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Do women haters have good intentions?
Do women haters have good intentions?Hate is just a twisted form of love.
Israel / Palestine News Thread
Israel / Palestine News ThreadThe key insight here is this:
There was nothing special about Hitler that made him evil. Hitler was just a far right ultra-nationalist, and when nationalism gets taken too far it turns into ethnic cleansing and genocide. It makes no difference what ethnicity or nationality the people are.
The problem I see is that many Israelis want to claim a monopoly on being victims of genocide, but genocide is quite a common phenomenon that has nothing to do with your specific ethnic identity. Genocide can happen by any group against any other group, all under the rationale of self-defense.
The lesson of the Holocaust should not be learned too narrowly. The lesson of the Holocaust in not that Jews need to be protected at all costs. The lesson is that ethnic cleansing can happen to anyone by anyone if nationalism is allowed to get out of control.
When the Holocaust is turned into part of one's identity, it leads to the same problems that any finite identity fixation can lead to. By making the Holocaust part of one's identity it limits the mind's ability to be unbiased and sensitive to the ethnic cleansing that one's own tribe might be participating in.
It's the same problem as American Exceptionalism, which is used to justify America's bad behavior abroad. America is not above devilry. Neither is Israel. Devilry is not a rare exception, it is the default condition of mankind.
Deep Learning with Books and Reading
Deep Learning with Books and ReadingAt this point, no. It's all just pure intuition for me now. I rapidly flip through videos, websites, news, books, audio books, speeches, podcasts -- and rapidly and intuitively sort the crap from the gold. It's all about finding the gold in a ocean of crap.
I used to hold books and people in high regard. Now I just pick through their bones like a vulture looking for the organ meat. If I see no organ meat I fly off to the next carcass.
Leo's Geography Challenge - Mega-Thread
Leo's Geography Challenge - Mega-ThreadTo solidify watching documentaries I have downloaded a cool app: World Map Quiz
It really helps to get a solid grasp of the earth's geography, countries, rivers...
I was astonished about my ignorance. I find it a show of respect and love for humanity to know all the countries in the world.
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards man
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards manOf course beauty is beyond physical. But physical is a major aspect of it.
Feminine is beautiful not only in appearance but also in behavior.
Of course women are highly attracted to strong-looking men. But strength is less about physical appearance than beauty is. So it's asymmetrical. A man needs looks from a woman more than a woman needs looks from a man. A man's value is not in flapping his eyelashes and looking beautiful. A man's value is in going out and killing a bear with a fork.
We owe our government some gratitude and appreciation
We owe our government some gratitude and appreciationA quick thought that just occurred to me.
It almost seems to be a sport today to criticize and demonize everything about the government that we live under. In the minds of most, there is always something wrong, there's always bad people doing bad things, there's always corruption and scandals...
And whilst many of these things may actually be factually true and whilst there are some serious issues and concerns that need to be dealt with, we do completely ignore everything that out government has brought to us.
Our government is (at least partially) responsible for pretty much all the infrastructure that we have today that results in the comfort that we can live in today. But we just take it for granted...
Think about roads. Think about the sewage system. Think about electricity. Think about Social services. Think about Health care. Think about fresh water. Think about Gas. Think about the building that you live in. Think about the internet.
Even all the items that you own are in part made possible by our government, because of all the infrastructure and services that I just listed above. It's all connected.
Yet all we tend to do is to complain about what is we DON'T have and about what's NOT good, rather than to see what we do have and the immense value that our government IS providing (even though it's not perfect).
So I think we all should take a step back and reflect upon the fact that all the comfort we have today and (almost) everything we derive a lot of value out of today is in part made possible by the government that we live under.
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards man
Leo’s advise about dating and sex are mostly aimed towards manYou guys have really wrong ideas about me on sex. I sacrificed a lot of sex to create and do my work. Sex, relationships, family, kids, socialization, friends -- I renounced much of that to stay truthful.
If I talk about sex, it's because I'm not having it, not because I'm having it.
Any normal person has more sex than me. Yet you guys assume I'm some sex fiend.
I've lost girlfriends simply from sticking to truth and higher values.
I have an ex-girlfriend right now who keeps inviting me to fly over and have sex with her. And I say NO, because it isn't truthful. Any normal guy would be flying over there. Instead I'm here alone studying the psychology of Islamist terrorists.
Love feels like A = A
Love feels like A = AIt is a biased love.
Human life is all about bias. Survival results in biased expressions of consciousness. Just like when, for example, fundamentalist Islamists feel that their religion is absolute and superior, they are being very biased. So human love is like that. A human twists and steals God's Love to love in a biased way that serves survival of the ego.
If God says, I love X Y Z, a human takes that, twists it, and cherrypicks it to mean, I love Y but hate X and Z. In this way there can be a human who loves X, another who loves Y, and another who loves Z. And they all feel they are absolutely right, since EVERYTHING is Love and metaphysically the differences between X Y Z are imaginary.
Anything a human loves he's right about. But he's missing everything else he doesn't love.
It's like you are given a multiple choice test question where the answer is E: All The Above, but you only selected A. Your answer isn't wrong, but it is very limited and misses the bigger picture.
Love feels like A = A
Love feels like A = AEgo is biased love.
It's both.
A few have. But people are too selfish to care.
"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -- Albert Einstein
Soonhei (Member of this community) killed himself to experience Conscious Death. :-(
Soonhei (Member of this community) killed himself to experience Conscious Death. :-(In general, the topic of death is very taboo in society. And for good reason. If you question death too much, you might cease to fear and hate it, and then how would we live? Life requires a fear and hatred of death. That is the ultimate bias. And playing with this bias is dangerous. Which is why exoteric religions demonize and try to control esoteric religion. Esoteric religion fundamentally is about questioning death. And you cannot allow that in a civilized society.
If you follow no religion but interested in nonduality, what do you think of FAITH?
If you follow no religion but interested in nonduality, what do you think of FAITH?@thedoorsareopen You just need to work on constructing a material life worth living. This is where life purpose, career, relationships, family, art, and education come into play.
What you need is not God but construction of a rewarding and meaningful life.
I f*****g hate doing game. But there is no other way.
I f*****g hate doing game. But there is no other way.Get some wingmen and learn to have fun and enjoy yourself. This is key.
It's not supposes to be a grind, it's supposed to fun. You gotta learn to have fun partying moreso than picking up women.
Do you understand that all those folks you see out at night, are just out to have fun?
Without consciousness there is no physical world?
Without consciousness there is no physical world?You are dreaming the Earth.
Stop assuming it has existence outside of your mind.
You are taking for granted that stuff exists.
"Physical" doesn't exist. It's a construction of your mind.
Leo what do you mean by "we are puppets"?
Leo what do you mean by "we are puppets"?The whole challenge of life is that a human isn't omnipotent. You struggle against this core truth every day, and there is no escape other than death.
This is not news to anyone. Everyone knows this, just not so explicitly.
Life is all about learning to surf waves which are too big for anyone to control.
Israel / Palestine News Thread
Israel / Palestine News ThreadLiterally the American and Israeli way.
You can have a huge paradigm shift when you realize, "Wait a minute, what if America and Israel are the evil ones?"
Until you start to think like that you aren't doing serious politics, you're just jerking off to your own reflection in the mirror.
Kamala-Trump Debate
Kamala-Trump Debate@PenguinPablo It's best not to think of racism as racism but human nature.
A map of the psychedelic journey
A map of the psychedelic journeyNot necessarily. It can occur within your 5 senses.
Consciousness and mind can get massively enhanced without going beyond your 5 senses.
For example, you can imagine that a rat mind has the same basic 5 senses as humans, but notice how much more depth a human mind has: what a human mind can understand about the universe vs a rat mind. The human mind has totally new alien capacities relative to the rat mind, and yet, the human still experiences the same 5 basic senses as a rat would.
Most of the heavy lifting of consciousness isn't done at the level of adding new senses, but higher orders of abstraction.
How do you interpret "global awakening" messages?
How do you interpret "global awakening" messages?New Age spiritual drivel.
These people are spiritual larpers.
Kamala-Trump Debate
Kamala-Trump DebateOf course.
Most people in the world are racist.
Conservatives understand this and liberals do not. That's what makes liberals stupid.
A map of the psychedelic journey
A map of the psychedelic journeyI know there is the famous 10 ox picture journey. But this can be further developed/improved with today's modern tools.
I ask me if there is already a map of the psychedelic path out there or if we can create one here. Like reaching milestones. I make a first start (I know it can get better)
first psychedelic handshake doses. Discover alternatives states of consciousness first spiritual insights Shadow work/purification First ego death/transformations First Breakthrough on 5 Meo (Optional: Kundalini awakening ) Discover infinity Discover immortality Discover god Discover Madness God realization Infinite love awakening Integration into sober life( seeing beauty, love , unity) Deep understanding how universe works on metaphysical level Alien mind? ...
Censorship is inherently bad
Censorship is inherently badBrother, that's how society has always been for 10,000 years. People in power get to make those calls. And they can lose their jobs and lives for it. That's the tacit bargain.
There cannot be some magic perfect system. And corruption, error, and bias will always be at play.
That's why we have elections.
When is sexually escalating with a woman you just met come off as desperate?
When is sexually escalating with a woman you just met come off as desperate?You can introspect and just notice in yourself when you are trying to get handsy with her just because you are desperate to feel her body. When you notice that neediness, make the counter-intuitive move to not act it out.
There is a difference between esclating because you feel it's proper vs desperately grasping as much as you can as soon as you can. The latter comes from neediness.
Make her crave your touch by strategically withholding it.
One of my pickup buddies put it this way:
"My touch is gold. She has to earn it."
If you adopt his attitude, you will not over escalate.
When is sexually escalating with a woman you just met come off as desperate?
When is sexually escalating with a woman you just met come off as desperate?If you're gonna do that you gotta pull that same night, otherwise she will feel too slutty to go on a date with you later.
It's important to note that girls operate in two modes: 1) fun party horny mode, and 2) dating boyfriend mode.
If you're at a nightclub getting frisky, that's mode #1 and you gotta close fast because if she sleeps it off she will be out of that mode and never call you again. And if you're doing mode #2 then don't get too sexual too fast, take her on a date first.
Monkey Torture Video Groups
Monkey Torture Video GroupsIf you were tortured, eventually your ego would collapse and you would accept it.
What do you think the crucifixion means?
Christians literally worship surrender to torture.
Christians don't even understand what they worship.
The entire point of Jesus is that he accepted his torture as Love! That's what makes Jesus God and everyone who worships him a rat.
President Kamala Harris.
President Kamala Harris.Most people don't think at all, they react emotionally and rationalize their biases.
Most people have zero intellectual foundation, they are just surviving by whatever ways are most convenient.
People do not understand nor appreciate how government actually works, they are instead reacting emotionally to culture war issues.
That's what happens when the populace is poorly educated and lacks wisdom.