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How does MeO feel?
How does MeO feel?It kicks in within 3 minutes. At the 4 minute mark it feels like you are in a new reality, although the room still looks the same. The shift in consciousness is so dramatic that you start to feel sick and nauseous. It feels like you are no longer yourself but some kind of higher-dimensional being.
I’m Too Ambitious and Adventurous To Meditate
I’m Too Ambitious and Adventurous To Meditate1) Very few Buddhists or spiritual teachers are actually monks.
2) Being a monk is a very rare thing that is not suitable for 99% of humans. Which is why less than 1% of humans are monks.
3) Yes, monks have zero ambition. That's key to being a monk. You are basically deciding to throw your whole life away in order to attain meditative states. This is not necessarily a good thing. You have to want that.
Rationality is an essential tool for spirituality, actually.
Rationality is an essential tool for spirituality, actually.There is a big difference between proper and improper use of rationality. Rationality is a good thing when properly used. But it is badly abused in our culture and the academic and scientific communities.
How to stop consuming incel, blackpill content?
How to stop consuming incel, blackpill content?You need a life purpose or some creative project to work on so you don't have free time to watch junk.
Be extremely careful of wasting your life just watching endless junk on YouTube.
The best thing for you would be to seriously undertake pickup and socialization. Then you will have no desire or time to watch that junk, and you will be actually getting success with girls.
If life is a dream, why is everything so consistent?
If life is a dream, why is everything so consistent?I mean, in regular dream, there are so many illogical things happening that you realize you are inside a dream a lot of the times. Places changing their appearance, persons changing their faces, jumps in time, etc.
Why is this reality dream so consistent that not a single illogical thing ever happens or single little detail ever changes? Every day, you wake up and your surroundings remain the same.
The death of Jordan Neely.
The death of Jordan Neely.There are many, many levels of mental derangement. You are nowhere near the level where this guy was at.
If you are physically assaulting random strangers on the subway, that's some serious mental derangement. Don't be offended, this does not apply to you. There is a big difference between having mental illness and being peaceful vs having mental illness and engaging in criminal acts. If you engage in criminal acts, don't be surprised if you get killed in the process. This is how society has always worked. Nothing new here.
Leo, do you still meditate everyday?
Leo, do you still meditate everyday?No, at this point I just follow my feelings. I do as I feel rather than following any kind of mechanical rules.
With that said, today I meditated for about 3 hours. Because that's what felt right.
Self-Esteem is The Key To Pick Up
Self-Esteem is The Key To Pick UpMore precisely: Self-Love!
Why would a woman want to sleep with a man who doesn't love himself? That would be so stupid of her, since a man is made or broken by his level of confidence. A man without confidence is like a horse with 3 legs.
Biden Sells Weapons to 57% of Dictators Around the World
Biden Sells Weapons to 57% of Dictators Around the WorldIt's mostly BS. What they mean is spreading economic benefit to the US.
But in plenty of cases democracy does benefit the US. Democratic countries are better for business because they are more advanced and also less hostile. No one really wants to deal with a dictator if they can avoid it.
How do you deal with discord and emptiness?
How do you deal with discord and emptiness?They always do. There's no way around that. It will sting like a bitch for at least a few weeks. Then it goes way.
A breakup is literally just a chemical reaction.
Looking for insight on intense 5-meo-dmt breakthrough unlike others
Looking for insight on intense 5-meo-dmt breakthrough unlike othersNo worries, you're just not used to it.
Synthetic is better than bufo, so that is not the cause of your negative experience.
You just have to trip more to get acclimated to the radical shifts in state of consciousness. The more you trip the more comfortable you'll get.
You were just spooked off because it was so radical.
I recommend you plug 5-MeO rather than vaping it. This will make your trips gentler.
You can take some time to integrate and settle down.
What are your thoughts on Crypto?
What are your thoughts on Crypto?If in 2023 you don't realize that crytpo is giant scam, not sure why you are investing at all, cause you will soon lose all your money.
Real estate and stocks are the best investments.
I do own some Bitcoin but I don't even recommend you buy it unless you got money to burn.
The key to investing is buying rock-solid things.
What are your thoughts on Crypto?
What are your thoughts on Crypto?Of course. If you got the starting capital.
I don't want to give specific investment advice. That would not be responsible.
New York is very overpriced. Generally, good investment requiring finding things that are not hyped up and not overvalued. Which means staying away from the most popular stuff. Your goal is to be ahead of any trend, not on the height of it. Don't invest in things that every other fool is investing into. Look for greener pastures. Things that are hot are usually not good investments.
Facts Over Feelings: Why Rationalism is Important
Facts Over Feelings: Why Rationalism is ImportantSo I just watched's Introspection video! It was great! I am just going to get right to the point, I think that rationalism is a better guide than feelings (please prove me wrong). As much as I want to agree with Yoda when he says "search your feelings," I just do not see how we can trust our feelings. Our feelings are arbitrary and random. Rationality has been my way to cope with my feelings. My feelings are not always rational, and I think the best way of introspecting is by examining your own mind and contemplating it. You can examine your feelings, but our feelings are impermanent. They are always subject to change, whereas rationality is more constant and in our control. However, I do acknowledge the criticism of how can do we know what is rational? What is the difference between rationality, and how can we know if rationality is the best way? These are good criticisms because we cannot use rationality to verify whether it is the best way because that is biased, but this objection also works with feelings.
I think we should feeling into our emotions, harness intuition, but truthful rationality is our instrument to guide our introspection. Rationality is not about following some mathematical or logical formula. Rationality is just using our thoughts to verify our experience on a deeper and impartial level. Rationality is best when it is free and not bound by rules because to think outside the box, we have to be willing to explore the territory that is beyond logic. Logic is a structured way of thinking, whereas rationality is more just about exploration, questioning, wonder, not-knowing to verify what is true. Feelings can be influenced by events that are random and maybe irrational, but true rationality is able to see through the bullshit, and even it's own limitations.
Many people say that they "feel the holy spirit." But if you were that person, how would you know that you felt the holy spirit and not just something else? I think rationality helps us observe things impartially. As soon as we bias our rationality to serve our beliefs, it becomes irrationality disguised as rationality to the person who thinks their beliefs are rational and not just beliefs, but the Absolute Truth.
So this is my argument, please help me out here because I am more of a thinker than a feeler. I have used Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), which is a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) on myself my whole life. I used my rationality to influence my emotions rather than my emotions influencing my rationality. I think this is very important because emotions can influence how we rationalize things, but the rationality I am talking about is more like contemplation. I see contemplation as basically rationalizing or questioning things at a deeper level to understand it.
Thank you!
What does it mean to lack consciousness?
What does it mean to lack consciousness?The mind will play all sorts of games and it is easily traumatized or freaked out.
Very high states easily result in a freakout.
What does it mean to lack consciousness?
What does it mean to lack consciousness?The best example is when you're sleepy, tired, or in a food coma -- you are less conscious than usual.
No. Consciousness is a state you are in, not any information you know.
You can think of consciousness as your level of mental sharpness. To lack consciousness is to engage in behavior without self-awareness.
An easy way to vet out incompatible women
An easy way to vet out incompatible womenWhat?
If a girl is sleeping with you she will naturally talk to you about deeper things than she talks with other guys about. It's rare to talk to people about deep things if you aren't sleeping with them.
Is doing cold approach in a big city in the US safe?
Is doing cold approach in a big city in the US safe?I have never heard of a PUA getting shot. So yes, it's very safe.
You could get shot just walking through a Walmart. So this has nothing to do with pickup.
All Vegas clubs have metal detectors and very good security. Vegas hotels have some of the best security in the world.
Transgenderism and transrace
Transgenderism and transrace@DrugsBunny The trap you're falling into is that you preceive any questioning of this trans phenomena as an attack. But since it is a new phenomena, it requires lots of questioning. You cannot change something as fundamental as gender and not expect people to question it. That's an absurd expectation. Calling everyone a transphobe for having questions is not an intelligent or workable position.
People are legitamtely freaked out by this trans stuff. Because when you see a woman with a beard, it's fucking weird. And no amount of logic or studies changes that.
If your son comes to you and says he wants to be a girl, you should rightly be concerned. Because that's a serious obstacle to his survival. And none of your woke progressive self-righteousness changes that. To be encouraging such behavior is not wise.
5meodmt & Dark energy
5meodmt & Dark energyNever experienced that in over 200 trips of 5-MeO.
But of course something like that is possible. I've seen fucking dragons on 4-AcO-DMT.
There's really no limit to what Consciousness can imagine. If your mind goes in the direction of imagining dragons, you will see dragons.
Sleeping with multiple girls yes or no?
Sleeping with multiple girls yes or no?The simple rule is this: Until she sleeps with you, you are allowed to flirt/date other girls. There is no exclusivity until at least after sex.
You should keep talking to girls until one of them sleeps with you and wants exclusivity. Until such time you are a free man and you talk and flirt with anyone you want. Do not sit around waiting for a girl, thinking she is your girlfriend. She's not your girlfriend yet.
Obviously you do not explicate any of this to her. You just go about your life and don't tell her anything.
How to deal with the sensation of insanity
How to deal with the sensation of insanityEmbrace it, surrender to it.
How is Developmental Psychology privileged over Postmodernism?
How is Developmental Psychology privileged over Postmodernism?Ultimately it's all relative. But some worldviews and models are better at explaining human behavior than others.
Developmental psychology is better at explaining human behavior than post-modernism. Of course a post-modernist would disagree. But nothing says we have to care about their disagreement.
Post-modernism wants to say that all perspectives are equal. But that just isn't the case. Some are more accurate.
Rumi used to smoke weed?
Rumi used to smoke weed?Lack of thought is not necessarily a good thing, despite what the Buddhists would have you believe.