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If reality is infinite - wouldn't it include a possibility of eternal suffering?
If reality is infinite - wouldn't it include a possibility of eternal suffering?That's where surrender comes in.
Once you surrender, the suffering subsides. If you keep resisting it, it will persist.
If you ever get caught in horrible, off-the-chart suffering, you will have no choice but to surrender, and that's how you'll get through it. Surrender is the grace of God.
Height insecurity hurting my dating self esteem
Height insecurity hurting my dating self esteemYou can screen out tall girls just by looking at them, so this is moot.
And furthermore, if you stop being so weak, you can date tall girls too. One of the best pickup friends I had was 5'4". He got laid more than me at 6'2". So spare me your BS excuses.
Question on The Nature of Consciousness
Question on The Nature of ConsciousnessIt means, you are literally looking through my eyes right now, and I am looking through yours. The difference is, I realize it and you don't. Unless you do. In which case, namaste, motherfucker
Your definition of spirituality
Your definition of spiritualityYou can only truly understand what spirituality is when you have a direct experience of spirit.
Spirit = Mind
When you realize the coffee table is made of spirit/mind. Then the whole field opens up to you.
My hand is a hand
My hand is a handWell, your question is the classic question of epistemology 101 classes as taught in universities.
Like I said, the entire history of Western philosophy from Plato to Derrida is a history of guys trying to define and understand what knowledge is. It's a very hairy subject. It will forever elude your grasp. But of course you have some vague intuition of what it is.
Traditional Western philosophy defines knowledge as "true justified belief". But of course every term in this definition is problematic to define, so the definition ends up being circular.
In the end, knowledge is a conceptual function of Universal Consciousness and all knowledge is relativistic, dualistic, partial, biased, and finite.
Leo What's your opinion about Donald Hoffman?
Leo What's your opinion about Donald Hoffman?No, that is straight up materialism.
The materialist fundamentally believes that there is a objective external reality outside of human perceptions but that human perceptions are not it, and that we will probably never reach "it". But it is there.
"Interfaces" is a materialist notion.
What is missed by all these people is that perception IS Absolute Truth! Perception is NOT an interface at all. Interface assumes some "other" thing which is being interfaced with. But ff course no such thing can exist if reality is ONE.
The interface IS reality. What else would it be? Ta-da!
The Pope has reached Stage Green
The Pope has reached Stage Green@tuckerwphotography I was amazed this didn't already happen 30 years ago, Lol. The bar is so fucking low
What's next? Pope says rock and roll music is okay?
To those of you who lost a loved one, how did you overcome the grief?
To those of you who lost a loved one, how did you overcome the grief?Look, you're going to go through a greiving process and then at some point after you get it all out of your system, you will forget about it and move on with life as if it never happened.
That's how life works. Shit happens to you, you stress over it, then you forget about it because it no longer matters to your survival. Regardless, all you're doing is survival. Survival, survival, survival -- every day.
If you feel shitty, be kind and gentle with yourself for a while.
Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of Science
Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of ScienceChurch = science
Priests = scientists
This doesn't really help your case at all.
It will always be corrupt, but we can make it less corrupt. According to your logic, nothing can ever be improved because perfection is unattainable.
All knowledge schemes will always be fallible, but it's long overdue for mankind and science to assimilate the lessons of meta-science which I teach.
Absolute Truth exists and it can be accessed without any fallibility. The materialist, rationalist paradigm is garbage and it should have died 100 years ago. Yet it still lives on.
Can a guy be happy with an average girl
Can a guy be happy with an average girlYou can be happy with anything as long as you are happy without it.
How is the map not the territory?
How is the map not the territory?Notice that you can create a map of a map of a map of a map, ad infinitum.
How is the map not the territory?
How is the map not the territory?Obviously the map is the territory.
But also, it isn't.
The first step is to realize the map is not the territory. Which will take you a decade of work.
The next step is to realize the map is the territory. Which will take you another decade of work.
Does the self or I exist?
Does the self or I exist?It is actually impossible to attack "you" with a knife. Since you are nothing.
"Attack ME with a knife" << that's ego imagining itself.
This is not a matte for discussion. Sit and notice there is no "me" inside.
Found a REALLY good article on the harsh truths about online dating
Found a REALLY good article on the harsh truths about online datingThis is not simply a function of online apps, this is an existential matter of dating period. Dating is a sexual marketplace. In a marketplace you will have winners and losers, and you can only buy as much as you're worth. No app can ever fix this for you. Any app or dating scheme will have this marketplace dynamic to it.
It's very simple: You cannot get pussy for free, no more than you can get gold for free. There is a high cost of acquisition for valuable things. And anyone who doesn't understand this and tries to get it for free will be disappointed.
Dating apps make it seem like you can get pussy for free. Which of course is an illusion.
Found a REALLY good article on the harsh truths about online dating
Found a REALLY good article on the harsh truths about online datingJust to clarify, if you have above average looks, or below average standards, you can certainly get laid via these apps.
Just don't go expecting to bat outside your league. If you want to bat outside your league you must do so in-person.
Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of Science
Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of ScienceYou're in luck cause it looks like there's gonna be 4 parts.
Discovery Channel has shark week.
Actualized channel will have science month.
Stage green debate: should the left vote for Biden?
Stage green debate: should the left vote for Biden?Listen here, jack...
One is a malignant sociopath who cares about nothing but his ego, the other is a decent vanilla guy who will make moderate improvements to America.
Don't poo-poo moderate improvements. A system the size of America cannot be transformed overnight. It inches forward like a fat beast on its belly.
LSD and watching yourself in the mirror
LSD and watching yourself in the mirrorIt is so weird and insane when you are high on LSD and you watch yourself in the mirror, the kind of shapes and other people/animals you become is so weird, and actually you get insights into imagination, you are not the one in the mirror, it is just an appearance, you are the headless void.
Anyone else who looks into the mirror on psychedelics?
I think it shows that everything is imagination and your form is just something you imagined for so long thats why you look the same somehow.
Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of Science
Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of Science"Field" is just a projection of our human minds. There is no concept here giving rise to subatomic particles.
We call it "field" for lack of a better word. And all words are projections.
This isn't happening. You're confusing maps for the territory.
You might as well ask me, "How come the concept of a 'cat' gives rise to something more concrete like a furry 4-legged animal?"
Conspiracy Nutcases Mega-Thread
Conspiracy Nutcases Mega-ThreadAnd that is a huge problem.
There is a lot more to this work than enlightenment alone. And there is no such thing as one singular enlightenment. There are many grades and qualities of it. Low grades are easy to attain. High grades are extremely rare.
Question about 5 meo toxicity
Question about 5 meo toxicityI'm not attached to it either way.
That's right.
But there are costs.
I never trip to feel good. Ever. Every trip has valuable existential insight. I tend to prefer heavy trips. I don't see much point in micro-dosing.
Because it becomes a crutch and you need to rewire your brain thru manual effort to go far in this work.
Building concentration ability is crucial for this work. You cannot succeed in this work without it. And psychedelics will not build your concentration ability. You need to reach a point where you can enter samadhi through sober concentration.
How can one know the truth of one's insight?
How can one know the truth of one's insight?@Meister_Eckhart How do you know anything?
The problem here is that you're taking knowledge for granted. You've never bothered to wonder how knowledge is possible at all and what makes it tick.
Spend a few years contemplating that.
Question about 5 meo toxicity
Question about 5 meo toxicityThere are more problems than that. Don't forget the body's health.
Stop framing this as a mutually exclusive thing. You must do both. And don't do psychedelics daily. I only did them daily for specific experiments. I would never make that a chronic habit. That would go against core principles of personal development.
Solipsism is Truth: Everything is Imagination
Solipsism is Truth: Everything is Imagination@r0ckyreed You will need to change your state of consciousness.
Even if you experience all the other bubbles, they will still be inside your bubble and imagination.
Be careful not to confuse your currented limited state of consciousness for the limits of consciousness itself.
This is where smoking some DMT would be helpful.