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About joeyi99

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  1. I got laid for the first time, but it kinda sucked. Any resources for amazing Sex?
    I got laid for the first time, but it kinda sucked. Any resources for amazing Sex?
    The reality is that most one nights stands are pretty lame. The sex isn't good because it feels awkward with a stranger and it can be hard to relax and enjoy it. Plus condoms.
    But the biggest problem is when you pull a girl you're not attracted to. The lesson for you here is: pull hotter girls who actually turn you on. And then have sex with her multiple times. Sex starts shallow and get deeper with time.
    But also, next to proper jerking off, sex isn't actually as good in most cases. It's hard for a girl to please you better than you can please yourself. The best part isn't the sex itself, it's the human connection before and afterwards.
    Sex is sorta overrated. The anticipation of it is better than the act itself.
    Don't get bummed out. Find hotter girls and keep trying. You'll have some amazing experiences at some point. Also, some girls are way better at sex than others. Many girls aren't good at it.

  2. Moral Relativity & Karma
    Moral Relativity & Karma
    What traditional morality is really pointing to is simply this: being God-like/selfless.
    There is nothing "wrong" with being selfish, but selfishness is self-defeating and creates suffering for yourself and others. So the more selfish you are the more you will suffer. This is karma. It's just like pissing into the wind. Selflessness is pissing with the wind.
    Traditional morality tries to codify selflessness with rules, and this of course is not true selflessness because true selflessness must come from consciousness, not rules, which is why some of the most "moral" people are actually the cause of great suffering. True selflessness cannot be aped, it must come from God-consciousness and a genuine surrender of your self. Traditional morality is an attempt to make people selfless by all possible means except the most important one: raising one's consciousness. This is why moral people are usually devils in practice.
    The paradox of morality is that to be truly moral you have to realize that nothing is bad or wrong, since everything is relative. This is the discovery of Love.
    It is not wrong to be an asshole. But being an asshole has consequences (karma). Which is why the wise strive to not be assholes in the same manner as they avoid sticking their tongue in electrical sockets.

  3. Did my first daygame cold approach today
    Did my first daygame cold approach today
    Don't pussyfoot around. A man must be comfortable doing a direct approach.
    When you hide your genuine intention and sexual desire for her, you're losing your attractiveness and power.
    Stop inventing false reasons for talking to a girl you like. This is unbecoming of a real man. You should feel entitled to talk to any girl you like with no pretense or justification.
    "If my dick likes you, I'm gonna talk to you." << That's the proper frame.

  4. How to not be nervous with girls out of your league
    How to not be nervous with girls out of your league
    The more experience you get talking to girls, the more hot girls you sleep with, the less their looks will faze you. Eventually you become entitled to the hottest girls.

  5. Do psychedelics hold value for someone doing pickup and career work?
    Do psychedelics hold value for someone doing pickup and career work?
    If you go deep into psychedelics they will undermine your rat race materialistic pursuits and goals, as those goals will start to seem irrelevant and meaningless -- which of course they are, but that's not what you wanna hear.
    Psychedelics can strip your entire life of meaning, so watch out. But they also lead to Truth.

  6. Psychedelics and increased female attraction?
    Psychedelics and increased female attraction?
    State of consciousness influences your behavior, subcommunication, confidence, authenticity, and verbals.

  7. Psychedelics and increased female attraction?
    Psychedelics and increased female attraction?
    Consciousness and authenticity are highly attractive.
    The greatest mystics attract people to them with their state of consciousness.

  8. Should i just settle for average/below average girls? Confused, need advice
    Should i just settle for average/below average girls? Confused, need advice
    Most girls will not have sex with you without rapport.
    Without rapport you will get lots of LMR.

  9. Number of girls to approach on a night
    Number of girls to approach on a night
    Massive practice approaching with built up state, and listening to lots of in-field verbals. Study good in-field to have example of good verbals for you to emulate.

  10. So I did pickup for the first time
    So I did pickup for the first time
    Going out and approaching consistently is like 80% of what pickup is. The rest is fine-tuning.
    It can be a lot of fun if you're doing it with friends.
    Solo tends to be really hard tough.

  11. Number of girls to approach on a night
    Number of girls to approach on a night
    1) Then maybe raise your standards.
    2) If you can find the girls outside the club, then why do you need the club? What is the problem?
    3) Or you can just wait till you're inside the club to start approaching. Talking to girls on the street is often not logistically sound, which is why it's better to do it inside the club where the girls are actually standing around and not running off somewhere else.
    4) When you approach you must take into account logistical soundness. It is pointless to approach a girl who is running off somewhere. You gotta approach in a way where you have a reasonable chance of hooking her and getting her to stop and talk to you. Don't just be a mindless approach machine. You must consider which logistical situations lead to success and which ones do not.
    5) Although of course you can pick girls up off the street, so don't let that stop you. Usually the best thing is to wait till you're in the club to hit on girls, then once the night is dying down, you can hit on girls outside the club as they go home. It tends to be a waste of time hitting on girls outside the club as they walk into the club -- you are better off hitting on them in the club.

  12. My logistical situation
    My logistical situation
    How about getting a car?
    Day game in Paris should be amazing too.
    You can often pull to the girl's place.
    Paying for a motel or cheap hotel if you're pulling a girl is also doable and reasonable. See if you can find a cheap hotel in Paris that will let you book rooms late at night.
    If you got a car, you can also fuck in your car. Get a car that has room to fuck.

  13. Lisa Cairns-Realization vs Self Improvement
    Lisa Cairns-Realization vs Self Improvement
    Yes, a crucial distinction.
    Awakening says nothing about how you will behave afterwards. And it will not automatically fix all your behavioral problems.

  14. Noam Chomsky on NATO...
    Noam Chomsky on NATO...
    Actually the moral high ground is important in this case because now most of the civilized world and history itself will be against Russia for its barbarism.
    Even if Putin wins Ukraine he will lose the long-term game of raising Russia's prestige and influence in the world -- which a great nation must have to be great. You cannot bully your way into greatness and love.
    Putin's turning his back on the West is going to hold Russia back.

  15. Girl Rejected Me Because I Don't Drink
    Girl Rejected Me Because I Don't Drink
    What you do in this situation is you talk to more girls.
    A big part of dating/pickup is screening out girls who are not a good match for you. Just because she is hot doesn't mean it's a good match.
    If a girl leaves you because you refuse her drink, that is not a girl you should be interested in sleeping with.
    The lesson here for you is not about how to get such girls go stay. The lesson is to screen them out yourself.
    YOU should be screening her, instead she screened you. This is your mistake. Learn to SCREEN girls.

  16. How to Own the Frame if you like Older Women?
    How to Own the Frame if you like Older Women?
    Frame here would be: age doesn't even matter. Older girls want dick as much as if not more than younger ones.
    A girl in her 40s still wants a man who will make her feel like a girl again. It's not about your age, it's about how girly you make her feel.

  17. What makes a man a good fuck?
    What makes a man a good fuck?
    This is SOLID.
    For more details see my video: How To Have Amazing Sex

  18. Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Dude, if a girl is interested in fucking you she'd also be interested in dating you. It's a matter of logistics in many cases. Sometimes the girl is just in town for the weekend so dating is not viable.
    If you can get models to sleep with you, you can certainly get them to date you. Not all of them of course. But it also works in reverse! Plenty of girls will date you who will not do a one night stand with you. If fact, most of your lays will come from dates, not ONSs.
    A lot of girls have rules they set for themselves about not doing ONSs. So in a sense ONSs are harder than dating.
    It's hard to pull consistently every week, it's much easier to set up 3 dates a week.

  19. Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    In this case make yourself into an amazing and exceptional guy who brings a lot of value to the table.
    Have a life purpose, have a good career, have your finances in order, be well educated, be spiritual, know how to give her amazing sex, know how to build deep intimacy, be in good shape, have a nice wardrobe, have a cool social circle of friends, have a cool house/condo, have some cool hobbies like travel or photography, be well-groomed.
    That above is basically every girl's dream bf/husband.
    But really, if you just learn to give her deep emotional sex that will be enough for her to think you're amazing and get addicted to you. Deep emotional sex is the way into her heart. The rest is window-dressing.

  20. How to own frame if you don't drink alcohol?
    How to own frame if you don't drink alcohol?
    The frame is:
    My body is my temple, why would I pollute it with poison?
    My other frame is:
    Alcohol is for children. Adults do DMT.
    - - - - -
    When I see someone drinking I look at them like at an ignorant child.

  21. Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Of course girls will have sex with them if given the opportunity.
    When you give a girl no other way to decide but based on looks, of course she will pick the best looking guy she can find.
    But girls are not walking around hunting down the best looking guys to sleep with. That's not how girls get attracted in real life.

  22. Can Spiritual work heal my Anger Issues?
    Can Spiritual work heal my Anger Issues?
    Mystical experiences of God's Love will certainly help with that.
    Fundamentally you're angry because you didn't get the love you feel you deserved. Denial of love lead to hurt which lead to anger.

  23. How To Have An Amazing Date??
    How To Have An Amazing Date??
    Drinks are fine, but you need to have drinks in a location where you can bounce around to multiple venues. My fave 1st date location is an outdoor shopping mall area, with cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, ice cream, park with trees and benches, scenery, etc.
    Then you bounce around between those. Try to do more walking than sitting in a booth. Walking lets you escalate easier.
    As far as conversation goes, you're just being too logical and boring. The core of game is learning emotional, nonlogical ways of talking to girls.
    Also, if you are not sexually attracted to her you shouldn't be dating her. Follow your dick on this. Stop setting up dates with girls you wouldn't sleep with. This is a waste of your and her time.
    Law Of State Transference: whatever you feel she will feel. If you don't feel excited neither will she. You need to be sexually excited by her. Then ride this excitement to bed.

  24. How do you give a woman space?
    How do you give a woman space?
    Don't speak to her or text with her for a few weeks. Let her come to you. Let her initiate otherwise you come off needy/desperate.
    You can also ask her to define what needing space means in her mind.
    Also, if you're making out with girls you should be closing. Otherwise hold off the makeout. It can be awkward to make out and then not close, leaving an odd situation for later.
    Make a distinction between a kiss vs a heavy makeout. Keep the heavy makeouts for when you feel the logistics are suitable to close. If not, deny her the makeout and tease her with short kisses. This is more classy, otherwise she may feel slutty.

  25. Should you lie about your body count?
    Should you lie about your body count?
    What is she gonna ask?
    "Are you a virgin?"
    or, "How many girls have you slept with?"
    Girls don't ask such questions. And if a girl ever asks you how many girls you've slept with, you say something like, "669".
    YOU are the man, YOU control the frame.