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About joeyi99

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  1. Being a nice guy versus being an arrogant dickhead
    Being a nice guy versus being an arrogant dickhead
    Stop asking women for advice on how to game them.
    That's your mistake.
    When it comes to deciding who she's gonna sleep with, her biological instincts will take over and she will not sleep with a nice guy. She wants to sleep with an alpha guy.
    Of course! Women like dick. They don't need a man with a pussy because they already got one.
    Attraction is very counter-intuitive.
    With that said, you can be strong and cocky without being mean or hurtful. That's the balance you should aim for: strong, assertive, cocky, playful, but also polite, respectful, and grounded in Love.
    You want to be a lovable jerk, not an abusive asshole.
    And this goes beyond women. In general, all people, men and women alike, respect strength, confidence, authority, leadership, and assertiveness. These are the qualities of a leader. And women want to sleep with leaders. You can't lead people effectively by being too nice and meek.
    Be a leader without being abusive or cruel. Temper yourself with Love.

  2. why leo so negative about his viewers
    why leo so negative about his viewers
    That's how style is. You can't please everyone. Spicy things are polarizing, making some people hate it and others love it. I'm a somewhat polarizing guy. I don't want to make milquetoast content that makes your grandma pleased. My content has added drama and flair to make it interesting. And I enjoy being provocative.
    FYI, I'm never angry at you. Mostly I'm baffled by the stupidity and laziness of people. I am in constant disbelief at how much the average person takes life/reality for granted, and therefore it's hard for me to respect such a person. So I tend to look down on such people and sometimes I rant and rebuke from that perspective, but I'm never too serious about it. Half the time it's done tongue -in-cheek.
    When I rant at you, it's because you're not being serious enough about reality. That's mostly where I'm coming from. To earn my respect you have to be serious.

  3. Objection over 'does a water bottle exist when i leave the room'
    Objection over 'does a water bottle exist when i leave the room'
    You're just confused about your own notions of existence and perception and self.
    Existence doesn't have a definition. It is what is. It's the only thing there is. And it cannot be defined because a definition itself must exist to do any work.
    The bottle exists because you imagine it does, whether you are in the room or not you imagine it, thereby creating it.
    You are imagining there is a universe outside your house. And that's how it feels to you.
    If you became more conscious you would instantly realize that you are imagining objects existing outside your field of view, like the Earth.

  4. Enlightenment and pickup
    Enlightenment and pickup
    Deep awakening will make you more authentic, secure, charismatic, masculine, feminine, and playful. It will dissolve much fear too. Which is very effective for pickup.
    But it will not give you technical skills nor experience with women -- which is also very important for results. For example, you will still not know how to escalate, handle logistics, or close.
    If you think pickup is difficult and scary, awakening is way more difficult and scary. If you can't muster the balls to approach a girl, you won't be awakening any time soon.

  5. Feeling Confused about States of Consciousness
    Feeling Confused about States of Consciousness
    @The0Self The way I conceive of it, awakening has one axis with two directions: the emptiness direction and the God-consciousness direction. You can move up or down. Down is emptiness, up is Infinite God Consciousness. But even the emptiness direction has degrees of realizing emptiness. And the God consciousness direction basically goes to infinite levels higher.
    And of course these two direction are not really two, they are one. God Consciousness IS emptiness, but it's also so much more than that.
    To me the realization of emptiness is peanuts compared to Infinite God Consciousness. Infinite God Consciousness is what you really want. Emptiness is cool but sorta meh. To stop at emptiness and proclaim it king is a big mistake in my book.
    I've experienced emptiness and Infinity many times. And Infinity is way superior. And although Infinity is emptiness, your classic gurus are not infinitely consciousness. Not even close. Like not even 1%. Emptiness is way easier than Infinity. So to stop at emptiness is to set the bar low whereas Infinity sets the bar infinitely high.
    Of course emptiness cannot really have levels to it. It's just infinitely empty. But just because you are empty does not mean you are infinitely conscious of yourself as God. You probably don't even realize what God is. You can have some degree of awakening but still fundamentally not realize what God is. To realize God in its fullness requires going up the axis, not down. This is why Buddhists and Neo-Advaitans can sit there and deny God with a straight face. They've gone all the way down, but not all the way up. And they have no clue what they're missing because they think they've made it.
    This shit is very tricky. Much trickier than any guru admits.
    In my book it is not enough to hollow out the ego-mind and just reside in emptiness. You must actually enter a state of Infinite God Consciousness. This is a state of Total Omniscience. This is God proper. How to achieve this state stably is the fundamental problem. Yes, it is a state. And you are definitely missing this state. You are not even 0.0001% to this state even if you think you are enlightened.
    Totally emptying your mind is not the same thing as making your mind Infinite. Classic enlightenment teachers have a bias towards the former while poo-pooing the latter. But the latter is superior in my experience.
    God is not only no-mind. God is Infinite Mind.
    And if you're missing LOVE, it's because you've emptied your mind too much and got stuck there in nihilism. Try going up instead of down.
    The bottom of the ocean is interesting, but outer space is more interesting
    P.S. Infinite Consciousness is way more than mere insights. At it highest levels Infinite Consciousness is the complete interconnection of every bit of consciousness in existence into a single infinitely interconnected and all-knowing point of singularity. You are not merely having insights about infinity at that point. YOU ARE INFINITY.

  6. Why Concentration is Not Enough? - Attention & Awareness Dynamic Explained
    Why Concentration is Not Enough? - Attention & Awareness Dynamic Explained
    Why Concentration is Not Enough? - Attention & Awareness Dynamic Explained
    We all have the experience of focusing on a task singularly and very intensely. From common meditation wisdom, you might think developing an exclusive state of intense concentration is what meditation is ultimately all about.
    However, this is only a part of the picture. For all beginner meditators, mindfulness and awareness collapses instantly if you narrow down attention strongly and forcefully. 
    This is one of the fundamental reasons why you still experience distractions and sleepiness while trying to be more mindful. Even after years of meditation.
    Let me explain:
    Paying attention to an object without greater peripheral awareness is how we normally live our lives. Even without mindfulness, we’re always paying attention to something.
    But with mindfulness, we pay attention to the right things, and in a more skillful way.This is because being mindful actually means that you’re more fully conscious and alert than usual. 
    As a result, our peripheral awareness is much stronger, and our attention is used with unprecedented precision and objectivity. 
    Mindfulness is the skillful interaction of attention and awareness.  
    Attention analyzes our experience, and awareness provides the overall context and background.      
    When one or the other doesn’t do its job, or when there isn’t enough interaction between the two, then we respond to situations less effectively. We may overreact, make poor decisions, or misinterpret what’s really going on.
    Awareness provides the context and the background of events and experiences. It is open,   inclusive, and holistic. It’s concerned with the relationships of objects to each other, and to the whole.
    Why aren’t we naturally more mindful?
     Why does mindfulness have to be cultivated?
    There are two main reasons.
    1- Most of us have never really learned to use awareness effectively.
    2- We don’t have enough conscious power to sustain mindfulness, especially at the times when we need it most.,
    The result of this is something I like to call Awareness Deficit Disorder: chronic use of attention until awareness fully collapses.
    For instance, do you experience the moving sensations on your left foot’s toe while watching Inception?
    An advanced meditator can experience the body fully while also wholeheartedly engaging in the movie.Body awareness is only the first step. They can watch the movie intensely and also simultaneously examine their minds, habits and mental reactions.
    As a beginner meditator, you are singularly focused on watching Inception, - which is a fantastic movie - trying to follow the sequences of events.But awareness is fully collapsed. You are not aware of the body sensations as much.
    Final Advice:
    The most deceptive beginner mistake while trying to balance attention and awareness is to quickly re-direct attention back and forth between the breath sensations and the body (or distractions of all forms).
    This technique is called intentional attentional movement.It can be used effectively in adept stages of meditation.
    However, at its currently applied form, it is not helping you to develop greater levels of awareness and mindfulness.
    The Solution: You need to maintain the stability of attention first and while the attention rests on the breath, now you start to experience the entire body and mind with awareness. This is how you develop mindfulness.
    You need to keep these two modalities of experience in metacognitive awareness.
    Keep meditating with this in mind and you'll get to know your mind at deeper and deeper levels with diligent practice.
    Much love,

  7. Day game: minimizing flakes
    Day game: minimizing flakes
    It's harder, but practice more improv.
    Asking women questions upon open is terrible. You quickly lose her with your interrogation. Instead, either make funny assumptions about her or talk about yourself. My fave way to open is just telling her about my day or where I traveled recently. Travel stories are the best.
    Stop the questions. Make statements. Learn to carry the entire conversation. You should be able to talk for 5 minutes without needing any input from her.

  8. Consciousness or being?
    Consciousness or being?
    The perceiver is Nothing.
    Or, to say it another way, perceiver = perceived.

  9. Getting My Covid Vaccine
    Getting My Covid Vaccine
    Scheduled my vaccine for Tuesday.
    Maybe I can shoot a video of me getting it. We'll see.
    Pfizer version.
    Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccines contain any heavy metals.
    Don't delay, schedule yours today.

  10. LSD, Death & Maya
    LSD, Death & Maya
    Beautiful, try giving this a read:
    it will blow your mind 

  11. Dear Leo, what's your clear cut position on sexuality?
    Dear Leo, what's your clear cut position on sexuality?
    Repressing sex definitely does not work. So I say indulge in it in a conscious way and exhaust your urges until you are bored with it.
    But also, sex and dating can be a giant waste of time. So be careful not to get your mind hijacked by it.
    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Welcome to life.
    And do not fool yourself that you will use sex to reach enlightenment or whatever.

  12. Is it legitimate for my life purpose to be "to manifest the experience of 5-MeO-DMT"?
    Is it legitimate for my life purpose to be "to manifest the experience of 5-MeO-DMT"?
    It's a fine personal goal, but LP is not about what you do for yourself. It's about what you want to do for others.
    So in this case once you finally reach your goal, a valid LP would be to spread that experience to others.
    So you're close to an LP, but you're stilling thinking of it too selfishly.
    Your LP might be to help OTHERS expeirence 5-MeO-DMT. Although that is risky business so be careful with how you go about that.

  13. Is it legitimate for my life purpose to be "to manifest the experience of 5-MeO-DMT"?
    Is it legitimate for my life purpose to be "to manifest the experience of 5-MeO-DMT"?
    @Kshantivadin Yes, well, the problem with you is that you are getting way out ahead of your skiis. Try to bridge the gap with a life purpose that's a bit more closer to your experience of life. You are making an LP about a thing you haven't even experienced, don't know is real, and don't even know if you will like.
    You gotta test all those waters first and see if it really is something you're passionate about. Don't assume your passions, feel for them in the now. What are you passionate about now that in part of your life experience?
    You can always expand out into 5-MeO or awakening once you experience it and find it resonates.
    The problem with assuming too much is that you will find you aren't as passionate about that thing as you thought once you actually experience it. It can be easy to fall in love with the IDEA of a thing rather than the thing itself. So be careful not to fall into that trap.

  14. Why I believe science is true and spirituality is false
    Why I believe science is true and spirituality is false
    “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you." -- Werner Heisenberg
    @trenton Maybe you should actually study the greatest scientists
    There is nothing scientific about atheism, rationalism, materialism, or realism. It's all pure fantasy.
    If you actually start questioning reality you will see that 50% of sicence is bullshit.

  15. Do Things Exist Independently Of Me?
    Do Things Exist Independently Of Me?
    There is an epic difference though between your normal interactions with your parents and you being conscious that you imagined them.
    The difference is shockingly huge. It's fucking freaky. Most normies would think they've lost their minds if it happened to them.
    But I highly recommend it

  16. Why does Leo give pick up tips?
    Why does Leo give pick up tips?
    Game can be directed towards various goals. The goal does not define game. You could do game to find a wife. In fact, many guys are interested in that.
    Game is simply learning how to attract women. How you use this skill is up to you. You could use it to become a rapist, or you could use it to start a family.
    Practically, to find a good life-long partner requires burning through lots of dates to find the right one. Your first handful of relationships are going to be awful.

  17. If 'success' is not the way, then what is?
    If 'success' is not the way, then what is?
    You should chase living an authentic life aligned with your top values, your top passions, helping spread truth, consciousness, love, and beauty across the Universe via which ever way most excites you and suits your unique strengths and talents.
    You are right that you should not just sit around twiddling your thumbs. You should be constantly working on your life purpose and evolving yourself towards that end.
    Life is short. Don't squander it sitting around in confusion and inaction.
    False success is chasing what others tell you is good.
    True success is devoting your life to expressing the Love that you have for the world in your unique way, and doing so skillfully and eagerly.
    False success will not make you happy, but true success will.

  18. What do you guys think of Stephan Hawking?
    What do you guys think of Stephan Hawking?
    Peter Ralston in particular has made some incredible contributions to mankind's understanding of itself, but virtually nobody recognizes it. He really deserves to be as well-known as Einstein. But, alas, that will never be the case.
    Being well-known is largely a marketing game. It has little to do with the depth of one's work.

  19. URGENT I'm having an issue that i don't know how to deal with
    URGENT I'm having an issue that i don't know how to deal with
    @rd5555 I wouldn't put up with human bullshit in one's living situation.
    Move out and find yourself a solitary place where you can feel right.
    You shouldn't have to abide fools and devils cavorting in your living space.
    Yes, it's annoying to move, but you'll be glad you did. Consider it part of your personal development process. An important part of personal development is setting up your own personal sanctuary at home where no assholes can interrupt you. Don't treat this as unimportant. Your home is important.

  20. Difficulty in understand what exactly causes women to lose interest.
    Difficulty in understand what exactly causes women to lose interest.
    For me it was of momumental importance. It was not about the sex. It was about my growth into a man.
    In practice, yes. The order of operations is: become skillful at survival, then transcend survival.
    For a few exceptionally gifted people this order of operations is not needed, but for most people it is. It is hard to be serious about spiritual work when you are horny and lonely and craving it.

  21. Difficulty in understand what exactly causes women to lose interest.
    Difficulty in understand what exactly causes women to lose interest.
    @KGrimes Your problem is very simple, you are hitting on too few girls. When your numbers are so low you will constantly be frustrated because the reality is that this is a numbers games. If you hit on 5 girls a year, chances are that none of them will pan out no matter how good you are. If you hit on 1000 girls per year, now you'll get some results.
    Talk to more girls. Don't expect any one of them to pan out. Don't focus on attracting any one girl -- that's just a recipe for misery. Girls will be extremely fickle and flakey until they sleep with you. So the trick is to hit on lots of girls and don't hold your breath for anyone particular one to sleep with you. Majority of them won't.
    It's just like sales. It is foolish to hinge your entire business on one customer. Your business should be structured such that you are so busy no particular customer matters. You shouldn't need any customer's business and you should be willing to lose it without a hint of threat to your business.
    The paradox is that when you structure your business this way, more people will want to buy from you. And more girls will want to sleep with you.
    That's creating abundance vs being stuck in scarcity. It's counter-intuitive and girls will tell you they don't want that. But practice they love it because it os am honest signal of a high value guy. A high value guy has lots of options and girls can smell it and they LOVE the smell even though they will deny it if explicitly asked about it.

  22. The mystery is always there. There is nothing you can know or understand.
    The mystery is always there. There is nothing you can know or understand.
    You understand how a door works.
    Don't take that for granted. That is a profound thing.
    And don't dismiss it as "at the level of mind", since whatever your mind is doing, is by definition something consciousness and the Universe is doing.
    How is it possible that the Universe can understand how a door works?
    Contemplate that.

  23. Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    Of course!
    This very much depends on you, your genetics, your specific issues. For example, if you have heavy metals in your brain, chelating those metals out will be one of the biggest permanent boosts to your brain chemistry. But not everyone has that problem, so if you don't have that problem, chelation will be useless for you.
    That is just one example.
    In general, rigorous spiritual practices like mediation, mantras, and yoga will all change your neuorchemistry if you do them hardcore.
    Psychedelics of course are the most powerful way to change neurochemistry, although it doesn't tend to be permanent change. There is a tradeoff between permanence and degree. Permanent changes tend to have much lower degrees of change.
    To what degree can it be change is unknown. If someone invents a device that we install in your brain which releases a constant stream of DMT, that will be change so radical it would eclipse all spiritual practices.

  24. Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    Of course spirit is everywhere, because it is everything. It's only a matter of how intensely conscious are you of it?
    Your visual field is always made out of spirit and it is always Absolute. You just tend to ignore it as you go about survival.
    Never forget, the entire visual field is God.

  25. Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    Psychedelics vs "Natural" Enlightenment
    99% of humans are in a non-enlightened state. Obviously. Just look at how they act. Like zombies and animals.
    There is no contradiction. Non-enlightened states are still fully Absolute and Truth. The only difference is that the person is not aware of this fact. For example, when you are in dream state at night, you are conscious and you're aware of stuff, but you are usually not aware that you are dreaming. If you become lucid in your dream, now you are aware that you dreaming. But the dream is Truth regardless of whether you are lucid or not.
    It's sort of like, you can have cancer, but that doesn't mean you know you have cancer. Think of Truth like hidden cancer. You have it but you don't know you have it until you awaken and realize, "Oh! Of course! Truth was always here the whole time. Why was I so blind?"
    This issue is easily resolved with null state. The null state is what Buddhist aspire to and hold as the Absolute. The null state is of course Absolute, but it is no more Absolute than non-null states.
    When consciousness is totally inactive, totally not dreaming, it enters the null state of pure formlessness. But it is a serious mistake to confuse this null state for "The Truth" or "The Absolute". That is a sneaky bias as now you identify with the null state more than all other states. In fact, the null state is not better than more important than any other state, including the state of total monkey mind.