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About joeyi99

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  1. Should you lie about your body count?
    Should you lie about your body count?
    Frame control is like 50% of verbal game.

  2. Masturbating/porn while in relationships?
    Masturbating/porn while in relationships?
    Just gotta find a girl who is not so insecure and who understands that porn is to be expected for guys.
    Also set the frame early that you watch porn and that this is just business as usual for you. It shouldn't come as a surprise to her.
    You shouldn't be brutally explicit with women. You gotta learn how to set certain frames though in implicit ways, so she isn't surprised.
    Then again, you should tell her that you jerk off to her too sometimes. This is pretty natural for me. Usually this makes them feel flattered.
    One way to set the frame here is to ask her early on what kind of porn she likes, and then naturally she will ask you what kind you like. From this convo it should be implicitly clear to her that you watch porn.

  3. First girl I pulled making me consider relationship
    First girl I pulled making me consider relationship
    That's the devil of pickup.
    There is a tradeoff between growing with relationships vs growing your game.
    If you seriously want to build your game you have to say no to relationships for at least a few years. But then again, if you find an awesome girl, it may be worth it to do a relationship.
    I am not telling you what to do. The choice is yours. But the combo of a really well-matched and pretty girl is rare, so don't throw that away when you stumble upon it.

  4. How do I come off as non-needy?
    How do I come off as non-needy?
    Of course normal dating will yield more relationships. But also normal dating is very low volume. You get a date once in a blue moon.
    If you want to do normie dating, go ahead. But you will be in such scarcity, so needy, and the quality of girls you get will be meh, and when your girl breaks up with you, you will want to kill yourself because you know you will not get a new one for years.
    It also depends on how social you are. If you're highly social without doing pickup, then you will naturally have decent dating opportunities. But most guys are not that social so they are screwed.
    You have to decide how much abundance you want in your life. Most guys sleep with less than 10 girls in their entire life and the quality is meh. You also have to decide how high of quality of girl you want. If your standards are very low then you can be much more lazy about this whole thing.
    It's also a question of how good do you want to be with girls? How much do you want to grow yourself as a man? Normal dating doesn't really grow you because it's too infrequent and random.
    Your neediness for a girl's love will turn off most girls and make them run away from you towards a guy who doesn't give a shit. So even those few girls you manage to date once in a blue moon, they will likely lose attraction for you and break your heart because you're going to be the biggest classic "nice guy".

  5. Anti-Feminist Conservative Candidate Has Won The South Korean Presidential Election
    Anti-Feminist Conservative Candidate Has Won The South Korean Presidential Election
    Sure, of course feeling unloved is a way deeper issue than sex. And sex alone may not even solve it.
    Yes, there are some guys who have been abused by parents or grew up not receiving sufficient love. These guys need a lot of inner work beyond getting laid.
    But also, I think most guys just need to learn how to get laid and get a loving girlfriend. This will auto-correct many problems. If problems still remain after that then they can do some deeper inner work on that. But the deeper inner work is not gonna help a guy who hasn't gotten laid in years. There is an order of operations here, and I don't like it when I hear people telling guys who haven't gotten laid in years to "stop thinking about sex and focus on finding love". That's BS. The sex must be handled first. Guys require sex. This is like food. Get yourself fed, then see what problems remain. Sex is the gateway to love in this case. Once you start getting laid you will feel like a brand new man.

  6. Masturbating/porn while in relationships?
    Masturbating/porn while in relationships?
    If you were clever you could have used this moment to deflect and also entrench your frame with a response like: "I was thinking about your mom." And then move on to another conversation topic. You don't have to engage girls in conversation topics which don't lead anywhere good. If she asks you who you fantasize about when you jerk off, you don't have to tell her. Which is not to say you lie to her. You just say, "Don't fill your mind with such things." and then change topics. Don't let girls lead conversations in lose-lose directions.
    You should already know if your girl is too insecure to handle such a conversation.
    For example, if my girl asks me to take her to the strip club and I sense that she's not secure enough to handle it, I will say NO. Because nothing good will come from that. A girl only gets to go to a strip club with me if she demonstrates that she can handle it. Many girls can't. Some girls can't even handle going to a nightclub with me. I once took an old ex gf to a Vegas nightclub and she ran out of there after 15 minutes crying. Because she was too insecure to handle the competition. I learned my lesson: I should have known she was too insecure to handle it and just refused to take her. BTW, it was her idea to go to the nightclub. I should have said NO. Because I knew she had insecurity issues.
    A Vegas nightclub will make a lot of average girls feel insecure and unworthy.
    Your girl is just too entitled and insecure.
    You tell her you were jerking off to some pornstar as if you don't even think twice about it.
    Your girl just sounds inexperienced with guys. She doesn't understand how guys work. Of course you jerk off to other girls. Of course. You and 4 billion other guys.
    If she protests about this, you tell her that you would rather be inside her, but if she's unavailable you are willing to settle for porn. You're doing her a favor here by not bothering her with your horniness. She also needs to understand that you have a high sex drive and you're going to use it, either on her or elsewhere.
    But again, this is about proper framing. She should sense from the moment she meets you that you're a sexual tyrannosaur. There should be no doubt in her mind that you have a high sex drive and that you own it and use it. Then it's her job to satisfy you if she wants to keep you. Again, this is not said explicitly, this is sub-communicated by setting the player frame vs the boyfriend frame. Of course you can still be her boyfriend and be committed to her, but she has to know that she is taming a player here, not some dickless chump, and that you are doing her a huge favor by going exclusive with her and that she should respect that rather than getting all spoiled and whiny with you about something as trivial as porn.
    Setting frames in critical for your relationships to go well. Your girl must have proper expectations about you. Once these frames are set early on, they are very difficult to reset. So learn to set them correctly right off the bat.

  7. Leo, How do you deal with solipsism?
    Leo, How do you deal with solipsism?
    Give it some time and you feel forget about.
    Awakening strips life of all meaning. Because all meaning is a fabrication and a function of survival.
    Yes, life feels empty without meaning because it is empty.

  8. Night Game - What are good openers?
    Night Game - What are good openers?
    The answer to that question is the heart of game. The answer cannot be told to you, you must learn it by doing it.
    There isn't any algorithmic way to follow up. You must be so in the zone that you say whatever comes to your mind and amuses you, and whatever matches your sexual intent towards the girl you are speaking to. In other words, your follow-up cannot be some canned lines, it must be genuine and improvisational.
    Usually the best follow-up is not interview style questions but just fun shit-talking.
    Here's an example:
    A girl is walking out of the restroom at the club. I tap her on the shoulder, smile, and say, "I love you." She gives me a face like she is turned off. I calibrate to that and say, "Hey, come here a second. Did you just take a giant shit in there? That turns me on. You should go back in there and take a video of yourself taking a giant shit and send it to me." I say this in way where it's obvious I'm teasing her. Her face changes, now she's interested in talking to me. So I pull her in physically and talk with her about other random stupid shit. This is not a routine I run. This is a spontaneous response generated on-the-fly to a particular situation.
    Basically, your conversations have to be fun and random. Nothing serious. Nothing logical. Mostly it's flirting and shit-talk.
    Your follow up has to be congruent with how you feel in the moment and your intent towards her. For example, if I see a girl I really like, I might just walk up to her, take her by the hand, and say, "OMG, you are fucking adorable. Come here..." and give her a genuine hug. Then stare in her eyes and hold her by the waist.  This is not done as some "routine" or planned line. It's a fully authentic expression of my attraction towards her, specifically her, in that moment. It's calibrated to her and to my own internal state. I am also reading her face and body to gauge how open she is to me. If she recoils, I will back off. If she is open then I will escalate further. The verbals comes spontaneously, not pre-meditated.
    Your follow ups have to be improvisational. This is the hardest and most important part of game to learn. You learn it by lots of trail and error.
    A good way to practice this is to open with a very simple opener and then force yourself not to ask her any questions and instead make statements about her. Talk to her without needing her to give you material. Also, you need to come from a fun, positive, emotional state, not a logical state. So put yourself into the proper state first before talking.
    When you are in the right state, verbals become effortless and fun. When you are in the wrong state, your verbals are logical and awful.

  9. "Life is a dream" Question
    "Life is a dream" Question
    Yes, exactly.
    Yes, of course. That's what a psychedelic trip is. You think of demons and then they start to materialize on your carpet.
    In one of my early mushroom trips I started to think that my room resembles an ancient Indian palace a bit, and pretty soon my room turned into an ancient Indian palace.
    But normally the human mind is not powerful enough to override outer seeing, because if it was, you'd call that going insane. People who can do that are locked up in mental hospitals and given anti-psychotic drugs. Or they are mystics living in caves.
    See, if you started to think that your mom was a rubber yellow duck so deeply that she turned into one, you'd think you'd gone batshit crazy. But actually, you're just employing the power of God's mind to create its own reality. Nothing crazy about it.

  10. "Life is a dream" Question
    "Life is a dream" Question
    The ego IS mental images and thoughts.
    The source of all thoughts and mental images is Infinity or God.
    Yes, that's what the ego is for, to control things.
    Whatever practices help to dissolve ego. Even something like a cold shower can help with that. But ultimately awakening is necessary.

  11. Night Game - What are good openers?
    Night Game - What are good openers?
    1) Approaching and getting blown out
    2) Shit talking with wings
    3) Dancing & listening to good music
    4) DMT
    5) Going out consistently, building up momentum
    6) Getting present and enjoying the environment, getting very calm in my body
    7) Not thinking. Stop planning your approaches, stop thinking about "What am I going to say?"
    8) Using funny, obnoxious, and absurd lines like: "Hi, I'm a douche bag. You should meet me." And in general just inventing new funny things to say to girls.

  12. "Life is a dream" Question
    "Life is a dream" Question
    Pretty close.
    Well, you are imagining that right now.
    The way to resolve this matter is you become absolutely conscious and you see what remains. This issue cannot be answered from the finite human consciousness that most people are stuck in.
    You can become absolutely conscious that NOW is the only thing which is True.
    NOW is an absolute. Past and future are imaginary and relative.

  13. Night Game - What are good openers?
    Night Game - What are good openers?
    Don't waste time trying to invent clever openers. The opener is irrelevant.
    "Hey! Stop. I wanted to meet you real quick. What's your name?" is basically your universal opener.
    The words of your opener is not what gets you the girl.
    Observational openers tend to work best. For example: "Hey, girl in the black dress. I wanted to meet you real quick."

  14. The fine line between enlightenment and mental instability
    The fine line between enlightenment and mental instability
    Of course, I get it.
    Only in your mind.
    But I get it.
    Well, what's to that is that she's a central part of your dream.
    - - - - - -
    To answer your question in a practical way, the difference is that there are many unusual and strange states of consciousness which could even be mystical, but they are not awakening or God-realization proper. And also, her ego-mind might be struggling to properly make sense of and integrate genuine spiritual insights. Or her awakenings and spiritual insights may be very lopsided and incomplete.
    The hallmark of the deepest awakenings is the overwhelming, intense recognition of Love, Beauty, and Perfection. Without these the awakening is incomplete and can feel negative.
    If your awakening is not the happiest moment of your life, then you haven't really awoken. You should be dying from joy. Awakening is literally heaven.

  15. Putin: A Deteriorating Narcissistic Mind
    Putin: A Deteriorating Narcissistic Mind
    Just because someone has a different survival agenda than you does not make them a psychopath.
    You guys are starting to disappoint me with your flagrant self-bias.
    This reminds me of a rube who goes to China and calls them psychopaths for eating dogs.

  16. Unable to Love, but I’d Love to
    Unable to Love, but I’d Love to
    I don't particularly feel a deep love for people. People are pretty huge pains in the ass.
    Some people are people people and others are not.  Your love might be more universal and should be expressed in ways that are not one to one.
    Then again, don't turn this into a crutch. Explore deep intimacy with a few select people and use that to open yourself up to loving people more. Or psychedelics can do that for you.
    Overly flowery love for people is usually paper thin and doesn't hold under survival pressures. As soon as you do the wrong thing those flowery lovey-dovey people get all pissy.

  17. *TRIP REPORT* of going to hell, to the point of suicide. 
    *TRIP REPORT* of going to hell, to the point of suicide. 
    @Forza21 Lay off the psychedelics and turn your mind elsewhere. You're just struggling to integrate.
    It is about Love but your mind is too selfish, attached, and fearful to see that yet.
    You are experiencing God-realization through a thick layer of ego and fear. Which is why it freaks you out and you don't see the Love. You need to do a lot more work letting things before you realize the Love.

  18. Request to Leo, to make blog post/video about Putin behavior in Ukraine.
    Request to Leo, to make blog post/video about Putin behavior in Ukraine.
    @hello1234 You are obviously attached to the Ukrainian survival agenda. I'm not blaming you for it -- you are in a difficult position where your survival is threatened -- but just notice that. This is the essence of self-bias. It distorts your perception of reality.

  19. Questions about consciousness and reality outside it
    Questions about consciousness and reality outside it
    No, your consciousness is Absolute.
    You imagine other people's lives.
    What God breaks through is the idea that things exist outside its mind. You are imagining things beyond your mind. Which is just your mind.
    When you are sitting on the toilet, all the exists is that toilet and the room it is in. That's what reality is: a room with a toilet in it. The rest is your fantasy. The room and the toilet is also your fantasy, but on a deeper level.

  20. If other people are you…
    If other people are you…
    @AMTO You can use thought to change your life. But thought is very limited. You can't use it to change the speed of light.
    Changing how you think about yourself will slowly change how people think about you. But indirectly.
    For example, if you think you're not attractive, others will think the same. If you change that to feel you are very attractive, others will start to get attracted to you. This is inner game 101, and it works.

  21. What We Truly Are Is Love, And Joy...And Bliss
    What We Truly Are Is Love, And Joy...And Bliss
    Selfish and selfless are one, obviously.
    You became selfish because you were selfless, and you will become selfless because you are selfish.

    This is a great video. It shows you the Russian survival agenda which no one in Western media is talking about or taking seriously.
    When Western media calls Putin irrational or evil, they show their utter self-bias and lack of perspective.
    THIS is the perspective that the West is missing.

  23. Eye contact game in the gym
    Eye contact game in the gym
    It's weird if you make it weird.
    This was 10 years ago.
    She told me she had a boyfriend before the date, but she agreeed to go on the date with me, so I didn't protest. I wanted to see what would happen and how girls work.
    As part of my learning game I have pushed ethical lines. Sometimes just to see what girls are willing to do and as a way to decondition myself from being a nice guy.
    My natural impulse is to be too nice with girls, so I had to untrain that.
    I don't recommend sleeping with girls with boyfriends or husbands. Bad karma.
    I do consider it unethical to sleep with girls who are taken.

  24. Eye contact game in the gym
    Eye contact game in the gym
    All unethical / selfish behavior has consequences.
    Be as selfish as you want, but be prepared to pay the cost.
    Maybe one day you will feel what it's like to be cheated.

  25. Eye contact game in the gym
    Eye contact game in the gym
    3 second rule. You see hot girl and you approach. Don't wait for any signals.
    I once saw a girl at the gym running on the treadmill with earbuds on. I walked in front of her treadmill. Did a big wave at her. Signaled her to stop running and take out her earbuds. She complied with all that. Then I told her I found her cute. We exchanged numbers. We went on a date. She had a boyfriend. I made out with her. But she refused to come home with me. And that was that.
    Don't let any minor obstacles stop you. If she's on her phone with her mom, you stop her and tell her to hang up on her mom. I've done that and gotten laid from it. Hot girls are attracted to leadership.