousness in "material reality". You have to build an intellectual bridge between your trips and "real life" until you realize that your "real life" is just another trip.
    Keep your future doses low. You have much more to learn at these lower doses. Mushrooms can be extremely challenging at the 4g range and above. At 4g+ your old life and reality will start to completely disappear and you will enter the phantasms of your mind. Since your mind is chaotic and impure and lacks nondual understanding, you will encounter all sorts of horrors of your own imagination and you will start to go insane. 2 grams is a good solid dose to do lots of work with without totally freaking yourself out.
    Try contemplating questions next time like:
    What is consciousness? What is reality? What is God? What is time? What is "other"? What is self? What am I? What is awakening? What is love? What is evil? What is the brain? What is death? What is nonduality? What is awakening? What is Oneness? What is intelligence? What is Will? Etc. The next time you trip, realize that whatever your mind imagines gets materialized. If you start to think of elephants you will see elephants on the carpet. Wonder why does this happen? It happens because you are God imagining the world and the psychedelic removes the shackles on Infinite Mind.
    Finally, turn your gaze directly inwards and ask, "What am I?!"
    Be prepared for epic strange loops, paradox, and mindfuckery.

  20. Bobby's perspective vs
    Bobby's perspective vs
    That's precisely the problem. Your vision is so limited that you do not even comprehend the simple fact that without pain in your body you'd be dead by the age of 3.
    All of the suffering of your body is there to make sure you survive long enough to do spiritual work.
    Think of it this way, if you were designing a child from scratch, would you give your child the ability to feel pain? If you say "Obviously no!", you're a fool because that means your child will only be able to survive a year or two at most.
    You must contemplate the genius of God's design. Nothing is there willy-nilly. Nothing is there to torture you for the sake of torturing you. If you think something is not necessary, think again. If it exists, it is necessary in the bigger picture. Just keep in mind that the picture is really, really, really big. God's design must account for all creatures, not just your personal pleasure.

  21. Bobby's perspective vs
    Bobby's perspective vs
    Yes, you can do that. Battling the ego can sometimes be a useful formuation, but often not. Often the better approach might be to love the ego to death, so to speak.
    You have to appreciate that every formulation will be dualistic. Every teaching will be dualistic, even nondual teachings. True nonduality cannot be spoken.
    Christianity is very dualistic in misleading ways.
    For example, the notion of being "a sinner" creates a battle between ego and God.
    "A sinner" is just a devil, ego, or self. But the sinner is an illusion. There is no sinner and no sin. Most Christians do not understand this. Christians gets trapped in the duality of good vs evil, which itself becomes the source of the illusion of evil. The mind creates evil by imagining it.
    When you say, "Look, that Hitler was evil!" << you just created evil without realizing it because you are not conscious of what you're doing. And to make matters worse, you then deny it and attack me for pointing it out to you

  22. Bobby's perspective vs
    Bobby's perspective vs
    Everything you've ever experienced or could possibly experience.
    It feels like Infinite Love. Imagine if you loved every object in the universe as much as you love your mother, your children, or your dog. But more! Literally Infinite Love! It is completely unlimited. You Love so much that it grows bigger and bigger and bigger until you realize that it literally has no end whatsoever. By this point your entire self gets annihilated in this love and you literally die as a human self. You die and become God -- which is pure Infinite Love.
    That's Death!
    Death = Infinite Love
    Did you really think God would let you die into some hell? Don't confuse God for a devil. God has ensured that all beings die into Infinite Love. How did God guarantee this? By making Love and Death identical! Ta-da!

  23. Bobby's perspective vs
    Bobby's perspective vs
    Of course we do, because you are an ego. So your definition is deliberately backwards, to protect yourself. That how you survive.
    If you had an accurate definition of ego, you'd be dead. The ego's job is to ensure you don't understand what ego actually is.
    You could say it doesn't exist. It merely appears to.
    So you'll ask, "But what is the reason for it appearing to exist?"
    Yes. Since there is only ONE thing, and it is LOVE, everything must be it, including any appearances or illusions, and everything is done for the sake of maximizing Love.
    Which closes the loop of the final duality: Why is there selfishness? To maximize selflessness!
    Selfishness and selflessness are identical! Ta-da! Which means: the devil is God! Which means: evil is Good! Which means: there is no evil, only Love!
    So in this way God defeats the devil. Not by fighting with the devil, but by leaving no room for a devil to exist. There never was a devil (ego). The devil/evil was always an illusion. There was only ever LOVE.
    And all illusions are there to maximize Love, they are the expressions of Love. Without illusion and survival, there could not be Creation. So of course all of your suffering is out of Love.

  24. Bobby's perspective vs
    Bobby's perspective vs
    Yes, an asleep God wakes up to realize that he is God.
    Nothing other than God can awaken because there is nothing other than God! God is ONE, so who can awaken other than him to himself?
    Awakening is nothing other than the realization that there is no "other".
    The ego doesn't exist. The ego cannot awaken. The ego cannot learn anything. It is the realization that ego never was -- that it is a total illusion -- which allows God to realize that it was God the whole time.
    Ego is the mistaken idea that reality is divided into parts: me, you, her, him, them, animals, Jesus, aliens, God, etc. To realize ONENESS is to end all these divisions and exist as ONE. That ONE is the real God.
    If the ego could awaken, that would mean there are two things: ego & something else which it awakens to. That would be duality. But Truth is ONENESS. So there cannot be an ego.
    We speak of ego as though it's a thing, but really where's speaking of a non-thing. It's like speaking about a snake which is actually just a rope that we thought was a snake. There never were two things: a snake and a rope. Nor did the snake become the rope. There never was a snake at all! Only rope! The snake was just a confusion. Which leaves us with oneness, ropeness.

  25. Drugs Cause Bad Karma
    Drugs Cause Bad Karma
    Alexander Shulgin, inventor of MDMA, 2C-B, and 100+ other psychedelics, who personally tested and sampled all of them, lived till his 90's.
    So by your logic, you should do as many psychedelics as possible to live longer