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Holding conversation
Holding conversationTalk a lot about yourself. Your life, your goals, your feelings, your opinions. Be narcissistic.
That's what extroverts naturally do.
Don't filter the details of your life. And don't feel an obligation to make sense or be logical.
psychedelics and pickup
psychedelics and pickupTake a mild dose and just contemplate whatever you want.
It works really well if you have a deep catalog of old in-field reference experiences from your nights out. On psychedelics you can revisit a reference experience from 5 years ago and squeeze it for insight and lessons. You can gain new lessons which you couldn't see sober.
Try analyzing your sets at home while on psychedelics. It's eye-opening. You will learn to game much faster as you will understand what you're doing wrong.
Feelings of disgust and distancing towards the physical apperance of old people.
Feelings of disgust and distancing towards the physical apperance of old people.Of course, disgust is a common emotion.
If you really want to study this emotion, next time you take a shit, don't flush. Take your face and try to slowly stick it as close to the toilet as possible while consciously feeling and contemplating, What is disgust?
Notice how everything in your body and mind wants to avoid it. Disgust is an avoidance survival mechanism.
Some aspects of reality are so against your survival agenda that they are literally unacceptable and therefore avoided at all costs.
It is a self-bias of the ego-mind which keeps it from seeing Infinite Love.
There is no deeper layer to reality or enlightenment
There is no deeper layer to reality or enlightenment@Jo96 Well, without knowing all the details of how you tried those things, it's impossible to know.
If I had to guess I'd say you didn't try those various things rigorously enough.
This might mean you should go live normal life and burn off some karma before you are ready to restart your journey.
If you are young, spend 5 or 10 years just building up your life and exploring life. Then come back to enlightenment.
Did I get this right about psychedelic hallucinations?
Did I get this right about psychedelic hallucinations?That's exactly correct.
In a sense, schizophrenic people are MORE conscious. But their consciousness is not as stable or consistent, hence they seem weird or struggle to function.
Examples of Turquoise Communities
Examples of Turquoise CommunitiesBecause they will be out=competed by Green businesses.
Who's gonna want to work for an Orange business when there are Green businesses to work for?
Who's gonna want to partner with an Orange business when culture shifts to the Green value system? Green is gonna view Orange businesses with shame. As it already the case with corporations who don't support BLM and LGBTQ and the environment.
All the biggest corporations are going Green, or risk upsetting the masses by being perceived as "evil". "Evil" is bad for business and this will only become more true in the future.
psychedelics and pickup
psychedelics and pickupPsychedelics will make you more attractive in that you can use them to become more authentic, more fearless, more confident, more playful, more emotional, more charismatic, and gain insight into the opposite sexual polarity.
I have used psychedelics, for example, to better understand what women are attracted to in a man. On a psychedelic I can look at myself from the woman's POV and see which aspects of myself are attractive and which are not to women.
Is there a way out of suffering?
Is there a way out of suffering?Pain, of course, is purely relative. If you're conscious enough, there will be not difference between pain and pleasure.
How do you even know that pain isn't pleasure, and pleasure isn't pain?
Where in the universe does it say that pain is painful?
If you really focus on pain while it's happening, you can start to notice that it's not actually painful, it's just a feeling.
Try poking yourself with a needle and actually FEEL it without the ego's drama.
Is there a way out of suffering?
Is there a way out of suffering?Show me some science which says that if I cut your child, it will suffer.
It will only realize pain, not suffering.
Notice the utter self-bias of your view.
Is there a way out of suffering?
Is there a way out of suffering?Because if we select 1 human out of 8 billion at random, chances are much more likely that you will be born in a shitty part of the world than in a good part.
And we haven't even considered animals. If you reincarnate as a random animal, most animals have it pretty hard. Chances you are you will reincarnate as a chicken in a factory farm or a bug that goes SPLAT on a car window shield.
Actually pain is conceptual and something your mind is doing. If you become conscious enough you can literally stop feeling pain as painful.
Is there a way out of suffering?
Is there a way out of suffering?What's what liberation is. Complete surrender. Complete giving up.
Conventional people never transcend suffering precisely because they don't do the unthinkable: just give up.
You can manipulate reality as much as you want. Sometimes it will work. But in the end, it must ultimately fail because sickness or death will come for you and you will not be able to manipulate your way out of it.
Which is why the wise die before they die.
When Ramana Maharshi was diagnosed with cancer on his arm and his followers tried to treat it, he said something along the lines of "Nevermind. This body is just mud. Let it die." That is a surrendered man.
Is there a way out of suffering?
Is there a way out of suffering?@Someone here The problem is that you're trying to escape yourself.
If there is an end to suffering it would require that you totally accept yourself however you are.
The paradox of suffering is that the only way to escape it is to surrender to it. Avoidance won't work.
Difference between awakening and turquoise?
Difference between awakening and turquoise?@electroBeam You make valid points. In retrospect, I did conflate them and I might re-shoot the Turquoise video to correct for that.
At the time of shooting, I felt that ultimately we have to push towards nondual and mystical understanding, which requires leaving behind the Spiral model.
Basically once you get to Yellow+, you should start seriously getting into nonduality and mysticism and transcend all models. Spiral Dynamics cannot give us the deepest levels of understanding and development that we seek. So I was trying to bridge that gap.
Ken Wilber's model is actually better.
The problem with Spiral Dynamics is that the people who invented it and teach it are not themselves awakened or mystical. This severely limits their understanding of human development. Ken Wilber has corrected for that.
Difference between awakening and turquoise?
Difference between awakening and turquoise?@Display_Name Just because there's more does not preclude stupid beliefs.
Jed McKenna believes the moon landing was a conspiracy theory. As but one example.
If you sit down and question an enlightened person long enough, you will encounter some dumb ideas.
Do your insights stay with you after your trips?
Do your insights stay with you after your trips?Some realizations are so profound that they cannot even be recorded in memory. But you will have many great memories. And then also it will subtly shift your whole worldview and attitude towards life.
It's not some magic fix. It's more like going to school. Each visit shapes you a bit but no single visit makes you "smart".
How do you explain what Philosophy is to an 8 year old?
How do you explain what Philosophy is to an 8 year old?Simple:
Love of wisdom Love of questioning reality Why does anything exist?
How do we know anything for certain?
What is the point of life?
If God exists, who created God?
What is the color red?
What makes mathematics true?
If I turn my back on the moon, does it still exist?
Why does war happen?
Even... What is philosophy?
Every kid will understand such questions. So philosophy is simply the serious pursuit of such questions.
I Consciousness should know all minds simultaneously
I Consciousness should know all minds simultaneouslyThere is only 1 room in the house. Yours. The end.
All other minds exist in your mind.
You have always had Absolute access to everything that exists. Here it is. This is it.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo,!
Gloria in Excelsis Deo,!This is typical. Many different kinds of mystical states exist, and most of them are temporary.
You can't really hold on to a positive state. Which is why the ultimate goal of awakening is to transcend all states by realizing Nothingness. If your happiness is contingent on a high state, then you'll lose it as soon as your state drops. Which is why chasing states becomes a trap.
I Consciousness should know all minds simultaneously
I Consciousness should know all minds simultaneouslyHehehe, you're just not conscious enough to see it yet.
It makes MASSIVE consciousness to realize that everyone else is a projection of your own mind. You will not reach this level of consciousness via meditation.
You can be awake, but still under the illusion that other minds exist. Because awakening has many degrees.
How many hours of meditation I need on average to enlighten?
How many hours of meditation I need on average to enlighten?It's very problematic to look at enlightenment as a function of time. It's more a function of effort.
You can meditate for 40 years and never awaken. Because your effort is still weak.
If you are serious about awakening you need to start doing week-long and even month-long retreats.
Awakening via 1 hour per day of meditation is virtually impossible. You need to reach a certain escape velocity, which is almost impossible to do but through uninterrupted retreats.
No experience with 5-meo dmt
No experience with 5-meo dmtYes
Not necessarily. Some people seem to be immune to it. But that's pretty rare. You should assume it will work if done right.
Be careful not to over dose. It's extremely powerful.
Shunyamurti speaks about Psychedelics
Shunyamurti speaks about PsychedelicsHe's speaking at a high level of abstraction. As wise people tend to do.
Psychologist told me to not approach girls in public
Psychologist told me to not approach girls in publicLol
Rule #1: Don't talk about pickup to normies.