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Project 2025??
Project 2025??Christians are ideological zombies. They are engaged in defending a fantasy. Which means they cannot be wise.
Being wise requires indepedent thinking and freedom from fantasy and ideology.
There is no such thing as good or bad, there is only level of consciousness. Lack of consciousness = devirly.
Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)
Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)No one is.
Your whole life is built on the exploitation of others in ways you don't wish to know.
That's the problem with all this morality stuff. The mind wants to paint itself as good and others as evil, but this will never work in the end because self is evil. And that's what morality is hiding. There is no such thing as a consistent moral system or life. Because it's a fantasy in the end.
Asking For Help In Grasping The Whole "we Are All Mirros For One Another" Concept
Asking For Help In Grasping The Whole "we Are All Mirros For One Another" Concept@5driedgrams The common thread that's revealed in all others is ignorance. Which of course is in you in spades. How this ignorance gets manifest is really irrelevant. For one person it might be anger, for another violence, for another pettiness, for another jealousy, for another greed, for another people-pleasing, for another dogma, for another gluttony, for another drug addiction, for another lying, for another cheating, for another killing, for another preaching, etc.
Negativity itself doesn't actually exist. You created it, and projected it onto the world. So yes, you're fully responsible for all the evil you see out in the world. Your mind literally created the category "evil". Without first creating it, you couldn't see it.
It really is that simple.
Simply to be a self is to create things you hate. This is a core part of self-survival. A self needs to fabricate things to hate in order to survive. That's what a self largely is: a collection of reactions against the environment.
If you've taken 5g of mushrooms, you should have seen that Being has no value, meaning, or charge. Ponder the significance of that.
Struggling To Understand Evil
Struggling To Understand EvilLol
Enlightenment explains evil perfectly. It's the simplest thing possible: evil doesn't exist!
The problem is, the ego doesn't want to accept that. Because the ego feels threatened by things like murder, rape, and theft. The ego's job is to be biased, to favor itself at all costs. So this notion that rape isn't evil offends you. Because you don't like the idea of absolute freedom. It's literally too much freedom for you to handle. It's so free, it will kill you. So you want to constrict infinity to a manageable, finite size which your mind and psyche can easily handle.
The cost of that, however, is that you are very easily disturbed and you suffer. As soon as reality goes against you, you cry and shout and get angry. That's because you refused to surrender to the fact that your very life is worthless and meaningless in the big picture. The whole point of your life might be to be a cum receptacle for a rapist, or fuel for Hitler's ovens. But of course you don't like that idea. It's too REAL.
Yet nonetheless, no matter how much you resist all this, the fact remains that reality has all these freedoms. There is a real possibility that one day you will get raped or thrown into an oven. And even if you don't, no matter what, you will die. So you will lose this ego-game you're playing no matter what! The only question is, will you resist the freedom of reality or accept it?
Of course there is nothing wrong, bad, or evil about ego. You can be selfish if you want. Reality doesn't care if you remain lost in untruth, or rape a horse. To reality, there is no preference for one thing over another. From the enlightened perspective, ego isn't bad or evil. Ego is confusion of the mind. And there is also nothing bad or evil about confusion.
Of course! You are one with all the rapists who ever lived, and ever will live. They are literally you, and you are literally them!
Which is why judgment of people is pointless and delusional.
Jesus told you to love people, and not to judge them, for this very reason. He wasn't telling you to be cute or lovey-dovey, or "a nice person" so that Saint Peter could let you into the gates of Heaven. He was telling you to surrender all of your attachments to self, until the point where someone could nail you to cross, and you would be happy about it, because whatever happens to your body doesn't matter. It's not you, and it will die anyways.
Enlightenment literally means: self-less-ness. No self, no evil, no resistance, no problem.
Self, evil, resistance, suffering << the way you live now.
Heaven is not a place you get to for being "a good person". Heaven is just the state of being without a self.
This is True Religion. Mainstream religion corrupts this truth because it's too unpalatable. The whole point of culture is to serve the ego's self-biases. So a truth like this cannot be transmitted uncorrupted through mainstream culture.
Non-violent communication
Non-violent communicationIn one of Leo's recent videos, he mentioned he was going to do an episode on non-violent communication. I wanted to get ahead and see what the fuss was about before he made the episode, and found this gem:
It's a 3 hour video, so a great time killer for us self development nerds.
Seriously this has already totally changed my way of thinking about social activities and how we relate to people for the better.
Very keen to see Leo's video on the topic, I think it will make the episode extra juicy having a little bit of extra background knowledge before diving straight in.
Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x Frank
Role Of Psychedelics And Their Effects After Self-Realization: Artem Boytsov x FrankI am not infinitely conscious right now.
But I don't need to be in order to understand that you are in a dream.
It's not like I'm saying anything that serious spiritual traditions haven't said. You've been told that reality is a dream by every major serious spiritual tradition. The Hindus have been saying it for 5000 years. What more do you want?
My teachings do not contradict any serious spiritual teachings. The only difference is that I give you the 100% undiluted version of it, without sugarcoating anything or playing to any of your human biases.
I don't assign any special priority to our physical universe/dream. You could dream an infinite number of various dreams. Just because you're not dreaming some particular dream right this second doesn't mean you cannot dream it in the future.
Yes, some people can do astral travel.
Terrence Howard on Reality
Terrence Howard on Reality@nuwu Research Gotlieb Frege, the downfall of logicisim and logical positivism, Russell's Paradox, the work of Douglas Hofstadter, Tarski's incompleteness theorems, paradoxes within set theory, paradoxes of infinity, and the necessity for meta-logics and meta-mathematics.
Basically, logic and mathematics is trying to grasp itself but it cannot ever do so because it is infinite, so it has to invent meta logics and meta mathematics to try to do so, and this goes upward ad infinitum. And all of that is still just one drop in the ocean of Infinity.
The rolling of the spiritual snowball
The rolling of the spiritual snowball@stephenkettley It's impossibile to say.
Could be tomorrow or you could spend 20 years doing it and never reach enlightenment. And enlightenment would just be the tip of understanding Consciousness.
But if you're doing psychedelics you should have already had some mystical, nondual experiences. What are you experiencing there?
If you wish to reach enlightenment through manual practice you really need to do week-long hardcore mode retreats. Breakthroughs in consciousness require insane levels of focus. Every time you break focus you lose all your momentum and must start from scratch.
Realistically to generate a manual mystical experience requires 100 hours of intense consistent focus. That's one week-long retreat's worth of meditation. To do it faster would require spiritual talents, which most people do not have.
Terrence Howard on Reality
Terrence Howard on Reality@Ero Then we are on the same wavelength.
The sick irony is that if these logicians actually bothered to read Godel's writings on philosophy they would see that he himself was critical of people who do math and logic without any philosophical considerations. In fact, Godel attributes his theorems to his philosophical intuitions. And same goes for Einstein and many of the founders of QM.
Because to do groundbreaking work requires philosophical depth.
You cannot number-crunch your way into profound understanding.
Latest blog post about child prodigies.
Latest blog post about child prodigies.Again, you make the mistake to equating these things with consciousness.
You have no idea what that guy was conscious of or not.
The transcendence of pain is a very narrow specialized form of consciousness. It doesn't mean you understand anything about the higher functions of God.
To reduce consciousness to such material tests and gimmicks is reductionistic and simple-minded. Consciousness is way more complicated than that and because be measured or reduced in such ways.
Clarification on the statement "You are creating all of Reality "
Clarification on the statement "You are creating all of Reality "You (as God/Universe/Reality) is imagining the physical world into existence. This does to mean that you do this consciously or deliberately, or that you can change the doing of it.
Physical objects are your imagination. Just as they would be inside a dream.
The only difference between dream objects and material objects is that material objects are imagined with greater consistency.
Pick up any small object in your hand, like a pen, and look at it closely. And try to notice that you are imagining it as you look at it.
And of course when it comes to your inner world, your conceptual world, all of that is your imagination. And you have some control over that, over how you picture yourself.
Life Purpose Course
Life Purpose Course@ElvisN If you find absolutely nothing fascinating or interesting about reality, it's impossible to help you.
It takes extraordinary arrogance, blindness, and ingratitude, not to find all aspects of reality deeply fascinating.
A miracle is happening all around you every minute and all you can do is shrug your shoulders and say, "Meh".
How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?"Shared objective reality" is a sort of construction.
However, for human purposes there is much in common between our dreams so that's what makes "objective facts" possible.
How this situation looks really depends on your level of consciousness. If you have human levels of consciousness then things appear objective when they would be relative at higher levels. Objectivity depends on how deep you are dreaming, so some extent.
Very strong argument consciousness is independent of the brain
Very strong argument consciousness is independent of the brainYou are correct in that qualia itself cannot decay. But your level or state of consciousness, and how conscious you are, can decay.
This pic ;)
This pic ;)The background Infinity is hidden from you unless you enter a higher state of consciousness where it becomes revealed.
The default human state hides Infinity in order to create the illusion of a solid material world.
Terrence Howard on Reality
Terrence Howard on RealityMath works by self-definition. You set the definitions and then use them consistently.
1 x 1 means you have 1 group of 1s. Which is 1. That's the definition of multiplication we agreed upon.
Terrance is not being consistent with his use of definitions and units. He is changing it to suit himself whenever it is convenient to him.
We could could define 1+1=11, but then we have to apply that across all mathematics consistently.
You can create new kinds of mathematics depending on how you choose your axioms and definitions. Whether that will correspond to anything in the material universe is another manner.
Stage orange over stage blue?
Stage orange over stage blue?It is a function of cognitive complexity and perspective-taking. Blue is less cognitively complex and less able to take more perspectives. Blue is really locked into an absolutist worldview while Orange can handle multiplicity of perspectives. That's what makes it more advanced.
It takes some sophisticated thinking to see that a government should not merely favor your religion, but allow for everyone to worship equally according to their needs.
Blue is fundamentalist religion and theocracy.
Orange is scientific method and democracy.
Science is more advanced than fundamentalist religion.
Orange realizes that you don't need dogma to be moral. You can be moral through secular humanist values. In fact, it is impossible to be truly moral via dogma.
Male VS Female spirituality
Male VS Female spiritualityNot really.
The way humans do love, family, and community is based on falsehood and lies.
The reason men go into a cave is to avoid the toxic, corrupting, and distracting influences of community. That's why the Buddha left his palace life to wander in the woods. You're not gonna find truth living in a palace with your family. All of that is a distraction. And women are distracting themselves all the time.
The #1 enemy of truth is survival. You are so busy suriving you don't have time for truth. And the more relationships you juggle the less truthful you will be.
Stage orange over stage blue?
Stage orange over stage blue?David Hume or Charles Darwin are great examples of the intelligence of Orange relative to Blue.
Be careful not to caricture Orange as merely some greedy guy on Wall Street sorting cocaine off a stripper's tits. That is not a deep understanding of Orange.
Go read some David Hume or Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin.
Terrence Howard on Reality
Terrence Howard on Reality@Hojo Just ask yourself what multiplication actually is, what is means to multiply two numbers.
Sit down and do it. Don't guess or theorize.
Your confusion comes from a basic lack of understanding of what multiplication is.
If you have 12 chicken eggs and you double it, how many eggs do you have?
And if you have 12 chicken eggs and you "single" it, how many chicken eggs do you have?
Just examine what is meant by multiplication. Multiplication is really a way of adding up groups of things. 1 group of 1 egg equals 1 egg, not 2 eggs.
In this case you don't even need any axioms. Just basic common sense.
Russell Brand Goes FULL MAGA
Russell Brand Goes FULL MAGAWhat you describe are the problems of excessive capitalism and wealth inequality.
Trump is a corrupt toxic capitalist. So he will only make those problems worse. He has already promised all his major billionaire donors big tax cuts. So under Trump the rich will get richer at the expense of you and me.
If you think Trump will save you from the evils of toxic stage Orange, you are beyond delusional. Trump is the epitome of the problem you want him to solve. He has zero capacity to solve that problem. Or really any problem. Because all he cares about is grabbing as much power for himself as possible and using it to enrich himself. If you cannot see that you are a fool and you deserve him to scam you.
Trump's policies will easily lead to a big market crash, as W Bush did in 2008. That's how excessive Orange works. They run up the market until everything crashes and the rich walk away with the profits. The little guys, including all his MAGA supporters will end up screwed and worse off in the end. That is Trump's con. And it's obvious as day to anyone with a bit of wisdom.
Trump will deregulate all the markets, allowing giant Wall Street monopolies, banks, and hedge funds to buy up more and more houses, push up prices, and extract ever higher rents until home ownship becomes impossible for anyone other than multi-millionaires.
You don't care about anything other than money. And neither does Trump and his Wall Street friends. The only difference is, they will fuck you because they are large and you are tiny. So in the end they will steal your money. That is the whole Orange game.
Leo Client Boudaries
Leo Client BoudariesMostly the only requirement I found necessary for coaching was that the client be at least 25 years old. Coaching people younger than that doesn't work so well because they are still young enough to just need the basic maturity that comes naturally with age.
Of course I wouldn't coach people dealing with serious mental disorders because addressing that require specialized theraputic training which I don't have and am not interested in.
Coaching drug addicts is also not something I would be interested in, since they need much more basic help.
The basic distinction for coaching vs therapy is functional vs dysfunctional. Coaching is not designed for dysfunctional people but functional people who want to do even better.
Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread
Kriya Yoga Mega-ThreadBreathing prana up the spine is the core practice and Ujjayi is just part of that. So that is essential.
I skip Nadi Shodhana entirely.
I am no yoga expert. I'm just telling what I do. It may or may not be right. But I strip everything down to the 20% that I believe gives 80% of the results.
life purpose important question🆘🆘🆘
life purpose important question🆘🆘🆘You don't have to help people, but tying your work with contributing positively to society is a sure way to create meaningful work.
If you are not contributing positively to society in some way, what are you doing on this planet?
5meo dmt for trauma healing
5meo dmt for trauma healingHave you noticed that the wisest sages and humans mostly keep to themselves. They don't particularly hate mankind, but they keep a distance from the human zoo.