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About joeyi99

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  1. About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    @Breakingthewall Imaginary doesn't mean unreal, imaginary = reality.
    Your hands are imaginary. You are dreaming them. And that is reality. A mind is imagining a world around itself.
    Physical objects are just a denser kind of imagination than the images in your head. Don't forget, the images in your head are real. So don't hold imagination as something unreal. Imagination is real. The way a human imagines a picture in his mind is directly analogous to how God imagines the physical walls of your house.
    This is what is being pointed to. Practically what this means is that if you become conscious enough your couch can turn into a dragon. Because the couch was always imaginary. Very few humans understand that this is possible. Even "enlightened" people may not understand this point. So the question is, do you understand that your couch is imaginary?

  2. About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    Have you ever fucked in a dream? It feels totally real.
    Last night I had a dream of aliens surgically implanting tracking devices into my arm and leg. It felt so real I woke up freaked out.
    The material world is as imaginary as the sleeping world. Just more vivid and stable.

  3. About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    About the last Insight post and general critique of Leo
    @zurew Don't get me wrong. I do have a worldview on top of my consciousness. And that worldview does contain errors and biases of various kinds.

  4. Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    You are shooting yourself in the foot with all those games. You should aim to be more authentic and natural, so she is interacting with your true personality, not a facade. If you present a facade she cannot fall in love with the true you.
    Girls are very sensitive and even when you believe you fooled her with all your tricks and games, she probably just feels that you're an unattractive weirdo. You may be fooling yourself with your games more than you're fooling her.
    And work on financial success. A girl don't want to go long-term with a scrub. Make yourself into bf-material.

  5. Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    Reoccurring long-term relationship paradox issue
    That IS proper game.
    You gotta learn to trust that girls will like you for how you are, so you don't need to work for their love. And those who don't can take a hike.

  6. Seeking validation or love from women is wrong
    Seeking validation or love from women is wrong
    After something with a girl I recently met didn't worked out, it came 6 days of utter hell and extreme suffering, Life showing me the darkness and lack of love there was inside me all my life.
    I had to go deep into the pain and realized I feel I do not deserve love and I'm not worthy of being alive. I had to drown myself in the pain of that belief, trying to look at it clearly. 
    All my life I was running of this belief, of this energy. All of my schemas and goals for years and years were subconsciously desired in order to feel love, always from outside, the love I couldn't feel just being ME.
    I saw clearly the love and unconditional acceptance I was projecting to her, I was not giving it to me.
    Now is clear to me, I deserve Love, but not a love from others, but Love itself, from Life, because I'm Life. Because I'm Love itself. I completely love and accept myself. And 100% worthy of being alive, just being me, with no conditions.

  7. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    The best way to explain game to normies is: "I'm going out to build to social skills."

  8. What stage in spiral dynamics are these people?
    What stage in spiral dynamics are these people?
    Biden and Trudeau are Orange/Green.
    Teal is a freak of nature so she'll be hard to map on that model. Green and above + a spiritual freak.
    Spiral Dynamics does not account for spiritual freaks.

  9. Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    Russell Brand is being accused of rape
    My pickup line for the night was:
    "You're Perfect. I want to sell you into sexual slavery."

  10. I don't resonate with the usual model of success
    I don't resonate with the usual model of success
    It's not weird at all.
    Owen is quite an immature person at heart. All PUAs must be to keep doing or teaching pickup.
    What you have to understand about Owen is that he's a supernaturally ambitious human. His ambition is off the charts abnormal to the point of being dysfunctional. Owen is psychotically ambitous.
    You just lack ambition. Most humans do. This is not bad per se. It's just a personality trait. Chasing down Owen's insane level of ambition is both exhausting and delusional. You don't need that to create a great life.
    Of course what Owen considers admirable about typical successful people is a very shallow, laughable, cartoon version of success and happiness. In the end none of that shit matters. He is stuck chasing status.
    But underneath Owen's material immaturity is a deeper spiritial set of values such as passion for life, the quest for truth, God, and Consciousness, and personal growth which are the real measures of success. You must learn to see through the immature material parts of Owen's work to get the gold.
    What you're missing out on is not million dollar mansions and hot chicks. What you're missing out on is passion for life and making the most of your life. You're missing your full potential for being fully yourself -- whatever that means for you. This is Owen's highest teaching.
    You becoming fully yourself does not mean you will chase what Owen chases. You will chase totally different things. You are confusing the content for the structure. Take Owen's structure and replace money, sex, status with God, Truth, art, family, or whatever you want.

  11. Talking to girls at raves
    Talking to girls at raves
    I'm not sure why you say there is no carry-over. Being more social carries over into all social interactions. Humor carries over, vibing carries over, leading carries over, conversation skill carry over, your inner game and confidence carries over. But even if it didn't, so what? You get girls and that's a great skill to have. If you want other skills develop them. No one said that flirting with girls is supposed to improve your public speaking skills.
    The benefits of pickup outside of getting laid is the inner game you build, the confidence, the initiative, the work ethic, the passion for self-development, the sense of humor, etc.

  12. Masculine attractive energy
    Masculine attractive energy
    Of course confidence is key. Confidence is a signal for LEADERSHIP, which is the one thing all girls want.
    There is a great old pickup analogy: Treat the girl like you are the captain of a ship going on safari and she boards your ship. Your job is to guide her into a wild, exciting adventure. Do not put her into the captain role. The captain doesn't ask his passengers how to steer the ship.
    With girls, don't hesitate. Just do what you feel like doing unless they give you a hard No.

  13. Space & Time
    How does the illusion of time work?
    Im aware that there is this apparent moment. And I have these memories of supposed "other moments" that I cannot confirm happened because im not directly experiencing them. 
    So here I am, it feels like every moment is fresh and memories are imported on the spot. The "past" for the most part feels unreal. It feels like theres nowhere else i could possibly be other than this moment and I have no idea how I even got here. 
    My intuition or belief is that there are infinitely many moments that im not conscious of, each of them with different imported memories (multiverse).
    But how can a particular moment such as watching a car go by be an infinite moment if it appears to be a changing moment. How could I be watching it go by forever if theres apparent change happening?

  14. Can Someone Explain What Leo Means Here
    Can Someone Explain What Leo Means Here
    It doesn't much matter if your goal is feeling comfortable. But there is another pursuit at play here which is truth and pure understanding. If you are trying to understand reality it matters very much that you recognize all of your biases as biases and don't confuse them with something fundamental.
    The issue you're having is that you're not appreciating how much bias distorts your whole understanding of reality, and then how much that distorts how you live life.
    Self-deception matters in the long-run.

  15. Leo was it all worth it in the end?
    Leo was it all worth it in the end?
    Whether it's worth it very much depends on the individual and what you want out of life.
    It was worth it for me. But my values are quite different from most humans. It's a matter of values and personality type.

  16. Pickup is fuckin hard
    Pickup is fuckin hard
    Pickup is not easy. In fact I believe its way harder than spirituality, lol. 
    I'm 25. I've already spent 10k in coaching (including 2 RSD bootcamps), done 400 cold approaches in 2 years (with 300 of them being in the last 5 months), and gotten laid 0 times. 
    Between July 2021 and now, my fear around going out and approaching was reducing, but shot back up in the past month (not sure why). My skill was plateauing and after just working with Jeffy infield, my game got worse. (Part of the natural progression??) 
    For the typical person, this would be sufficient grounds for quitting. 400 approaches, no intimacy, and now getting worse? Hell, I'm almost reluctant to post this as it might deter newbies. But proper expectations go a long way. 
    But here's the thing: I am not giving up, I'm only going to go harder. I've made it my goal to go out EVERY night and walk around the club area just to get in the habit of being out there without necessarily approaching. Then on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday try and get together with wings to go ham. 
    This is the only way. I'm scared at the soul level, but I've got to do it. It's the fight of my life. Who can relate?

  17. My problem with self-help
    My problem with self-help
    Yes, self-help can turn into a trap of sorts where you feel like you need to constantly be working on yourself to be happy. This of course ensures misery.

  18. Does God realization ever stop being terrifying?
    Does God realization ever stop being terrifying?
    Example: You can get used to 5-MeO-DMT consciousness, even very high doses. They will cease terrifying you. But then you do salvia or DPT and you will shit bricks.
    5-MeO-DMT never terrifies me anymore. But other chemicals do.

  19. Confidence seems unattainable
    Confidence seems unattainable
    Confidence simply comes from massive experience.
    You can develop confidence in all those areas by gaining a lot of experience working on them.
    Move to a big city, talk to 5000 girls, and you will have confidence in dating.
    Go to the gym every day for 5 years and you will have confidence in the gym.
    You can consistently work on these areas to develop mastery. Daily, consistent practice is the key.

  20. Is inner game everything? And are these claims realistic?
    Is inner game everything? And are these claims realistic?
    Was reading someone on the seduction sub on reddit who claims to be nearly 40, not good looking, but pulls insta models and F1 grid girls and stuff every night.
    He advocates 'john anthony' in terms of game who I have looked at briefly. But I fail to really see any 'game' there. (although he claims that's because game isn't about lines and techniques but about 'operant conditioning' and believing you are a 10/10)
    So the guy on reddit for example answered my question about how to hit on girls who are working and how to attract them, but he said 'you're job isn't to 'attract' them. You're job is to arrange a time to have sex with them''.
    He then gave me his script, which is: You need to ask for small steps in compliance not just hit her with it like a club, "you're hot! lets go out!!" One of my fav. lines to open service workers is, "You seem like the lazy one... do they just let you keep your job cuz you look like that??" And then the next sentence is "So what've you got going on today after this?" And you proceed to find out her logistics - what time she gets off work and if she's busy later. Once you figure that you, you can go into the date invite in the form of: "Do you like X activity?" -> yes -> "okay cool, we should do X activity [after work or sometime soon], sound good?" then once she agrees to that you can nail down the specifics.
    So I see very little in the way of  'game' there (e.g if you are not her type I don't see how that would 'work') but he said i'm wrong and that it works if you believe you are a 10/10. He said he believes he can bang ANY girl if she is straight.
    On the topic of attraction, he says:
    What you need to understand is that attraction is basically an irrelevant footnote. Like I'm not trying to be mean, but if you're still thinking about attraction, you're at a beginner/low-intermediate level. That's not the difficulty of pickup at all. It's very easy to get with basically every straight woman who is open to being attracted by anybody. I've never had a hard blowout in which my wing was able to open the set.
    Step 1 is assuming attraction (so here's probably where you're defeating yourself - if you don't believe every girl is already into you, then she likely won't be). I'm a 10, and the only reason I'm talking to her is to find out when she's free to hook up. Everything I say and do comes from that frame, and many girls will just immediately pick up that frame and accept it.
    The only thing you need to consider from there is compliance or non-compliance. If the girl complies, then she's rewarded (with physical/verbal/logistical escalation). If she doesn't comply, then she's punished (with an IoD - Mystery would've called this a neg), and you vibe/keep talking. I use a basic structure of question -> she answers -> I tell a DHV story feeding off her answer which hopefully hooks her into the conversation. The most important part (which most guys don't do) is to sexualize the conversation frequently. That creates the right emotional energy to make her want to continue the interaction. So then the next time you go for a compliance move, she's more likely to comply.
    He was then asked:
    ''Is your theory that if you are ugly and she's not attracted (assuming you believe it's posisble that a girl can find a guy ugly or maybe you're from the school of thought that girls don't even know or care what good looking is) you just need to act/believe (assume) that she IS attracted and then she will be?''
    It isn't my theory. It's what I experience everyday of my life, but yes. Most women will just fall into your frame if it's strong enough. I've had women I cold approached turn red and apologize for not remembering my name because she thinks I'm a guy she must've slept with and forgot based on the way I'm treating her.
    Does anyone here run the same 'game'? (if you can call it that)
    I've tried his script a few times recently on girls in restaurants, but they just say i'm not her type, although he tells me girls do't have a type and arent' attracted by looks etc. And that attraction doesn't matter anyway. Only compliance (which is why he uses his 'compliance method' based on 'operant conditioning') in order to bang any girl he wants

  21. Trip report - Kundalini awakening.
    Trip report - Kundalini awakening.
    This week I went to my ashram to practice yoga quite hard and friday in the last poses I had this moment of undertstading that "It's time". I didn't understand what that was, but the next day I understood what that meant.
    So yesterday tripped on 3.5g mushrooms. Albino Penis Envy. I was about 2hours in the trip and I started yawning like crazy. My jaw sort of wanted to stretch. Then I just noticed that my body wants to stretch out. In my mind I though "ok lemme take a piss and I can go lay on my yoga matt and stretch out like a SNAKE. Notice the word - SNAKE. I was super wobly and not coordinated walking to the toilet, I swayed left to right like I was drunk, but after my piss I just dropped on the ground and started to stretch on my own. And then it hit me that this is something significant. I started to laugh like crazy and stretch out my body on my own and I started to repeat "Oh mommy heal me from my ignorace" and my body turned so hot and I intuitively knew this was the  Kundalini Shakti. So the next hour I just went into sort of a "exorcism" mode. Have you seen any videos where people have a kundalini awakening, twitching like crazy, crying, laughing and speaking jibberish all at once? That was the same for me. Moments of laughter, moments of tears, moments of anger, moments of almost puking almost the the level of just spitting on the floor. (I even managed to film the whole experience, but I will never post it anywhere or show it to anyone because it was such a private experience and people will find this negative to look at considering how beautiful they imagine this experience to be.) I was doing all kinds of asanas and stretches because the Kundalini needed it. Twitching myself like nut, shivering, twisting my neck etc. Immense sounds roared through my head with moments of complete deafening silence. It was so bizzare. The whole experience took over an hour. And I can explain the whole experience as if the kundalini was destroying the Memory/Karma that was locked inside the body, this destruction was meant in order to "kill" off the "Ego" in order for God to live through this body. It felt like I was being BORN. In those moments it felt like I need to surrender this body to its max. It felt like God was piercing through all of the shit that this body acumulated in so many years. And the internal ressistance was so low in that moment that God knew that this is the opportunity to go in and actually take ownership. After all of it I just sat in my bed, with complete silence in my mind, just observing the room I was in. And the trip ended there, ate a bit, drank tea and went to sleep.
    If you ever saw any videos of random people looking like they are going through an "exorcism" kind of experience, know that that's kundalini awakening and that shit ir real.
    Today I just feel quite tired and can't comment on any significant changes in my consciousness or any changes in activity. Just that I came to realize that I need to Love and care for my body WAY WAY WAY more. But I definitely feel different. I will post in the future if I notice any significant changes in my lifestyle.
    P.S. I only recorded it to actually see and maybe show someone in the future of how dirty all of this work actually is. It's not just rainbows and angels with lights all around. It's a shit-show.

  22. Talking to girls at raves
    Talking to girls at raves
    One of the best ways to learn is to befriend a "natural" and closely watch him work girls over. It's amazing.
    Naturals are better than professional PUA coaches.
    I have a natural friend in Vegas who's so good at talking with girls it's just unfair. I learned a lot from just observing his attitude and vibe. Getting girls boils down to vibing. It's not even about approaching or talking, it's about vibing.

  23. Talking to girls at raves
    Talking to girls at raves
    It takes a lot of skill to vibe right off the bat with a total stranger. And some settings are harder to vibe in.
    The biggest obstacles to vibing are 1) fear and 2) being stuck in your logical mind. If you can work those two out of your mind then vibing becomes easy.
    Yes, of course. Mostly that's an inner game issue. Of course it's easier to vibe in a place where it feels socially acceptable.
    The whole point of a bar or nightclub is to make it socially acceptable and easy to vibe (by being drunk).
    Nothing is wrong with you. Being able to vibe on command in any environment is a highly specialized skill. Few people are naturals at it. Realistically it takes years of practice to develop. It's much easier if you're an extreme extrovert and much harder if you're an extreme introvert like me.
    Go out, have 1-2 drinks, and try vibing with a girl. You'll see.
    A good exercise for you is to go out for a week and just keep asking yourself "What is vibing?" Look for it and contemplate it until your mind groks what it is.

  24. Why there are less female mystics?
    Why there are less female mystics?
    There are many women mystical people but female spirituality is different in style. They are more like witches, fortune tellers, Reiki people. Example: Teal Swan.
    Strict nonduality/awakening has a masculine bias baked into it. Most women will not find it appealing. However they will find stuff like yoga or witchcraft appealing.

  25. Do wealthy intelligent people pursue awakening more?
    Do wealthy intelligent people pursue awakening more?
    Very successful people like celebrities and CEOs are insanely ambitious workaholics, so by the time they acheive their success they are usually so wrapped up and addicted to it that they have no time for serious spiritual work. They have chosen success over God. Elon Musk is the perfect example. He will never awaken because he's too busy working. Of course there are exceptions, but it's rare.
    But on the other hand, poor people are usually struggling so much just to survive and pay their bills that they also have no time for serious spiritual work.
    This explains why so few ever realized God. Ta-daaa!
    In general, having wealth gives you more freedom to take time off from work. This is a huge advantage. However, you have to actually dare to exercise it in the right way, which most wealthy people never do. Wealth, fame, power, and sex are very addictive and corrupting. Most people in life are chasing after wealth, fame, power, sex, or love. Or they are barely able to feed themselves. And so they never realize God.