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About joeyi99

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  1. How do you become more selfless?
    How do you become more selfless?
    No you can't.
    This assumes that people want to change and develop. Most people do not. Especially homeless people. They are either hardcore addicts or have serious mental illness. Even if you buy them a house they will trash it or do something stupid like gamble it away.
    You don't become homeless by accident. It happens through serious dysfunction in the mind. It's not really about the money. Any decent person can work a basic job and afford rent. Homeless people are incapable of that because they are so mentally screwed up. You are not going to fix these people nor is that your responsibility in life. If someone chooses to live a miserable life, you have to be mature enough to let them. There are many miserable humans on this planet by their own choice. At least in developed countries. There is no excuse to be homeless in a Western democracy unless you got serious mental or health issues. A lot of people are homeless because they make really bad life choices.

  2. How do you become more selfless?
    How do you become more selfless?
    It's funny you mention this because all this guilt and shame you feel is selfishness/ego at work.
    True senselessness has a different quality to it. You do things out of love, not guilt.
    I used have that same reaction you describe with homeless people. After my numerous awakenings, now when I see a homeless person I usually given them $20. But not in all cases because there's just too many homeless people around to give all of them money, and sometimes my mind is busy on other things. But I don't feel bad about it.
    Keep in mind that many of these homeless folk are drug addicts and will just piss your money away. So giving them endless money is not necessarily gonna help them much. The reality is that giving a person money who didn't earn it doesn't change anything fundamental about their life. If you give $10k to a homeless person he will likely just burn through it and end up right back on the street. Homelessness is not a problem of lack of money, it's a much deeper problem of people having such poor minds that they are not able to control themselves.
    I have established a loose rule with myself that if I see a homeless person I give $20 if I got it in my wallet. I feel this is fair enough. I walk away feeling good and so does the homeless person. It's a win-win.
    No, I meant that you should be worried that by not meditating and doing serious inner work but instead focusing on selfless action, you will actually never become selfless. That is the true danger.
    You can give all your money away to the homeless, but after all that's done, you will still fundamentally be as selfish as you ever were. If only selfishness could be cured so easily! It's much deeper than that!

  3. Pickup at techno clubs?
    Pickup at techno clubs?
    1) You shouldn't be high when doing pickup. Ever.
    2) Don't waste your time trying to pick up girls who are high on Molly. Their state will crash soon and you'll just be babysitting an emotional mess, not having sex.
    Whenever I meet a girl on Molly in the club, I just immediately move on another girl. I don't wanna deal with her bullshit.
    Pulling girls who are drunk or high will come back to bite you in the ass. Focus on more sober girls.
    Other than that, it doesn't matter the location as long as there are girls you like there. Approach every girl you find hot, talk to her, screen her quickly for being too drunk or too high. You should be screening for the pull right off the bat. If she's not pullable, don't waste your time, move on to the next girl. Keep your game tight. You're not there to waste time on nonsense.

  4. I'm bad at closing
    I'm bad at closing
    Game sober. Learn to manage your own emotional state.
    You need to literally just practice leading for like a solid month.
    Go into a club, just walk up to a girl, don't say anything, gently take her by the hand, and walk her over to the bar. Do this 100 times and just see what happens. Some girls will reject you hard, but a few will just come along. This will teach you leading.
    Treat the girl like she is yours from the get-go. Take her wherever you want. That is the proper attitude. It's her choice not come along and you never take that personally. You should always err on the side of leading too much rather than second-guessing yourself. The worst that will happen is she will say No. And even then you can still continue flirting with her and try again in 5 minutes.
    As soon as you see a girl likes you, take her by the hand and lead her somewhere, anywhere, if only 10ft to the left. Once you succeed at that, try leading her 100ft. Then 1000ft. Then to your car. Then to your house. Then to your bed.

  5. Clear critical analysis of 'woke' culture
    Clear critical analysis of 'woke' culture
    Actually, in less developed and more corrupt countries what I said is even more relevant and true. The less developed a country is the more it needs to control dangerous and destablizing ideas because the institutions are weak and easily subverted by a handful of extremists.
    The US government can allow so much free speech relative to the rest of the world because its deep state is so secure. But even so, very dangerous ideas float around freely and could harm thousands of people. The issue isn't merely the security of the government, it's even moreso about defending people from harm, because masses of harmed people get pissed off and kick you out of office. US politicians have a duty to defend the masses from excessive harm and exploitation, if only to get reelected. Harmed people will quickly blame you for not defending them. Which is why someone like Tate, Alex Jones, and Kanye are cancelled. If YouTube allowed these bullies and bigots to stay on their platform eventually YouTube itself would get the blame and lose lots of business. It's not just politicians who are responsible for defending the weak, it's also corporations and platforms.
    If Walmart allows gangs to rove their stores and beat customers up, Walmart will go out of business. And Disneyland cannot allow Nazis in full uniform into their park. Freedom is irrelevant because what people truly care about is safety and comfort. You do not want to take your kids to a park full of Nazis. That isn't "wokeness", that's survival 101. Businesses are forced to create happy, friendly spaces because customers do not like violence, hate, and misery.
    If your local restuarant was filled with posters encouraging the sex trafficking of women and tax evasion, you would quickly switch restuarants. This is not a bug, this is a feature.

  6. Clear critical analysis of 'woke' culture
    Clear critical analysis of 'woke' culture
    They don't.
    Critiques of Green from above rare very rare. And even when they are made by people like Wilber or Teal, they are still misguided because the political battle doesn't stop to accomodate Yellow. In practice what would happen if Teal's political advice was followed is that American democracy would be overthrown in a fascist coup by mouthbreathing religous fanatics. the ironic thing is that the woke are the only thing standing between Teal being burned at the stake for the witch that she is. Once the MAGA take power then you'll really see "free speech" and "cancel culture".
    As intolerant as the woke are, anything less than woke is far more intolerant. And that intolerance will be felt by Teal and her tribe first and foremost. Teal's whole audience is full of soft Green crybabies who will be raped and trafficked by the likes of Tate and his Red Pill wannabes. Teal's role in an anti-woke society is either as a housewife or burning at the stake. She should know better having grown up in Mormon Utah.
    Green is not merely virtue signaling, Green is keeping corporations, fascists, and religious fanatics from enslaving you. You can't speak of the evils of Green without speaking of their positive function in society.

  7. How do you become more selfless?
    How do you become more selfless?
    Yeah, that's a mystery. Most people are rats chasing after some obvious chunks of cheese and that's all life is for them. Most humans just live like animals. An animal has no curiosity beyond daily survival.

  8. How do you become more selfless?
    How do you become more selfless?
    Which is why I try to give them some money. But I always walk away knowing it didn't solve a damn thing for them.

  9. Why does God allow such extreme degrees of suffering?
    Why does God allow such extreme degrees of suffering?
    At the highest levels God is beyond remembering past lives. God is an infinite ocean where all lives, things, and times melt togther into a single soup of undifferentiation. 
    Think of the universe before the Big Bang. It was just oneness that contained everything. You can say all possible lives are in that soup, but they are all blended together.
    Sit silently in meditation and do nothing, relax your mind and be happy. Stop consuming garbage media. You also have to face your fears.

  10. Andrew Tate Arrested
    Andrew Tate Arrested
    You are like a child.
    Do you understand what a sociopath is?
    You are talking about a sociopath. He will fuck you over as soon as it is convenient for him. Tate only uses people transactionally.
    You are so gullible it's sad to have to explain these things to you.
    My time is worth millions too. Yet here I am, explaining the basics of life to you for free.

  11. Andrew Tate Arrested
    Andrew Tate Arrested
    He made all his money by commiting crime!
    He admits this himself. He started out with $70k from kickboxing, then lost $30k of that gambling, then became a drug dealer, then became a sex trafficker, then became a tax evader, then scammed guys like you into paying for Hustler's University. And that's all there is to his "success".
    Kid, you are insane if you think he has $300 mil. He has a few mil at most.
    Even if he did have many millions, it would all be illegal money.
    How can you be so naive as to believe the self-reported wealth claims of a bragging, narccistic sociopath?

  12. How do you become more selfless?
    How do you become more selfless?
    By sitting in silent meditation for many hours.
    You can't really act your way into selflessness. You must raise your consciousness to realize that self is a constructed coping mechanism.

  13. How do you become more selfless?
    How do you become more selfless?
    Don't worry about that. You should be worrying about the opposite.
    And giving half your salary to a homeless person is foolish. You shouldn't strive for that.
    What you demonstrate here are egoic fantasies of selflessness, not the real thing.

  14. I am a materialist. Convince me with the idea that I am more than a body
    I am a materialist. Convince me with the idea that I am more than a body
    There is zero scientific proof that you are a body. No such proof could exist even in theory.
    You assume a lot of things about "science" which science has never actually said nor demonstrated. You sneak in a lot of metaphysical assumptions when you think about science because you are being sloppy and arrogant.

  15. Andrew Tate Arrested
    Andrew Tate Arrested
    Foolish until proven wise

  16. Andrew Tate Arrested
    Andrew Tate Arrested
    Not strange at all for Tate.
    Tate being gulity of trafficking women is precisely in line with his character. How do you think he made those millions? Through honest work helping people? Ha! How gullible are you?
    The reason Tate has the attitude towards women that he doesn't is because he exploits them. And he also exploits men. That's what a "hustler" does. Hustler = exploiter.

  17. I always awaken on LSD but drop down the next Day - Why??
    I always awaken on LSD but drop down the next Day - Why??
    That's how chemicals work.
    You will never be as conscious sober as you will on chemicals just like you will never be as strong as if you're taking steroids or as happy as if you're taking opium.

  18. Being offensive / insensitive when spontaneously joking?
    Being offensive / insensitive when spontaneously joking?
    Lots of trial and error.
    Sarcasm does not work well via text so just skip it there.

  19. I'm just one person out of billions of people so why even have a life purpose?
    I'm just one person out of billions of people so why even have a life purpose?
    That's like saying, "Why eat, since there are 8 billion stomachs in the world?"
    Maybe so, but the only empty stomach that you feel is yours.

  20. How to Start a Conversation with a Girl?
    How to Start a Conversation with a Girl?
    In daytime situations like that your best bet is an authentic opener that just narrates how you feel. Like this:
    "Hey there. I know this seems random, but I was literally just sitting there when I saw you and felt the urge to say Hello but didn't know what to say because I thought it would come off weird. But anyways, here we are. My name is _____ . Who are you?"
    Or you can just do a very streamlined opener:
    "Hey there. You caught my eye so I wanted to meet you real quick. Hi, I'm ______ ."
    This opener works for basically any situation and it is honest.
    The most powerful openers are observational and situational. You notice something about the girl's appearance and make a comment based on that. These kind of openers are a bit more advanced because you have to train yourself to be good at observing the girl. These require experience.

  21. My first "drug" experience: Full blown insanity
    My first "drug" experience: Full blown insanity
    Welcome to Consciousness work!
    Relax, settle in, enjoy the ride. You will acclimate.
    All this means is that you are sensitive to psychedelics and perfect for them! Just dial back your dose.

  22. Pick Up is just weird man
    Pick Up is just weird man
    At one point there were so many PUAs camping the entrance of the Vegas Wholefoods that they had to hire a security guard to chase them off.
    The good ol' days of RSD.

  23. USA Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Ban TikTok in USA
    USA Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Ban TikTok in USA
    The difference is, China has strict regulations on kids/teens watching social media. US has zero.
    China litterally forces the algorithm to show educational and science videos to kids. And kids are limited to something like 2hrs of social media and video games per week.
    Meanwhile America is breeding a generation of morons addicted to silly dance videos.
    This kind of moral decay is exactly the legit aspect of conservative fears.

  24. How to maintain a social state
    How to maintain a social state
    There is no way around building and maintaining momentum.
    Going out consistently keeps you sharp. If you stop going out, you will get dull.
    I know professional pickup coaches who have slept with 500+ girls, but if they stop going out for a few months, they will lose their momentum and their game will not be great until they build the momentum back up.
    But as you get better, you will be able to build up your momentum faster.

  25. Leo, please elaborate about capitalism and communism
    Leo, please elaborate about capitalism and communism
    Of course they aren't. Because they are not stupid.
    China is not a socialist state. It is a capitalistic monstrosity with a socialist veneer of bullshit just enough to sustain a happy level of authoritarianism.